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Report Genrated Date 26 Feb, 2018
Plagiarism Status 100% Unique
Total Words 193
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According to social norms theory, our perceptions and belie s o what is ‘normal’ behavior
by others will in luence our own behavior (Berkowitz, 2005). This implies that what others
do may in luence us to do also what they called so as 'normal' but or others is not.

Eventually the environment where we are will push us into doing things that what they
believe is normal. An act that what used to be not normal will just became an ordinary act
to everyone. For example, the belie that others drink heavily will have considerable

in luence on the amount a person drinks. According to Myers (2016), Our perceptions are
only one small step in getting to the truth. Humans quest or knowledge begins with
sensory input. the collection o sensory inputs about an object results in our belie o what
that object is (take into account the texture, odor, and lavor o a lemon). Then our

capacity or cause begins (Myers, 2016Alcohol use interventions must intend at correcting
misperceptions through supplying normative remarks on triumphing drinking norms. One

hypothesis is that individuals with heavy alcohol use should decrease their consumption by
correcting the misperception (Bertholet, 2010)

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