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Systems Requirements


EECS X491.71

© Copyright 2012 Rick Hefner 1-1 EECS X491.71 Systems Requirements Engineering
Course Objectives
At the end of this course, students will be able to:
• Develop an initial problem space definition;
• Develop and evaluate user, mission, and operational
needs, including the concept of operations;
• Develop and evaluate specifications for clarity,
completeness, and consistency;
• Perform requirements elicitation, requirements analysis
and requirements management;
• Identify effective approaches for
verification and validation of requirements.
© Copyright 2012 Rick Hefner 1-2 EECS X491.71 Systems Requirements Engineering
Course Overview

1. Terminology & Definitions 7. System Concept Synthesis

2. System Mission Concepts 8. Requirements Specification
3. System Operational Concepts 9. Interface Requirements
4. Defining Requirements 10.Requirements Management
5. Requirements Elicitation 11.Requirements Validation
6. Requirements Analysis 12.Requirements Verification

© Copyright 2012 Rick Hefner 1-3 EECS X491.71 Systems Requirements Engineering
Evaluation & Grading
• Class Attendance and Participation (50%)
– Each student is expected to review all lectures and participate fully in all
discussions, requiring 3-4 hours outside of class each week.
• Exercises (25%)
– Students will complete the exercises and post their results.
• Exam (25%)
– The exam will be handed out at the final class week. It will be open book
and open notes, and should result from the student’s individual effort. All
information necessary to answer the questions will be covered in the
lectures, text and other handouts.

© Copyright 2012 Rick Hefner 1-4 EECS X491.71 Systems Requirements Engineering
Course Text
• The course text is Wasson, Charles, System Analysis,
Design, and Development: Concepts, Principles, and
Practices, Wiley & Sons, 2006
• This text is broader than most requirements texts, and
has some unique subjects and perspectives
• The course will be supplemented with additional
readings supplied as take-home exercises

© Copyright 2012 Rick Hefner 1-5 EECS X491.71 Systems Requirements Engineering
Module 1:
Terminology & Definitions

© Copyright 2012 Rick Hefner 1-6 EECS X491.71 Systems Requirements Engineering
Module Objectives
• Review key requirements Topics:
engineering terms and
concepts • Requirement Types
• Requirements Engineering

© Copyright 2012 Rick Hefner 1-7 EECS X491.71 Systems Requirements Engineering
• Requirements are the stated customer needs and
objectives for the system being designed and developed
– How well the system will work in its intended environment
– Also reflects constraints imposed by external interfaces, project
support, technology, and life cycle support systems
• Defining requirements is a highly creative process,
aimed at showing what the system will do, but avoiding
design decisions about how it will be done
– In the SE process, an intermediate step between user
requirements and the design

© Copyright 2012 Rick Hefner 1-8 EECS X491.71 Systems Requirements Engineering
Good Requirements are Essential
• Demonstrates to users that their needs and constraints
are recognized
• Provides a foundation for design; allows for tradeoffs,
discussion, optimization
• Provides a basis for testing the system

© Copyright 2012 Rick Hefner 1-9 EECS X491.71 Systems Requirements Engineering
Types of Requirements
• Customer (User) Requirements: Statements of fact and
assumptions that define the expectations of the system in terms
of mission objectives, environment, constraints, and measures of
effectiveness and suitability (MOE/MOS)

System Engineering Fundamentals, DoD, 2001

© Copyright 2012 Rick Hefner 1-10 EECS X491.71 Systems Requirements Engineering
Operational Requirements
• Operational distribution or deployment: Where will the system
be used?
• Mission profile or scenario: How will the system accomplish its
mission objective?
• Performance and related parameters: What are the critical
system parameters to accomplish the mission?
• Utilization environments: How are the various system
components to be used?
• Effectiveness requirements: How effective or efficient must the
system be in performing its mission?
• Operational life cycle: How long will the system be in use by the
• Environment: What environments will the system be expected to
operate in an effective manner?
System Engineering Fundamentals, DoD, 2001
© Copyright 2012 Rick Hefner 1-11 EECS X491.71 Systems Requirements Engineering
Types of Requirements (cont.)
• Functional Requirements: The necessary task, action or activity
that must be accomplished
– Not quantitative
• Performance Requirements: The extent to which a mission or
function must be executed; generally measured in terms of
quantity, quality, coverage, timeliness or readiness. During
requirements analysis
– Measurable qualities – speed, size, weight, etc.
• Quantitative – how many, how much
• Qualitative – how well
• Coverage – how much area, how far
• Timeliness – how responsive, how frequent

System Engineering Fundamentals, DoD, 2001

© Copyright 2012 Rick Hefner 1-12 EECS X491.71 Systems Requirements Engineering
Types of Requirements (cont.)
• Design Requirements (Design Constraints): The “build to,” “code
to,” and “buy to” requirements for products and “how to execute”
requirements for processes expressed in technical data packages
and technical manuals
– Often dictated by a higher authority, i.e., laws, regulations, business choices
– E.g., all software shall be written in Ada

System Engineering Fundamentals, DoD, 2001

© Copyright 2012 Rick Hefner 1-13 EECS X491.71 Systems Requirements Engineering
Types of Requirements (cont.)
• Quality Attributes: Measures of “goodness” in the eyes of the user
or customer
– Typically cannot be measured directly
– Developer and customer must agree on the measurement approach and
how the measures will be interpreted to arrive at “satisfaction

© Copyright 2012 Rick Hefner 1-14 EECS X491.71 Systems Requirements Engineering
Typical Quality Attributes
Agility The ability of a system to both be flexible and undergo change rapidly.

Flexibility The ease with which a system or component can be modified for use in
applications or environments, other than those for which it was
specifically designed.
Interoperability The ability of two or more systems or components to exchange
information and use the information that has been exchanged.

Maintainability The ease with which a system or component can be modified to correct
faults, improve performance or other attributes, or adapt to a changed
Reliability The ability of the system to keep operating over time. Reliability is
usually measured by mean time to failure.
Scalability The ability to maintain or improve performance while system demand
Usability A measure of how well users can take advantage of some system
© Copyright 2012 Rick Hefner 1-15 EECS X491.71 Systems Requirements Engineering
Types of Requirements (cont.)
• Derived Requirements: Requirements that are implied or
transformed from higher-level requirement
– Often driven by a particular architecture or design decision
• Allocated Requirements: A requirement that is established by
dividing or otherwise allocating a high-level requirement into
multiple lower-level requirements
– Examples: power, weight, pointing accuracy

System Engineering Fundamentals, DoD, 2001

© Copyright 2012 Rick Hefner 1-16 EECS X491.71 Systems Requirements Engineering
Attributes of Good Requirements
• A requirement must be achievable. It must reflect need or objective for which
a solution is technically achievable at costs considered affordable.
• It must be verifiable—that is, not defined by words such as excessive,
sufficient, resistant, etc. The expected performance and functional utility must
be expressed in a manner that allows verification to be objective, preferably
• A requirement must be unambiguous. It must have but one possible meaning.
It must be complete and contain all mission profiles, operational and
maintenance concepts, utilization environments and constraints. All
information necessary to understand the customer’s need must be there.

System Engineering Fundamentals, DoD, 2001

© Copyright 2012 Rick Hefner 1-17 EECS X491.71 Systems Requirements Engineering
Attributes of Good Requirements - 2
• It must be expressed in terms of need, not solution; that is, it should address
the “why” and “what” of the need, not how to do it.
• It must be consistent with other requirements. Conflicts must be resolved up
• It must be appropriate for the level of system hierarchy. It should not be too
detailed that it constrains solutions for the current level of design. For example,
detailed requirements relating to components would not normally be in a
system-level specification.

System Engineering Fundamentals, DoD, 2001

© Copyright 2012 Rick Hefner 1-18 EECS X491.71 Systems Requirements Engineering
Well-Communicated Requirements
• Develop a common understanding with the customer of the
purpose and objectives of the set of requirements
• Organize requirements of different levels of detail into their
appropriate levels
• Clearly identify the capabilities, conditions, and constraints for
each requirement
• Identify requirements that are derived from other requirements
• Verify the completeness of the set of requirements
• Identify inconsistencies among requirements

© Copyright 2012 Rick Hefner 1-19 EECS X491.71 Systems Requirements Engineering

© Copyright 2012 Rick Hefner 1-20 EECS X491.71 Systems Requirements Engineering
Requirements Engineering Activities


Requirements Requirements
Verification Analysis

Requirements Requirements
Specification Validation

Adapted from

© Copyright 2012 Rick Hefner 1-21 EECS X491.71 Systems Requirements Engineering
• Which of the Requirements Engineering activities is
most challenging and why?

Requirements Requirements
Verification Analysis

Requirements Requirements
Specification Validation

© Copyright 2012 Rick Hefner 1-22 EECS X491.71 Systems Requirements Engineering

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