Assignment 1: Case Study of Real World Challenges

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Renewable energy is energy that is obtained from renewable resources, that are naturally

replenished on a human timescale. The examples of renewable energy are solar energy, wind

energy, biomass energy, biogas and solid waste. Renewable energy frequently provides energy

in four important sources: electricity generation, air and water heating/cooling, transportation,

and countryside (off-grid) energy services.

In this new epoch, energy challenge ended up being a grave danger to sustainable development

in growing countries since their energy needs is increasing faster than developed countries. On

the other hand, fossil fuel combustion cannot maintain much longer due to environmental

impact and the reduced amount of resources. Malaysia is experiencing remarkable growth of

human population and the overall economy and need to find options energy resources to get its

inhabitants and business energy needs.

Further, Malaysia blessed with the tropical forests and good climate all the entire year round

which really is a wonderful chance for full exploitation of agricultural and tropical rainforests

possible. So this scenario helped to start with the term of waste-to-wealth at 1990, and it is

becoming common. There are a variety of recognized renewable energy resources for example,

solar powered energy, hydro power, oil palm biomass and waste materials in Malaysia The

|consumption of renewable energy has added to reduced pollutions to the surroundings, cost

|keeping cheaper way to obtain energy, and will not decrease the natural sources. As a growing

country, Malaysia's human population is growing and live progressively more energy

dependent lives the continuing future of energy supply keeps growing.


Biomass energy is an indirect solar energy and also one of the oldest renewable energy that

everyone using since the fire discovered. The biomass energy is referring to vegetative and

organic materials that obtaining from agriculture activities, and other rural activities. This

vegetative and organic materials are mainly from photosynthesis process. In that way, biomass

feedstock energy is largely found in the countries that doing agriculture activities in biggest

level. So, Malaysia has plenty of biomass resources available for instantaneous exploitation.

The major categories providing biomass energy in our country are oil palm, palm wood, rice,

sugar cane and municipal waste. The table below shows the five main categories of biomass energy

in our country.

Figure 1: Shows the categories of biomass energy

Oil palm is one of the important category of biomass which provide abundant resources every

year. Palm oil industry has grown on an average of 7.5% annually in 2006 and more than 15.8

million tons of CPO were generated (Salman Zafar, 2018). The palm oil waste is in the form of

empty fruit bunches shells and fruit fibre. In 2004, more than 25 million tons of oil palm

biomass was produced. The second category that provides biomass energy is wood residues.

Wood can be burnt to produce steam or heat for cooking and also use in charcoal

manufacturing. Rice husk is another main agricultural biomass resource in Malaysia with

worthy energy potential for power cogeneration. An example to this potential energy is power

plant in the state of Perlis which uses rice husk as the main source of fuel and generates 10 MW

power to meet the requirements of 30,000 households. In Malaysia, the yearly production of

sugarcane bagasse reaches a number of million tonnes. Approximately 30% of that number will

turn into bagasse when it is crushed in a sugar factory. Sugarcane bagasse is the fibrous waste

that remains after recovery of sugar juice by crushing and extraction. A ton of bagasse (50%

mill-wet basis) is equal to 1.6 barrels of fuel oil on energy basis. The total of sugarcane energy

content on dry basis, excluding ash (around 2-3% of weight) can be distributed into three main

parts. Malaysia harvests 274,620 tonnes of sugarcane for 2009, with a moisture content of 50%

and 150,000 tonnes of dry bagasse annually. This made the sugarcane to be the one of the

important category of biomass energy. The final important category of biomass is Municipal

waste. Municipal waste is a rubbish that comes from products of vegetable or animal is biomass.

Food scraps, grass clippings and leaves are examples of biomass residues. This municipal waste

used incinerators, to burn waste and produce steam, which can be used for heating or electricity.

The table below shows the cumulative quota on renewable energy capacity.

Table 1: Shows cumulative quota on renewable energy capacity

From table 1, it can be seen that the biomass energy production within the year 2011 was

110MW and also the current production in 2018 is 600MW. The table additionally given the

expected value for the biomass energy in 2025 as 1190 MW. The information clearly shows

that the quota of biomass from 2011 to 2025 is increased. The main reason why the quota of

biomass will increase is electricity is generated from all sorts of biomass. Hence, several form

of biomass, like wood chips, corn, and a few sorts of garbage, are used to produce electricity.

Further, Some sorts of biomass will be converted into liquid fuels known as biofuels which

willpower cars, trucks, and tractors. Excess food products like vegetable oils and animal

fats will produce biodiesel, while corn, sugarcane, and different plants will be fermented to

produce ethyl alcohol. Additionally, animal manure and human waste is converted to

biogas, which might be burned as a fuel. Burning is only a technique to release the energy in

biomass. Moreover, Biomass also, will be converted to different useable forms

of energy like methane gas. methane gas could be a part of landfill gas or biogas that

forms when garbage, agricultural waste, and human waste decompose in landfills or in special

containers known as digesters.

Since biomass energy can be recycled in many ways as stated above, its quota is expected to

increase annually till the year 2025. Further, the government policies under SEDA such as

National Renewable Energy Policy and Action Plan (2009), Renewable Energy Act 2011, and

Sustainable Energy Development Authority Act 2011 are giving a very good service and efforts

in enhancing the utilisation of indigenous renewable energy (RE) resources to contribute

towards national electricity supply security and sustainable socioeconomic development. This

scenario makes the important renewable energy in Malaysia such as biomass to increase

annually. Even though, the quota of biomass increased from year 2011 to 2025, the quota

become constant after the year 2030 till it reaches 2050. The reason is due to constraints in

energy, water, and other critical natural resources and infrastructure, together with socio-

economic shifts, will bring new and hard-to-manage instabilities (NICR, 2013).


Biogas is defined as a gas created by the anaerobic digestion or fermentation of native organic

matter under anaerobic conditions including however not restricted to manure sewage sludge

municipal solid waste and biodegradable waste originating from Malaysia.

Biogas technology refers to systems that designed to show organic waste product into usable

energy. Biogas usually consists chiefly of methane, with a big proportion of carbon dioxide,

and smaller quantities of different gases resembling nitrogen and hydrogen. The gases

methane, hydrogen and carbon monoxide may be combusted. This

energy unharness permits biogas to be used as a fuel in a gas engine to convert the

energy within the gas to electricity and heat.

From table 1, it can be seen that the biogas value in the year 2011 was 20MW and it increases

till the year 2020 to 240 MW. The reason for this is Biogas can be made utilizing anaerobic

digesters. A biogas plant can be fed with energy crops resembling sludge municipal solid

waste and biodegradable wastes. throughout the method, associate air-tight tank transforms

biomass waste into methane manufacturing renewable energy that can be used for generated


Landfill gas is made by wet organic waste decomposing below anaerobic conditions in

a lowland. The waste is covered and automatically compressed by the weight of the

fabric that's deposited from higher than. This material prevents oxygen exposure therefore

permitting anaerobic microbes to thrive. This gas builds up and slowly discharged which

will be used for heating, electricity, and plenty of different operations that use any variation

of an internal combustion engine.

Further by using biogas, several advantages arise. In future biogas may potentially facilitate

reduce world temperature change. Normally, manure waste matter sludge municipal solid

waste and biodegradable waste that's left to decompose releases two main gases that

cause world temperaturechange resembling nitrous dioxide and methane.

At last, the value of biogas become constant, 410 MW from 2025 to 2050. The reason behind

this can be there are no new technologies yet to simplify the process and make it abundant and

low cost. This means large scale production to supply for a large population is still not possible.

Although the biogas plants available today are able to meet some energy needs, many

governments are not willing to invest in the sector.


Small hydro is the creation of electricity by connecting the power of flowing water from lakes,

rivers, and streams. Small hydro is based on modest concepts. Moving water turns a turbine,

the turbine spins a generator, and electricity is produced. Many other components may be in a

system, but it all begins with the energy already within the moving water.

The table one shows the value of Mini-hydro in the year 2011 was 60MW and it increase to

490 MW by 2025. The reason for it is hydropower is a fuel by water and it won’t pollute the

air like power plants burn fossil fuels, such as coal and natural gas. Further hydropower

depends on the water cycle that driven by the sunlight, thus it’s a renewable power source.

The mini hydro value become constant from 2025 to 2050, which is 490 MW and the reason

for it might be because of no further development.


Solar energy is a source that has great potential for theoretical. The quantity of solar emission

captured by the Earth is more than three orders of magnitude and higher than that yearly

worldwide energy utilization but for a number of reasons the definite potential of solar energy

is something lesser.

Malaysia’s location is within the equatorial region and its exposure to ample and constant

sunshine of up to eight hours a day with average radiation of 4,500 KWh make it an ideal

environment for the research and development of suitable PV technologies. 48

Photovoltaics (PV) are the renewable energy which is clean and does not emit greenhouse

gases. It depends entirely on solar energy, which does not lead to exhaustion of energy

resources, land use and biomass crops.

Photovoltaic system in Malaysia would give the production of energy from 900 to 1,400 kWh

per year, depending on the location. The Klang Valley is defined as the lowest radiation,

whereas near Penang and Kota Kinabalu are the maximum values measured. However, a fitting

in Kuala Lumpur would give about 1,000 to 1,200 kWh per year which receives 30% additional

energy than an equal scheme in Germany.

From table 1, it can be seen that the solar enegy at the year 2011, was 9 MW and the value

drastically increased to 18,700 MW in the year 2050. The reason for this drastic changes is,

solar energy is the main renewable energy in our country. Since the factors such as time

variation, geographic variation and also weather conditions are all in a perfect manner in

Malaysia, it lead to a good solar energy system.

Moreover, the other reasons for it is, Malaysia is now moving forward in promoting solar

energy to help the small group of homeowners to have photovoltaic systems installed in homes

at lower costs. Below Suria 1000 as a part of the five-year Malaysian Building Integrated

Photovoltaic (MBIPV) project, the owner can have bidding way to install photovoltaic systems

in their homes. Additionally, the solar technology is widely used in residential and industrial.

Thus, the structure of PV applications in the near future of the country will increase, in

particular with the construction of building integrated photovoltaic or MBIPV project. This

project that will be implemented by the Ministry of Energy, Water and Communications, is

co-funded by UNDP and GEF. All this factors made the solar pv energy to increase drastically

over the years.

Feed-in tariffs (FITs) and net metering, also known as net energy metering (NEM), are both

methods designed to accelerate investments in renewable energy technologies (e.g. solar

panels and wind turbines) by allowing energy producers (e.g. homeowners) to be compensated

for the energy they feed back into the grid. Most electricity meters are bi-directional and can

measure current flowing in two directions. This allows you to easily bank excess electricity

from your solar panels for future credit. Net metering can be implemented easily without

special equipment or any prior notification. Feed-in tariffs require one extra power meter in

order to measure outflow of electricity from your home independently. This enables electricity

consumption and electricity generation to be priced separately.

Feed-in tariff schemes are typically based on a 15-20 yearlong contract where prices are pre-

defined above retail with a tariff degression, which effectively reduces your earnings over time.

For every kWh you generate you get paid.


Municipal solid waste (MSW), also known as municipal solid waste, is a waste type that

includes mainly household waste (domestic waste) and commercial wastes collected by a

municipality within a given area. The waste is either solid or semisolid form and usually not

include industrial hazardous wastes. The average composition of Malaysian MSW consists of

about 45% food, 24% plastic, 7% paper materials, 6% iron, 4% wood, and 3% glass and the

remaining percentage belongs to others thus, remarkable amounts of Malaysia MSW is


From table 1, we can see that in 2011 the total solid waste produced was 20 MW and its

increased annually till 2017 as 105MW and it is also expected to increase further from the year

2018 to 2050. In 2050, it expected to produce 430 MW of energy. The main reason for this

increase energy is, Malaysia have a good recycling technique for solid waste. Malaysia

government introduced the concept of 3 R (reuse, reduce and recycle) and even provide three

different type of bins for throwing the solid waste. This create a good awareness among the

public and increased the quota of solid waste recycling. Further Anaerobic digestion is a

technology by which microorganisms break down biodegradable material in the absence of

oxygen. Anaerobic digestion of agriculture wastes (crops and manure) is implemented widely

for waste management, energy production, energy recovery and reducing greenhouse gas

emission and pollution. Furthermore, agriculture wastes are used for composting, improving

soil quality and animal fodder. All this factor increase the quota of solid waste in Malaysia.

In the year 2011, the amount of energy produced from biomass is 110 MW, 20 MW of

biogas, 60 MW of Mini-Hydro, 9 MW of Solar PV and 20 MW of Solid Waste. A total of 219

MW of energy is produced in the year 2011 itself. Biomass energy is stored sunlight contained

in plants. Other renewable energies that do not depend on sunlight are geothermal energy,

which is a result of radioactive decay in the crust combined with the original heat of accreting

the Earth, and tidal energy, which is a conversion of gravitational energy (Altenergy, 2017).

The energy production of biogas and solid waste is the same. Comparing the production of

renewable energy in the mentioned year, biomass has the highest number of production and

followed by mini-hydro, biogas & solid waste, and solar pv. Solar PV has the least production

compared to the rest.

In the year 2012, the cumulative quota varies than the energy produced in year 2011.

The amount of energy produced from biomass is 150 MW, 35 MW from biogas, 110 MW from

mini-hydro, 20 MW from solar pv and 50 MW from solid waste. The total energy produced in

year 2012 is 365 MW. All the production of energy has shown some increment comparing the

sources in year 2011 and 2012.

In the year 2013, 200 MW of energy were produced by biomass, 50 MW of energy

from biogas, 170 MW of energy from mini-hydro, 33 MW of energy from solar pv and 90

MW of energy from solid waste. The total energy produced in the year 2013 was 543 MW.

The total energy produced has increased from 365 MW to 543 MW.

Apart from that, in the year 2014, biomass produces 260 MW of energy, 75 MW of

biogas, 230 MW of mini-hydro, 48 MW of solar pv and 140 MW of solid wastes. Total energy

produced has exceeded 753 MW. Over the years, this has also shown steady increment in the

capacity of renewable energy sources.

In the year 2015, the cumulative quota varies than the energy produced in year 2014.

The amount of energy produced from biomass is 330 MW, 100 MW from biogas, 290 MW

from mini-hydro, 65 MW from solar pv and 200 MW from solid waste. The total energy

produced in year 2012 is 985 MW. Comparing to the previous year, it has shown 70 MW

difference of biomass, 25 MW difference of biogas, 60 MW difference of mini-hydro, 17 MW

difference of solar pv and 60 MW difference of solid wastes.

On the other hand, in the year 2016, the figure shows a total of 410 MW of energy has

been produced out of biomass, 125 MW has been produced out of biogas, 350 MW has been

produced out of mini-hydro, 84 MW has been produced out of solar pv and 240 MW has been

produced out of solid wastes. A total of 1209 MW of energy has been produced throughout the

year. Without failing than never, the figure has shown some increment in the amount of

installed capacity of renewable energy sources over time.

In addition when we look on the year 2017, 500 MW of energy has been produced from

biomass, 155 MW of energy has been produced from biogas, and 400 MW of energy has been

produced from mini-hydro, 105 MW of energy has been produced from solar pv and 280 MW

of energy has been produced from solid wastes. A total of 1440 MW has been produced.

Besides the current state of renewable energy sources that has been installed, there are

also targeted renewable energy capacity quota which has been studied starting 2018 to 2050.

In the year 2018, the amount of energy produced from biomass is 600 MW, 185 MW from

biogas, 440 MW from mini-hydro, 129 MW from solar pv and 310 MW from solid waste. The

total energy produced in year 2018 is 1664 MW. Even then, there are no sign of decrement

shown in the mentioned figure.

In the year 2019, biomass produces 260 MW of energy, 75 MW of biogas, 230 MW of

mini-hydro, 48 MW of solar pv and 140 MW of solid wastes. Total energy produced has

exceeded 753 MW. Over the years, this has also shown steady increment in the capacity of

renewable energy sources.

Hence, in the year 2020, the figure targeted shows a total of 800 MW of energy has

been produced out of biomass, 240 MW has been produced out of biogas, 490 MW has been

produced out of mini-hydro, 190 MW has been produced out of solar pv and 360 MW has been

produced out of solid wastes. A total of 2080 MW of energy has been produced throughout the

year. Without failing than never, the figure has shown some increment in the amount of

installed capacity of renewable energy sources over time.

Starting of the year 2025, there are some constant data has been exhibited in the figure.

A total of 2865 MW of energy has been produced and out of that 2865 MW of energy, 1190

MW is supposedly from biomass, 350 MW from biogas, 490 MW from mini-hydro, 455 MW

from solar pv and 380 MW from solid wastes. Beginning of this year, mini hydro has shown

some constant data up to 2050.

In the year 2030, a total of 4000 MW energy has been produced throughout the year.

Out of the 4000 MW, 1340 MW is from biomass, 410 MW from biogas, 1370 MW from solar

pv and 390 MW from solid wastes. This time around, the biomass has shown some steady data

starting 2030 up to 2050 which is 1340 MW. Besides, biogas also has shown steady data which

is 410 MW.

In the year 2040, a total of 10100 MW energy has been produced throughout the year.

Out of the 10100 MW, 7450 MW from solar pv and 410 MW from solid wastes. Biomass,

biogas and mini-hydro is not discussed due to the steady state of the energy produced in the

previous year which is 1340 MW, 410 MW and 490 MW respectively.

In the year 2050, the amount of energy produced from solar pv is 18700 MW and 430

MW from solid waste. The total energy produced in year 2050 is 21370 MW. As usual, the

usage of solar pv and solid wastes never dies. The increment was still obvious comparing to

other renewable energy sources like biomass, biogas and mini-hydro which has attained its

steady state.

The sources like biomass, biogas and mini-hydro are becoming constant after certain

years due to constraints in energy, water, and other critical natural resources and infrastructure,

together with socio-economic shifts, will bring new and hard-to-manage instabilities (NICR,

2013). In table 1, the energy produced by solar pv and solid wastes will not die off that easily

and never comes to a state of steady because there’s never a stop end for that. Solar can easily

be got from the sunshine and from the use of solar cells in solar panels, more energy can be

used without damaging the nature as well. Also a reason why solar pv has the highest demand

in future than any other renewable resources. “As the cost of electricity from solar continues

to decrease compared to traditional energy sources we will see tremendous market adoption,

and I suspect it will be a growth limited only by supply. I fundamentally believe that solar PV

will become one of the key elements of the solution to our near- and long-term energy

challenges,” said James Prendergast, IEEE Executive Director, in a statement. (Schwartz.A,


Solid wastes, just by looking at everyday activities, there are tonnes of dumps being

dumped without purposes. It is something which will not go down in trend cause each day as

the population increases, the amount of solid wastes increases as well.

Biogas is plentiful and is available from sources such as landfills, wastewater treatment

facilities, and animal and agricultural waste. If fully utilized, the yield from existing organic

waste streams could satisfy about 20 percent of current natural gas use. Biogas feedstock may

also soon be farmed economically. Future energy crops could make the potential availability

virtually unlimited (, 2017).

Limitations of the renewable energy used are the reasons why biomass, biogas and

mini-hydro has no future in many years to come. For example, when it comes to limitations in

biomass, agricultural wastes will not be available if the basic crop is no longer grown and land

used for energy crops maybe in demand for other purposes, such as faming, conservation,

housing, resort or agricultural use (, 2017). Limitations in biogas is that

it is very difficult to enhance the efficiency of biogas systems. Besides, biogas contains some

gases as impurities, which are corrosive to the metal parts of internal combustion engines and

it is also not feasible to locate at all the locations (Govardhan, 2017). A necessary condition to

install a micro hydro plant is obviously to have an available reliable water stream within a few

hundred feet from the location of the residence on the land that belongs to the homeowner (or

the ranch owner, as the case maybe) and also One must be very careful not to harm the

environment, leave the scenery as beautiful as it was, don’t harm wildlife, birds and fish as

well as the local trees and shrubs. These are the limitations of which mini-hydro is said to not

have demand in future (, 2017).

Figure 1 shows the Renewable Policy and Action Plan Goals. Enhancing the utilization

of indigenous renewable energy (RE) resources to contribute towards national electricity

supply security and sustainable socioeconomic development (SEDA, 2012). It can be watched

that Solar PV is the most noteworthy in future years. The nothing new approach is never again

satisfactory. As the policy keep on drastically increase, the same old thing increases yet at the

same time remain at a low level. The forward-looking RE Policy has five destinations that

epitomize components of vitality, industry and ecological approaches, making it concurrent in

nature. The destinations are to increase RE commitment in the national power age blend, to

encourage the development of the RE business; to ensure reasonable RE age costs, to save the

earth for future age; and to upgrade awareness on the part and significance of RE. Next one

ought to perceive that the market is given legitimate flags by these administrative

arrangements. For instance, if an approach on the burden of a carbon evaluate on associations

that releases carbon dioxide gas were exhibited by the organization, by then the endeavors that

do this ought to either leave the market, place assets into a carbon dioxide allotment structure

or even diminish the carbon dioxide outpouring to the allowed obsession. This is whether they

have to continue in the market clearly.


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