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JMJ Marist Brothers

Notre Dame of Marbel University

Integrated Basic Education Department
Senior High School
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato



Alcohol use is a widely discussed topic, but a vast body of research has

documented the relationship between alcohol consumption and interpersonal

violence. More than any illegal drug, alcohol was found to be closely associated

with violent crimes, including murder, rape, assault, child and spousal abuse.

Convicted offenders under the jurisdiction of corrections agencies in 1996 have

been drinking at the time of the offense. (Greenfeld, 1998).

Arnarson (2017) believed that aside from alcohol involvement in crime,

drinking too much alcohol can take a serious toll on health. That is mainly because

alcohol is metabolized by the liver and frequent consumption can lead to increased

fat inside liver cells. Heavy drinking can also increase the risk of certain types of

cancer, especially mouth and throat. Lastly chronic alcohol abuse can impair brain

function permanently and will have detrimental effects on the body that most likely

fall to death.

The researchers were drawn to this topic because they are determined to

help their fellow teenagers and underage students in understanding alcohol

consumption for it is known that alcohol have many effects not just in the body, but

also the social, and in the academic life of the user. Underage drinking is prevailing

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Integrated Basic Education Department
Senior High School
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

in many schools this will help the school, parents, and policy- makers to be more

involve in raising this awareness and will sooner reduce such cases.

The effect of alcohol varies between individuals and depends on the amount

consumed and the type of alcoholic beverages the user will intake. Historically,

moderate consumption of alcohol has been linked to health benefits. It has been

produced and consumed by humans for thousands of years and have played an

important role in our health; supplying nutrition and energy; providing medicinal,

antiseptic, and analgesic benefits; quenching thirst; facilitating relaxation;

promoting conviviality and social cohesion; increasing the pleasure of eating;

providing pharmacological pleasure; and generally enhancing the quality and

pleasures of life. (Hanson, 2013)

However, in Notre Dame of Marbel University (NDMU), there are several

conflicting ideas. Among teenagers today, there are a large variety of positions

towards drinking alcohol. Misperceptions exist among students regarding the

amount of alcohol that is consumed on university campuses. In anonymous

studies, in nationwide surveys during 1998 and 1999, students grossly

overestimated the average amount of alcohol their peer group reported consuming

and the number of people who drank heavily (Perkins et. al,1999). Applying the

idea that the perceived extent of alcohol use among peers ultimately influences

student decisions regarding his or her own alcohol consumption, preventative

programs on campus are aimed at educating students about reported alcohol

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Integrated Basic Education Department
Senior High School
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

consumption norms. Nineteen percent of students surveyed nationwide abstain

from drinking alcohol (Wechsler, 1996). Recent prevention programs are designed

to educate students about their peer group’s abstinence rates, in the hope that

they reduce their alcohol consumption according to the norm (Sands et. al, 1998).

With these ideas, the study is conducted.

Statement of the problem

This study aimed to determine the perception of Grade 12 Students about

alcoholic drinking in Notre Dame of Marbel University:

Specifically, it sought to answer the questions:

1. What are the demographic profile in terms of age, sex and strand of the

Grade 12 students?

2. What are the perceptions of the respondents in drinking alcohol?

3. What are the perceptions of the respondents when grouped according

to age, sex, and strand regarding alcohol use?

Scope and delimitation

This study is only conducted to the Grade 12 students of Notre Dame of

Marbel University for the school year 2017-2018 and was conducted inside the

campus of NDMU. The focus of the study is to find out perception of grade 12

students in drinking alcohol.

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Integrated Basic Education Department
Senior High School
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

Significance of the Study

The findings of the study may provide insight about the perceptions of the

Grade 12 students in drinking alcohol, furthermore, this research can contribute

new knowledge. It might be helpful to the following entities:

To the school, this study can guide the school on what action that is needed as

they are now aware of the alcohol use and the perceptions of Senior High School

students of NDMU. To the teachers, this study will give insights about alcohol use

of students and can help them approach students regarding alcoholism. To the

parents, this study will broaden their understanding on the impact of alcohol use

in the students’ performance in school. To the students, to help them determine

and gauge their performance in school as in relation to their use of alcohol. To the

future researchers, this broadens their understanding on drinking. This study will

also serve as their reference whenever similar studies will be conducted.

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Integrated Basic Education Department
Senior High School
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato



This shows an overview of previous related articles and related studies that

enriches the study. Also, this chapter introduced the framework of the study which

is the main focus and forms the structure of the research paper.

Conceptual Framework

The study revolves on the following listed on the table below and as an

overview of what is the perception of Grade 12 students in drinking alcohol in


Perception of Teenagers in Drinking Alcohol

Alcohol Use Participants:

 Age
 Gender
 Strands

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Integrated Basic Education Department
Senior High School
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato


Historically, alcoholic beverages have served as sources of needed

nutrients. They have been widely used for their medicinal, antiseptic, and analgesic

properties. The role of such beverages as thirst quenchers is obvious. They also

play an important role in enhancing the enjoyment of life. They can be a social

lubricant, facilitate relaxation, can provide pharmacological pleasure, and increase

the pleasure of eating (Hanson, 2013).

There are types of alcoholic beverages that includes beer, cider, wine, and

spirit. A beer is believed to be the alcoholic beverage that humans have been

consuming the longest. It is created by fermenting any of a variety of starches

including malted barley, rice, wheat, or maize. Types of beer include larger beers,

which are fermented and conditioned at low temperature to give them milder taste,

they are usually also a light color. Ales are made from malted barley and involve

warm fermentation with brewer’s yeast. Wheat beers are made with wheat as well

as barley that gives the beer the distinctive taste; this type of beer is particularly

popular in Europe. Fruit beers are often made by adding flavor extracts to beer

rather than fermenting fruit. Cider is made from fermented apple juice, it is

sometimes referred to as apple wine. Wine can be created from fermented grapes

or other fruits. Humans have been drinking wine for at least 8,000 years. Wine has

also its types that include red wine, rose wine, white wine, champagne, and fortified

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Integrated Basic Education Department
Senior High School
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

wine. Red wine is a type of wine is made from red or black grapes. The taste of

red wine is often described as more complex than that of white wine. Rose wine is

a type of wine which is made from red grapes, but these undergo a special process

to create the rose look. White wine is a type of wine is produced using white

grapes. This type of wine has a lighter taste than the red or rose wine. Champagne

is a type of wine that bubbles from the fermentation process due to carbon dioxide

in the bottles. Fortified wine is a type of wine with distilled beverage added to them

to make them stronger. The reason why fortified wines originally became popular

was that they were easier to transport around the world by ship. Spirits, wherein it

refers to those alcoholic drinks that have been distilled to make them stronger.

Spirits have also its types that include vodka, whiskey, rum, tequila, gin, absinthe,

and liqueurs. Vodka is usually made from distillation of grains or potatoes. Whiskey

is a type of spirit that is usually made from fermented grain mash. Rum is a type

of spirit that comes from sugarcane juice. Tequila is created from the blue agave

plant. Gin is made from juniper berries. Absinthe is made from many different

flowers. Liqueurs covers a wide range of drinks that involve the addition of herbs,

nuts, fruits, spices, cream, or flowers. It is also possible to get other spirits that

have been turned into liqueurs for example vodka liqueurs (Dara, 2008).

Though most of the types of alcohol are made of plants and fruits

there is also growing concerns about the harmful effects of alcohol if abused. An

early study of drinking problem was conducted between year 1975-1985 where it

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Integrated Basic Education Department
Senior High School
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

stated that alcohol is abused if involved in weekly drinking more than 5 or more

drinks per occasion (Berkowitz & Perkins, 1986). According to Arnarson (2017)

drinking too much on a single occasion or overtime can take a serious toll on your

health. That is because alcohol is metabolized by the liver, and frequent

consumption can lead to increased fat inside liver cells. It can also lead to cirrhosis.

Chronic alcohol abuse can impair brain function permanently. Also, heavy drinking

and beer are linked to increased weight gain, while moderate drinking and wine

are linked to reduced weight gain. Alcohol can also increase the risk of certain

types of cancer, especially mouth and throat cancer. Lastly chronic alcohol abuse

can have severe detrimental effects on the body and brain, increasing the risk of

all sorts of diseases (Arnarson, 2017).

Gleaner (2013) proposed that in order to lessen the number of diseases of

the alcohol users might get weigh in with her best advice for safe alcohol

consumption. That includes: (1) know your limit, (2) eat food while you drink, (3)

sip your drink, (4) accept a drink only when you really want one, (5) choose quality

rather than quantity, (6) skip a drink now and then, (7) beware of unfamiliar drinks,

(8) appoint a designated driver, (9) upper limits of drinks for males are 21 and for

females are 14 drinks per week.

There is a theory called Alcohol – Expectancy theory wherein this theory

suggests that individuals consume alcohol because they believe drinking will lead

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Integrated Basic Education Department
Senior High School
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

to a certain effect. Examples are increasing social interaction and relieving tension,

and these beliefs have long been suggested to influence individuals' drinking levels

(Brown et. al, 1980). Individuals may expect different types of alcoholic beverages

to affect them in different ways, thus they may drink different types of beverages

when seeking these differential effects. Previous research suggests that

individuals perceive differences among varying types of alcoholic beverages

regarding the alcohol type's global positive (e.g., alcohol leads to good outcomes)

or negative (e.g., alcohol leads to negative outcomes) effects. Studies found

individuals reported higher negative expectancies for drinking shots of distilled

spirits and higher positive expectancies for beer and wine (Lang, Kaas, & Barnes,

1983). In relation to this study, Hudspeth (2017) gave different types of alcohol that

can give you different emotional responses. For example, 53 percent of

respondents reported that red wine made them feel relaxed. There’s a

physiological explanation for this. Red wine contains high levels of melatonin, the

hormone that tells our brains it’s time to go to bed. Another example is that beer

relaxes the user, but the carbohydrates therein also have a reputation for making

drinkers drowsy. However According to Gonzales (2013) “Alcohol is alcohol”,

which is to say that the alcohol in wine is the same as the alcohol in beer which is

all the same as the alcohol in the unholy red-cup concoction at a dorm room game

of King's Cup. That alcohol is ethyl alcohol, otherwise known as ethanol, and it'll

get you drunk. The fact that liquor tends to contain higher concentrations of ethanol

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Integrated Basic Education Department
Senior High School
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

than wine, and wine higher concentrations than beer, means that the same volume

of different alcoholic beverages will get you more or less drunk, which is the

"standard drink" rule.


According to Salas-Wright et. al (2016), binge drinking and violent attacks

among youth between ages twelve and twenty-four or twenty-five. Although youth

drink less often than adults does, when they do drink, they drink more. 90 percent

of young people consume alcohol by binge drinking. And binge drinking is the over

consumption of many beverages on an occasion. As people gets older, drinking

alcohol and binge drinking becomes more prevalent. As adolescents get older,

they tend to drink more. Prevalence of drinking by boys and girls is similar,

although among older adolescents, boys binge more than girls (Johnston, Miech,

& O’Malley, 2015). Underage drinking poses a range of risks and negative

consequences. It is dangerous because it causes many deaths, many injuries,

impairs judgment such as drinking and driving, sexual activity (such as unprotected

sex), and aggressive or violent behavior. It increases the risk of physical and

sexual assault. Some adolescent drinks because of risk taking, expectancies,

sensitivity and tolerance to alcohol, personality characteristics and psychiatric

comorbidity, hereditary factors, and environmental aspect. (National Institute on

Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 2006). Thus, perhaps the best way to understand

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Integrated Basic Education Department
Senior High School
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

and prevent underage alcohol use is to view drinking as it relates to development.

This "entire framework" way to deal with underage drinking considered an

immature's exceptional hazard and defensive elements—from hereditary qualities

and identity attributes to social and ecological components. Seen along these

lines, advancement incorporates the pre-adult's characteristic hazard and strength

as well as the present conditions that assistance to shape his or her conduct

(Sroufe & Rutter, 1984.)


Alcohol was frequently used in childbirth throughout the ages and beer was

thought to fortify a woman for breast feeding. Hot toddies of various fruit tonics

have been used for centuries for menstrual cramps and for pre-menstrual tension.

In the later part of the 19th Century many women drank tonics with high alcohol

contents to ease the frustrations of child rearing or for depression. Women who

were alcoholics during this period were often labeled hysterical. They were not

called alcoholics because it conflicted with their role as good mother, wife or well-

mannered spinster (Hornik, 1977). However, alcohol consumption among women

has begun to attract increased attention. This appears to have resulted from the

rise of feminism, increased drinking by women, and health concerns such as

"hidden alcoholism" and cirrhosis of the liver (Chalfant & Roper, 1980). Because

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Integrated Basic Education Department
Senior High School
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

of this, the youth are the future, considerable attention has been directed toward

drinking among college women.

Several reasons were counseled for the differential in consuming styles

between men and women (Myerson, 1940; Gusfield, 1962; Lisansky,1958).

Windham and Aldridge (1965) as well as Siegel (1952)

noted the traditional perception that the use and abuse of alcohol changed into a

male prerogative. Clark (1967) suggested that drinking differences are based

largely on the expectation that female sex roles are characterized by what he

termed "conventionality." By this he referred to the "acceptance of the dominant

'official' standards of morality and propriety" Preston (1964) similarly asserted that

drinking is often a symbol that differentiates the sexes. Windham and Aldridge

(1965) additionally pointed out that women traditionally tended to be economically

dependent on and subordinate to men. In this regard, Knupfer, Fink, &

Goffman (1963) emphasized that other members of the population who do not earn

their living by paid work also have more restricted drinking privileges than adult

free males-for example, children, prisoners, mental patients, and persons on relief.

Wilsnack & Wilsnack (1978) point out that increased drinking among females might

be a result of the women’s movement and changes in women’s roles, especially

changes that involve exposure to formerly masculine environments and roles.

They suggest that changes in sex roles might increase women’s exposure to

alcohol and opportunities to drink. It might modify traditional norms against female

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Integrated Basic Education Department
Senior High School
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

drinking, thereby making drinking more permissible and might offer females new

goals and aspirations, hence, causing stress that alcohol might be used to reduce.

Recent study of Palmera (2010) about alcoholism states that men are more

at risk for abusing or becoming dependent on alcohol than women. But the drops

in the price, which has led to wine and beer becoming regular items in the

supermarket shopping trolley and part of everyday life at home, has also been a

factor, alongside deliberate marketing targeted at women (Sarah Boseley, 2016).

Men are also constantly more than two times as likely as women to record

continual heavy ingesting (at suggest intake thresholds various from forty to eighty

grams of ethanol a day) (de Lima et. al, 2003). Recurrent alcohol intoxication is

much more prevalent and more frequent among men than among women (Hao,

2004; Makela et al, 2001; Rehm et al., 2001). It is said that among late teenagers

or college students gender gaps in continual or episodic heavy ingesting may be

smaller (Dawson et. al, 2004) Men are much more likely than women to record

diagnosable alcohol abuse, both currently Bijl, et. al, (2002) or as a life-

time enjoyment (Kawakami et al., 2004; Meyer et al., 2000). Men are also much

more likely than women to report diagnosable alcohol dependence, currently or as

a lifetime. A higher percentage of men are likely to drink, to drink more often, to

consume more, and to experience more drinking problems than women. While the

differentials in drinking patterns and problems might be narrowing, they clearly

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Integrated Basic Education Department
Senior High School
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

remain significant and potent. To be most effective, alcohol policies and programs

must reflect these continuing differentials (Hanson & Engs, in press).


According to Social Norms Theory, our perceptions and beliefs of what is

‘normal’ behavior by others will influence our own behavior (Berkowitz, 2005). This

implies that what others do may influence us to do also what they called so as

'normal' but for others is not. Eventually the environment where we are will push

us into doing things that what they believe is normal. An act that what used to be

not normal will just became an ordinary act to everyone. For example, the belief

that others drink heavily will have considerable influence on the amount a person

drinks. According to Myers (2010) Our perceptions are only one small step in

getting to the truth. Humans quest for knowledge begins with sensory input. The

collection of sensory inputs about an object leads to our perception of what that

object is (consider the feel, smell, and taste of a lemon). Then our capacity for

reason begins (Myers, 2010). Alcohol use interventions should aim at correcting

misperceptions by providing normative feedback on prevailing drinking norms.

One hypothesis is that individuals with heavy alcohol use should decrease their

consumption by correcting the misperception (Bertholet, 2010)

Peluso (2007) studied the popular perception show that individuals with

alcohol dependence are viewed as more responsible for their problem, and more

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Integrated Basic Education Department
Senior High School
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

violent and unpredictable than other individuals affected by mental disorders. They

provoke more negative reactions in the population such as a desire for greater

social distance and greater rejection than individuals with other disorders, except

for drug dependence. In addition, alcohol dependence is one of the conditions for

which the public is least willing to spend public financial resources. These negative

reactions are even more frequent than the ones reported for schizophrenia

Teenagers, as a population group, incorporate cultural patterns that are

valued in the context in which they are integrated. Alcohol consumption by

adolescents is related to the specific group behavior of this age and may be

influenced by friends and characterized as a facilitator and a precondition of

interaction and permanence within a group. The risk of adolescents beginning to

consume alcohol rises because of their position in the social network of friends,

and friends of friends. This consumption is positively and significantly correlated

when family members are also consumers. Parenting styles and parental attitudes

and behaviors are significant factors associated with heavy drinking. However,

there is a lack of studies in relationship to the perception of teenagers on the

aspects involved to the initiation and persistence of this habit (Freitas, 2014)


Ho: There is no significant difference between the alcohol use and the

demographic profile of Senior High School students.

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Integrated Basic Education Department
Senior High School
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

The study uses hypothesis in statistics that proposes that no statistical

significance or no relationship exists in a set of given observations. It shows that

no variation exists between variables or that a single variable is no difference than

its mean. It presumes to be true until statistical evidence nullifies it for an



To have an easy and better understanding of terms for the readers, the

researchers define the following terms:

Alcohol is a beverage. It is classed as a depressant, meaning that it slows down

vital functions — resulting in slurred speech, unsteady movement, disturbed

perceptions and an inability to react quickly.

Alcohol Use is an unhealthy or dangerous drinking habits, such as drinking every

day or drinking too much at a time.

Perception is the organization, identification, and interpretation of sensory

information in order to represent and understand the presented information, or the


JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Integrated Basic Education Department
Senior High School
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato



This chapter describes the strategic plan to know the perceptions of Grade

12 students in drinking alcohol at Notre Dame of Marbel University. Many

activities in conducting the research including the following operations: research

design, research locale, research respondents, research instrument, data

gathering procedures and data analysis.

Research Design

The descriptive survey method was used in this study. The study described

the perception on drinking alcohol of Grade 12 students of NDMU. Description was

based on the demographic profile, the extent of drinking alcohol, and the

perception of grade 12 students.

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Integrated Basic Education Department
Senior High School
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

Perceptions of Grade 12 Students in Drinking

Alcohol at Notre Dame of Marbel University

Locale of the Study

Demographic Profile Notre Dame of Marbel


Respondents of the study
Grade 12 Students


Extent of Drinking Questionnaires about the

Alcohol perceptions of the respondents

Data gathering procedure

Ask permission from the

principal’s office

Data Analysis


Figure 2. Research Paradigm
T-test ANOVA

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Integrated Basic Education Department
Senior High School
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

Research Locale

Notre Dame of Marbel University was chosen as the location by the

researchers to conduct their study. The University, located in Koronadal City,

South Cotabato where it offers senior high schooling will be a perfect locale for the

study because it is accessible for the researchers and the respondents are in big

population, good for conducting quantitative study.

Figure 3. Location Map

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Integrated Basic Education Department
Senior High School
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

Research Respondent

The respondents were the Grade 12 senior high school students of

NDMU from the strands ABM, HUMSS, and STEM. The respondents is perfect for

the study because of the big population and their diverse profiles.

Table 1. Distribution of respondents per section

Section Total population No. of respondents

STEM 12-1 50 50

STEM 12-2 49 49

STEM 12-3 49 49

STEM 12-4 52 52

STEM 12-5 50 50

STEM 12-6 51 51

STEM 12-7 48 48

STEM 12-8 51 51

STEM 12-9 49 49

STEM 12-10 49 49

ABM 12-1 47 47

ABM 12-2 50 50

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Integrated Basic Education Department
Senior High School
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

ABM 12-3 51 50

ABM 12-4 49 49

HUMSS 12-1 39 39

HUMSS 12-2 37 37

HUMSS 12-3 37 37

TOTAL 810 810

Research and Instrumentation

This study used the questionnaire in order to gather data for the completion

of the study. The questionnaire is adapted from Margarita Antonia Villar Luis II on

the Development and Validation of a Scale of Attitudes towards Alcohol,

Alcoholism, and Alcoholics. The questionnaire is composed of three parts. The first

part asked about the demographic profile of the respondents their name which is

optional, age, sex, and their strand and section. The second part with 4 questions

which are about their extent of drinking alcohol. The respondents are given 4

choices: always, often, sometimes, and never. The third part have 12 statements

which are about their perception on drinking alcohol. The respondents are asked

to rate the statements by the researcher given response: strongly agree, agree,

disagree, and strongly disagree.

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Integrated Basic Education Department
Senior High School
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

Data Gathering

Permission was asked from the principal of Senior High School. A formal

letter of communication was sent explaining the purpose and nature of the study.

The permission was granted. The researchers went room to room to spread survey

sheets. The purpose of their survey was explained clearly to be understood by the

respondents. The respondents answered the questionnaire. Then, the

respondents’ answers were collated and tabulated.

Data Analysis

The results from the survey will be analyzed through tallying method. The

answers of the respondents, based on their age, gender, and strand would be

tallied by the researchers to determine the alcohol use of the grade 12 Senior High

School students of NDMU. In identifying the frequencies and percentages to

answer all the questions in the questionnaire, we used the descriptive statistical

analysis. The results are presented using graphs and tables, followed by a relevant


JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Integrated Basic Education Department
Senior High School
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato



This chapter describes the analysis of data followed by a discussion of

the research findings. The findings of the research relate to the research questions

that guides the study.

Profile of the Respondents

This set of data was intended to describe demographic variables of the

sample and to assess for any influences on the research findings. The

demographic data consisted of age were in respondents whose age category is

from 16-19, male and female for the sex of the respondents, and STEM, ABM, and

HUMSS for the strand of the respondents.

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Integrated Basic Education Department
Senior High School
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

Table 2: Frequency of Profile of Respondents

Age Profile Frequency Percentage (%)

16 6
17 196
18 565
19 43
Total 810
Male 324
Sex Female 486
Total 810
ABM 205
Strand STEM 487
Total 810

Age of the respondents is one of the most important characteristics in

understanding their views about the problems in the age indicates level of maturity

of individuals in that sense age becomes more important to examine the response.

The respondents have been classified into four groups of age: 16 years old as to

be the youngest of all the respondents, 17 years old, 18 years old and 19 years

old as to be the oldest of all the respondents who answered the questionnaires.

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Integrated Basic Education Department
Senior High School
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

Table 2 indicates that there were no respondents whose age was less than 16

years old. Among 810 respondents who have been given a questionnaire, 0.74%

responded that they are 16 years old, 5.31% of the respondents are 19 years old,

24.20% of the respondents responded to be 17 years old, and more than half

(69.75%) of the respondents are 18 years old. It means that the majority of our

respondents were under the age group of eighteen, and the least respondents

were under the age group of 16.

It is quite clear that out of the total respondents investigated for this study,

overwhelming majority (60%) of them were females whereas about 40% were

found to be males. Out of 810 respondents 14.57% of the respondents responded

to be a HUMSS students, 25.31% of the respondents responded to be an ABM

student, and more than half (60.12%) of the respondents responded to be a STEM

student. It means that the researchers have a greater number of 18-year-old

female respondents under the strand of STEM.

Perceptions of the Respondents in Drinking Alcohol

The table 3 shows the statements that can be found in the questionnaires

given to the respondents in able to know their perceptions in drinking alcohol. The

researchers divided 16 questions into two sets. Also, the table shows the mean of

different statements with a corresponding verbal description.

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Integrated Basic Education Department
Senior High School
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

Table 3 Alcohol Use

STATEMENTS Mean Verbal Description
1. How often do you drink alcohol? 2.53 Often
2. Do you ever have five or more drinks of alcohol at a time when
drinking? 2.69 Often
3. Do your parents know you drink alcohol? 2.49 Sometimes
4. Do your parents permit you to drink alcohol at home? 2.91 Often
4.00 – 3.25 Always
3.24 – 2.50 Often
2.49- 1.75 Sometimes
1.724– 1.00 Never

Table 4 Perceptions in Drinking Alcohol

STATEMENTS Mean Verbal Description

1. I believe people have the right to drink if they want to. 2.09 Disagree
2. Alcoholic beverages are enjoyable and make people feel Disagree
good. 2.05
3. The use of alcoholic beverages is normal. 2.11 Disagree
4. I believe that drinking any type of alcoholic beverage is Disagree
considered as drinking socially. 2.05
5. Beverages, in any amount, will make an individual Agree
dependent. 2.97
6. Drinking alcoholic beverages moderately is not harmful. 2.60 Agree
7. I am against using alcohol at any time. 2.65 Agree
8. Alcohol, in small amounts, is considered beneficial. 2.65 Agree
9. Alcoholic beverages relieve the daily tensions. 2.50 Agree
10. I am favorable to drinking moderately. 2.57 Agree
11. Small amounts of alcohol can cause dependence. 2.52 Agree
12. There are people who know how to drink and know how Agree
to control themselves. 2.65
4.00 – 3.25 Strongly Disagree
3.24 – 2.50 Agree
2.49- 1.75 Disagree
1.74– 1.00 Strongly Disagree

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Integrated Basic Education Department
Senior High School
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

The tables 3 and 4 show the opinion of the respondents in every

corresponding statement. 2.97 or 31.60% of the respondents agrees with the

statement that beverages, in any amount can make an individual dependent. 2.65

or 35.06% of the respondents are against in using alcohol at any time. 2.65 or

43.83% of the respondents agrees with the statement that alcohol in small

amounts is considered beneficial. 2.65 or 33.09% of the respondents agrees with

the statement that there are people who knows how to drink and knows how to

control themselves. 2.05 or 29.38% of the respondents agrees with the statement

that alcoholic beverages are enjoyable, and it can make people feel good. 2.09 or

15.43% of the respondents disagrees with the statement that people have the right

to drink if they wanted to. 2.11 or 25.68% of the respondents disagrees with the

statement that the use of alcohol is normal. Also, 2.91 or 14.94% of the

respondents said that their parents often permit them to drink alcohol at home. And

that when they drink 2.69 or 18.89% respondents often have five or more drinks of

alcohol at a time. 2.49 or 20.74% of the respondents said that their parents

sometimes know they drink alcohol.

Significant Differences of the Respondents

Tables 5, 6 and 7 shows the significant difference in relation to

age, gender and strand of the respondents in every corresponding question

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Integrated Basic Education Department
Senior High School
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

Table 5 Age of the Respondents

Statements Age
16 17 18 19
Mean VD Mean VD Mean VD Mean VD
1. How often do you drink alcohol? 3.33 Always 2.19 Sometimes 2.04 Sometimes 2.05 Sometimes
2. Do you ever have five or more drinks of
3.50 Always 2.06 Sometimes 2.04 Sometimes 2.05 Sometimes
alcohol at a time when drinking?

3. Do your parents know you drink alcohol? 2.17 Sometimes 1.98 Sometimes 2.13 Sometimes 2.37 Sometimes
4. Do your parents permit you to drink alcohol
2.50 Often 1.97 Sometimes 2.08 Sometimes 1.95 Sometimes
at home?

1. I believe people have the right to drink if they

3.50 Strongly 3.02 Agree 2.97 Agree 2.65 Agree
want to.
2. Alcoholic beverages are enjoyable and make
2.50 Agree 2.63 Agree 2.61 Agree 2.33 Agree
people feel good.

3. The use of alcoholic beverages is normal. 2.83 Strongly 2.70 Agree 2.65 Agree 2.47 Agree

4. I believe that drinking any type of alcoholic

3.00 Agree 2.64 Agree 2.66 Agree 2.51 Agree
beverage is considered as drinking socially.

5.Beverages, in any amount, will make an

2.67 Agree 2.52 Agree 2.45 Disagree 3.16 Agree
individual dependent.
6. Drinking alcoholic beverages moderately is
3.00 Agree 2.59 Agree 2.58 Agree 2.33 Disagree
not harmful.
7. I am against using alcohol at any time. 2.67 Agree 2.54 Agree 2.52 Agree 2.44 Disagree

8. Alcohol, in small amounts, is considered

3.33 Strongly 2.68 Agree 2.65 Agree 2.47 Disagree
9. Alcoholic beverages relieve the daily tensions. 3.17 Agree 2.57 Agree 2.53 Agree 2.40 Disagree

10. I am favorable to drinking moderately. 3.17 Agree 2.74 Agree 2.68 Agree 2.56 Agree
11. Small amounts of alcohol can cause
3.17 Agree 2.54 Agree 2.46 Disagree 2.44 Disagree
12. There are people who know how to drink
3.67 Strongly 2.92 Agree 2.91 Agree 2.70 Agree
and know how to control themselves.

The table 5 shows the perceptions in drinking alcohol of the respondents in

relation to their age. Sixteen years - old respondents strongly agreed on the

following statements: There are people who knows how to drink and knows how

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Integrated Basic Education Department
Senior High School
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

to control themselves with a mean of 3.67, They believe people have the right to

drink if they wanted to with a mean of 3.50, and Alcohol, in small amounts, is

considered beneficial with a mean of 3.33. There are respondents who agreed on

the following statements: Alcoholic beverages are enjoyable and can make people

feel good. with a mean of 2.50, Beverages, in any amount, will make an individual

dependent with a mean of 2.67, They are against in using alcohol at any time with

a mean of 2.67, and Their usage of alcoholic beverages is normal with a mean of


17 years old respondents have different opinions wherein the respondents

agreed on the following statements: They believe people have the right to drink if

they wanted to with a mean of 3.02, There are people who knows how to drink and

knows how to control themselves with a mean of 2.92, Alcoholic beverages are

normal with a mean of 2.70, Beverages, in any amount, will make an individual

independent with a mean of 2.52, They are against using alcohol at the same time

with a mean of 2.54, Small amounts of alcohol can cause dependence with a mean

of 2.54, and Alcohol relieves daily tension with a mean of 2.57.

18 years old respondents also have different opinions wherein the

respondents agreed with the following statements: They believe people have the

right to drink if they wanted to with a mean of 2.97, There are people who knows

how to drink and knows how to control themselves with a mean of 2.91, They are

in favor of drinking moderately with a mean of 2.68. there are 18 years old

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Integrated Basic Education Department
Senior High School
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

respondents who disagreed with the following statements: Beverages in any

amount, will make an individual dependent with a mean of 2.45, and Small

amounts of alcohol can cause dependence with a mean of 2.46. there are

respondents who are against with alcohol use at any time, with a mean of 2.52.

19 years old respondents also have different opinions from the other age

group. The respondents agreed on the following statements: Beverages, in any

amount, will make an individual dependent with a mean of 3.16, There are people

who knows how to drink and knows how to control themselves with a mean of 2.70,

They believe people have the right to drink if they wanted to with a mean of 2.65.

There are 19 years old respondents who disagreed on the following statements:

Drinking alcoholic beverages is not harmful with a mean of 2.33, Alcoholic

beverages relieve the daily tensions with a mean of 2.40, They believe people have

the right to drink if they wanted to with a mean of 2.44, and Small amount of alcohol

can cause dependence with a mean of 2.44.

When it comes to the alcohol use of the respondents, 16 years old

respondents always drink alcohol while other age range sometimes drink alcohol.

16 years old respondents said that when they drink alcohol they always have five

or more drink at a time while other age range consumes five or more drink

sometimes. According to all the respondents their parents sometimes know if they

consume or drink alcohol. The parents of the respondents whose age group is from

17-19 sometimes permit their children to drink alcohol at home while according to

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Integrated Basic Education Department
Senior High School
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

the 16 years old respondents, their parents often permits them to drink alcohol at


Table 5 Sex of the Respondents

Statements Male Female
Verbal Verbal
Mean Mean
Description Description
1.97 Sometimes 2.26 Sometimes
1. How often do you drink alcohol?
2. Do you ever have five or more drinks of alcohol at a time 1.96 Sometimes 2.19 Sometimes
when drinking?
2.06 Sometimes 2.18 Sometimes
3. Do your parents know you drink alcohol?
2.01 Sometimes 2.10 Sometimes
4. Do your parents permit you to drink alcohol at home?
2.97 Agree 2.97 Agree
1. I believe people have the right to drink if they want to.
2. Alcoholic beverages are enjoyable and make people feel 2.56 Agree 2.65 Agree
2.59 Agree 2.74 Agree
3. The use of alcoholic beverages is normal.
4. I believe that drinking any type of alcoholic beverage is 2.59 Agree 2.73 Agree
considered as drinking socially.
5. Beverages, in any amount, will make an individual 2.36 Disagree 2.71 Agree
2.54 Agree 2.62 Agree
6. Drinking alcoholic beverages moderately is not harmful.
2.54 Agree 2.50 Agree
7. I am against using alcohol at any time.
2.63 Agree 2.68 Agree
8. Alcohol, in small amounts, is considered beneficial.
2.48 Disagree 2.61 Agree
9. Alcoholic beverages relieve the daily tensions.
2.64 Agree 2.77 Agree
10. I am favorable to drinking moderately.
2.39 Disagree 2.63 Agree
11. Small amounts of alcohol can cause dependence.
12. There are people who know how to drink and know how 2.92 Agree 2.88 Agree
to control themselves.

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Integrated Basic Education Department
Senior High School
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

Table 5 shows that male respondents agreed on the following statements:

that They believe people have the right to drink if they wanted to with a mean of

2.97, There are people who know how to drink and know how to control

themselves. With a mean of 2.92, and that They are in favor to drinking moderately

with a mean of 2.64. There are male respondents who disagreed on the following

statements. Beverages, in any amount, will make an individual dependent. With a

mean of 2.36, Small amounts of alcohol can cause dependence with a mean of

2.39, and Alcoholic beverages relieve the daily tensions with a mean of 2.46.

For the female respondents, they agreed on the following statements: They

believe people have the right to drink if they wanted to with a mean of 2.97, There

are people who know how to drink and know how to control themselves with a

mean of 2.88, They are in favor to drinking moderately with a mean of 2.77, They

are against using alcohol at any time with a mean of 2.50, Alcoholic beverages

relieve the daily tensions with a mean of 2.61, and Drinking alcoholic beverages

moderately is not harmful with a mean of 2.62.

Both male and female said that they sometimes drink alcohol, and when

they drink they sometimes have five or more drink of alcohol at a time when

drinking. According to male and female respondents, their parents sometimes

know they drink alcohol and sometimes permits them to drink at home.

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Integrated Basic Education Department
Senior High School
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

Table 6 Strand of the Respondents

Verbal Verbal
Mean Mean Verbal Description Mean
Description Description
2.03 Sometimes 2.03 Sometimes 2.13 Sometimes
1. How often do you drink alcohol?
2. Do you ever have five or more
1.97 Sometimes 2.11 Sometimes 2.08 Sometimes
drinks of alcohol at a time when
3. Do your parents know you drink 2.13 Sometimes 2.21 Sometimes 2.08 Sometimes
4. Do your parents permit you to 2.03 Sometimes 2.11 Sometimes 2.04 Sometimes
drink alcohol at home?
1. I believe people have the right to 2.95 Agree 2.99 Agree 2.97 Agree
drink if they want to.
2. Alcoholic beverages are
2.54 Agree 2.58 Agree 2.62 Agree
enjoyable and make people feel
3. The use of alcoholic beverages is 2.58 Agree 2.64 Agree 2.68 Agree
4. I believe that drinking any type of
2.60 Agree 2.62 Agree 2.68 Agree
alcoholic beverage is considered as
drinking socially.
5. Beverages, in any amount, will 2.32 Disagree 2.57 Agree 2.59 Agree
make an individual dependent.
6. Drinking alcoholic beverages 2.54 Agree 2.53 Agree 2.59 Agree
moderately is not harmful.
7. I am against using alcohol at any 2.47 Disagree 2.61 Agree 2.54 Agree
8. Alcohol, in small amounts, is 2.54 Agree 2.61 Agree 2.71 Agree
considered beneficial.
9. Alcoholic beverages relieve the 2.44 Disagree 2.50 Agree 2.58 Agree
daily tensions.
10. I am favorable to drinking 2.60 Agree 2.71 Agree 2.73 Agree
11. Small amounts of alcohol can 2.37 Disagree 2.42 Disagree 2.55 Agree
cause dependence.
12. There are people who
know how to drink and 2.89 Agree 2.89 Agree 2.92 Agree
know how to control

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Integrated Basic Education Department
Senior High School
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

Table 6 shows the perception of the respondents according to the strand of

the respondents. The table shows that respondents under the strand of ABM

agreed on the following statements: They believe people have the right to drink if

they wanted to with a mean of 2.95, There are people who know how to drink and

know how to control themselves with a mean of 2.89, They believe that drinking

any type of alcoholic beverage is considered as drinking socially with a mean of

2.60, They are in favor to drinking moderately with a mean of 2.60. There are

respondents from ABM strand who disagreed with the following statement:

Beverages, in any amount, will make an individual dependent with a mean of 2.32,

Small amounts of alcohol can cause dependence with a mean of 2.37, and

Alcoholic beverages relieve the daily tensions with a mean of 2.44.

Respondents under the HUMSS strand agreed on the following statements:

They believe people have the right to drink if they wanted to with a mean of 2.99,

There are people who know how to drink and know how to control with a mean of

2.89, and They are in favor to drinking moderately with a mean of 2.71. there are

respondents coming from STEM who disagreed with the statement: Small amounts

of alcohol can cause dependence with a mean of 2.42. Respondents also agreed

on the following statements: Alcoholic beverages relieve the daily tensions with a

mean of 2.50, and Drinking alcoholic beverages moderately is not harmful with a

mean of 2.53, I am against using alcohol at any time.

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Integrated Basic Education Department
Senior High School
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

Respondents under the STEM strand agreed on the following questions:

They believe people have the right to drink if they wanted to with a mean of 2.97,

There are people who know how to drink and know how to control themselves with

a mean of 2.92, They are in favor to drinking moderately with a mean of 2.73, They

are against using alcohol at any time with a mean of 2.54, Small amounts of alcohol

can cause dependence with a mean of 2.55, and Alcoholic beverages relieve the

daily tensions with a mean of 2.58.

All respondents coming from different strands said that they sometimes

drink alcohol and when they drink they sometimes have five or more drinks of

alcohol at a time when drinking. According to all respondents their parents

sometimes know they drink alcohol and sometimes permits them to drink at home.

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Integrated Basic Education Department
Senior High School
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato



The following chapter concludes this study. A summary of the research is

presented, and findings of the study are discussed and interpreted.

Recommendations for further research end the chapter.


1. This study is a quantitative study which was designed to know the perceptions

of Grade 12 students in drinking alcohol in NDMU, and it is designed to know the

significant difference of alcohol use to age, gender and strand of the respondents.

2. As per design the total respondents of this study comprised of grade 12

students with age ranging from 16 to 19 years. The respondents consist of 810

students with 324 males and 486 females. The respondents were given a

questionnaire adapted from Margarita Antonia Villa Luis II on the development and

validation of a scale of attitudes towards alcohol, alcoholism, and alcoholics.

3. To obtain data for the perceptions of grade 12 students in drinking and their

alcohol use, the percentage of the total responses obtained from the respondents

were used. Hence the overall data respective to each variable was collected.

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Integrated Basic Education Department
Senior High School
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

4. Within the given age range of the respondents (16-19 years old) 16 years old

respondents are the one who always drink compared to other age range, and when

they drink, they sometimes have five or more drinks of alcohol at a time. All

respondents claimed that sometimes their parents know that they drink alcohol and

often permits them to drink alcohol at home. In relation to their sexes with their

alcohol use and perception, both male and female sometimes drink alcohol with

five or more drinks at a time. In relation to their strand with their alcohol use and

perception, all respondents coming from different strands claimed that they

sometimes drink alcohol with five or more drinks at a time. The results from the

data gathered shows that the respondents agreed on the statements five to twelve

and disagreed on the statements one to four. And with that there was a significant

difference in terms of age, sex, and strand of the respondents.


From the analysis it was found out that:

1. Grade 12 students who most likely always indulge themselves in alcoholic

drinking were females whose age is 16 years old under the strand of STEM.

While students whose age ranges from 17-19 sometimes indulge into

alcoholic drinking.

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Integrated Basic Education Department
Senior High School
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

2. Grade 12 students believe that people have the rights to drink alcohol if they

want to. They believe that the consumption of alcohol is fine if the usage of

alcohol is not harmful, and it can make anyone feels good.

3. There is a significant difference in terms of age, sex, and strand regarding

alcohol use.


The following recommendations are suggested by the researchers. Long term

assessments are particularly constrained by the availability and reliability of

recorded data. The frequency, and often the methodology, in which censuses and

surveys are made do not always suit the purposes of this kind of research. Base

from our study, the researchers focused on the perceptions of Grade 12 students

with the sub-variables age, sex, and strand.

1. The researchers believed that the consumption of alcoholic beverages is fine

whether what age, sex, and strands they belong. But the researchers suggested

that this kind of attitude towards alcohol should be lessened.

2. For the school, the researchers would like to recommend that the guidance

office will conduct more programs and seminars that emphasizes how to control

the alcohol intake of the students, the school must raise an awareness to the

students about the bad effects of alcohol if overused.

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Integrated Basic Education Department
Senior High School
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

3. For the parents, the researchers would like to recommend that they should have

a parent and child talk especially refreshing the do’s and the don’ts rule.

4. Lastly, for the students who drinks alcohol we recommend control to their

alcoholic beverages consumption.

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Integrated Basic Education Department
Senior High School
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato


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Integrated Basic Education Department
Senior High School
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

Gleaner, J. (December 12, 2013). Connecting people through news: Enjoy

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Gonzales, R. (April 26, 2013). Do different kinds of alcohol get you different kinds
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Integrated Basic Education Department
Senior High School
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

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JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Integrated Basic Education Department
Senior High School
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato


JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Integrated Basic Education Department
Senior High School
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato


January ___, 2018


Senior High School Principal Coordinator
Notre Dame of Marbel University

Dear Ma’am:

We the researchers of Senior High School STEM 12-9 students of NDMU will conduct a research
entitled “Perceptions of Grade 12 Students at NDMU for Drinking Alcohol.” In line with this, we
would like to ask permission from your good office to conduct a survey in selected senior high
school students in NDMU in order to gather data that will provide information to answer the
problem that were set at the beginning of this endeavor.

Hoping for your positive and immediate response on this request.

Thank you and Mabuhay!

Respectfully yours,



Noted by:


Subject Teacher/Adviser

Approved by:


Senior High School Coordinator

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Integrated Basic Education Department
Senior High School
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato


Dear Respondent,

We, the Grade 12 Students of Notre Dame of Marbel University taking up the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)
Strand, are having our practical Research II for the 2nd Semester. Presently, we are conducting research on the study entitled “Perception of Grade 12
Students at NDMU in Drinking Alcohol”. The purpose of this study is to know and discuss the insights and perceptions of Grade 12 NDMU Students in
drinking alcohol.

In line with this, we would like you to be a respondent in our study. The information that will be gathered from you will be kept with

We are sincerely hoping for your consideration and kind cooperation.

Truly yours,



A. Profile of the Respondent

Name (optional): _______________ Age: ___ Sex: ____ Strand and Section: ____________

B. Questionnaire
Direction: Please check the box of your choice to represent your answer that best fits with how the following applies to you. Use the rating scale
provided below.
4- Always 2- Sometimes
3- Often 1- Never

4 3 2 1
1. How often do you drink alcohol?
2. Do you ever have five or more drinks of alcohol at a time when drinking?
3. Do your parents know you drink alcohol?
4. Do your parents permit you to drink alcohol at home?

C. Perception of Students Drinking Alcohol

Directions: Read each statement mentioned thoroughly and check the box with the answer that best fits you. The following are the indicators:
Scale Response

4 Strongly Agree

3 Agree

2 Disagree
1 Strongly Disagree

1. I believe people have the right to drink if they want to.
2. Alcoholic beverages are enjoyable and make people feel good.
3. The use of alcoholic beverages is normal.
4. I believe that drinking any type of alcoholic beverage is considered as drinking socially.
5. Beverages, in any amount, will make an individual dependent.
6. Drinking alcoholic beverages moderately is not harmful.
7. I am against using alcohol at any time.
8. Alcohol, in small amounts, is considered beneficial.
9. Alcoholic beverages relieve the daily tensions.
10. I am favorable to drinking moderately.
11. Small amounts of alcohol can cause dependence.
12. There are people who know how to drink and know how to control themselves.

Thank you for your participation!

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Integrated Basic Education Department
Senior High School
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato


JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Integrated Basic Education Department
Senior High School
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

Name: Nestor G. Diosana, Jr.

Birthdate: July 26, 1999

Place of Birth: Rural Health Unit, Sto. Niño, South


Mobile Number: M. Roxas, Sto. Niño, South Cotabato

Mobile number: 09362690889

Place of Education:

Senior High School: Notre Dame of Marbel University – STEM Strand

Junior High School: Notre Dame of Marbel University – IBED

Elementary: Montessori Casa Precious Jewels

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Integrated Basic Education Department
Senior High School
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

Name: Noel John Z. Jaducan

Birthdate: December 8, 1999

Place of Birth: Koronadal City

Current Address: Medallia Milagrosa, Tampakan, South


Mobile Number: 09153349759

Place of Education:

Senior High School: Notre Dame of Marbel University – STEM Strand

Junior High School: Notre Dame – Siena School of Marbel

Elementary: Mary Land School of Marbel

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Integrated Basic Education Department
Senior High School
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

Name: Marlou P. Ponte II

Birthdate: March 09, 1999

Place of Birth: Koronadal City

Current Address: Purok Ramos, Sta. Cruz, Koronadal


Mobile number: 09189175900

Place of Education:

Senior High School: Notre Dame of Marbel University – STEM Strand

Junior High School: Notre Dame – Siena School of Marbel

Elementary: Notre Dame – Siena School of Marbel

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Integrated Basic Education Department
Senior High School
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

Name: Adrian Bernard A. Recinto

Birthdate: August 07, 1999

Place of Birth: Lambayong, Sultan Kudarat

Current Address: Zone II – A, Capurihan Subdivision, Surallah, South Cotabato

Mobile number: 09352133590

Place of Education:

Senior High School: Notre Dame of Marbel University – STEM Strand

Junior High School: Notre Dame of Marbel University – IBED

Elementary: Notre Dame of Marbel University – IBED

Hobbies: Watching vlogs and anime, playing musical instruments, writing stories,

singing, composing songs, playing basketball

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Integrated Basic Education Department
Senior High School
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

Name: Claire Nicolle C. Robles

Birthdate: July 09, 1999

Place of Birth: Tibpuan, Lebak, Sultan Kudarat

Current Address: Tibpuan, Lebak, Sultan Kudarat

Contact: 09105462619

Place of Education:

Senior High School: Notre Dame of Marbel University – STEM Strand

Junior High School: Lebak Legislated National High School

Elementary: Gestosani Memorial Elementary School

JMJ Marist Brothers
Notre Dame of Marbel University
Integrated Basic Education Department
Senior High School
City of Koronadal, South Cotabato

Name: Kieth Lester M. Talagtag

Birthdate: May 23, 1999

Place of Birth: Poblacion II, Lebak, Sultan Kudarat

Current Address: Brgy. Nuling, Lebak, Sultan Kudarat

Mobile Number: 09089976890

Place of Education:

Senior High School: Notre Dame of Marbel University – STEM Strand

Junior High School: Banga National High School

Elementary: Nuling Elementary School


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