Academic and Its Associated HR Activities

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Geethanjali College of Engineering and Technology

Cheeryal, Keesara Mandal, Hyderabad

Academic and its associated HR Activities
Schedule for the Second Semester of the Academic Year 2018-19
Activities Prior to Semester Commencement
Work Load Allocation and Time Tables
 Allocation of workload may be completed in depts. at least two weeks before the conclusion of the
current semester for the next semester, by taking options from teachers.
 HoDs to ensure that faculty may be given two courses (one course should have lab component) to
the extent possible.
 Two faculty members may be made available for tutorial sessions.
 The time-table for lecture and tutorial classes may be made such that both the teachers would
attend the tutorial class.
 HoDs to ensure that teachers may be given two different courses instead of one subject for two
sections to the same teacher. A consolidated effort of two teachers shall make overall instruction more
effective in the subject concerned.
 This would help in readjustment/reallocation of courses in case of any exigency whenever a faculty
member goes on long leave/resigns. This would also help in the conduct of tutorial classes efficiently
with two teachers handling the same subject available for tutorial sessions. The time-table for lecture
and tutorial classes may be made such that both the teachers handling the same course must together
be able to conduct tutorial class for each of the sections, i.e. each of them would attend the tutorial
class of the other and also making alternate arrangements fairly easy.
 Time-Tables to be made ready one week before the commencement of the semester.
 The best teachers in the respective depts. to be allocated second year classes and then for third year
 The best teachers should take the first period or first two periods every day. This would automatically
force students to be in college on time to a very large extent.
 Let all teachers engage four periods per week per theory course. One extra period may be used which
is essentially meant for discussion so that group / cooperative learning takes place in the class room
 All teachers are requested to continue their class until the next teacher arrives except the period
leading to the break. This would avoid students leaving the classroom which usually leads to wastage
of time which creates indiscipline.
Geethanjali College of Engineering and Technology
Cheeryal, Keesara Mandal, Hyderabad
 We may keep one period in a week free for all teachers of the Department, dealing with all sections
(B.Tech / M.Tech / MBA) for conducting the departmental faculty meetings. Though it involves a lot
of planning, it is highly desirable to have a short meeting every week as is the practice in well
performing institutions.
 For third year students, particularly of CSE/EEE/ECE, keep twelve periods per week for
"Finishing School", any four days in the afternoon from Monday to Saturday.
 Time-table for 2nd year and 3rd classes may include two periods each per week for vocabulary
classes and BEC classes respectively. All these programs must be structured. These classes to be
taken by the English dept. faculty, who have good communication skills with certain degree of
passion and if need be these faculty be trained for this activity.
 One period per week be allocated for Mentoring/Sports/Library, which should be the last period.
Keep eight periods per day from the beginning of the academic year.
 All CAC members must keep themselves free of class work on Wednesday from 1.30 pm
onwards. This is mandatory.
 Keep one period per course for Tutorial for all courses which deal quantitatively.
 Add at least two new relevant experiments in all lab courses.
Administrative activities in the departments
 HoDs are requested to ensure at least one meeting of the department is conducted per week and
the outcome communicated to the office of the Principal.
 Groups Heads are requested ensure at least one meeting of their group is conducted per week
and salient features of the meeting and its outcome is communicated to their department's Head and
as well as to the office of the Principal
Course Files, Lab Manuals, Lecture Notes and Text / Reference books.
 Course Files and lab manuals to be made available two weeks before the commencement of the
 Lab Manuals: Revision of lab manuals is essential based on the use of new equipment/addition of
new lab experiments explicitly mentioning Objectives and Outcomes for each topic / Experiment as
the case may be. Further, two experiments must be designed and conducted over and above the

Geethanjali College of Engineering and Technology
Cheeryal, Keesara Mandal, Hyderabad
 Faculty Lecture notes and power point presentations, if any, for the first three units, (if possible), to
be made available along with assignment questions for at least three assignments for perusal of senior
faculty/group head at least one week before the commencement of the semester.
 The Text books / Reference books being recommended by faculty be sent to library for purchase two
weeks . Library personnel have to send the list of existing books to department course wise one
month before the commencement of the semester.
 Faculty ensure that a long note book to be maintained for assignments of each course by students.
 Faculty Seminar Schedule (date, time, venue, and the topic to be made available two weeks before the
commencement of the semester with one seminar by each faculty in a semester).
Student Counseling/Mentoring
 Counselors/Mentors list along with the student list to be one week before the commencement of the
semester. The list of students be sent by Academic section to departments one week before the
commencement of the semester.
 The books for mentoring be made available to the concerned mentors one week before the
commencement of the semester.
 HoDs with the help of dept. faculty to identify brightest students based on their class
participation, percentage of marks, and past track record. Exam branch to send the merit list of
students to the departments. This will also be useful for mentoring all the students for their
professional improvement / career guidance etc.
 Such students to be mentored closely to ensure that they put in all their efforts and solve
complex problems requiring involved thinking (food for thought), in each unit (to be given
as assignment), some of which may be solved by teachers in the classroom, after the last
date for receipt of assignment for the unit concerned. This will help better students to
promote higher order thinking and problem solving.
 They should be motivated and explained the importance of creativity and innovation and
also the benefits of pursuing higher education such as MS abroad, M. Tech in premier
institutes such IISc, IITs, and possibility of pursuing PhD. This should be done by senior
faculty on a continuous basis.
 They should be told regarding the prospects of a long cherished professional career that
awaits for them.

Geethanjali College of Engineering and Technology
Cheeryal, Keesara Mandal, Hyderabad
Lab sessions and Internal lab exams
 The teachers handling practical / drawing classes have to inform students that they are the concerned
faculty to take care of clarifications / explanations / viva-voce / evaluation of records & drawing
sheets / conduct of makeup or remedial classes for the lab / drawing sessions. This is necessary in
view of the fact that the Feed Back from students is also being introduced for practical / drawing
sessions. These teachers must make alternate arrangements by using services of another teacher other
than the teachers assigned to engage the lab/drawing class.
 During the final week of the semester, internal lab exams be conducted so that there will not be much
loss of instruction in the earlier regular class work periods.
 Schedule of internal lab exams be prepared at least three weeks before the closing of instruction.
Guest Lectures and industrial Visits
 Each faculty member must arrange one guest lecture in his subject. The person so arranged must not
be below the rank of Professor/Scientist E/ Deputy General Manager, etc. This would enable develop
contacts with outside experts to the faculty and facilitate visibility of the institute in industry.
 Industrial visits, at least one per section per semester be arranged positively. Schedule of the visits be
sent to Dean, Academic a couple of weeks before the commencement of the semester.
Specialization / Division / Group
o Every department should divide its B. Tech / M.Tech courses in to three/four groups/divisions.
Each division be chaired by a senior person in the dept.
 Faculty Mentoring
 In each division, two / three faculty members may be identified as lead faculty, by the Division
Head. They would act as Mentors for other faculty members of that division and would ensure
the teaching-learning process to be effective in the corresponding courses of that Division /
 HoDs to provide list of their lead faculty to the concerned teachers of their respective divisions
with a copy marked to Principal's office one week before the commencement of the semester.
 In the case of mathematics, there can be two divisions; one for teachers teaching 1 st Year
classes, the other teaching 2nd year classes.

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