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mistery of the murder of Miss Eliza Gomez was solved.

The last
Wednesday, in a classroom of UNAH-VS University, Miss Eliza Gomez
dead body was found.
She was a English teacher since 1998 in UNAH-VS in San Pedro Sula
City, according to some testimonies, she was a polite and a very classy
lady she was strict but an excellent teacher with a lot of knowledge.


That Wednesday the students, teachers and some ex-students from
UNAH-VS University were celebrating the anniversary of the
University with a party in the Sports Hall. It was the 08:30 pm when a
scream was heard, everyone present were panicked immediately ,it was
when a security guard found the dead body of Miss Gomez. Everyone
lost their minds, some students were crying and the fear came. 30
minutes later, the police and the forensics came to the University.
Three items were found in the crime scene: a book written by the ex-
student Simon Donnelly, a photograph of the teacher Saul Sheen and a
handkerchief with the initials I.W of the caretaker Ivan Williams.



The principal testimonies for solve the case was from:

1. Simmon Donnelly, an ex-student.He relates that about 7:00 pm he
saw Miss Gomez and gave her a copy of his new book that he dedicated
to her.
2. Ivan Williams, a caretaker of the university. He told us that about
7:30 pm, he saw her argue with Mr. Saul Sheen a teacher too, then , he
went to see if she was okay, and he loaned her his handkerchief.
3. Lily Simmons, an ex-student, she commented us that she saw and
spoke to her about 7:45 pm in the party but she seemed disinterested
until she saw Mr. Green the headmaster of the University, then she
went with him.
4. Patricia Woods, she is a teacher too, she relates that she saw Miss
Eliza Gomez in a classroom and she was crying.
Some students commented about that they saw Miss Gomez arguing
not only with Mr. Sheen but also with the headmaster Mr. Green.


Our team talked with the teacher Saul Sheen one of the principal
suspects of the murder , and he expressed us his feelings, because he
told us the truth, Miss Eliza Gomez was his mother but she gave him
up in adoption when he was baby. He was arguing with her because he
wanted to know the name of his father.

‘I always wanted to have a real family, I think I deserved to know the

truth’ -Saul Sheen.

After all investigations, the police captured Mr. Edward Green that he
is the true murderer of Miss Gomez.
He lied to the police telling them that he didn’t see Miss Gomez that
night, because he was in his office, but the testimonies from students
helping to found the truth.
He confessed that he is the true father of Saul Sheen, he killed her
because she was ready to tell the truth to her son,even knowing that it
will bring problems to him with his wife, his family and at work.


The court sentenced to Mr. Edward Green to 60 years in prision.
The students, teachers and acquaintances lament the death of Miss
Eliza Gomez.

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