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Screening cognitive decline in

dementia: preliminary data on the

Italian version of the IQCODE
Neurological Sciences

September 2002, Volume 23, Supplement 2, pp s79–s80 | Cite as

14 Citations


The IQCODE is a retrospective questionnaire for caregivers about changes which

occurred in a patient's cognitive and functional efficiency in the previous 10 years
of life. Previous studies demonstrated the validity of the IQCODE for the
screening of dementia similar to that of traditional cognitive screening tests, with
the additional advantage of allowing the detection of cognitive change, rather than
just cognitive impairment. The present paper deals with the preliminary results of
the validation of the Italian version of the questionnaire in a sample of 45 mild to
severely demented patients and 13 patients with mild cognitive impairment
(MCI), compared to 20 cognitively intact elderly subjects. The IQCODE
demonstrated satisfactory discriminative power for dementia as well as for MCI
and a good correlation with the MMSE.

Dementia Cognitive Impairment Mild Cognitive Impairment
Cognitive Decline Preliminary Data
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is
experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm

Correspondence to I. Appollonio

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© Springer-Verlag Italia 2002

About this article

Cite this article as:
Isella, V., Villa, M., Frattola, L. et al. Neurol Sci (2002) 23(Suppl 2): s79.

Publisher Name Springer-Verlag Italia
Print ISSN 1590-1874
Online ISSN 1590-3478

About this journal

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Published in cooperation with

the Italian Neurological Society

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