CreateaSuperHERONarrativeCommonCoreAligned PDF

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Creating a

Common Core Aligned

Created by The SuperHERO Teacher
Dear Educator,
Thank you so much for downloading “Writing
a SuperHERO Narrative” for your students! I
hope you are happy with the product! If you
have any questions, please feel free to e mail
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A Special Thank
You to KG Fonts!
Common Core State
This FREEBIE meets three of the new
9th and 10th grade Common Core writing

• CCSS.9-10.W.3: Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences

or events using effective technique, well-chosen details, and well-
structured event sequences.
• Use narrative techniques, such as dialogue, pacing, description,
reflection, and multiple plot lines, to develop experiences, events,
and/or characters.

• CCSS.9-10.W.4: Produce clear and coherent writing in which the

development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose,
and audience.

• CCSS.9-10.W.5: Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning,

revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on
addressing what is most significant for a specific purpose and audience.

Page ONE: CCSS.9-10.w.4

Page TWO: CCSS.9-10.w.3
Page THREE: CCSS.9-10.w.3
Page FOUR: CCSS.9-10.w.3
Page FIVE: CCSS.9-10.w.5
Let’s Think:
Prewriting and Organizing

In your own words,

explain what a
narrative is and how
to develop the plot!

For the next two

minutes, create a list
of potential ideas and
story lines you would
consider writing your
narrative about! Don’t
stop writing until the
time is up!

When you are done,

chose TWO from your
list and brainstorm a
plot for the two stories

Story #1 Story #2

When you are done, put a STAR around the one you feel most comfortable writing about!
Choosing Your Plot and Conflict!
Types of Conflict Choose at least TWO forms of conflict that you
• Person vs. Self: an internal struggle plan to include in your narrative. Explain how you
will develop them.
with his/her personal qualities
• Person vs. Person: an external struggle
between two or more people
• Person vs. Society: A struggle in which
the protagonists views conflict with
everyday traditions or laws
• Person vs. Nature: the protagonist is
confronted by a form of nature
• Person vs. Technology: The antagonist
uses technology to overpower society

Using the diagram below, describe (in detail) the plot for your narrative.
2. Rising Action 3. Climax

1 2 4 5
1. Exposition 4. Falling Action 5. Resolution
Developing your Choose your protagonist
Describe their physical features and personality traits

Heroes, protagonists,
antagonists, and more!

• Hero: Main character who has
admirable qualities
• Anti-Hero: A character who is
flawed and does not typically have
admirable qualities
• Tragic Hero: Main character whose Choose your antagonist
Describe their physical features and personality traits
flaw leads to his/her destruction
• Byronic Hero: Rebellious character
with a troubled past
• Unwilling Hero: A character that
does not realize he/she is a hero.
Full of doubt.
• Group Heroes: Part of a society but
has to leave to overcome a journey
elsewhere (but always returns)

Additional characters
Choose your hero Describe their physical features and personality traits
Describe their physical features and personality traits
Putting it Together:
Dialogue, Imagery, and plot lines! Oh my!
Dialogue: What specific conversations and Imagery: What image do you want to develop for
interactions do you want to occur between your your audience? Map it out here!
characters? Map it out here!

A good narrative has multiple plot lines. Develop THREE to include in your story. Then, sketch a drawing of them.
Plot Line 1 Plot Line 2 Plot Line 3
Peer Editing Checklist and
Revision Guide
_____ Punctuation: Are all punctuation marks placed in the proper areas? (check
for comma splices)
_____ Spelling: Are all words spelled correctly?
_____ Grammar: Is everything grammatically correct?
_____ Sentence Structure: Read the sentences aloud.
_____ Paragraph Development: Does the entire story flow?
_____ Character Development: Do the characters meet your expectations or do
they need more detail?
_____ Creativity: Does the narrative have multiple plot lines?
_____ Dialogue: Does the dialogue make sense and is it placed correctly throughout
the story?
_____ Other: Do you have any other corrections or suggestions to make?

Peer Comments (positive and constructive):


After reviewing and rereading your narrative, what changes do you plan to make in your next draft?
Narrative Rubric
Student Name: ________________________________________

CATEGORY 10-8 8-6 6-3 3-1

Writing Process Student devotes a lot of Student devotes sufficient Student devotes some Student devotes little time
time and effort to the time and effort to the time and effort to the and effort to the writing
writing process writing process writing process but was process. Doesn\'t seem to
(prewriting, drafting, (prewriting, drafting, not very thorough. Does care.
reviewing, and editing). reviewing, and editing). enough to get by.
Works hard to make the Works and gets the job
story wonderful. done.
Organization The story is very well The story is pretty well The story is a little hard Ideas and scenes seem to
organized. One idea or organized. One idea or to follow. The transitions be randomly arranged.
scene follows another in a scene may seem out of are sometimes not clear.
logical sequence with clear place. Clear transitions
transitions. are used.

Characters The main characters are The main characters are The main characters are It is hard to tell who the
complex, named, and complex, named, and named. The reader knows main characters are.
clearly described in text. described. Most readers very little about the
Most readers could would have some idea of characters. The
describe the characters what the characters characters are lacking
accurately. looked like. complexity.

Plot Structure The plot is well developed The plot is well developed The plot has one The plot is not developed
and has multiple and has more than one plot/story line. The plot and is not interesting to
plot/story lines. The plot plot/story line. The plot is lacks interesting features the reader.
is interesting and interesting and engaging and excitement.
engaging for the audience. for the audience.

Creativity The story contains many The story contains a few The story contains a few There is little evidence of
creative details and/or creative details and/or creative details and/or creativity in the story.
descriptions that descriptions that descriptions, but they The author does not seem
contribute to the contribute to the distract from the story. to have used much
reader\'s enjoyment. The reader\'s enjoyment. The The author has tried to imagination.
author has really used his author has used his use his imagination.
imagination. imagination.

Total: __________
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