Solved Asignment 506 To 508

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Understanding Children in Inclusive Context

Solved Assignment-1

1. Write reasons, why it is important to know the relative role of heredity and
environment for a teacher?
Ans. The knowledge of relative role of heredity and environment is very
important on the part of the teacher so that he can help his students in learning
concepts better.
The knowledge of both the factors will help the teacher in finding out the
individual differences among his students in learning either Mathematics or
English as well as in adjusting his teaching methods and techniques
accordingly, like project method and communicative teaching techniques.
The teacher must plan to provide better education and better environment.
By providing computer laboratory and adequate library facilities in each
subject. He should study the child, his/her abilities as well as his environment
and he/she must prepare scheme for the development. In this context, Sorenson
has rightly remarked that to the teacher, knowledge, relative effect of the forces
of heredity and environment on human development and their inter-relationship
is of great significance. The high degree of scholastic achievement depends
upon the school climate.
The school should aim at providing enriched programmed of curricular and co –
curricular activities for the children like quiz and literary competition. They
may have better educational, vocational, personal guidance and counseling and
personality development programs. If their heredity and environment are
known. The knowledge of heredity and environment is very much essential for
a teacher in dealing with all kinds of exceptional children including gifted,
normal, below average, and problem children, and first generation learners
including educationally backward children.
1. The background of the learner: previous knowledge, intelligence, family
background, lack of interest, aptitude and attitude play an important role.

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Some students who lag behind in some do better in the other area of
achievement. Hence teacher must provide a congenial atmosphere for the
students and treat them equally. The teacher must motivate them to adjust
with the environment.
2. There are individuals who deviate from the norms of group due to many
factors. Hence the classroom teacher should try to have the desired
knowledge of the abilities, capacity, interests, and attitudes, aptitudes and
other personality traits of his/her pupils and in the light of this knowledge
he/she should render individual guidance for the maximum utilization of
their potentialities.
3. Different methods of teaching must be adopted in the classroom. This helps
in catering to the needs of different individuals according to their interest
and understanding level.
4. The school must be the place for personality development. The school
should organized programmes on leadership group dynamics, keeping
background the heredity and environment of the learner.
5. Every school must have a guidance and counseling centre.

2. Do you feel gender discrimination exists in our society? Justify your

answer with suitable examples.
Ans.Yes, I feel gender discrimination exists in our society. It begins from the
family and extends to schools, public places, work place, and appointment to
jobs, police stations, courts, political parties, parliament, and legislations and so
Gender discrimination begins before the birth of a girl child. This is underscore
by large instances of female feticide despite laws against this practice.
Preference of parents [society] for boy babies is too well known. Girls are
largely neglected in the family while the boys get special treatment. The
nutritional and health requirements of girls are generally neglected. This results
in higher mortality ofgirl children.
We see basic inequalities in gender relations within the family. These
inequalities can take many different forms. For instance, inequalities may exist
in sharing the burden of household work and child care putting a huge burden
on women and girls. This will have its impact on girls and women in areas of
education, employment and promotion. It can also limit their understanding
ofthe outside world. Many young girls have to assist in household work, take
care of their younger siblings and hence are forced to stay at home. This affects
their education andfuture apart from taking away their childhood.

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When it comes to the choice of courses to be studied, gender discrimination
operates in a subtle way. Girls are discouraged from taking up certain
coursesespecially if she has to move away from parents. Restrictions on
movement and travel, discouragement to earn a living, eve teasing, preventing
woman from taking up a job of her choice, denial of property rights, denial of
opportunity for expression and movement, sexual harassment in work places,
eve teasing, domestic violence, physical abuse are some of the forms of gender
discrimination. It is also gender discrimination to provide different working
conditions. This may happen in salaries, hiring, promotion or bonus criteria.
Gender discrimination can occur in admissions, selections, and placements or in
athletic and scholastic opportunities.
We find gender discrimination with regard to ownership and use of property.
Basic assets such as homes and land are shared unequally between males and
females. The absence of claims to property reduce the voice of women, make it
harder for women to enter and flourish in commercial, economic and even some
social activities. This type of inequality has existed in most parts of the world,
though there are local variations. For example, traditional property rights have
favored men in most parts of India.
The educational system in a way works to maintain the inequalities that exist
between girls and boys. Firstly, the textbooks that are used in schools depict
boys as tough, rough and mentally skilled people who are adventurous whilst
girls are depicted as soft, gentle people who enjoy carrying out household
duties. Even the uniforms for boys and girls are different. The uniform
prescribed to girls often may not be suitable for certain school activities such as
rough play or tree climbing. Secondly, when children start attending school they
come with inequalities already shaped within them. This aspect is usually
ignored by theschool system.
We see many instances of discrimination operating through our social
institutions. In many cultures, arranged or forced marriages are still very
common, often resulting in sexual abuse. Women often do not have the same
rights regarding divorce or inheritance. Polygamy is also a cause of gender
discrimination. In many areas of work, especially in the unorganized sectors,
women get paid less than their male counterparts for the same work. The
parents discouraging girls from taking up a job is not uncommon.

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Solved Assignment-2
1. Describe various techniques of classroom motivation with suitable
Ans. Various techniques of classroom motivation are:
i. Let your students know your expectations, objectives and rules so they
can better understand what you’re looking for and what you’re not. It’s
easy to achieve a goal when you can define it. Students should have
clear understanding of what they should do to succeed in studying.
ii. Track the way studying improves. Before reaching a final goal, it would
be great to set short-term goals. This is why it’s vitally important to track
the way studying improves. If you do this, students can see their progress
and achievements, and if you put emphasis on improvement, it can
inspire your students to work harder and earn even better results.
iii. Give your students some democracy. For example, allow one day for
activities your students like most of all. Take a vote and let students
choose the class activities they would like to do that day.
iv. Environment change has a magic effect. When in a new environment,
people tend to work more productively. You and your students can try
this trick as well. Just have a class outside the school or let students
change their seats in the classroom.
v. Vary your teaching! If your lessons combine various learning styles,
teaching methods and classroom activities, there’s a greater chance that
almost all students will be engaged. Different students prefer different
methods, and if you stick to one technique, that’s more likely that more
students will be bored and unmotivated.
vi. Make sure your material is clear and understandable for all students.
Examples are the best way to illustrate your words and clear things up.
Just give lots of examples. Let students know that they are welcome to
share their own ideas and ask questions. What’s more, provide students
with a chance to give their feedback on your teaching.
vii. Set a spirit of friendly competition. Students should realize there will
always be those who study better and worse. And it’s up to them what
group to join. To live in society means to compete, and students should

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get used to this fact. In colleges, competition is much stronger than in
lower-grade schools. Make students prepared for this.
viii. Be generous to your students and give rewards and praise when they
deserve it. The art of praise is complicated. Still, there are so many ways
and so many reasons to praise your students for their efforts and
accomplishments to give the right motivation.
ix. Give shy students an opportunity to share their views with the
class. Some students tend to give no responses and generally keep silent
during classes. Encourage them to talk, if they don’t mind.
x. Classroom jobs are good ways to develop student responsibility. These
jobs vary. For example, you can appoint somebody to moderate
discussions in the class or run the class blog. It can be both interesting
and useful for everyone.
xi. Organize group work. This method lets students socialize more with each
other and find solutions together. Every person appreciates it if he or she
can freely share his or her views. Why not allow students to produce their
ideas together and launch group projects?
xii. Learn more about your students. Get to know their names, interests, and
goals. If you’re aware of these things, you can make your teaching
materials properly adjusted to each group of students. It’s a well-known
fact that people perceive information easier if it fits with their personality
xiii. Set high but achievable goals. If students have easy-to-achieve goals,
they won’t do their best. Their motivation and productivity decrease fast.
Set high goals and watch students work hard, give more effort, and carry
the day!
xiv. Give chances to improve. Everybody has bad days, and sometimes a
person needs one more chance. If you are generous enough, students
definitely appreciate it and stay motivated, because they aren’t afraid of

2. Define concept of creativity. How will you develop teaching learning

material for fostering creativity? Discuss the role of ICT in fostering
Ans. Creativity is an ability to be innovative, unusual, to be different from others
or equals. It is an ability to give novel responses, new answers and establish new
relationships. The child may combine two or more unrelated words or ideas and

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give a new answer. The use of gadgets in novel ways is another way children
express themselves. You may recall the funny answer given by your student in the
class for example, when a teacher asked for the third eye and where it should be, a
student said it should be in the tip of his forefinger. Similarly, when students were
asked to think of a new machine, a girl said she wants a plant making machine.

I’ll make my class interesting by using story sessions, live examples, ideas like a
mini lab kit for chemistry class to reduce the gap between theory and
practical.Every child has a few old toys, their parts, etc. I’ll Ask them to create
something new from these. In my school, students made a bicycle plough,
multipurpose stick, etc from waste material. I’ll participate in or create a
programme to develop creative skills. Parents can organise a small think quest
even at home, like what kind of material is used for curtains, what other materials
could be used or not used; word antakshari to enhance vocabulary; atlas where a
child identifies states and capitals, etc. All these activities can be done while
travelling, cooking, walking, etc. we can change the difficulty level as per class.
Standardized tests do a great job of measuring convergent thinking that includes
analytical thinking or logical answers with one correct response. Divergent
thinking considers how a learner can use different ways to approach a problem. It
requires using association and multiplicity of thought. I try to design assignments
that consider both types of thinking modelsalso consider what is important to
students. Student interests are a great place to start on what drives their own
thinking. Find inspiration from their world. Creativity is intrinsic in nature. Try to
identify with their viewpoint to find what motivates them.
Role of ICT:Many ICT tools are available which could be used by a teacher in the
context of developing creativity .Some of the tools immediately available are black
board poster, charts, audio cassette player, overhead projector, and sometimes
computer. Each of these could be made use of while presenting the activities
mentioned above. For example back board/charts could be used to present a picture
on which a story required to be written by students, on a audio cassette a partial
story could be recorded and played in the class and asking the students to complete
a story. Many figures could be had on the computer screen which is somewhat
abstract, and students can be asked to interpret them. Many puzzle and riddles are
available on the websites, which can be solved individually, without asking for
anybody’s help. Mystery plots and divergent thinking questions can be posed by
the computers with pictures, so that students can understand the problems well and
answer them creatively Morphogical synthesis can be worked on the computer,
where details of the parameters can be worked out and details can be combined to

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arrive at a novel response. These are only a few suggestion and many more can be
worked out by the teachers based up on his creativity in using the ICT tools.

Solved Assignment-3
1. Observe a school and prepare a detail report on various factors for
exclusion on prominent groups of children who are at risk for exclusion
from education system. Write suggestive measures for inclusion of these
Ans. We observe a school primary school of our city situated in
………………………….School name is…………………………….
After observing the school we came to know about some children who are at risk
of exclusion from education system. Below is the details of various factors for the
exclusion including the suggestive measures for inclusion of these groups.
Mental health issues
Some children who are at risk of being excluded from school have a
recognized mental health need. This can affect their behavior; for example, a child
with anxiety may be prone to angry outbursts in the classroom.
‘If this is impacting on other children’s learning, it might be seen as grounds for
exclusion,’ says Principal.
What can be done: Help is available for children with mental health issues,
although you may need to push for it. A visit to the doctor should be your first step.
Talking therapies are usually the first port of call for children with mental health
problems, as medication is avoided in children and teenagers.
‘It’s also important to ask for clarity from the school on what your child is doing to
be seen as unmanageable,
‘You need to make it clear what’s going on from your child’s perspective.’

Special educational needs

Children with special educational needs (SEN) may have difficulties with the
school environment, which can make their behavior challenging

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‘We fear that there are cases of schools excluding children rather than getting them
the help they need,
‘Sadly, this is often because they lack the time and resources to help them get a
diagnosis, which would trigger funding and support.'
What can be done: The school must have an SEN policy setting out how they will
support children with additional needs. It should be available on their website,
prospectus, so familiarize with what it says so you can challenge the school on
areas where they’re not meeting your child’s needs.
‘Parents are advised to be proactive in requesting a proper assessment,’. This
usually means working closely with the special educational needs
coordinator (SENCO), and possibly involving the school nurse, or a health visitor
as well.
Depending on the scale of child’s needs, it may also be worth considering whether
they’d fare better at a special school. ‘It’s sad to see pupils being excluded rather
than sent to a special school where they would thrive,
Social deprivation
Children who are excluded are four times as likely to come from disadvantaged
families, or go to school in a deprived area.
‘We know that in wealthier families and schools, children are more likely to
receive help and support, including a diagnosis of SEN, whereas in areas of
poverty they may end up being excluded,.
What can be done: If child is being short-changed by their school and denied the
support they need to avoid exclusion, parents need to speak up.
‘If the school isn’t fulfilling its obligations towards child, parents should take it to
the concerend, who have a significant role in making sure they are accountable.
Be aware, too, that other agencies may be able to support your child, such as social
services and local or national charities.
Having someone to advocate for you and your child may help you communicate
with their school and make sure their needs are met.
Personal problems
Whether it’s a divorce, bereavement or even a new sibling, sometimes upheaval at
home can affect children’s behavior, and lead to them being excluded from school.

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What can be done: ‘Most parents will have had multiple meetings with the school
before their child is excluded, and this is the chance to make it clear what’s going
on from your child’s perspective.
‘It’s important to communicate what’s going on in the home environment.’
Schools have a duty to support children who are having a hard time. It’s the duty of
school to help children who need some short-term support, and they may also be
able to arrange for them to see a school counsellor.
There are also various charities that could help your child process their feelings
around a traumatic event.
Previous exclusions or poor behavior
Parents whose child has been excluded before may find that the school has a lower
threshold for future exclusions.
‘The teachers have to admit that children can become labelled as badly behaved,
and given less chance to redeem themselves.
What can be done: Check out the school’s behavior policy (on their
website/prospectus), which should set out their different levels of discipline and
sanctions. This will help you establish whether the correct procedures are being
followed with your child.
Make sure parents go to any meetings the school requests, as this will show your
cooperation. Parents might want to consider taking an advocate with you, whether
that’s a friend, family member or a professional such as a social worker who’s
involved with their child.
In extreme circumstances, parents may want to consider whether they’d benefit
from changing school.
‘Moving school can be a fresh start and a chance for your child to get away from
their previous labels.
'However, it’s vital that it isn't used by schools as a way of simply “getting rid” of
a child who poses challenges, rather than supporting them through those challenges
in school.'
Poor educational prospects

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‘We fear that schools may be more likely to exclude children who are expected to
perform badly in exams, as a way of artificially boosting their position in league
‘Children may also be excluded if they’re disrupting the class, so they don’t
compromise the learning of others.’
What can be done: ‘In some cases, it's appropriate to remove a child from class, but
no child should be excluded because they’re not performing academically,.
In this situation, good communication with school is essential. School budgets will
dictate how much support can be given to a child who’s underachieving, but it’s
reasonable to expect interventions such as small-group work to focus on literacy or
numeracy, or support from a dedicated teaching assistant (TA).
If parents unhappy with the school’s approach and feel child is being pushed out
because of their academic difficulties, there’s a specific complaints procedure to
This will ensure that parents concerns are heard and dealt with appropriately.

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Community & Elementary Education

1. Explain the socio cultural components that influence the
education system and the influence of community on the cultural
development of the learners.

Ans. Education of any society has direct correlations with its socio-
cultural factors. The process of education evolved in its social structure,
social norms and values system. School is one such creation of human
society to transfer the existing cultural content from one generation to
next generation. In informal setting, socialization is a process through
which community transact or educate their members about the norms
and values of the society.

Traditionally, education provided by religious institutions like Christian

missionaries, Islamic Madarsa, Buddhist monasteries and other religious
organizations. These institutions have the proselytizing feature and they
inculcate their religious ideals. These are not limited established
religions, each community transmit their norms and values. In this
process of education and socialization, we also transmit the biases and
differences of our society- i.e. hierarchy, stratification and inherent
inequality. The dominance of elite culture, gender disparity and other
sociocultural features also transmitted to the younger generations. Pierre
Bourdieu, French sociologist, viewed education perpetuate the culture of
dominant class, this phenomenon he called ‘cultural reproduction’.
Similarly, Paulo Freire observed the teaching process, teaching method
and language makes a difference between oppressors and oppressed.
Major roles of school todaySchool as moral authority, preparing people
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for an occupation, school should not subservient to the community’s

dominant class.

Influence of community on the cultural development of the learners.

School and community interface plays a crucial role in the cultural

development of the learner by including the local culture into the various
aspects of school activities as it provides an instant value to the
knowledge as it shows communities and children that their own
knowledge and beliefs are actually something worth. It also generates
higher self-esteem in children of their own cultural identity, lower level
feeling of inferiority and self denial which is very helpful for the overall
development of personality. Indigenous knowledge is not necessarily
restricted to traditional knowledge but it should be understood as
indigenous way of transmitting new knowledge. We need to find
innovative ways on how to transmit our indigenous knowledge to new
generation if we don’t want to loose it. So you as a teacher can provide a
platform to promote the wealth of the traditional knowledge in the form
of story, folk tale, belief, practices and legacies by inviting religious
leaders of the different ethnic and tribal communities. This way school
and community interface help in reviving this traditional culture in
today’s context and help the children in getting to know their culture.
As a teacher we should know about the cross cultural understanding of
the community where the school is. This can be done through
• Exploring the diverse aspects of the variety of culture in the
• Understanding the characteristics and practices that comprise a culture
and there by strengthening cross-cultural tolerance and appreciation of

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• Avoid the bias, preconception and myth. Equip the child with the
necessary knowledge and skills for their adult life.
Cultural perspective of education inspire the teachers and students to
collect folk song, folk tale, riddles, local history, folk game and myths
from the community which have rich learning potentials for the child’
cultural development and overall personality development and it is a
source of self -learning in the community by sharing experiences with
others. The Community plays an important role in the cultural
development of the child. The local culture if studied minutely reflects
another realm of learning which can be foundation of institutionalized
knowledge. The local history, its folk traditions, art, craft, etc. have
immense educational potentials and can be used by teacher to make the
teaching -learning process more enjoyable.

2. Describe the need of involving the community in school education.

Discuss how the community can be involved in improving school
education? Give at least five ways.


The objective of community participation in education is to universalize
education which means availability of schooling facilities to all children;
getting all children to enroll and making the system responsive to retain
all students. The goal of any kind of activity that attempts to involve
community and parents /families in education is to improve the
educational delivery so that more children learn better and are well
prepared for the changing world. Participation of the community is a
means to increase the mobilization of the financial, human and material
resources required to make the educational system efficient.
Participation is also necessary to adopt education to the needs, problems,
aspirations and interests of all sections of population especially weaker
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sections. Participation is also essential for the democratization of

education especially in the perspective of achieving equal opportunity.
Participation is indispensable in order to avoid having the community
become indifferent towards the education system.
The National Policy on Education (1986) and the accompanying
Programme of Action called for an integrated and decentralized
approach to developing school education systems with a focus on
building the capacity of districts in planning and management of school
education, particularly at elementary level. Community participation was
regarded as a fundamental requirement for improving the entire
education system and creating an appropriate framework for
accountability at each level of administration. The shift took place from
community development to community participation or empowering the
people or the grass root democracy. It was emphasized in policy
documents that the people need to have power in the decision making
process.The community should be involved in the activities of schools,
in the planning of school education at village/ward, block and district
How community can be involved:
Community involvement helps to raise a responsible child. It encourages
parents/ communities to actively participate in their children’s learning
in schools by visiting schools to monitor hygiene and teaching/learning
process in the classroom, discuss pupils’ performance with teachers and
provide support to their children’s quality learning.
Community can be involved through different ways:
• Participation in the surveys for out of school children, awareness
building campaigns on issue of child labor, enrolment drives;

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• participation in the school mapping exercise, location of the school,

availability of schooling infrastructure like building, classrooms, toilet
and drinking water facility;
• Involvement through the contribution of money, materials, and labour;
• Involvement through ‘attendance’ (e.g. at parents’ meetings at school),
visiting schools to monitor hygiene and teaching/learning in the
classroom, discuss pupil’s performance with teachers;.
• monitoring the incentives like free text books, uniform reach to the
students, monitoring the regularity and quality of mid day meal.

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Solved Assignment-2
Q1 What are the main objectives of Right to Education Act, 2009?
Discuss the multifarious roles of a teacher under this act.
Answer: The basic objective of the RTE Act is stated as follows: "Every
child of the age of six to fourteen years shall have a right to free and
compulsory education in a neighborhood school till completion of
elementary education."

In order to meet this objective, the RTE Act requires state and local
governments to establish a school in each prescribed neighborhood
within a period of three years of the commencement of this Act. Certain
minimum standards of physical infrastructure (number of classrooms, a
playground, a library, etc.) as well as the teacher-student ratio are
specified in the Act. The delineation of neighborhoods is left to the State

• The Act makes education a fundamental right of every child between

the ages of 6 and 14 and specifies minimum norms in elementary
• The government schools shall provide free education to all the
children. Free education is to be given to provide equal opportunity to all
the children to attend school and the expenses should not become a
hindrance in pursuing or completing elementary education.
• The State shall provide school in the ‘neighborhood’ within three
years from the enactment of act. Children in every habitation will have
access to primary school within a walking distance of 1km and to upper
primary school within 3 km.
• Private schools shall admit at least 25% of the children in their schools
from poor families.

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• The Act also provides that no child shall be held back or required to
pass a board examination until the completion of elementary education
i.e VIIIth standard.
• The act also mentions that each child is given age appropriate
education which implies that children will be enrolled in the class that
corresponds to their age. For example if nine year old has not been to
school or dropped out earlier, he/she will be enrolled in class IV. To
enable the 9 year to cope in class IV ‘special training/ bridge course’
will be provided on the premises to bring the child upto the age
appropriate level.
• Schools shall have adequate number of teachers and classrooms- there
is a provision for a teacher for every 30 children at primary level.
The various roles are as follows:
A teacher has multifarious role in educational system. He/she acts as a
manager to the whole educational transaction especially at the school
and local level.
• Teacher as instructor and as a facilitator of learning in the classroom.
NCF 2005 talks that a teacher should be co-constructor of knowledge in
the classroom.
• Teacher as a manager of all the activities of teaching and learning. A
teacher has to act as manager who organizes the educational activities of
the classroom as well as the school. So as a teacher we have to manage,
coordinate and provide leadership to students and other persons for
successful completion of the task at hand
• Teacher as a Counselor helps the students to reach their maximum
potential in life. He/she helps the child to make right choices with
respect to courses career. He/she also works on building capacity in the
children to find solutions to their problems both academic as well

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personal. Thus, the teacher guides the child to solve his/her own problem
and not give readymade answers. A teacher has to be sensitive,
observant, empathetic and objective besides being loving and caring to
win the trust of the students to come up with their problems. The journey
from unknown to known is lead by him/ her.
• Teacher as producer of Knowledge when he does research at the school
level in the form of action research and the particular problem when
solved leads to introduction of new methods.
• Teacher also acts as an agent of Social change. This is the role which
begins from school to community and society at large. When Nehru had
emphasized on scientific temper it was for a teacher to inculcate it in
children. Teacher is the agent who translates these social goals into the
classrooms of India and prepares the next generation towards the vision
of nation.
• Teacher as a leader who guides the class, school and community as
well. He/she should have leadership skills to lead the way towards
development. Leadership skills like decision making, management of
available resources, finding solutions to unforeseen problems. It is also
an important role of a effective teacher.

Q2. What is community mobilization? Why it is important for a

school system? As a teacher what qualities and skills you need to
have to become an effective community mobilize? Discuss.
Ans. Community mobilization is a capacity building process through
which community individuals, groups or organizations plan, carry out
and evaluate activities on a participatory and sustained basis for their
development, either on their own initiative or stimulated by others.

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The community has an important role to identify and use available

resources and plan accordingly. Where there is a mechanism of local
self-government, important decisions are usually made at the local level
by the local people themselves. This is the best possible way for
development of community. This is called community mobilization
where people plan and do things. They take charge of transforming their
community and their lives.
Community mobilization serves these three purposes in education
i) Mobilization for creating access and enrolment (includes micro-
planning and school mapping),
ii) Ensure equity in school facilities (includes gender sensitive
infrastructure) and
iii) Ensuring complete transparency.
Community mobilization since it ensures community ownership and
management of the school system. It was widely believed that this
sharing of responsibilities and devolution of powers would create a
sense of honor and incentivize communities to participate in micro
planning and school mapping initiatives. Micro-planning and school
mapping initiatives essentially refer to identifying households that
should participate in the SSA scheme, recognizing habitations that lack
access to schools and mobilizing parents and students to enroll
themselves into PTAs and schools, respectively. More specifically, the
SSA framework recommends conducting regular enrolment drives,
providing formal schooling facilities in centers of religious instruction
like Maktabs and Madrasas, and setting up of special models of
Alternate Schools exclusively for girls like angina vidyalayas
,bal vidyalaya , etc. This approach to tackling grass-root level problems
was an explicit attempt by the Government to reduce ‘information
9 For more solved Assignment and study material visit:

costs’. With the involvement of the local community, not only is there a
movement towards holistic development of the education system but
also the practice of an economically viable solution.
A mobilizer is a person who mobilizes i.e gets things moving. She/he is
a catalyst that creates an atmosphere to achieve a common goal of
importance to the community by having these qualities as a Teacher:
• Bringing the people together
• Building trust
• Encouraging participation
• Facilitating discussion and decision making
• Helping things to run smoothly
• Facilitation in the community mobilization process
As a teacher we would like to have these skills to become a successful
1) Willingness to examine a situation
2) Respect for all community members.
3) Non judgmental and accepting approach.
4) An understanding of community differences.
5) A brief in community capacity to take effective action.

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1) Good communication skills, especially listening.
2) Good facilitation skills to enable communities to conduct their own
analysis and problem solving
3) An ability to ensure representation of every member of the
community in decision making and planning.
1) Sound Knowledge of community mobilization process and a thorough
understanding of it’s principles.
2) Understanding of the community, it’s ethics and sensitivities.

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Q1. What type of resources is needed to manage a school? Give any
three practical suggestions for human resource management in your
school and write a plan for implementation of these suggestions.
Answer: In the school, management of resources lead to conducive
environment for learning. Management according to Akintunde (2001) is
the process by which the goals of the organization are attained by
directing the efforts of others in the system. In addition Abubakar (2008)
opined that management process entail application of four interrelated
concepts, planning, organizing, implementing and evaluating the use of
resources to achieve goals. The good foundation in the schools are the
bed rock of the society which gives rise to a great nation. And when a
nation is great, people tend to be happy and more productive. Therefore
resource management is of paramount importance in development of
school learning environment.
Resource Classification

Resources are what enable people to turn goals into reality. They
are the things that one uses to achieve goals ones life. These are
human, materials and community resources. However, Nikel, Rice
and Tucker (1976) classified resources into human and non human. The
most important aspect of resource classification is that the human
resources are that which exist within people such as abilities and
characteristics of individuals. And the non human are those things which
exist outside people, but controlled, utilized or possessed by people such
as time, money etc.

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Human resources are abilities and characteristics of individual and other

resources that cannot be utilized independently of people. These human
resources have been categorized into cognitive, affective, psychomotor
and temporal resources, which are similar to the blooms, taxonomy
(Madu, 2006). Cognitive resources are mental traits such as aptitude,
intelligence, judgment etc.

The affective resources are human traits pertaining to emotions and

feelings expressed in appreciation, faith, patience, honesty etc while the
psychomotor resources stresses of muscular activities and mental
processes to develop traits and skills. These comprise of fatigue
tolerance level, vitality, smell, communication skills. The temporal
resources concerns the uses of clock time, this is the process of
perceiving passage of time, pace of activity routine, and assimilating
time use.


The non-human resources are the usable things found outside the
people and in the environment which can help to achieve goals. The
nonhuman resources are further subdivided into Economics and
Environmental resources Fig. II.

Economics Resources

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As the name implies covers money and material possessions which have
values and can create satisfaction. They include money income, fringe
benefits, credit and wealth.

Money: These are monetary benefit derived from capital or labour

which include tips, bonus payments, royalty payments, wages,
commissions, interest, dividends, pensions etc.

Fringe Benefits: Are resources from advantages in goods and services

from employment, but exclude money income. These include medical
care services, paid vocation, retirement programme paid by employers.

Credit: Are purchasing powers expanded through deferred payment of

soft goods and services. Examples are cash loans, service credit,
installment buying.

Wealth: Is a composite of holding real property, and other income

producing assets, plus all the durables such as household equipment,
furnishings and personal possession.


Environmental resources are classified as either physical or social

environmental resources.

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Physical Environmental Resources

The physical environmental resources are further classified into

natural tangible surrounding known as the element of environment and
climate perceived by the sense of touch e.g. soil, terrain, rain and
minerals. The natural less tangible are also element of environment and
climate which can be measured such as air, light, sound, temperature and

Social Environmental Resources

The social environmental resources are also grouped into social

organization, economic institutions, political institution and community
facilities and services.

Social Organization

These are the cooperative human interaction systems that

influences on individuals, values, standard customs, norms etc. they
include, nuclear and extended family circles, friends, associate, civic
groups, community, national and world organizations.

Economics Institutions

They are business and industrial establishments that provides

goods and services to public. They are the business industry, stores and
shopping centers, service markets, banks etc.

Political Institutions

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These are the governmental structures and systems that influences

a persons behavior such as local government, city, country, state and
nations and the network of laws that each encompasses.

Community Facilities

These are shared resources provided by organizations, business or

government such as police and fire protection, churches, mosques,
schools, roadways, recreation centers, parks and libraries.



Acquiring resources is crucial so that they can be effectively

managed to improve the quality of life desired. It is not always what a
people have but what they can do with the resources count most in the
long run.

In the case of the ability of man for production work is routed on

his capacity and potentials, capacity consist the individuals cognitive,
(mental) psychomotor (physical) and affective (attitudinal, Fig. 1).
While potentials are the latent, hidden abilities andtalents that can be
activated and developed for superior performance. Human resources
have to be identified, tested for their quality, the degree of excellence of
each of the cognitive, affective and psychomotor, are properties
available for productive work. Therefore, these are the qualities to be

16 For more solved Assignment and study material visit:


looked for by head teachers in order to employ teachers. The process can
be enhanced through recruitment, selection and placement.


Recruitment: Is the process of enlisting or obtaining potentials

employee application through specific policy and procedural, guidelines.

Selection: Refers to identifying and appointing a new employee from

among others applicant through laid down criteria and procedure i.e.

Placement: Is the terminal employment process which is assigning a

person to given job after interview.


Head Teachers as Instructional Leader

The head teacher can assume this responsibility as follows:

1. Give the right leadership to enable the school to achieve its

objective to a reasonable degree.
2. Identify the problems existing in his school and solve them by
organizing the human and materials resources available to him
to solve the problems.
3. Develop a good working relationship among his staff members
and encourage their creativity and innovations.

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4. Develop the right atmosphere for teaching and learning by

seeking cooperation of the teachers for operational goals
5. They must arrange for in-service training courses for their
teachers so as to acquire appropriate skills.
6. They are in charge of evaluating the educational achievement of
the school.


1. He should use resources given to him in away that will bring

good name to the school.
This can be achieved through:

- Assigning pupils to suitable class and classrooms,

- Assigning both teaching and administrative duties to suitable
staff and drawing up time table for the smooth running of the
- Provide adequate facilities for teaching and learning.
- Motivate the teachers to think of innovations and extraordinary
solutions to problems affecting the school. He should also
motivate to think of doing something for them.
- He should organize discussions with his staff on legal matters
such as civic rights and special education, accountabilities and

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programme evaluation and students assessment policy, public

relation, marking the school and moving beyond controversy.
- He should offer individual support in case of emergency.
- Allow for professional practices and valves.
- Give reward and punishment where necessary.


1. He is a liaison officer (middlemen) between the school and

controlling authority, and between the school and the local
2. The head teacher is expected to always interpret the official
policy of the education system to his staff.
3. He should identify cultural themes, values and dreams that
people can rally around in a community to convinced them that
it is the proper goal.
4. He is a responsible officer in the central educational authority,
and to implement the decisions of the educational authority.
5. He is in charge of implementing any national agenda for
educational reform.


The Head teacher can use human and non-human resource to

achieve school goal by deciding to partition a classroom to decongest
19 For more solved Assignment and study material visit:

population of pupils in the classroom. The carpenter sin the school can
be assigned the responsibility of demarcating a classroom by using the
supplies of ceiling board from store. The Head teacher mobilize other
carpenters to produce sets of desks and benches for the new classroom.
Pupils could contribute by bringing brooms from home to take charge of
sweeping the classrooms and the surrounding daily; without the effort of
all the persons involved in the innovation, the new classroom would not
have become a reality.

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Art, Health & Physical and Work Education at Elementary
Solved Assignment-1

1. “Art Education plays an important role in imparting regular

curriculum of day to day teaching in school”. Briefly explain
the statement by selecting one activity each from visual and
performing arts.
Ans. Sight is an important part of the visual art curriculum. Such a
sensorial experience lasts longer as more than one sense organs are
involved in learning. Students need encouragement to observe details
in their surroundings and explore the relationships between objects
and their environment.


Topic: “Bridges/ Flyovers”

1. Introductory Activities
 Draw a bridge / flyover. Or observe the pictures of bridges.
 Are there any elements of art in them?
 Do you observe any patterns in the bridge design?
 Let us try to find the characteristic features of our bridges and
flyovers: their shape, pattern, the material used, and their
 Compare the bridges and flyovers with those brought or
made by your friends? Are all of you using the same
material? Shape? Patterns?

Bridges tend to be symmetrical. Have students explore the meanings of

symmetrical and asymmetrical

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2. Main Activities
Plan activities in which students explore the relationship between
shape and the structural strength. Let them try out making their own
bridge using a variety of materials: clay/ paper/ card board /
Thermocol / sticks / wood / stones / wires / straws etc. Let them draw
and discuss and represent their plan on a sheet of paper.

Let them understand the structural strength through the

understanding of the shape.
1. Take a plane card paper and put it on two blocks and try to put
some coins on the bridge. The paper cannot hold just a few and
2. Now fold the two edges as to make two walls on the sides. Try
putting coins on it now. A lot more coins can be put without
3. Now make the inner fold into a zigzag pattern of paper (like a fan
folding) It is amazing to see how many more coins can be added to
the bridge now. Remind them to consider the appearance of the
bridge (decoration) as well as the function.

The performing arts in education provides students with the opportunity

to engage the mind, the body and emotions into a collaborative
expression of all that it means to be human. Through study and
performance, students explore and present great themes and ideas.
Activity: Phone Call
Students describe how sound travels through a solid.
String, at least 200 cm. (two yards) long; nail (to make hole); paper
cups; scissors; paper clips (or washers)

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1. Make a small hole in the bottom of two paper cups.
2. Thread the string through the holes; tie each end to a washer so the
string won’t slip through.
3. Have a friend hold one cup; you hold the other. Gently pull the string
until it’s tight. Take turns talking into the cup and listening. Be sure that
you keep the string taut. Why do you think these phones work? 4. Work
with another pair of students and use two phone sets. Cross the lines by
looping one over the other. Describe to your partner what you think is
happening and why. Then, report to the class.
5. How is the sound traveling?
Applying Ideas
1. Which do you think would make better “telephone wire,” thicker
string or thinner string? Why?
2. Why doesn’t your telephone work when you let the string hang
3. What are some other things you could use for a receiver instead of a
paper cup?

Q2. “ Planning and preparation for performing Art activities is

essential for its successful implementation” Discuss on this
Ans.Planning and preparation plays a significant role in the organization
of an event. It is an important tool to assure the success of an event. A
well designed plan and preparation results in a winning situation. The
effective implementation of plan plays a very important role in the
whole process.
For planning Theme selection should be according to the need of the
event. We should be aware of the objective and purpose of the event

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while selection of art forms. It is very important to have authentic
information of the art form which can be collected from various sources.
The outlook and quality of the audience has to be kept in mind while
selection of art forms. Date and time of the event is to be finalized
keeping in mind the availability of space in the regular school
curriculum. The location of the event , space of stage or the ambience is
to be decided on the basis of the availability of funds, easy to reach,
space for audience(celebration, annual day etc.), level of event(school
level, inter school level, state level etc.). Fund allocation for the event
and its distribution under different heads plays a crucial role in the
organization. Participation in school should be kept to the maximum as
the involvement motivates each child. It is very important to decide and
select the type of costume and ornaments for the performance.
In preparation it is important to have a fully aware team at different
levels of work. Audition and selection of students should be done
according to the need of the performance. There should be appropriate
provision and allocation of time for rehearsals for practice of script,
song, music, puppetry like dialogue delivery, voice modulation, body
language and movements, mudras etc. Stage construction should be done
according to the number of participants in different performances. The
configuration of the stage should give scope of eye contact between
performers and spectators. There should be arrangement of sound
system and lighting according to the requirement of the performance.
Costume, ornaments and make up can be self made/home made, on rent
or already available with school. Props should be prepared in advance
according to the need of the art form. For puppetry, stage setting should
be according to the type of puppetry i.e. string, shadow, glove etc. The
puppets can be self made or experts could be invited to do workshops
with children to make it. For theatre, script should be finalized with care
. All the participants should have a copy of script to build up a relation
with the whole act. Funds should be managed judicially because the
whole plan of action discussed above is based on the availability of
funds. There should be dress rehearsal on the stage a day before the

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event so that everything can be checked and corrected including other
Therefore proper planning, preparation, delegation of responsibilities
with effective supervision is the key to success for any event of
performing arts

Solved Assignment-2

1. Explain the concept of work education in the light of

purposeful and meaningful physical work.
Ans.In every country, the main objective of education is to develop
such educational system which provides opportunities to develop
talents and skills which are needed throughout their life, to its
citizens. It is compulsory to determine that physical work should be
associated with education i.e. work education should be made an
inseparable part of education.
Work education is considered purposeful and meaningful physical
work, which is organized as the inherent part of educational process.
It is deemed as the production of meaningful material and community
service, in which the children share the experience of contentment
and pleasure. Work education emphasizes on including knowledge,
understanding, and practical skills in educational activities. The
concept of work education can be understood better through the
following factors.
Work Education–
• It establishes coordination in hand and brain.
• Socially useful physical work is inherent in educational activities.
• It is an essential and significant factor in learning processes.

5 For more solved assignments and study material visit:

• It is visible in the form of useful services and productive work for
• It is associated as an essential factor with all the aspects of
education in multilevel education system.
• It is based on the principle of learning by doing. Inherent activities
in work education–
• Develops skills like problem solving, critical thinking and decision
• Invites partnership of teachers teaching all the subjects.
• Is based on needs, interests and capabilities of students.
• Develops abilities of students according to different stages of
• Helps in the development of personality.
• Develop and enhances professional readiness and efficiency in
• Provides opportunity for interaction with different, toole,
techniques, methods, materials and objects.
• Provides opportunities for experiencing conditions related to
community services.
• Introduces to the world of work.
Education can not be separated from physical work for cultural re-
awakening. Every student should participate in some programmes of
service to the mankind by coming out of the sphere of his particular
community. Work should be taken as a medium of education because
experiences are the windows of our brain.”
Work has educational importance in the education of all the children
who might belong to any social, economic or cultural back ground.
The education system in which work and knowledge try to adopt

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separate path, can never be connected with the society, but it widens
the gap between society and educational institutes. Probably this is
the main factor which deprives children of necessary life skills due to
lack of connection in work and education. By placing physical work
and productive work on a high pedestal in school curriculum means
making education meaningful, logical and useful for life.
Now we can summed up that work education is a purposeful,
meaningful activity with physical work which is included in all the
stages of school curriculum in an organized and systematic way and
is visible as product or social service.

2. Explain the following statement “Timing and Grouping of

students plays a vital role in the effective implementation of
Work Education activity.”
Ans. Timing and Grouping of students plays a vital role in the
effective implementation of Work Education activity. A perfect group
and essential time allocation is the key for the successful completion
of work education activity. Students experience joy when they give a
shape to their ideas and imagination and when they work in groups–
• There is a positive enhancement of their feelings of joy through this
learning process.
• They develop team spirit.
• They display the skill of teaching learning to one another.
• Qualities like co-operation and leadership develop spontaneously.
The nature of majority of activities in work education is such that
they give better results if done in groups. Qualities related to aptitude,
values and skills and the other social values like sensitivity towards
one other and environment, empathy, co-operation, understanding
interdependence, love for nature, appreciation for beauty, dignity of

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labour, regularity etc. blossom more on working in groups. An
environment of common culture is developed by working in groups.
The above mentioned positive aspects can only be promoted when the
grouping of the learners is done in a systematic way.
Timing plays a vital role in effecting implementation of work
education activity. Whatever the activity a teacher decides to organize
must have a proper timing so that it won’t hinder the usual schedule
of school or any other event. Also with proper timing students will
get chance to understand the activity and the ways to implement it,
like after April, there is summer vacation in May and June, you can
plan projects for the students about the tasks to be assigned to them.
A number of activities can he given to the students as home
assignment like collection of seeds, herbarium, making a whistle with
mango seed, make drink with mango, know the variety of mangoes,
write dairy for any ten days collect broken things.
Time for each activity can be allocated on the basis of nature, its
objectives and the expected results. It is not necessary that all the
stages of each activity may be performed in the school. There may be
some activities which may begin with the demonstration by teacher
and then may experience in their houses or community as per their
Important point of view regarding time is–
Which activity is to be done in which part of the year/session. Fixing
of this point will depend on the nature of activity and need of school
and community. You can plan a project in the capacity of work
education teacher that in a particular month of the session, what
should be extra activities and which of those can became a part of the
programme of work education.

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Solved Assignment -3

1. Define Health as per World Health Organisation. Discuss the

key factors that affect health?
Ans.The World Health Organization (WHO) defined health as “a
state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not
merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” The word ‘health’ was
derived from the old English word ‘hoelth’, which meant a state of
being sound, and was generally used to infer a soundness of the body.
Key factors that affect health:
• Education and literacy: WHO research on Social Determinant of
health identified that social inequities in early life do contribute to
inequities in health later on, through factors such as educational
attainment. The report notes that children from disadvantaged
backgrounds are more likely to do poorly in school and subsequently,
as adults, are more likely have lower incomes and be less empowered
to provide good health care, nutrition, and stimulation to their own
children, thus contributing to the intergenerational cycle.
• Physical environments:High levels of air pollution have been
shown to increase mortality, hospital admissions and emergency
9 For more solved assignments and study material visit:
department visits. People aged over 65 years, infants and preschool
children, and people with respiratory problems and chronic diseases
are particularly affected. The management of drinking water quality is
crucial to the prevention of waterborne diseases and chemical
• Biology and genetics:Inheritance plays a part in determining
lifespan, healthiness and the likelihood of developing certain
illnesses. Personal behaviour and coping skills – balanced eating,
keeping active, smoking, drinking, and how we deal with life’s
stresses and challenges all affect health.
• Work-Life Balance:Work-life balance is about managing to find a
good balance between paid work and other activities that are
important to us. This includes spending time with family, taking part
in sport and recreation, volunteering, and study. People may suffer
from stress or anxiety if they can't find this balance.
• Gender: Men and women suffer from different types of diseases at
different ages.
• Income and social status:Higher income and social status are
linked to better health. The greater the gap between the richest and
poorest people, the greater the differences in health.
• Employment/working conditions:Employment plays an important
role in well-being. For most people, income from paid work is the
main factor determining their material standard of living. Income
saved during their working life contributes to the standard of living of
many retired people.
There is a strong and well established link between unemployment
and health. Unemployment causes poor health and poor health
increases the probability of unemployment. 2003 research project
found that exposure to unemployment was associated with
significantly increased risks of mental health problems, suicidal
tendencies and crime.

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• Health care services:Having good access to healthcare is defined
as people being able to get affordable care within an appropriate
timeframe. Healthier populations tend to have strong primary health
care, usually through GP services. The WHO Report 2008 encourages
all countries to orient their health care systems toward strengthened
primary care. There is a relationship between the use of after-hours
health care and age, gender and household income.
• Child immunization:Immunization uses the body’s natural defense
mechanism, the immune response, to build resistance to specific
infections. When an immunized person comes in contact with that
disease in the future, their immune system will respond to prevent
them developing the disease.

2. Explain the principles of Lesson Planning of Physical

Ans.The physical education lessons are planned in accordance with
certain basic principles which may vary from one group of activities
to another, for example, drills and athletic events. However, the
following principles are common to all lessons.
1. Warming up: It is necessary to warm up the class thoroughly
before the start of any heavy or vigorous activity. In the absence of
warming up., there is possibility of injury to the muscles. In order to
warm up, running, jumping, skipping and walking may be done.
2. Harmonious development: In order to ensure harmonious
development, the lesson must provide for exercises to all parts of the
body in equal measure. All big and small muscles are to be brought
into use with the help of different exercises for arms, legs, neck and
trunk. Through this, balance, agility, strength, coordination, and speed
are developed.
3. Age and Sex: the activities should be selected in consideration of
student’s age and sex. Exercises for sixth class must be quite different
11 For more solved assignments and study material visit:
from those for the ninth classes. Exercises for girls ought to be
different in content and form as they may find it difficult to perform
activities of a longer duration. For boys, physical exercises may be
strenuous and hard.
4. Progression: it is impossible for a student to perform difficult
exercises immediately at the start of a lesson. The lesson must begin
with mild exercises, gradually shifting to the hard ones. There ought
to be a proper sequence in the arrangement of exercises so that there
is no feeling of frustration at any stage of activity, among students on
account of difficulty.
5. Repetition of Exercise: An exercise performed only once will
have no developmental value. It is to be done for a certain period of
time repetitiously. The length of period or number of repetitions may
depend on the nature of the exercise and the objectives for which it
has been placed in the lesson plan. Simple exercises may need lesser
number; complex exercises may require greater number of
6. Continuity of the Lesson: once the lesson begins, it must continue
uninterrupted until the end. If interruption comes and forces the body
to cool down precision, vigor, rhythm of the activity will be adversely
affected. The teacher should maintain the lessons continuity.
7. Limbering Down: the body has to be brought back to normal after
exercise not abruptly but with mild exercises. Exercises like shaking
limbs, stretching, head-dropping, long-breathing and many more
exercises are good for this purpose. Limbering down is necessary for
physiological and psychological reasons

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