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Student Name: A.D.W.C.PERERA

Student Registration No: 0053YWYW0213

Module Lecturer: Mr. Sean Purcell

Module Tutor: Miss. Apsara Hewage

Date Submitted: 27th FEBRUARY 2014

Total Word Count: 4000

Executive Summary
As a Human Resources Management consultant of the Augustine Motors Limited Company,
as an author of this report had been analysed the organisational behaviours and activities.

The writer had been analysed the HR models used by the company and recognised that the
company had been used the mix of hard HRM and soft HRM practisers.

The consultant had been analysed the recruitment and selection practises of the company then
following problems were found company did not do the proper job analysis when they
recruit, they did not match the personal characteristic with job have to be perform, company
need the practical oriented employees but they did not keep practical test.

The author had been analysed the Human Resources development practises of the
organisation had been given the training from the technical colleges, mechanical universities,
to make their employees, and given the capable executives to managerial task to perform and
function to do. Thereafter these problems had been found company did not mention the
career progression to the employees, company did not have the proper development
programme to the mechanical staff.

The writer had been critically analysed the classical motivation theories and proposed the
staff motivation hybrid theory. Discussed how the change management has been affected to
the organisation and proposed few changers to a HR practices, Planed and preparation for the
change management, critically analysed of possible challenges would have been to face after
the HR practiser changed and gave the recommendation to overcome that resistance

Table of Contents

Executive Summary ................................................................................................................... 1

Table of Contents ....................................................................................................................... 2

List of Table ............................................................................................................................... 4

List of Figures ............................................................................................................................ 5

List of Abbreviations ................................................................................................................. 6

1.0 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 7

2.0 The Organisation .................................................................................................................. 8

2.1 Historical Development of the company together with its HR practices ......................... 8

2.2 Company Current Market Context................................................................................... 9

2.3 Profile of the Company’s Human Capital ...................................................................... 11

2.4 Current HR Practices and the Current HR Model(s) of the Company .......................... 13

3.0 Recruitment and Selection Practices of the Company ....................................................... 16

3.1 Critically Analysis the Recruitment and Selection Practices ......................................... 16

3.2 Recommendations to Enhance the Recruitment and Selection Practices of the Company
.............................................................................................................................................. 17

4.0 Human Resources Development (HRD) of the Company ................................................. 18

4.1 Critical Evaluation of the HRD practices of the Company............................................ 18

4.2 Recommendations to Enhance the HRD practices of the Company.............................. 19

5.0 Staff Motivation ................................................................................................................. 20

5.1 Critical Evaluation of the Classical Motivation Theories .............................................. 20

5.1.1 Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs ................................................................................. 20

5.1.3 Douglas McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y........................................................ 20

5.1.4 Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory............................................................................... 21

5.1.7 B. F. Skinner’s Reinforcement Theory of Motivation ............................................ 21

5.2 Proposed Hybrid Motivation Theory / Model ............................................................... 22

6.0 Change Management within the Company ........................................................................ 24

6.1 Proposed change to a HR practice or HR policy of the company ................................. 24

6.2 Change Management Process ........................................................................................ 25

6.3 Critical Analysis of Possible Challenges ....................................................................... 26

6.4 Recommendations .......................................................................................................... 26

Conclusion ............................................................................................................................... 27

Reference ................................................................................................................................. 28

Bibliography ............................................................................................................................ 29

Appendices ............................................................................................................................... 30

List of Table

No. Title Page No.

Table 1.1 Agree and Disagree for Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs 14
Table 1.2 Agree and Disagree Douglas McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y 14
Table 1.3 Agree and Disagree Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory 15
Table 1.4 Agree and Disagree B. F. Skinner’s Reinforcement Theory of 15

List of Figures

No. Title Page No.

Figure 1.1 HR Department and Branches Communication Structure 2
Figure 1.2 HR Growth of the company 4
Figure 1.3 Profitability and Cash Flow of the company 4
Figure 1.4 Organisation Structure 5
Figure 1.5 Organisation Hierarchy 6
Figure 2.1 DWC Hybrid Motivation Theory 16

List of Abbreviations

AML – Augustine Motors Ltd

HR – Human Resources

HRD – Human Resources Development

HRM – Human Resources Management

1.0 Introduction

The Augustine Motors Ltd is a pioneer motor engineering service providing company in Sri
Lanka. Company provide Automotive Engineering, Machining & Turning and Engine
Overall services to all the private vehicle users, fleet operators, government and private
institutions, mechanics and garages in the entire country. The company has been registered
under the Sri Lankan government Companies Act, No. 17 of 1982 - Registrar of Companies.


According to the gathered data the organisation used verities of Human Resources (HR)
strategic intention objectives which are

 HR Models of the company

 HR Practise of the company
 Requirement and Selection Practices of the company
 HR Development Practisers of the company
 Motivation of the company
 Change and Reimbursement Handling Management of the company


As a Human Resources Management consultant to this company, the author has to critically
analyse the valuable resource which is Human Resources (HR). How HR is practise in the
company, how HR are conducted in the company and finally come up with the constructive
recommendation to improve the HR practisers to come up with the better outcome.

2.0 The Organisation

2.1 Historical Development of the company together with its HR practices

The organisation has been established in 1940 with the very few employees and it caters to
the Mechanical service providing industry. In the inception there are no any HR department
to handle the human resources and everything done by the owner of the company. On that
time the company did not have many tasks to achieve only few vehicle repairs for the month.

Twenty years later this company has been expanded they had been started the Foundry which
is essential for cost limitation for the business in Avissawella, so the owner of the company
had appointed the person to handle the HR functions. This person had been handle the deep
responsibilities which are HR requirement, pay roll handling, agreement handling, HR

In the 1980 the company had been derived in to the section consistent with their working
environment functions which are engine rebuilding services for petrol and diesel unit, lathe,
milling and shaping machinery unit, and established the especial unit for the managing HR.

After the fiftieth anniversary the company established their branch in Paradise Industrial
Zone Kuruvita. The organisation had been appointed the more HR staff and established the
main HR department in the Head office. HR department branches had been created related to
the branch and Foundry. According to the present company information it has become to
medium scale to large scale company.

Figure 1.1: HR Department and Branches Communication Structure.

Head Office HR

Paradise HR FoundryHR
Branch Branch

Source: Authors work based on the information of the HR D

2.2 Company Current Market Context
Market Share

According to the gathered information of the AML annual report the couple of years’ service
providing volume has been increased and profit was increased therefore the 50% their market
shares has been increased compared with last ten years. Company also included the top five
motor engineering service providing companies in Sri Lanka. (AML Annual Report 2013)

Core Competence

According to the gathered information from the HR department of the organisation, they have
the experienced and well expert mechanical engineers, experienced technicians and well
trained expert employees. Consistent with the previous information the motor engines
repaired by the company did not get any foible. Company offer the especial rates for their
loyalty customers.

Competitive Advantage

In Sri Lanka AML is the company facilitated the one day services for all the motor
mechanical jobs and one year unconditional warranty for every services they had been
provided. Multiple levels of quality assurance has been doing for the all the works doing by
them and provide monthly instalment payments for their loyalty customers. Consistent with
the above reasons owner of the company can do the more investment and expand the

Public Image

Customers are really appreciating their services and people know the company complete their
work before the scheduled date and handover to the customers on time. The company has the
more than 65 years experienced of the Engine Overhauling. Assembly and machining doing
in the company workshop, Reasonable prices for all the services providing by them.

How does it competitive with the Major Competitors?

This is only one motor engine service providing company certified by the AERA in USA and
partner workshop service providing for leading vehicle agents in Sri Lanka. Company use
multiple levels of quality assurance systems and the owners of the company on the floor day-
today basis ensuring quality of service.

Profitability and Cash flows

HR Growth

Figure 1.2: HR Growth of the company

HR Growth
40 HR Growth
1 2 3 4 5

Source: Authors work based on Annual reports data 2013

Consistent with the last five years data the company HR has been increased because the
company expanded bought new machine and so many technological changers had been done.

Profitability and Cash Flow

Figure 1.3: Profitability and Cash Flow of the company

Profitability and Cash Flow

Profitability and
Cash Flow
-200 1 2 3 4 5

Source: Authors work based on Annual reports data 2013

According to the company annual report data the company shows the stables, in few years
later organisation invest a lot of money to expand the business.

2.3 Profile of the Company’s Human Capital

Organisation Structure

Figure 1.4: Organisation Structure

Head Office

s Branches

Engineering Department
Foundry in Avissawella

Finance Department
Sub Branch in Kuruvita

IT Department

HR Department

Source: Authors work based on the information of the HR Department

Organisation Hierarchy

Figure 1.5: Organisation Hierarchy


Board of Directors

Manger in HR Manger in Finance Chief Engineer Manger in IT

HR Staff Accounts Staff

Sections Engineers IT Staff

Sections Foramens
Minor Staff Cashier Staff

Sections Mechanical Staff

Source: Authors work based on the information of the HR Department

According to the gathered information from the HR department all the employees are well
studded relevant to their designation. All the top managers are graduated people from the
local universities relevant to working sector. Other mechanical staffs have been studded in
the government approved technical colleges. HR, IT, and accounts staff also followed the
basic level of diplomas relevant to involved job.

2.4 Current HR Practices and the Current HR Model(s) of the Company
Contribution of company’s HRM functions towards the achievements of company’s
strategic objectives

Consistent with the information gathered from the AML, the HR department is the most
essential section in this company because its helps to all the other departments select the right
people to right job at the right time that means they directly support to achieving the company
strategic objectives. The HR department has the traditional recruitment procedure for the
employees’ betterment that is good training, development and better motivation.

Most of the time HR department has been created the organisation HR strategies related to
achieving the organisational targets therefore some sections there are different between the
HR agenda and the people’s agenda. Organisation HR department understands the company
objectives and selected the essential qualified people as their employees because those people
can achieve the company targets.

HR Business Strategies

 Related to the one day service, the employees staying over the office hours and
completed that customers job the company pay overtime.
 The any employee introduced the customer and that customer would be a loyalty
customer then they pay the commission.
 Related to the unconditional warranty, if the customers report the unconditional job to
the seniors then they blame to the mechanical in front of the customer and give some
allowance after well completed the job.

How the employees are treated and what type of HR practices those are adopted (Hard
HRM or Soft HRM)

As a consultant of AML company, according to analyse of the HR practisers author noticed

that the supervisors in the Engineering section and the Foundry are more task oriented and
being less concern to the people therefore that is recognised the organisation followed the
Hard-HRM, because there is organisation task is one day service providing for the customers
to most of the works except the Engine Overhaul Service and twice a month in the Foundry
molding Engine Sleeve so all the molding boxes and other resources must have to ready
before the boiler starts.

In the Engineering section, if the Section Engineers recognised the talent of the Foreman or
Mechanical Staff and give some empower to employee to take some decisions when they
estimate the motor engine piston size therefore that is recognised the organisation followed
the Soft -HRM,

As a consultant of AML company, consistent with analyse of the HR practisers author

noticed that company HR department examine employees’ performance to give the rewards,
promote, or else lack of performance workers to give the training and development. They
have a proper HR plan compression with the organisation strategy therefore that is
recognisable the organisation followed the Soft-HRM.

What is the HR model (s) which is closer to the HR practices of the organisation or
What HR model(s) adopted the organisation?

According to the gathered information from the company, the author can see organisation use
the Michigan Model of HRM and the Universal Model of HRM, when they managing the
most valuable resources is Human Resources.

Most of the time Foundry and the Workshop supervisors HR practices are so close to the
Michigan Model because they must need to cover daily task on time within the office hours.

Sometimes the in workshop Engineers and also the company management HR practices are
close to the Universal Model of HRM because the HRM strategies have to motivate, reward
and training, develop the employees.

Give your own recommendation to improve the HR practices of the company

The AML Company use the H-HRM and S-HRM, plus Michigan Model of HRM and the
Universal Model of HRM.

The company should consideration of the Foundry and the Workshop mechanicals than the
present HRP they used, the author of this report recommended to the organization HR
department for especially to Foundry mechanicals must set the shift bas work hours and must
provide transport facility for the Workshop mechanicals who works after the office hours.

Organization HR department examine the employees performance and give training and
development, rewards and motivate of them, this is good expect it can do better than this
author of this report recommended to the organization HR department must arrange the
annual employee rewarding completion and reward them, arrange twice year training camps
and motivate them.

3.0 Recruitment and Selection Practices of the Company

3.1 Critically Analysis the Recruitment and Selection Practices

Recruitment Practices

As a consultant of AML organisation according to analyse of the recruitment practices author

noticed that their use the HR recruitment method. Generally when the higher position
available in the company they try to fill up that vacancy from the excellent outside candidate.
But sometimes there may be an internal capable people for that opportunity to full that
position, therefore internal people who are capable from long service in competence get
discourage. Company did not do the proper job analysis when they recruit and sometimes
they did not match the personal characteristic with job they have to perform.

Selection Practices

As a consultant of AML organisation consistent with analyse of the recruitment practices

author noticed that their use the modern and traditional HR selection methods. Most of the
time this company need the practical oriented employees but they keep only the assessment
test, roll player and hand writing test and they did not keep practical test. Roll player test they
analyse the candidates’ attitude, behavioural, personality, decision making skills and
analytical skills. Hand writing test they judge the character of the candidates’

3.2 Recommendations to Enhance the Recruitment and Selection Practices of the
Enhance the Recruitment Practices

As a consultant of AML Company, according to enhance the recruitment practices the author
of this report recommended to the HR staff must properly analyse job and priority for the
existing employees. The way of job analysis as follows, The HR staffs know there will be
vacancy in the organisation HR department have to do a proper job analysis, identify the
tasks relevant to the vacancy and categorize personalities and appearances finally prepare the
job description. Initial put the advertisement for the employee in the organisation if they have
qualification they can apply. Finally put that as public paper advertisement.

Enhance the Selection Practices

As a consultant of AML Company, consistent with enhance the selection practices the author
of this report recommended to the HR staff must keep the practical test for the mechanical
candidate and assessment test for clerical candidate and roll player test for the executive
candidate. Select specific area from the workshop and create practical test section, for keep
the practical test for the candidates. Because the organisation needs the practical oriented
employees for the Engineering section therefore it is not enough to keep the assessment test
or written test.

4.0 Human Resources Development (HRD) of the Company

4.1 Critical Evaluation of the HRD practices of the Company

4.1.1 Training

As a consultant of AML Company consistent with evaluation of the training author noticed
that company given the training from the technical colleges, mechanical universities, to make
their employee more effectively to the productive, define and enhance to their skills to
perform the current job better.

4.1.2 Development

As a consultant of AML Organisation according to evaluation of the development author

noticed that company given the capable executives to some managerial task to perform, some
managerial function to do, allocate to make own decisions through that company expectation
to develop the decision making skills, self-confident skills, analytical skills and judgemental
skills, leadership skills, and communication skills.

4.1.3 Learning

As a consultant of AML Company consistent with evaluation of the learning author noticed
that sometimes mechanical staffs in the engineering section learning from others mistakes
and others skills but they do not punish their employees.

4.1.4 Career Progression

As a consultant of AML Organisation according to evaluation of the career progression

author noticed that the company did not mention the career progression to the employees.

4.2 Recommendations to Enhance the HRD practices of the Company
4.2.1 Training

As a consultant of AML Company, consistent with enhance training the author of this report
recommended the company must make the better retention plan other than that employees get
the training and leave from the company, and get the feedback from the participate
employees to the training then you know the people are something out fit or not because fed
back is essential to construct the next training programme better. Keep it up training of
employees’ do better.

4.2.2 Development

As a consultant of AML Company, according to enhance development the author of this

report recommended to the company should organize some programme to develop
communication skills, self-confident skills and decision making skills to the mechanical staff
and other clerical staff in the organisation. Keep it up the development of executives do

4.2.3 Learning

As a consultant of AML Company, consistent with enhance learning the author of this report
recommended to the company could facilitate to the employee who like to further studding
related to their job market.

4.2.4 Career Progression

As a consultant of AML Company, according to enhance career progression the author of this
report recommended to the company must clearly mention the career progression as follows
mechanical staff -> mechanical team leader -> foremen ->head foremen -> if the employees
has specific qualification only can be a section engineer-> chief engineer.

5.0 Staff Motivation

5.1 Critical Evaluation of the Classical Motivation Theories

5.1.1 Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Table 1.1: Agree and Disagree for Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Agree Disagree
 this person is a psychologist and he has  People start satisfied with bottom to top,
identify the various types of personal but the needs are not arising from the
needs order. Author of this report do not think
this be a practical order of arising needs.
 After you achieving the all the things top
to bottom and then person realised the
social needs, Best needs is to think the
social needs.
 Because if you have a good society good
people to live with you, they will help to
achieve the physiological needs and they
will help to protect your life
Sources: Authors work based on the Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs theory

5.1.3 Douglas McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y

Table 1.2: Agree and Disagree Douglas McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y

Agree Disagree
 To get the work from the employees who  do not mention in this theory how to
do not like to work in the company, the motivate the people who mix this both
organisation has to use strict management
 Self-motivated and working hard
employees have to reward and keep them
Sources: Authors work based on Douglas McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y

5.1.4 Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory
Table 1.3: Agree and Disagree Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory

Agree Disagree
 Consistent with this first gives the  This does not represent other workers,
employees needs and after motivated problem comes, it applicable to the other
them. workers, It may be different if he involves
more staff from the other professions, His
finding may be change or difference.
Sources: Authors work based on the Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory

5.1.7 B. F. Skinner’s Reinforcement Theory of Motivation

Table 1.4: Agree and Disagree B. F. Skinner’s Reinforcement Theory of Motivation

Agree Disagree
 For the most of the main points which is  Author of this report do not agree with the
Neutral operant, Reinforces, Punishers always come up with positive re-
enforcement, If the employees achieve
something particularly you cannot reward
people because companies are limited the
financial resources.
 It creates from the experiments of the
dogs and rats so how can it will
applicable for the people.
Sources: Authors work based on B. F. Skinner’s Reinforcement Theory of Motivation

5.2 Proposed Hybrid Motivation Theory / Model
Figure 2.1: DWC Hybrid Motivation Theory

 Achievement
 Recognition
 The work it self  Company’s polices and administration

 Responsibility  Supervision

 Advancement  Working condition

 Growth  Salary
 Interpersonal relation
 Status
 Job security
Motivation Factors

Employee Hygiene Factors

Reinforcement Factors  Training and development

 Strict management control
 Forced labor

Source: Authors work based on the theories of Herzberg’s two factor theory, Maslow's
hierarchy of need, Douglas McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y, B. F. Skinner’s
Reinforcement Theory of Motivation,

Why you proposed this type of motivation theory

After examine all the classic motivation theories author of this report find out there are good
points can be agreed but those are related to specific person therefore author propose the new
theory and it is a combination of four peoples theory. Those functions are practicable
therefore author of this report hope this new theory can be used in any organisation.

How this theory successfully implement within the organisation

Fundamentally the HR department have to discuss with the top management and discover
their ideas plus need to recognize the other employees’ ideas. HR department have to inspect
those factors are presently available in the organisation. If it is not, HR staff can add the most
essential points from the Hygiene Factors, Motivation Factors and Reinforcement Factors to
motivate the organisation staff.

What type of management support is necessary to implement this motivation model in

your organisation?

Management support is highly required to implement this motivation model, because the
mangers are the people who directly involved with the decisions making in the organisation,
therefore they can straight forwardly react to employees under the motivation model.

6.0 Change Management within the Company

6.1 Proposed change to a HR practice or HR policy of the company

What is the HR practice / policy change you propose?

As an author of this report propose to change …

 The requirement practices, the way they given the priority for the available highest
vacancies in the company
 job analysing method use by the organisation
 The selection practices presently they use for taking the mechanical staff.
 The retention plan and rearrange it for suitable to the present environment.
 Daily base Foundry mechanicals working hours to Shift base.

Why you propose such a change?

The requirement practices

1. Because the workshop working procedure is based on the machine so it need a

practical knowledge to do the work, so how they select the real candidate only from
the assessment test they have keep practical test.

The selection practices

2. Because the company HR department did not publish the available vacancy for the
company staff, they try to fill up that vacancy from the excellent outside candidate
sometimes there may be an internal capable people for that opportunity to full that
position. Internal people who are capable from long service in competence get

The retention plan

3. According to the small loose points in the HR polices the employees can leave from
the organisation after getting the better training therefore company need to create
retention plan.

6.2 Change Management Process
Planning and preparation for the retention plan

The permanent employee must inform before three months their leaving from the

The employee got any training form the organisation they have to stay in the company,
duration depend on the place the employee get the training.

 Technical one year

 Mechanical Institute two years
 Mechanical University Three years

The permanent employee thinks to leave suddenly he/she have to pay back their salary. The
amount may be differing to the designations.

 Top management one year amount of salary

 Section Engineers six months amount of salary
 Foramens and Mechanicals three months amount of salary
 Clerical staff two months amount of salary

If the employees suddenly leave after got any training they have to pay back the training
course fee plus amount of salary pay back related to the designation.


Most of the time top management may be resist to this retention plan, and also the union in
the company may be resist, therefore the HR department have to clearly educate to the
employees the new Huygens and Motivation plans their going to activate and after that
introduce the retention plan.

Evaluation of out come

As an author of this report think the people may be little bit resist in the starting position but
within the newts Huygens and Motivation factors they would be become familiar and show
positive outcome.

6.3 Critical Analysis of Possible Challenges
 If the change is good or bad people may be resist the change because it may be a
 They look only the bad side and they are blind to look in to the good side of the
 Especially the union members deny the changers consistent with the seniors under
 Some long service employees do not like the change because they think they have to
learn new systems, or procedures etc.
 Mechanical staff are afraid for the changers because it may be a problem to their
addition income, commission or bribery

6.4 Recommendations
As consultant of the AML Company and author of this report recommended to HR
department follow the steps below to overcome the resistance change.

 Educate the people to new retention plan and the newest motivation factors and
hygiene factors are going perform in organisation.
 The expert, skilful, knowledgeable and talented employees are working in the
company can participated to the successfully achieve this change management
 Manipulate the people in the organisation, show the economically benefits they can
gain from this change.
 Negotiation, sometimes company have to give some allowance to union to get their
support to these types of changers.


As a consultant of AML Company enhance the author of this report understand the present
HR models used by them, HR practise of the company, requirement and selection practisers
used by them, HR development practisers of the company, motivation of the company and
change and reimbursement handling management of used by them.

As a consultant of AML Company according to recruitment and selection practices enhance

the author of this report recommended to the HR staff must properly analyse available
vacancy and priority for the existing employees. They must keep the practical test for the
mechanical candidates and assessment test for clerical candidates and roll player test for the
executives. Select specific area from the workshop and create practical test section, for keep
the practical test for the candidates. Because the organisation needs the practical oriented
employees for the Engineering section therefore it is not enough to keep the assessment test
or written test

As a consultant of AML Company consistent with training and development enhance the
author of this report recommended to the company training of employees and development of
executives continue in it better. HR staff must get the feedback from the participate
employees to the training then you know the people are something out fit or not because
feedback is essential to construct the next training programme better and organize
development programme to the others employees.

HR staff can add the most essential points from the Hygiene Factors, Motivation Factors and
Reinforcement Factors to motivate the organisation staff and Mangers can straight forwardly
react to employees through the motivation model.

As a student who learn this Managing Human Capital subject author of this report learned the
HR Models, HR Practise, HR Theories, HR Motivation and the Requirement and Selection
Practices of the company.

1. Beardwell, J. & Claydon, T. (2010) Human Resource Management A Contemporary
Approach, 6thed., England: Person Education Limited. pp645-666.
2. Bohlander, G. & Snell, S. (2004) Managing Human Resources, 13thed., USA:
Thomson South-Western. pp637-674, pp689-701.
3. Dessler, G. & Varkkey, B. (2011) Human Resource Management, 12thed., Indian:
Person Prentice Hall. pp396-500, pp514-616.
4. Price, A. (2007) Human Resources Management in a Business Context, 3rded.,
London: Cengage Learning EMEA. pp383-432.
5. Edirisinghe Brothers Limited (2013) About Us [online] Available: (accessed 30th January 2013)
6. Rowley, C. & Jackson, K. (2011) Human Resource Management The Key
Concepts,1st ed., London: Routledge. pp6-10.
7. Torrington, D. Hall, L. Taylor, S. & Atkinson, C. (2011) Human Resources
Management, 8thed., England: Person Education Limited. pp331-346, pp351-369.

1. Beardwell, J. & Claydon, T. (2010) Human Resource Management A Contemporary
Approach, 6thed., England: Person Education Limited. pp645-666.
2. Bohlander, G. & Snell, S. (2004) Managing Human Resources, 13thed., USA:
Thomson South-Western. pp637-674, pp689-701.
3. Dessler, G. & Varkkey, B. (2011) Human Resource Management, 12thed., Indian:
Person Prentice Hall. pp396-500, pp514-616.
4. Edirisinghe Brothers Limited (2013) About Us [online] Available: (accessed 30th January 2013)
5. Price, A. (2007) Human Resources Management in a Business Context, 3rded.,
London: Cengage Learning EMEA. pp383-432.
6. Rowley, C. & Jackson, K. (2011) Human Resource Management The Key
Concepts,1st ed., London: Routledge. pp6-10.
7. Torrington, D. Hall, L. Taylor, S. & Atkinson, C. (2011) Human Resources
Management, 8thed., England: Person Education Limited. pp331-346, pp351-369.



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