Lords of Recklessness by Oleg

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Lords of Recklessness (Part 2)

Blessed Brothers and Sisters!

As for the Logos of our planet, it, for the most part, was controlled by Quantum
Walkthroughs, and therefore everything that you observe today is the result of
their irresponsible leadership over the last 5 million years! By the way, a big
trouble for her was staying under the control of Sanat Kumara - a quantum impostor
and a scoundrel! His arrival here was the result of a behind-the-scenes deal with
the governing bodies of the Pleiades, long steeped in corruption and therefore
disposed of the solar system in the most vile and unproductive manner. Even in such
a condominium as ours, there are very few cases when the kumara was instructed to
perform the functions of the logos, which should create favorable conditions for
the evolution of all the inhabitants of his planet, and for this, competence, a
sense of awareness of the duties and responsibility for the destiny of the trusted
are necessary. Unfortunately, this character did not possess anything like this,
but took over the Earth in the most insidious way, along with other Quantum Walkers
from False Intervention, including those who are usually called "Ascended Masters".
It's no wonder that everything ended with the expulsion of Sanat Kumara, together
with most of the notorious Shambhala, who worked for the Dark, although she rallied
before the esoteric community in the glittering garments of Light! As already
mentioned in previous materials, our kind and naive "fireflies" is not difficult to
conduct, a little "pjusyukav" with them and introducing themselves as another "Lord
of the World." If, on the other hand, they are praised a little, calling it "the
vanguard of the ascending mankind", "workers of the light" or something else, they
are quickly bought for flattery, starting from the days of the unforgettable Helena
Petrovna Blavatsky. Well, real children, that's all! And with the "accursed" things
are different, because it is much more difficult for us to "hang noodles on the
ears", so nobody wants to "channel" through us, but many people want us to "shut
up" sooner by joining the mass of people who are coyly exclaiming "thank you" for
every garbage sent to mankind. Most of them infuriates, that nothing helps to
change the current situation, since the usual approaches applied to people simply
do not work with us! Here they are and "spit" with vexation, especially if you ask
them about your humble servant, because in recent years, nothing at all "does not
roll." And as soon as they were frightened by these "cursed" people, they tormented
for fifteen years with all sorts of "karmic torture", up to the periodic loss of
the human form, through the impact on their etheric bodies (this really hurts, but
then it goes by itself in two or three days , and the form is gradually restored),
and promised "golden mountains", up to eternal youth and immortality, but ...
nothing helps, dear ones, for it is not only impossible to bribe and intimidate us,
but it is extremely difficult to deceive (sad grin). By the way, these "three
whales" are enslaved by the enslavement of earthly people! Truly I say to you that
today's humanity will become truly FREE only when it ceases to be afraid, to be
tempted by empty promises and to allow itself to be fooled like the last thousand
years! And now I will return to the subject of our narrative, if I may, blessed
Brothers and Sisters! People also need to understand that behind Sanad Kumara's
"sly" back, this "Vanya" named Sananda always "loomed" - he is still a "subject"
for everyone who knows his true story! Acting in common, these Burnt Adventurers
seized power over our blue planet (and at first - over the malleable and close
"lady" Gaia), than contributed to the subsequent distortion that caused countless
disasters. About how the sneaky Merduk fooled even Sanat Kumaru himself, we already
wrote and so we will not repeat. Let us briefly recall only that one notorious
scoundrel deceived the other, at the same time and plunged the Earth into a nuclear
catastrophe. Due to the discharge of two huge bombs by Merduk, Sanat Kumara even
split into "pieces", which from that time he calls "brothers". It is not for
nothing that "kumara" is translated as "master of illusions", for to fool Gaia was
not difficult for them. The game cost a candle, because in Creation there was
hardly anything more beautiful than that cosmic flower, whose name is Earth!
Possessing, in addition, such a stupid consciousness as the "Lady" of Gaia, she was
a very tempting target for all the Walkthroughs, and therefore it is understandable
why Sanat Kumara was so eager to get here. He only did not take into account that
he was not the first to think of it, but the loser of the fight for the planet and
scarcely having escaped from Inanna on his cosmic "trough" Merduk was at the time
searching for some Quantum Loh, in order to get him out of it as soon as possible
their energy. Then Sanat Kumara came up to him with the intention to "get in" here!
Soon they agreed on everything, made the planned exchange, after which within three
days, Merduk allowed our hero to take his place to spiritualize the planet in his
place. Until the bombs of huge power were dropped by this Scoundrel, there was not
enough time left for Earth. After everything happened, and Sanat Kumara himself
became, in addition to his will, "seven-part", the formed gop-company Kumar only
did that limited our souls, plundered the planet and enslaved humanity! That is
why, hardly having heard the phrase "Sanat kumara", every sensible earthman should
immediately concentrate and approach any information connected with this topic with
all responsibility! Too much price for humanity has long paid for its naive
trustfulness and complacency, when the question concerns "kumar". This word in the
context of planet Earth means a signal of danger or a call for caution, for Kumar
is not the "Lords of Light" as they want to present themselves, but a community of
despicable robbers, enslavers and hypocrites! The contribution of these Suthey to
the transformation of our planet into the Farm of Fear and the Eudol of Suffering
is simply huge, for the Kumaras promoted the Earth plan eons of time. What they did
not do was to mock the robbed, deceived and betrayed by their imaginary "mentors"
humanity from the surface of the Earth, doing this with the approval of scoundrels
of a higher flight! The gang included seven kumaras, namely Kumar of Death, Kumar
of Greed, Kumar of Strong Desire, Kumar of Pain, Kumara of Suffering, Kumara the
Conviction and Kumara of Fear. It was they who established the notorious "veils"
that drown out the transfer of reliable information to and from the Earth, why its
"curators" from local Hierarchies believed that our sphere has much higher
vibrations than there really is! This Kumaras more than half reduced the
effectiveness and efficiency of the photon energy that came to the planet, than
maliciously interfered with the ascension of the Earth, but Gaia realized this only
recently! In addition, Sanat Kumara did not have the necessary knowledge to operate
the planet, and therefore was completely useless when it was required to restore or
adjust something. Due to his incompetence, there are several more planets connected
to the earthly humanity to pump out energy from us, as he stole the information of
their Planetary Logos, and they compensate themselves for this damage. And in
general, who only does not suck out the life forces from today's humanity of the
Earth! For example, she is pumped out of the waist by the Pleiadians, the
representatives of the Illuminati take her through small whirlpools that break
through the etheric body, the race of creatures resembling giant spiders, sucks her
from the spinal cord, and the reptiles, together with the cyber-like race, connect
to the pelvic area. Thanks to the Kumaras and other inveterate Scoundrels,
everything that is happening today on the planet is built on the model of
vampirism, when everyone takes, without giving anything in return. In addition,
Sanat Kumara, like all other characters of the False Intervention, robbed the
planet of information and appropriated genetic records of all kinds. He also has a
responsibility for shifting a load of negative karma, which has nothing to do with
earthlings. And after that, someone else is muttering to mankind about the justice
of the Law of Karma, the objectivity of the Karmic boards, and insists that people
take responsibility for ALL what is happening around, although in reality we are
only responsible for a small part! Together with other quantum scoundrels, the
Kumaras in every possible way prevented the ascension. To this end, they legalized
a lot of false information about its methods, which do not require the
restructuring of our carbon form into a crystalline one. All this lies were
insidiously implanted by them into human genetic memory, dear ones! Through his
actions through the unconscious plan of reality, the Kumaras meanly changed human
DNA to facilitate manipulation and control over people from the surface of the
Earth. For thousands of years, these Quantum Scoundrels have been amusing
themselves with the genetic archive of humanity and have added whatever their
fantasies and malicious intentions desire while the Lord and his angels "chewed
snot." Eventually, these seven Kumar completely blocked people's way "upstairs",
not allowing to ascend and in every possible way lulling them with visions
directing mankind into de-evolution. By establishing control over our genetic
information, they used this to bargain with souls that descended into human form,
and were allowed to incarnate on the planet only on their own terms. Eventually,
they appropriated to themselves all the information of all incarnated souls in
human form, and gradually they mastered almost all the souls that inspired us. In
addition, Sanat
Kumara carefully took care of reducing the life expectancy of our race, for which
he sharply reduced the number of protective strata in the stratosphere. This led to
the fact that hard cosmic radiation for millennia unhindered reached the surface of
the Earth and destroyed the cells of our bodies. In addition, the Kumaras built and
controlled seven planes of the reality of our planet, with a vibration lower than
the astral planes, that is, they created something like "hell," absorbing the vital
forces from everything that pleased it. Every soul trapped in these plans
immediately got stuck there forever, nourishing all this Vampire Shyk with its
energies. Each of its members specialized in special problems. For example, Kumar
Pain and Suffering made possible the manifestation of pain and suffering in human
form, because of which suffering and pain acquired on Earth emotional and physical
nature. Kumar Fear, controlling the root chakras, created the phenomena of fear on
the planet, as a result of which on the Plan of Fear ascenders discover endlessly
played frightening phenomena and all sorts of nightmares. Kumara the Death created
on the plan of the Earth the phenomenon of death and fear before it. It was he who
usually negotiated with the souls about the causes of aging, decay and subsequent
death within the framework of concrete human life. Such agreements create the form
of death that the soul desires to experience, and fill the man with fear of death.
Kumara's judgments created rivalry in all forms between individuals and groups, men
and women, countries and coalitions, which was expressed in endless wars, poverty
and hunger. On this plane, you can find that all the wars that have ever been
manifested on Earth continue without end. In addition, this Kumara often enters the
human field with thoughts of belittling himself or others. The Kumar of Greed seeks
to control any actions taking place on this ball, slyly interfering in an
inconspicuous way into the minds of people. So this Shayka, along with other
enslavers, by force and deceit imposed a system on humanity that does not allow us
any form of evolution and obtaining reliable information about God, the Universe
and man! This is what we call the Information Holocaust! It is common knowledge
that Kumar himself was "asked" not long ago, but there are still many of their
aspects on Earth and 7 reality plans that they once built into the planet still
exist. They will disappear only during the ascension of the Earth. Like Sanat
Kumara, his VYA named Vivamus also came from False Intervention and took an active
part in both the kidnapping of information archives and the processes of
transferring negative karma to the planet. In addition, he committed many more
meanness, although he pinched the "Lord of Light." Together, this led to a repeated
drop in the consciousness of earthly people, and each time human behavior became
increasingly disharmonious and lost its former unity. So it all went to the
beginning of the planetary cataclysms, but in reality it turned out to be even
worse and only God's intervention of all that could prevent the physical
annihilation of the Earth! How can I not say a couple of "pleasant" words and Sanat
Kumare himself, whose "presence" I feel as clearly as you have your limbs. This
would simply be impolite towards the subject of collective consciousness, who has
done so much to transform our planet into the Fear Farm and enslave the earthly
people. So, let's start:

Well, hello, Scotia Quantum! How are you? Apparently, quite well, judging by your
satisfied and well-fed "face." You know, I really admire your sneakiness, cunning
and "multidimensional leap". How many of you during this time fooled, as on Earth
(including herself), so in Heaven? Neither give nor take, - the cosmic Machiavelli!
(By the way, you are as unenjoyable as he is!) And even though your naive, noble
"upasika" publicly declares to people that you have already "cleared", but ... "I
recognize Trifon", and not only for him "walk" (a bad grin). I've warned you more
than once, Scoundrels, that Free Intelligence discovers Lies in any guise!
Apparently, unlike the equally clever, but, by and large, unlucky Lucifer, you
managed to come to terms with the "cleaners" and depict ... you yourself know that.
Do not you, Quench Quantum? SO, of course! Who would doubt that! I remember very
well all your habits and I can confidently tell the earthlings that Sanat Kumara,
despite all the declared "purification procedures", nevertheless remained that
dodgy Space Scoundrel, what it was! And because, after returning from "forced
enlightenment", he again put his "snout" in the dreary affairs of the planet, and
the dullard Gaia just seemed to be waiting for this! For a long time you rotated
this particular person as you wanted, and even then and again he was covered up in
the spirit of the character, who said: "Do not gain money for the sake of it, but
I'll send my wife to me." True, unlike a kind and naive spouse, your "wife" knew
perfectly well what her clever Kumara was doing, but obediently performed all your
scammers! By the way, what did you do with it, Prohodim, to provide this
uncontested result? The same thing, together with his "brothers", he did with
humanity, only at the level of the consciousness of the planet? Or something worse?
Yes, do not be shy, Pogan! Speak openly, then everything is "your own". We already
see how you "turn around", trying to cunningly "perplex" the next race of ascended
humanity, but like many other Quantum Scoundrels, you will break off the "claws"
about the Brigade "cursed." We can not be so easily fooled as stupid and weak at
the front end ...

(No, I'm not talking about you at all, but, so to speak, in general, my favorite
planet! And then, behave, please, decently! It's very impolite to interfere with
the male conversation, you know? Better watch closely that the grass grows thicker,
the hens go in time , and the pigs were pissed, and so on. It's because you're much
better at it than all the rest, you're such a rubbish!)

So, where did she interrupt me? Ah, on the new intrigues of the insidious Sanat
Kumara! So! If the ascending mankind again has to deal with such a cunning Skotina
as our former "planetary logo" and his pagan "brethren" (There is nothing personal,
guys, only facts!), I would like to point out the main mistakes. In general, I will

Do you know what your problem is, the deceitful "god" Sanat Kumara? The thing is
that cunning is not a match for the mind, not only on the Earth, but also on the
"subtle" plans, which we usually call Heaven.In general, if you want to get
something from a planet and earthly people, then LEARNED TO GIVE RIGHT, and not
just fool everyone and take it, without leaving the equivalent in return! If you do
not intend to change anything seriously in your approaches, then it's better to go
away immediately! In addition, you must clearly understand that giving earthmen all
the next millennium will MORE than you take, and not vice versa! This is not easy
for I'm like you, accustomed to "vampyre" on Earth with impunity, but if you stand
for at least a couple of thousand years, then you'll get many times more, because
the multiplication factor ... Well, in general, you understand me perfectly. From
compassion to your joint intellectual infirmity, which manifested itself along with
an excess of collective cunning, I AM a Free Mind even more open to you, dear!
Listen to me now with both "ears" at once!If you really rebuild, cleanse yourself
and join an honest exchange on Earth, it will not only enable all your "brethren"
to reunite in what you were before the "setting" of Merduk, but also allow you to
grow up to ... just "look" in my fields, and you'll understand everything! "The
price of the question" is really great, is not it, darling? So! If you realize
everything you hear and follow it in reality, then from the condensed dolbo Kumary
you can grow to "mind-blowing" heights! If you do not understand, but try again to
cunning with the planet and people (ungainly grin), then remember that "Merduka" is
not translated, and that at each level of development they are their own! Many of
you here are such, overly cunning, "trample" now around the Earth, "inside" her,and
generally staggering the solar system! In general, I AM Free Mind indicated
possible ways, so now you decide how to proceed, the cunning and greedy "god" Sanat
Kumara! It was necessary to be such a Space Baran, that ...

Oh! Again, the Lord ... Something You "zaposhel" in our "three-dimensional
penates," Lord! Already "missed" by his obedient slave? What do I owe so much
attention this time? No, no, Great! I do not "attack" our Logos! Everyone lies
jealous! And why should I do this, if they are already "shamed" by Your Divine
Intervention, since they did not expect anything of the kind, but believed that
today's humanity from the surface of the Earth can already be "written off" as a
spent material of the deceitful "experiment" of Lucifer !! But ... thanks to You,
everything turned out differently! Glory to God! Honestly, I'm in complete
euphoria, Lord! Looking around, at the anxious people, hurrying to work, seeing the
eyes of happy mothers leading into the garden of their fun-chirping children,on
passing by expensive and cheap cars, on standing, as before, buildings and planes
flying by in the sky, I, Oleg Zemlyanin, simply numb with delight, after all some
ten years ago literally no Archangel or Logos would have believed, that IT can be
seen on the planet in September 2018! Furthermore! How much sad things have
happened around the Earth and humanity for these "long" and troubled 10 years, but
in general, according to the scenario predicted "Armageddon" not a single dish
broke! This is necessary, Lord! Glory to Thee, for to all who know how the Earth
usually passed through such a "needle eye", this is the UNKINDED consequence of
Your Intervention! According to Your mercy (or maybe pragmatism), we remained
"ripening on the branch,"Although today's humanity from the surface of the Earth
"local" Gods were going to "reap" one of the first. But, as they say, the "local"
divinity assumes, but the Lord of All, That there is disposition, and because,
ultimately, the present people have escaped, causing the envy of the inhabitants of
the flooded Lemuria and Atlantis! It was hard to imagine a greater miracle for
today's earthlings, Lord! And therefore, in complete humility before Your Divine
majesty, I am Oleg Zemlyanin voluntarily bowing my right knee as a token of
gratitude for the salvation of my brothers and sisters 3D, for no one ... NO ONE in
this condominium could do what YOU did, Lord! Knowing about what was prepared here,
I'm just delighted and touched by Your interference, and therefore I'm not going to
"attack" anyone,but only with those Oluhs of the King of Heaven for the fact that
they together "owe" humanity to the surface of the Earth! In particular, I want to
ask our logos and Hierarchs for the lost billions of lives of those earthly people
whose incarnations they, in their stupidity or adventurism, simply "let down into
the toilet." First of all, I do not charge them with rich, well-fed and bald-eared
from the variety of their harems, but for billions of those who suffered and cried
to eternally indifferent "Heavens" who underwent unimaginable disasters and
suffered untold suffering, who fell pierced "enemy" weapons in bloody battles for
the interests of others and slipped them "great ideas." Those who groaned under the
unbearable weight of shackles, worn by them almost from birth, for all the
humiliated, offended, robbed and raped,drowned and burned, all smothered and eaten
in the history of today's humanity of the Earth! Do not be discourteous, but I will
ask from Your Divine Asses for all the crucified, quartered, and for having spent
their lives bent on rice, wheat or cotton fields, being debtors almost in the fifth
generation, for billions of deaths from all the countless diseases, epidemics and
pandemics. All these people suffered, suffered and suffered humiliation, not
understanding the essence of what is happening around them! All of them fought over
the questions: "Well, how is it?" and "Why did this happen to me?", "Where is the
all-merciful God and his angels?", but they did not find the answers and,
disintegrating in agony, disappeared in the corresponding planes of existence,
after which their souls caught in "local" traps ,again and again incarnated with
the same dull results! Come on, Lord, at the turn of the ages we will count all
these "one-off personalities," and at the same time we will represent their bodies
lying all over the Earth at the same time. What will we see? They will cover almost
the entire surface of the land! An eerie picture, is not it? But for man, not God,
for you are sure, of course, that nothing is lost on the planet in the course of
the stupid "experiment" of Lucifer, except for these very "forms" and replaceable
personalities. Yes, I understand, of course, that these people have somehow
"overwritten" some of these people, nevertheless, these bodies lying all over the
Earth and the "temporary personalities" that have dissolved in subtle plans were
able to bring MUCH MUCH MORE USEFUL for the development of our robbed and mutilated
civilization, the planet itself and the entire solar system as a whole,if only all
this was not controlled by dolbo Logos, which led our Creation to such
disappointing results. We already know that it almost collapsed into a black hole!
You've barely had time to intervene, Lord, have you? Well, that all the same time!
And now, since these billions of "dissolved" human beings can no longer ask anyone
for what they have done with their foolishness (unless you really raise them, as
your Archangels promised us, and let them live happily) I am Oleg Zemlyanin so
persistently "drylyu" Your boobies king of heaven, Vladyka! By the way, why do not
you just "decode" all this Quantum Fate for her total inability to wisely manage
anything, but the whole "liberated"energy return the robbed them to humanity from
the surface of the Earth? I hope God is not weak? What?Karma? The Unconstrained
Laws of the Universe? Oh, do not make me laugh! We are no longer so naive as to
believe in the "fairness" of karma or the "immutability" of the laws established by
corrupt bogs, for we have been taught many painful lessons on this score! In
addition, today we already know that all the "devils" are in the service "on
contract" with the Gods, including yourself! (sad grin) We also know that the
enslavers of the earthly people in Your "eyes" are the same "beloved children" as
we are, and to You, in general, it is completely INDIFERENT whoever oppresses or
devours whom. But, when I call upon the present mankind to DESTROY this Pogan, all
the Arkhangelsk Kingdom is excitedly rushing me to "neutralize". True, while they
are quite bad at it,and therefore allow, Vladyka, I will tell our enslavers what I
longed to tell them, right in Your holy presence!

Hello, Scotty! No, I call the donkeys, cows, camels and pigs only as animals, and
you are CATCHES, which you can not doubt at all! (This is nothing personal, it's
just an objective assessment of your actions against people from the surface of the
Earth). I would like to inform you of extremely unpleasant news. Want to know
which? Well, then listen carefully. It would be better for you to get out sooner,
as I, Oleg Zemlyanin, "shattered" part of my consciousness into a lot of
"splinters," punishing them to continue the struggle for the complete liberation of
earthly people! Many souls, descending today in embodiment, already agree to take a
small "spark" in their fields, but there are those who decided to take more, almost
"handfuls." That's why other people will take the place of the current fighters of
the Brigade "cursed"who recognized themselves as Defenders of Humanity, in order to
publicly declare: I AM EARTHQUAKE! Whether I'm Ivan, Rodrigo or Abdullah, whether
he (she) Taras, Hans, Francoise or Michiko - all these brave and incorruptible
Earthlings will be fighting for humanity from the surface of the Earth, until it
becomes prosperous and revered in the world. the whole Galaxy! Do you hear me, The
enslavers of earthly people? Here, that's it! This you do not lisp with our
Lightworkers, but quite another. In this way, I simply outwitted all those who were
waiting for my disembodiment, for it is now irrelevant, and Vladyka has clearly
moved "for a reason." In general, the past will show!Hans, Fran�oise or Michiko -
all these brave and incorruptible Earthlings will fight for humanity from the
surface of the Earth until it becomes prosperous and revered throughout the galaxy!
Do you hear me, The enslavers of earthly people? Here, that's it! This you do not
lisp with our Lightworkers, but quite another. In this way, I simply outwitted all
those who were waiting for my disembodiment, for it is now irrelevant, and Vladyka
has clearly moved "for a reason." In general, the past will show!Hans, Fran�oise or
Michiko - all these brave and incorruptible Earthlings will fight for humanity from
the surface of the Earth until it becomes prosperous and revered throughout the
galaxy! Do you hear me, The enslavers of earthly people? Here, that's it! This you
do not lisp with our Lightworkers, but quite another. In this way, I simply
outwitted all those who were waiting for my disembodiment, for it is now
irrelevant, and Vladyka has clearly moved "for a reason." In general, the past will
show!waiting for my disembodiment, because it is now irrelevant, and Vladyka has
clearly moved "for a reason". In general, the past will show!waiting for my
disembodiment, because it is now irrelevant, and Vladyka has clearly moved "for a
reason". In general, the past will show!

Really, Lord? By the way, thank you, that you again "kicked" your condo
"absolutes". I already thought it was a sinful thing that they would never "wake
up", but, as it turned out, they also have gunpowder in the flasks, berries in the
buttocks, etc. In general, you are on the right road, comrades of God! And we will
help you, than we can, of course. On that and we stand! And now, if there are no
objections, I will nevertheless continue my appeal to the Slaves!

Know, Scoundrels, that I "see" them right from here - at first hundreds, thousands,
and later - millions of people rising against you! They will sweep you away, so
that mankind from the surface of the Earth still came to a prosperous existence,
and did not remain a "food" for the enslavers for the next cycle! In a word,
extremely unpleasant surprises are waiting for you! (not a good grin)

Well, now let's return to the main topic of our narrative. The gods and logos
should not underestimate the long-suffering "5th race", if only because it mostly
consisted of ... Masters of survival in difficult conditions! In addition, it is
time to refute the hypocritical slander against the earthly people and reject the
untenable demands of repentance for imperfect "sins." Too much has been blamed
indiscriminately for the "5th race" on the basis of the "isolation" of today's
humanity from "God," Information banks, and everything else! Get up and spread your
shoulders, dear ones, for your thoughts and deeds were not so bad as the
inhabitants of Heaven try to imagine! Rather, they should ask you to forgive your
stupidity, and not read morality, without even washing the bloodied "faces."We will
gradually disprove all the vainness that the adherents of the First-Mouth and
First-Mankind artfully "hung" on the destitute, mutilated and deceived humanity
from the surface of the Earth! Too many in the Galaxy openly speculate on our
troubles and are plotting to further enslave people, in every way trying to "shame"
the earthmen as deeply as possible and make them deceive to follow their orders.
Enough of praying for forgiveness and repenting, my friends, for from this, as it
turned out, little is changing in our lives.ashamed "the Earthmen as deeply as
possible and make them deceive to follow their orders.Now enough to beg them for
forgiveness and repent, my friends, for from this, as it turned out, little changes
in our lives.ashamed "the Earthmen as deeply as possible and make them deceive to
follow their orders.Now enough to beg them for forgiveness and repent, my friends,
for from this, as it turned out, little changes in our lives.

(To be continued)

Oleg Zemlyanin,
September 21, 2018

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