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District Court Juvenile Court

_________________________________________ County, Colorado

Court Address:

In re:
The Marriage of:
The Civil Union of:
Parental Responsibilities concerning:
Petitioner: COURT USE ONLY
Attorney or Party Without Attorney (Name and Address): Case Number:

Phone Number: E-mail:

FAX Number: Atty. Reg. #: Division Courtroom
RESPONSE TO MOTION FOR: _______________________________________________

I am the Petitioner Co-Petitioner/Respondent in this action. I am requesting that:

My reasons are:

Petitioner or Co-Petitioner/Respondent
JDF 1315 R7/13 RESPONSE TO MOTION FOR __________________________ © 2013 Colorado Judicial Department
for use in the Courts of Colorado Page 1 of 2

City, State, Zip Code

(Area Code) Telephone Number (home and work)

I certify that on ________________________ (date) the original was filed with the Court and a true and accurate
copy of this RESPONSE TO MOTION FOR was served on the other party by:
Hand Delivery, E-filed, Faxed to this number: ___________________, or by placing it in the United
States mail, postage pre-paid, and addressed to the following:
To: _______________________________________
_______________________________________ ______________________________________
Your signature

JDF 1315 R7/13 RESPONSE TO MOTION FOR __________________________ © 2013 Colorado Judicial Department
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