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Introduction Industrial IT

Lecture 2 – part 1
Introduction to systematic PLC
IEC 61131 standard
Assignment #1

Plant Model

Teaching Material By: I/O Signals

Geir Hovland Host PC


MAS411 Industrial IT (Spring 2017) 1

Contents Industrial IT

 International Control programming standard

 IEC 61131-3 history and benefits
 IEC 61131-3 software model hierarchy
 IEC 61131-3 fundamentals and elements
 IEC 61131-3 programming languages
 Programmable Logic Controllers
 Functional description using Flowcharts and State
 Functional description to IEC 61131-3 languages
 IEC 61131-3 languages conversion methodology
 Introduction of Assignment number 1

MAS411 Industrial IT (Spring 2017) 2

IEC standard Industrial IT
IEC 61131-3 Programming languages /
Industrial Control Programming

...with support for people

with different backgrounds

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IEC standard Industrial IT

Users? Which Users?

Discrete Mnf
Process cntrl
System Integrator
YOU ??

Maintenance Installation

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IEC standard Industrial IT

Users? Which Users?

• Offshore drilling / pipe-handling equipment
• Renewable Energy (Wind-Turbines, Hydro Power, ...)
• Automobile production lines
• Water treatment plant
• Food processing and packaging machinery
• Cable manufacturing
• Semi-conductor clean room automation
• Theme-park roller coasters
• Nuclear waste treatment plant
 This wide range encompass different skills

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IEC standard Industrial IT

What is the Benefit of such a Standard?

• Reduced waste of human resources (in training,
debugging, maintenance and consultancy)
• Creating a focus to problem solving via
software re-usability (reduced application
investment and supplier dependency)
• Reduced misunderstandings and errors
• Programming techniques usable in more
• environments (general industrial control)
• Combining harmonously different components
from different locations, companies or
countries, or projects Software

Increased connectivity (investment protection)

Function Block
Function Block
Function Function Block
"TEST" "Turning"

MAS411 Industrial IT (Spring 2017) 6

IEC standard Industrial IT
Key quality features of IEC 61131-3
• Structured software - through use of Configuration,
Resource and Program Organization Units (POUs)
• Strong Data Typing - through languages that restrict
operations to only apply to appropriate types of data
• Execution control - through use of tasks
• Complex sequential behaviour - through Sequential
Function Charts
• Software encapsulation - through use of POUs,
structures and complex data types.

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IEC standard Industrial IT

International Language Standardization

NEMA Programmable Controllers Committee formed (USA)
GRAFCET (France)
DIN 40719, Function Charts (Germany)
NEMA ICS-3-304, Programmable Controllers (USA)
IEC SC65A/WG6 formed
DIN 19 239, Programmable Controller (Germany)
IEC 65A(Sec)38, Programmable Controllers
MIL-STD-1815 Ada (USA)
IEC SC65A(Sec)49, PC Languages
IEC SC65A(Sec)67
IEC 848, Function Charts
IEC 64A(Sec)90
IEC 1131-3
Type 3 report

IEC 61131-3
name change
70 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96

IEC: International Electrotechnical Commission.

The current (third) edition was published in February 2013, see

MAS411 Industrial IT (Spring 2017) 8

IEC standard Industrial IT

Advantages of IEC 61131-3

• Internationally accepted standard
• Step by step all suppliers will support it
• Uniform structures, languages, and the way of handling
• It saves you time
• Unique software model and data/ type concept
• You only have to learn it once for different controller types
• Reduced misunderstandings and errors
• Standard functions and function blocks
• Reusability of tested software

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IEC standard Industrial IT

Advantages of IEC 61131-3

• Supports safety and quality programming
• Easy and comfortable structuring
• Data typing prohibits programming errors
• Provides the best language for each problem
• Consistent specifications of 5 languages
• Two textual and two graphical languages
• One structuring language, providing an overview
• Availability of high level language
• Possibility to mix different languages

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Software hierarchy Industrial IT

IEC 61131-3 Software Model

Configuration A
Resource L Resource L

Task1 Task2 Task3 Task4

Program P1 Program P2 Program P3 Program P4


global and direct addressed variables

access paths

Task association
Access path association

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Software hierarchy Industrial IT

Operating System

OB - Organization Block
FC - Function
FB - Function Block
DB – Data Block
OB’s like OB35 is timed interrupt
OB35 & OB100 Default period of 100 ms to be integrated
(IC’s block) with synchronized system’s

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Software hierarchy Industrial IT

FC, FB and DB
• FC can be used for functions without memory
• FB can be used for «objects» consisting of both functions and
memory (DB). Data in the DB will be remembered after the
FB has finished.
• You can use the internal memory of the PLC (M0.0, M0.1,
M0.2, MD10, MW20, etc), but this space is limited.
• It is strongly recommended to use Data Blocks (DB). In this
way, one single PLC can run many programs created by
different people without memory conflicts.

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Software hierarchy Industrial IT: Example of FC

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Elements Industrial IT
IEC 61131-3: The Common Elements

• Character set (English.........)

• Data types (BOOL, WORD, INTEGER.................)

• Variables (VAR, VAR_input, VAR_output..........)

• POUs, Program Organisation Units (Function, Function Block...)

• SFC Elements (Steps, Transitions.................................)

• Configuration elements: (Tasks)

• Basis for software re-use

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Elements Industrial IT

IEC 61131-3 Standard Data types

• Bit string types (BOOL, BYTE, WORD, DWORD, LWORD)

• Integer types (SINT, INT, DINT, LINT)

• Unsigned integer types (USINT, UINT, UDINT, ULINT)

• Real types (REAL, LREAL)


• Character types (STRING)

Vendor and user defined data types are possible

– Direct derived, sub range, enumeration
– Array, structure

MAS411 Industrial IT (Spring 2017) 16

Elements Industrial IT
Name Type Bits Range

BOOL boolean 1 0 to 1
SINT short integer 8 -128 to 127
IEC 61131-3 Elementary Data Types

INT integer 16 -32768 to 32767

DINT double integer 32 -2.1e-9 to 2.1e9
LINT long integer 64 -9.2e19 to 9.2e19
USINT unsigned short integer 8 0 to 255
UINT unsigned integer 16 0 to 65536
UDINT unsigned double integer 32 0 to 4.3e9
ULINT unsigned long integer 64 0 to 1.8e20
REAL real numbers 32
LREAL long reals 64
TIME duration not fixed not fixed
DATE date not fixed not fixed
TIME_OF_DAY, TOD time not fixed not fixed
DATE_AND_TIME, DT date and time not fixed not fixed
STRING string variable variable
BYTE 8 bits 8 NA
WORD 16 bits 16 NA
DWORD 32 bits 32 NA
LWORD 64 bits 64 NA

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Elements Industrial IT
Example Boolean Operations:




C 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 1 1
1 0 0 1 1
1 1 1 1 0

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Elements Industrial IT
Bits and Bytes:

A BYTE X consists of 8 bits.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

LSB = Least Significant Bit

MSB = Most Significant Bit

Bit addresses = X.0, X.1, X.2, …, X.7

BYTE value = X.0 + 2*X.1 + 4*X.2 + 8*X.3 + 16*X.4 + 32*X.5 + 64*X.6 + 128*X.7

Range: 0 to 255

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Elements Industrial IT
Example BIT and BYTE Operations:

X := 100; 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128
0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0

X = 64 + 32 + 4 = 100
X.5 : = X.5 XOR 1;
1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128
0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0
X = 64 + 4 = 68;

X.5 : = X.5 XOR 1;

1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128
0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0
X = 64 + 32 + 4 = 100;

XOR with 1 often used to toggle bits from 0 to 1 to 0.

MAS411 Industrial IT (Spring 2017) 20
Elements Industrial IT
IEC 61131-3 Programming Languages

 IL (Instruction List) - This is effectively mnemonic programming

 ST (Structured Text) - A BASIC like programming language

 LD (Ladder Diagram) - Relay logic diagram based programming

 FBD (Function Block Diagram) - A graphical dataflow programming


 SFC (Sequential Function Charts) - A graphical method for structuring


PS: Siemens has in addition the language SCL (Structured Control

Language), which we will use in MAS411.

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Elements Industrial IT

MAS411 Industrial IT (Spring 2017) 22

LD Industrial IT

Ladder Diagram (LD)

• Standardized, rationalized set of relay ladder programming

• Resembling electrical drawing standard

-| |--|/|----------------( )

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LD Industrial IT

Ladder Diagram (LD)

• Ladder Diagram (LD) is a graphic representation of Boolean equations, combining
contacts (input arguments) with coils (output results).
• The LD language enables the description of tests and modifications of Boolean
data by placing graphic symbols into the program chart.
• LD graphic symbols are organized within the chart exactly as an electric contact
• LD diagrams are connected on the left side and on the right side to vertical power

A and not B equals C

-| |--|/|----------------( )

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IL Industrial IT

Instruction List (IL)

• Single Accumulator based execution model
• Based upon the German ‘Anweisungsliste’, AWL
• Only one operation such as storing a value in the
accumulator register, is allowed per line


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ST Industrial IT

Structured Text (ST)

• High level language, block structured
• Syntax resembles PASCAL
• Complex statements and nested instructions possible
• Support for
– Iteration loops (REPEAT-UNTIL; WHILE-DO)
– Conditional execution (IF-THEN-ELSE; CASE)
– Functions (SQRT(), SIN())


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FBD Industrial IT

Function Block Diagram (FBD)

 Graphical language, widely used in Europe
 Allows program elements which appear as blocks to
be "wired" together in a form analogous to a circuit
 Used in many applications that involve the flow of
information or data between control components


MAS411 Industrial IT (Spring 2017) 27

FBD Industrial IT

IEC 61131-3 Standard Function Blocks

• Bitable (SR, RS, SEMA)

• Edge detection (R_TRIG, F_TRIG)

• Counters (CTU, CTD, CTUD)

• Timers (TP, TON, TOF, RTC)

Vendor and user defined function blocks are possible

MAS411 Industrial IT (Spring 2017) 28

Functions Industrial IT

IEC 61131-3 Standard Functions

• Bit string functions (AND, OR, XOR, NOT, SHL, SHR, ROL, ROR)
• Numerical functions (ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV, MOD, EXPT, ABS,
• Type conversions (e.g. USINT_TO_DINT, BOOL_TO_BYTE)
• Selection functions (SEL, MIN, MAX, LIMIT, MUX)
• Comparison functions (GT, GE, EQ, LT, LE, NE)
• String functions (LEN, LEFT, RIGHT, MID, CONCAT,

Vendor and user defined functions are possible

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Step 7 Industrial IT
Statement Lists and Function Block Diagram

Conversion of analog input value

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Step 7 Industrial IT
Monitoring: Tags table

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SFC Industrial IT

Sequential Function Chart (SFC)

• Graphical language which provides a diagrammatic
representation of program sequences --> flowchart
• Based on the French Grafcet (IEC 848)
• Main structure and suitable for rapid diagnostics Step 1 N FILL
• The basic elements are steps with action blocks and
Transition 1
• Steps consist of a piece of program that is carried out
until a condition specified in the transition is met
• Programming of complex tasks by dividing in
Step 2 S Empty
smaller parts
• Each element can be programmed in any of the IEC- Transition 2
languages such as LD or ST or IL or FB mix or
match any of the languages
Step 3

MAS411 Industrial IT (Spring 2017) 32

SFC Industrial IT

Programming language for describing Step 1 Action 1

Sequential Controls Action 2
 Structured program draft
 Description of the process with steps Transition
and transitions
 Clear, easy to understand by the process, production
and operations staff
 Application examples Step 2 Action 1
 Presses and Packaging technology
 Production lines
 Process technology (start up – shutdown)
 OEM equipment machinery technology Transition
 Rotating Machinery e.g. compressors, pumps

MAS411 Industrial IT (Spring 2017) 33

PLC What is a PLC ?

inputs actuators
sensors PLC motors, valves

• roots in the wiring logic

– originally hardware based: Relays
• increasingly software based
– more flexible, easier to modify
– more efficient, lower costs
• needs a programming device
– industrial PC = PLC + programming device
– On standard PLC’s programming device removed after
• special requirements: rough environment
– no moving parts such as harddisks
– Designed to last for many years in industrial environments

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PLC Industrial IT
A PLC program works in a cyclic manner

• Cyclic calculation of the

output pattern according to the
input pattern inputs
– it starts again when it’s finished
– no inputs during the cycle inputs

• cycle time depends on the program cycle time

• smart living technology: < min;
• drives: several ms
• particular programming
languages outputs

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description Industrial IT

Why Flowchart or State-Machine ?

• PLC programs can become difficult for others
to read without documentation
• Flowchart or state-machine is a standard
approach to document a logic program flow
• Documentation required by ISO 9001
– PXXXX-DS011 Design Specification
– PXXXX-DS021 Functional Description
– PXXXX-DS024 Program Description
– PXXXX-DS025 Definition of Variables

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Flowchart Industrial IT

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Conversion Industrial IT
Ladder Logic for the Transitions

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Conversion Industrial IT
Ladder Logic Functions

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Coversion Industrial IT

Ladder Logic Functions and Outputs

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State machine Industrial IT

State based design approach

• A State based system can be described with system
states, and the transitions between those states.
• If the system is in state 1 and A happens the system will
then go into state 2, otherwise it will remain in State 1.
• if the system is in state 2, and B happens the system
will return to state 1.

MAS411 Industrial IT (Spring 2017) 41

State machine Industrial IT
Case Study : traffic lights
Inputs: S1, S2 (walk button)
Outputs: L1, L2, …, L6 (2 sets of red, yellow, green lights)
Green NS – ST1
Yellow NS – ST2
Green EW – ST3
Yellow EW - ST4
4 seconds delay from
yellow to green

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State machine Industrial IT
Inputs: S1, S2 (walk button)
Outputs: L1, L2, …, L6 (2 sets of red, yellow, green lights)

Green NS – ST1
Yellow NS – ST2
Green EW – ST3
Yellow EW - ST4
4 seconds delay from
yellow to green

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State machine Industrial IT
1. Obtain the states System State:
2. Draw the state transition diagram L1,L2, .., L6
3. Derive state equations and transient State description:
equations ST1,ST2,ST3,ST4
4. Convert to ladder logic and First Scan: FS
Delay 4 s S2 Pressed
T2 ST3 T3


T1 ST1 T4
S1 pressed Delay 4 s
Transients: T1,T2,T3,T4,T5 T5
e.g. T1: transient from ST1 to ST2 FS

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State machine Industrial IT
Delay 4 s S2 Pressed
Inputs: S1, S2 (walk button) T2 ST3 T3
Outputs: L1, L2, …, L6
3. Derive state equations and ST1
transient equations T1 T4
S1 pressed T5 Delay 4 s

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State machine Industrial IT
Convert to Ladder Logic

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State machine Industrial IT

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State machine Industrial IT

MAS411 Industrial IT (Spring 2017) 48

Conversion Industrial IT

Implementation Equivalent
with SR Block

T4 ST1


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Conversion Industrial IT

Statement List:
Example Equivalent

O T4
O T5
= ST1

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Conversion Industrial IT

STL to FBD Equivalent

ST1 >=1
T4 >=1

T5 &


MAS411 Industrial IT (Spring 2017) 51

Conversion Industrial IT
FBD Arithmetic's: Example 1

Height_volt = 28200*(0.2 + 0.008825745*Height_ref)

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Conversion Industrial IT
FBD Arithmetic's: Example 2

Height_out = (Sensor_real/28200 - 0.2)/0.008825745

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Bibliography Industrial IT
• John, K.H. and Tiegelkamp, M., "IEC 61131-3: Programming Industrial Automation Systems: Concepts
and Programming Languages, Requirements for Programming Systems, Decision-Making Aids"; Springer
Verlag (2010)

• Tisserant, E. and Bessard, L. and De Sousa, M., “An open source IEC 61131-3 integrated development
environment"; IEEE (2007)

• De Sousa, M. and Carvalho, A., “Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, 2003. Proceedings.
ETFA'03. IEEE Conference"; IEEE (2003)

• Industrial IT – MAS 400 Lecture notes by Geir Hovland (2010)

• Design of Control Systems – MAS217 lecture note’s by Yousef Iskandarani (2011)

• Berger, H., 2006, Automating with SIMATIC, 3rd edition, Publicis Corporate Publishing
• Olsson, G. og Piani, G., 1992, Computer Systems for Automation and Control, Prentice Hall

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