D T Assessment Task 2b

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Western Sydney High School

HSC Assessment Task 2, 2018 Notification

Course: Design & Technology Task: 2

Topic: Innovation – Case Study Weight: 20%
Issue date: 01st May, 2018 Mark: 20
Due date: 21st May, 2018

Outcomes to be assessed:

H2.1 explains the influence of trends in society on design and production

H3.1 analyses that factors that influence innovation and the success of innovation
H5.2 selects and uses appropriate research methods and communication techniques
H6.2 critically assesses the emergence and impact of new technologies, and the factors
affecting their development


Our technological devices occupy a significant aspect of our everyday lives. For this task you will
choose a product innovated by Apple and assess the factors affecting its design and success. You will
present your findings to your peers in a multimodal presentation.


With a partner in your own class, you will choose an Apple product and research the following

1. Outline the innovation and its design and development history.

2. Explain the influence of trends in society on the design and production of the innovation.
3. Describe the role of or process used by the designer in the development of the product.
Do any other agencies impact upon the success of the innovation? Explain
4. Has the innovation been a success? Critically analyse with reference to factors influencing
innovation and the success of innovation.

You are to present your findings to your peers in a multimodal presentation. You are to create a
PowerPoint or Prezi*, 6-8 minutes in length. You may wish to follow the provided scaffold.

* If you wish to use a different program, please consult your teacher.

You will be assessed on how well you:

 Address all aspects of the task with detailed knowledge and understanding
 Use relevant business case study
 Conduct research and inquiry into a real business/product
 Communicate using relevant design terminology and concepts
 Create and present an engaging presentation
Marking criteria Mark

 Provides a detailed outline of the innovation and its history

 Explains in great detail the influence of trends in society on
the design and production of the innovation.
 Describes in great detail the role or process used by the 11-15
designer in the development of the product.
 Critically analyses the success of the innovation with
reference to factors influencing innovation and success

 Provides a thorough outline of the innovation and its

 Explains in detail the influence of trends in society on the
design and production of the innovation.
 Describes in detail the role or process used by the designer
in the development of the product.
 Thoroughly analyses the success of the innovation with
reference to factors influencing innovation and success
 Provides a brief outline of the innovation and its history
 Briefly explains the influence of trends in society on the
design and production of the innovation.
 Briefly describes the role or process used by the designer in 4-7
the development of the product.
 Briefly analyses the success of the innovation with
reference to factors influencing innovation and success

 No or very brief outline of the innovation and its history

 No or very brief explanation of the influence of trends in
society on the design and production of the innovation.
 No or very brief description of the role or process used by
the designer in the development of the product.
 No or little analysis of the success of the innovation with
little to no reference to factors influencing innovation and

 Designs an interesting and eye-capturing presentation

 Presentation is clear and coherent
 Effectively uses photographs and other sources to enhance
Presentation the presentation
5%  All sources are referenced throughout the presentation
 Speaks clearly and confidently and maintains eye contact
with audience
 Presentation adheres to time limit

Title Identify and describe chosen product

Outline the history of its design and Historical and cultural influences on
development designing and producing

Historical and cultural influences on

Role of by designer
designing and producing cont.

Process used by designer Process (cont.)

Success? Factors influencing innovation Factors influencing innovation and the

and the success of innovation success of innovation (cont.)

PowerPoint tutorial: Technology for Teachers and Students (2017). Beginner’s guide to powerpoint –
2017 tutorial [video]. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XF34-Wu6qWU

Prezi tutorial: Technology for Teachers and Students (2017). Prezi Next 2017 Tutorial - New Version
of Prezi 2017 [video]. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEqbJ1sulWA
Evaluate the importance of assessment and approaches to feedback and assessment design that
will inform your practice in your teaching area.

 The impact on student outcomes of high stakes testing.

 Opportunities for feedback to inform and improve student learning and links to the literature

Discussion – Assessment and feedback in HSC and Stage 6 Design & Technology.

“The collection and evaluation of a student’s learning” is the definition allocated by NSW

Education Standards Authority (NESA) (2018) to the concept of ‘assessment’. Assessment is

necessary in clarifying students’ knowledge, understanding and skills (NESA, 2018) and is of crucial

importance during the High School Certificate - an integral step in the educational careers of

students. The Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (APST) (Australian Institute for

Teaching and School Leadership [AITSL], 2011) specifies the standards for assessment, feedback and

reporting by which teachers must abide. Standard 5 requires teachers to “assess, provide feedback

and report on student learning”, emphasising the role of assessment and feedback in the improving

of students’ learning. This places teachers in a position of accountability in the improvement of

students’ knowledge, understanding and skill development through assessment and feedback. High

stakes assessment will be related to self-efficacy and achievement of students, while exploring how

effective feedback can be used to combat test-anxiety and pressure. This paper will also explore the

design of a stage 6 assessment task and the approach undertaken in its design.

“The Higher School Certificate and similar tertiary entrance examinations are a source of real

stress for students in a society that places a premium on academic achievement and competition”

(O’Brien and Wright, 2007). As the Australian government works towards ensuring “world-class

curriculum and assessment for Australia at national and local levels” (Ministerial Council on

Education, Employment, Training and Youth Affairs, 2008), assessment standards and expectations
for students continue to rise from both teachers and parents (Moore, 2011). Such behaviours

include plagiarism, rote learning, and the problem of tutors writing students’ assessment tasks

(Moore, 2011). Co-ordinator at Korowal school, Thomas (2011), expresses his concern that the

potential for students to carry such behaviours through further education and through the

workplace, where they may eventually be caught out. This demonstrates that the moral ethic and

reliability of student achievements may be impacted negatively due to the initial stress caused by

high stakes assessment such as the HSC, and students’ solution for dealing with such stress.

Research shows a proven correlation between test anxiety and achievement (Beilock; Beilock

& Carr; Chapell et al.; Hong & Karstensson; McCarthy & Goffin; Musch & Broeder; Ramirez & Beilock;

Worthy, Markman & Maddox, as cited in Sung, Chao & Tseng, 2016). Bandura (as cited in Roick &

Ringeisen, 2017), states that confidence beliefs and self-efficacy determine state anxiety in

performance situations. Students may experience stress/ anxiety where they feel as though they are

unable to meet the expectations set by the HSC and Australian curriculum. This has the potential to

impact on their final results. As assessment is a vital aspect of schooling and of the HSC, the

strengthening of students’ self-efficacy beliefs and achievement emotions, which have been

identified as two major determinants of academic performance (Pajares; Richardson, Abraham &

Bond; Schunk & Meece; Zeidner, as cited in Roick & Ringeisen, 2017), should be of interest to

teachers and/or schools (Roick & Ringeisen, 2017).

Bandura (as cited in Sapp, 2013) suggests four ways in which self-efficacy can be enhanced in
test-anxious persons. These are:

1. Expose students to successful testing experiences where one can reach realistic goals,
increasing one’s sense of achievement
2. Expose an individual to models who perform successfully during test situations
3. Provide encouragement and verbal persuasion concerning test taking
4. Strengthen physiological arousal
These are tips which will inform my own teaching practice around assessment. Considering

the high stakes surrounding HSC assessment, it is necessary to encourage self-efficacy and

confidence in students to ensure performance and achievement is not hindered.

Feedback is another effective tool in encouraging self-efficacy and confidence in students. The

ultimate goal for feedback is to clarify to students how to improve their learning (NESA, 2018). Rae

and Cochrane (as cited in Rand, 2017, p.34) believe “feedback is considered as one of the most

powerful influences on student growth, development, learning, and achievement”. Hattie and

Timperley (as cited in AITSL, n.d.) determine that effective feedback can almost double the average

student growth over a school year. Proposed by Hattie and Timperley (2007) is a model which

identifies three major feedback questions: “Where am I going? How am I going? and Where to

next?” (p.102). They justify this by explaining that “The answers to these questions enhance learning

when there is a discrepancy between what is understood and what is aimed to be understood.”

(p.102). Effective feedback allows students to remain hopeful in that they are aware of areas in

which they lack knowledge and understanding and how they may improve.

Effective feedback is of value to students as they see it as necessary in improving their

academic results and achievements. Higgins, Hartley and Skelton (2002) state that in their research,

“While recognising the importance of grades, many of the students in the study adopt a more

‘conscientious’ approach. They are motivated intrinsically and seek feedback which will help them to

engage with their subject in a ‘deep’ way.” (p.53). This makes it necessary for teachers to provide

detailed, specific and informative feedback from which students can extrapolate areas in which they

have succeeded, areas which need work and how to improve. NESA (2018) provides specific tips and

principles by which feedback should abide in order to support student learning. These include, as

mentioned previously, advising students on how they can improve, allowing them to rehearse and

practice, consult a range of reference points, and plan how to improve their knowledge,

understanding and skill (NESA, 2018).

The Stage 6 Design and Technology teaching area aims to “develop students’ confidence,

competence and responsibility in designing, producing and evaluating to meet both needs,

opportunities, and to understand the factors that contribute to successful design and production”

(NSW Board of Studies, 2013). NESA (2017) sets out assessment requirements which build on

knowledge and understanding of course content and knowledge and skills in designing, managing,

producing and evaluating design projects. NESA (2017) requires Design and Technology students to

complete a case study related assessment task. This requirement has informed the design of an

assessment task requiring students to conduct research surrounding a technological innovation.

Students are asked to assess the influence on innovation and the success of a chosen innovation and

present their findings to peers. This satisfies several key competencies as set out by the Design and

Technology 6 Syllabus (Board of Studies NSW, 2013) including ‘collecting, analysing and organising

information’, ‘communicating ideas and information’, ‘planning and organising activities’, ‘working

with others and in teams’ and ‘using technology’. These competencies are in place and “considered

essential for the acquisition of effective, higher order thinking skills necessary for further education,

work and everyday life.” (Board of Studies NSW, 2013).

Standard 5 of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (AITSL, 2011) requires

teachers to ‘assess, provide feedback, and report on student learning’. In achieving this standard,

formal and informal assessment must be conducted in order to provide insight into the knowledge,

understanding and skills of students and provide effective feedback which contributes to

improvement in student achievement. Assessment must satisfy learning outcomes set by the

Australian curriculum, while feedback provides students with insight into the outcomes and criteria

which they have succeeded in or achieved and the areas in which and what they must do to

improve. Considering the high-stakes assessment put forth by the HSC, it is necessary for teachers to

encourage self-efficacy and confidence in students in attempt to not hinder performance and

achievement. These are considerations which I will carry through to my own teaching practice while

ensuring fair assessment for students of all abilities and providing effective feedback with the

intention of assisting students in improving results and achievements. Assessment design will be
informed by the assessment requirements and outcomes set out by NESA and the Design and

Technology Stage 6 Syllabus (Board of Studies NSW, 2013).


Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (2016). Australian Professional Standards for
Teachers. Retrieved from http://www.aitsl.edu.au/australian-professional-standards-

Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (n.d.). Spotlight: Reframing feedback to
improve teaching and learning. Retrieved from https://www.aitsl.edu.au/docs/default-

Board of Studies NSW (2013). Design and Technology Stage 6 Syllabus. Retrieved from

Hattie, J., & Timperley, H. (2007). The Power of Feedback. Review Of Educational Research, 77(1),
81-112. doi: 10.3102/003465430298487

Higgins, R., Hartley, P., & Skelton, A. (2002). The Conscientious Consumer: Reconsidering the role of
assessment feedback in student learning. Studies In Higher Education, 27(1), 53-64. doi:

Ministerial Council on Education, Employment, Training and Youth Affairs (2008). Melbourne
Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians. Retrieved from

Moore, A. (Reporter). (2011). HSC pressure leading to unethical behaviour: Across Australia, Year 12
students are finishing their final exams and many are turning their attention to university [News
broadcast]. Sydney, NSW: ABC News NSW.

NSW Education Standards Authority (2017). Assessment and Reporting in Design and Technology
Stage 6. Retrieved from https://educationstandards.nsw.edu.au/wps/wcm/connect/7330fc10-

NSW Education Standards Authority (2018). Effective feedback. Retrieved from

O'Brien, T., & Wright, K. (2007). Helping students with HSC stress and distress [online]. Australian
Educational Leader, 29(2), 32-35. Retrieved from https://search-informit-com-

Rand, J. (2017). Misunderstandings and mismatches: The collective disillusionment of written

summative assessment feedback. Research In Education, 97(1), 33-48. doi:

Roick, J., & Ringeisen, T. (2017). Self-efficacy, test anxiety, and academic success: A longitudinal
validation. International Journal Of Educational Research, 83, 84-93. doi:

Sapp, M. (2013). Test anxiety (3rd ed.). UPA.

Sapp, M. (2013). Test anxiety: applied research, assessment, and treatment interventions. Retrieved
from https://ebookcentral.proquest.com

Sung, Y., Chao, T., & Tseng, F. (2016). Reexamining the relationship between test anxiety and
learning achievement: An individual-differences perspective. Contemporary Educational
Psychology, 46, 241-252. doi: 10.1016/j.cedpsych.2016.07.001

Thomas, M (Speaker). (2011). HSC pressure leading to unethical behaviour: Across Australia, Year 12
students are finishing their final exams and many are turning their attention to university [News
broadcast]. Sydney NSW: ABC News NSW.

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