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Your honor, we will offer this testimony of Ms.

Kim Geronimo to prove that she

saw the accused herein, Pedro Cargo in the act of stabbing the victim of this
case, John J. Cruz. And also to identify the affidavit and the white T-shirt she saw
near the crime scene.

Q: Where were you on the evening of March 3, 2018?

A: I was in the basketball court.

Q: What is your purpose in going there?

A: I was there to sell some snacks at the same time watch the game of Juana’s

Q: Do you have any companion at that time?

A: Yes.

Q: Who was with you then?

A: Juana Velasco, a friend of mine and John J. Cruz, the victim of this case.

Q: What does the victim do in the Basketball Court?

A: He was there to watch the basketball game of his nephew, the son of Juana.

Q: Did you notice the accused within the vicinity of the basketball court?

A: Yes. I saw him smoking near some parked motorcycles.

Q: Particularly, How far are you from the accused Pedro Cargo?

A: More or less 5 meters from the place where I was selling.

Q: What was the color of the T-shirt wore by the accused Pedro Cargo?

A: The accused did not wear any T-shirt that time; instead he put the white T-shirt
on his shoulder.

Q: After that, did you notice again the accused Pedro Cargo?

A: No, because he suddenly lost out of my sight when I attended a customer.

Q: After the basketball game, did you notice the victim John J. Cruz?

A: Yes.

Q: Where did he go?

A: He went home ahead of us because he will attend the early mass the next

Q: After that, what did you do?

A: We followed him, together with my friend Juana Velasco.

Q: After you followed the victim, together with your friend Juana Velasco, did
you notice any unusual event that happened?

A: Yes.
Q: And what was that unusual event?

A: We heard a scream and saw two shadows.

Q: What else did you notice?

A: We saw two persons. One was lying on the ground, while the other one was
doing the act of stabbing.

Q: After that, what happened next?

A: The latter dropped something and ran towards the grassy portion of the
vacant lot. And another person came towards the person lying on the ground.

Q: After that, what did you, and Juana Velasco does?

A: We dropped our belongings and ran towards the person lying on the ground.

Q: After that, what did you and Juana Velasco saw?

A: We saw the lifeless body of the victim, John J. Cruz and Mary holding him and

Q: What happened next?

A: Our neighbors ran towards the crime scene.

Q: What did you do after you saw the lifeless body of the victim?

A: I dialed my phone and called the police.

Q: After that, did you notice anything in the crime scene?

A: Yes.

Q: And what did you notice?

A: A white T-shirt partially hidden under the pile of dried leaves.

Q: After you saw the white T-shirt, what did you do?

A: I pulled it out.

Q: After you pulled it out, did you notice anything on that white T-shirt?

A: Yes.

Q: And what did you notice, if any?

A: I saw bloodstains.

Q: If I will present it to you, can you still recognize that white T-shirt?

A: Yes.

Q: Showing to you this white T-shirt marked as exhibit H, is this the T-shirt that you
saw near the crime scene?

A: Yes.

Q: After you saw the white T-shirt and pulled it out, what did you do?
A: I picked it with me since I suspected that the perpetrator wore the said shirt
before the happening of the crime, after that I asked my friend, Juana Velasco,
if she knows anything about the T-shirt.

Q: And what was the answer of Juana?

A: Juana told me that it was the same T-shirt that the accused wore in the
morning when the altercation broke out between the victim and the accused.

Q: Did you execute any affidavit, in relation to this case?

A: Yes.

Q: If I will present it to you, can you still recognize the said affidavit?

A: Yes.

Q: Showing to you an affidavit marked as exhibit C, what is the relation of this

affidavit to you?

A: My Affidavit.

Q: Above the name of the affiant, Kim Geronimo, Whose name is this?

A: My Name.

Q: Above the name Kim Geronimo, Whose signature is this?

A: My signature.

Me: Your Honor, we pray that the signature of Kim Geronimo will be marked as
exhibit C-1.

Q: Before whom did you execute this affidavit?

A: Atty. Albert Benedict Olario.

Q: Above the name Atty. Albert Benedict Olario, there appears a signature,
whose signature is this?

A: Signature of Atty. Olario.

Me: Your Honor, we pray that the signature of Atty. Albert Benedict Olario will be
marked as exhibit C-2.

Q: Do you affirm and confirm the authenticity of this affidavit?

A: Yes.


Q: You’ve said that you already knew the accused for more than a year, right?

Q: Can you tell before this Honorable Court if what was the occupation of the
accused, Pedro Cargo?
Q: You’ve said in your affidavit that the accused Pedro Cargo picked you up,
together with your sister, am I right?

Q: What vehicle was used by the accused?

Q: Is he the owner of the vehicle he used?

Q: How come did the accused owned that kind vehicle when he only sells
chopped woods?

Q: You’ve said earlier that the accused, Pedro Cargo, picked you and your
sister at your house, am I right?

Q: What was used by the accused when he picked you and your sister at your
house? Or does he have any vehicle?

Q: And that vehicle was used by the accused when they travelled to Ubay,
together with you and with your sister, right?

Q: And you are in that vehicle, right?

Q: You’ve said in your direct testimony that you arrived in ubay at around 8
o’clock in the evening but according to them (Pedro Cargo and your sister)
they arrived in Ubay at 6.30 in the evening. How come that you arrived in ubay
at around 8 o’clock in the evening, when according to you, you are with the
accused and with your sister?

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