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Nipples- September 2018 manuscript

nh Linh Word Count: 3714


By Quỳ
nh Linh

Nipples- September 2018 manuscript

'So, you wanna hear my life story, moo?”

These words came out in a rainy afternoon.

There she was, atoning for her sins, said
her enemies and protestors. She was a
fair-skin girl, short and spiky light
purple hair, kinda like a pine tree.
Purple seemed to be her colour of choice

She wore this strange bodysuit, like a

swimsuit with a frilly dress cover. She
was grinning, all of her teeth were
circular. She was always smiling to
whoever approaches her. Just like now, at
the therapist.

‘What? You don’t wanna hear what I gotta

say, moo? You retarded or something?! I
came here and that baffled look on your
face is what I get?!! What, you want to
see me go full ape or something? Eh? You
want some…’

Nipples- September 2018 manuscript

Nipples was angry at the therapist next to

her. She spewed her words like wildfire,
the next even enraged and louder than the
last. She continued this for over two
minutes, then said:

'You know what, I will tell you my story,

whether you like it or not!”

The therapist was stunned by what he had

witnessed. He wanted to justify his
actions somehow, for he believed she might
do this again to him:

'I was just...adjusting my glasses!”

'Is that so, eh? -Said Nipples, who glared

at him.

'We can’t start a session if you keep

asking me questions. I-I am the one asking
you, because I’m your therapist! I
mean...Are we going to get this over with
or not?!”

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To her therapist’s panic, she jumped on

the bed again, saying:

'Yeah, you right. I can’t really do

anything about it really. You got some
trees though?”

'Nipples, please!”

'’Kay. What do you want?”

The entire session was something

unforgettable to this man. He started off
with the usual questions, and Nipples got
through with it quickly:

'I was born on an island, with a dad, mum

and sister. I was a pretty happy child and
all. I even get to join my dad at work! My
sister, Gear, didn’t like it though,
saying it was 'dirty money” that we owned.
Stupid girl.’ Nipples then pauses for a

Nipples- September 2018 manuscript

‘Anyway, she got into college, and I was

left out. Didn’t like it but my mum
recently died, and my dad turned into an
alcoholic, so I gotta work for her college
fees. So I became a ho, and got involved
with this cab guy who basically paid
Gear’s college fees. Cool, right? Want me
to continue? Or you want me to talk ‘bout
my problems, eh?’

‘Uh...I think we’re done for today!’ -Said

Nipples’ therapist shyly. He placed his
phone in his bag, then picked up his
suitcase and said:

‘I have another appointment in three

minutes, um...what time do you want our
next session to begin?’

Nipples looked up. Baffled, she shrugs and


‘Why I don’t know! You fast or slow?’

‘What?’ -Said the therapist. He started

taking a schedule off the room’s wall and

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flips through every page fast like a race

car wheel, or a man running to a bust
that’s about to leave: ‘Uh...11AM,
tomorrow! Gotta go now!’

Nipples is alone again. She’s not too keen

on finding out where her therapist was
going, rather, she just wanted to pay her
sister a visit. Maybe an old friend too so
they could have a get together. She
skipped out of the room, not before using
the bath room however.

The night was alright for your deformed

teeth human. Nipples struts as she usually
would. It was all fine and dandy, until a
large plane started losing track, heading
for the bridge!

Nipples turns around to see everyone

suddenly running around in every
directions possible, some screaming and
shouting for help. Others stayed and watch
the upcoming destruction continue. Nipples
wasn’t like the ones who were indifferent.
She was amused, taking out a cigarette and

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chuckled at the sight. Then all of the

sudden, people started shouting:

‘Hey what the hell is that?!’

‘It’s a bird!’

‘It’s a plane!’

‘No! It’s-’


Dust and shards, even large pieces of

metal were all over the place! Waves were
formed, hitting the land, pushing and
dragging everything in their reach. Swears
and screams were heard.

The last thing that Nipples saw was person

in red being chased away by a large crowd
of people, with another larger guy in
pursuit. Nipples herself was pulled away
from the disaster by a familiar voice:

‘You’re coming with me!’

Nipples- September 2018 manuscript

In an instant, Nipples was in a car. It

drove off to a dozen blocks away from the
plane crash. Nipples looked up to see a
stoic man in his 30's. He's got dark brown
hair and brown eyes. Nipples stared at him
for a while before cheerfully shouting:

‘Cab guy! How you doing, eh?’ - said


'Cab guy' replied:

‘What were you doing over there?’

‘Aww comes on, I was just passing by!

Whoever tried to save that bridge suck,

Nipples continued:

'By the way, you got Gear back to her

'We should go see her, moo.'

Nipples- September 2018 manuscript

'Cab Guy' told Nipples that he didn't have

time to see Nipples' sister, Gear, or
Lira. Nipples is annoyed, she nagged him
about it, even asking him if he wanted to
be her client again.


Nipples and Cab Guy have a strange history

together. When Lira got into college, her
father passed away and her and her sister
struggle with finances as their mother
also got arrested for possessing large
amounts of meth after being caught smoking
them in a retirement home. Nipples, who
felt adventurous, wanted to be a
prostitute to support Lira's college fees.
On the 35th day of that job, she met Cab
Guy, her client of three months. Nipples
knew his name; but never liked saying it,
saying it sounds 'too tacky'. Their
relationship started out as client and sex
worker, but the two soon became close

Cab Guy became Nipples' and Lira's

secondary supporter on their finances,
sometimes transporter, even after Nipples
has quit her job months ago.

Nipples- September 2018 manuscript

Right now however, Cab Guy just gave

Nipples a sheepish 'Why not?'- and Nipples
laughs it off.

They finally arrived at Nipples'

apartment, said their goodbyes and Nipples
received a call from Lyra, asking if the
former was okay.

After that, Nipples drifted into sleep,

getting ready for the next day.


It has been three days since Nipples was

rescued from the plane crash. Around the
neighbourhood, it was quiet and peaceful.
But on the television, the atmosphere was
the complete opposite. Some news
companies, big and small, for paper or on
the air were going after this woman in
red, asking her questions about the plane
crash, and why she failed to stop it. She
said some pretty vague answers, and flew
off, flipping the bird to the press and

Nipples- September 2018 manuscript

Nipples was watching all of this,

unamused. Omelette plate and fork in hand,
she comments:

‘Superheroes aren't taking people

seriously any more, eh?’

Then the sound of impact surprised her.

Nipples put her stuff down and walked to
open the door, and she saw two men
dragging a drawing desk up to her floor.
There she saw another man with longer hair
climbing up the stairs, giving directions
to the other two.

The long haired guy noticed Nipples. He

smiled at her:

‘Hey! I'm Kyle, your new neighbour! What's

your name?’

'I’m Nipples, moo!'

'That's a weird name.'

Nipples- September 2018 manuscript

Nipples chuckled and said:

'My parents were meth addicts, 'kay?'

She paused for a bit and smiled back:

'How 'bout I calls you “Neighbour”?'

Kyle was confused. He asked Nipples why

does she want to call him that. Nipples
grins, revealing all of her deformed,
half-circle shaped teeth.

'It's what I do, moo.'

Kyle, who seemed accepting of Nipples'

choice, exclaimed:

'Uh...okay then! Can I ask you something?

How many people live here even?'

Nipples- September 2018 manuscript

'A lot, but it's our 'tradition' to be

quiet until there's a holiday'

'Well, that's obvious but this place feels

like a slum…'

'I guess being away from city centre does

feel different.'

Their conversation was interrupted by the

two movers. Kyle quickly part ways with
Nipples. A few hours after that, nothing
really happened, except birds.

'What?!' Said Nipples, who was in a tub,

reading newspaper.

'It's Kyle! I want to ask you something!'

'Ask me later, I'm in the bloody shower!'

Nipples- September 2018 manuscript

'Okay then!'

The knocking stopped. Later, Nipples comes

out of her door and knocked on Kyle's.


'Ay, it's me! You were asking something?!'

'Oh! Can we save it for later? I'm working

on a project!'

''Kay, moo, whatever! Later!'

'Yeah, see you!'

Again, Kyle knocked on Nipples, who was

busy with a call. They save the talk for
later. A while later, Nipples knocked on
Kyle's door, who was still busy. Deciding
to take a break after two hours, Kyle
knocked on Nipples, who was trying to fix

Nipples- September 2018 manuscript

her tele's reception. They once again

delay their talk. This goes on for half
the evening, until both walked upon each
other while one was trying to call the

They met eyes. Kyle, who realised the

situation he was in, burst out laughing,
with Nipples following. The laugh was
filled with embarrassment, probably with
frustration too. But Nipples suddenly
paused, and screeched at the top of her
lungs. Kyle panics, trying to calm her
down, but was met with a finger, pointing
right at him.

'What you wanna ask, eh?'

'Where can I get a new window? And someone

who can assemble it for me?'
'I thought the landlord said this room was
as good as new!'

Nipples replied with an ‘Ah~’. Then she

said sheepishly:

Nipples- September 2018 manuscript

'You can ask the landlord about those. For

the meantime, Neighbour, I hope you'll
have fun living here.'

'I hope so too. Thanks for helping!'

Three o' clock, and the air was hazy. A

woman's eyes were drooping. She flew
across the sky in irregular patterns,
trying her best to get back to her

It was a woman in red.

Finally, she comes home, literally

punching through the door. She cursed at
this action, but was too tired to say
anything that could be heard. Opening the
door, she lunged herself into the sofa,
closing her eyes.

'Happy Birthday, Carol!'

Nipples- September 2018 manuscript

As soon as she woke up from that shout,

she saw everything. Ribbons to balloons to
confetti to...ground pigment?

Carol sat up, enraged:

'What?! Do you know what time is it, you


The cheering stopped. A large man stepped

out, feeling blue from the shouting.

He said to Carol:

'But C, it's your birthday!'

Carol sighs. She knew he was right.

'Just because it's my birthday, doesn't

mean you have to say it at the *exact time
I was born*. You saw me on TV today,
right? I need my fucking rest!'

Nipples- September 2018 manuscript

Carol lies down, turning to the left,

closing her eyes. The man in turn, turns
of the light. He quietly said:

'No, I haven't. I was at work...'

'I'm sorry.'
'Do you want to sleep on the bed?'

Carol faces him. Her expression was once

again, tired. She replied:

'Sure, I'd love that. Thanks, Damien.'


'Make way, moooooo!'

Nipples ran across the street, leaving a

light breeze behind. She was going to her
sister's graduation day. It seems that
even taking time with all of that make up

Nipples- September 2018 manuscript

could have consequences if one don't do

their timing.

She arrives at Lira's college, busting

through the door, ignoring the guards
trying to stop her. She ran into the
field, watching as her sister received her
degree. Lira looks towards her friends,
classmates and teachers clapping for her.
In that crowd, she saw a magenta figure
that stood out with her arms waving.

Nipples and Lira took a seat on the

staircase outside a campus building. Lira
raised her degree near her face, happily
asked Nipples:

'I- I did it, Hélène! A- Are you p- pro-

proud of me?!'

'What did I told you, Gear? I'm Nipples.'

Nipples- September 2018 manuscript


'No buts, moo! Yeesh, I gotta legally

change my name one day. Congratulations on
getting your degree, though! How abouts we

Lira, who knew Nipples can barely manage

with what they have, is conflicted on the
issue. She took out a coin from her pocket
and showed it to Nipples.

'Uh...we should s-save money! A-At least

until I can get a j-job.'

Nipples took the coin and retorted:

'Ye right! We save later, party now!'

Nipples had decided that they go to an ice

cream shop. Outside, people were doing
their usual work, the street wasn't too
crowded. In the shop, lovers, families,
friends and even graduates students like

Nipples- September 2018 manuscript

Lira gather around and talk about anything

possible. Next to the window, Nipples was
looking for the largest of the menu. Lira
sat there, observing everything that was
happening. She felt that this place
doesn't seem like it's for her; she wanted
to go home and try to get employed as fast
as possible.

"More money, not less" was what she

thought to herself.

But she can't stop Nipples.

Lira looked outside, her eyes fixated on a

formally-dressed family walking through
the pavement. The tallest of them all was
showing her degree to an older, unamused
couple, whom switched their mood to
annoyed. They said something to the
graduate, and she became sad. Lira

'Who can think of spending when you've got

barely any to spend?'

Nipples- September 2018 manuscript

Nipples then shouted a "Hey Gear!" at

Lira. She broke away from her thoughts. In
front of her was a revolting sight.

A large bowl of ice cream.

The reaction was instant. Lira suddenly


'S-stop call-calling me Gear! Just b-

because I major in ar-chi-tec-ture doesn't
m-mean I can built m-machines! And your
name is H-Hélène, not Nipples! It-is just
a mo-ki-er you use when you were a pro-
stitu-de...prostitute! The most unholy job
in Coast City! No wait, the entire.
Planet. Earth!!'

Nipples replied:

'Kay Gear. Have some ice cream. You just

angry 'cause I spent money on it.'

Lira could not take the pressure she was

Nipples- September 2018 manuscript

putting on herself. She stands up, stomped

her leg on the table. Nipples had to
quickly hold the ice cream bowl, feared
for it might spill over because of Lira.
Lira snatches the bowl from Nipples' arm,
runs to the cashier, ordering a refund.
When he refused, she immediately grabs his
colar, slamming his body onto the floor.

'Refund! I want my refuuuuu-!'

Everyone immediately took cover, while

Nipples just sat there and watch Lira
rage. To her, this seemed like a normal
event. While Lira was kicking and
screaming, a hooded woman walked towards
her, squeezing her arm with an annoyed
expression on her face. She told Lira to
This was when Nipples took action.

She walked towards the scene, putting her

two hands on her hips, saying:

'Ayy Hoodie, you mind letting go of my

sister? She kinda has a fixation
over...collecting money. Also she has a

Nipples- September 2018 manuscript

problem, moo. So, please?'

The hooded woman proceeded to let go of

Lira's arm, but not before scoffing at

'Hmm. Assuming that she isn't causing

public disturbance in the first place.
Babysit her or something.'

Nipples' eyes widened. She then talked in

a slightly angered voice:

'What? You think you some kind of

superhero, eh? Ever saw the plane crash on
TV, eh? You saw the super chick on TV too,
eh? Don't you know playing hero means
consequences, ehhhh?'

'You're asking too many questions.'

'Your actions deserves consequences, moo.'

The hooded woman angrily punches Nipples,

Nipples- September 2018 manuscript

sending her flying across the room,

crashing into a wall and flying outside of
the shop. The shock wave created from the
punch blew off the hood of the woman,
revealing long, blond hair.

"What, isn't that (note: Need to think of

a superhero name for Carol)

Lira panicked and runs to her sister, as

the blond woman realised her cover has
been blown. immediately, she was
surrounded by people, as Lira tries to get
Nipples up.

Nipples looked barely alive. She had blood

leaking out from her head in rather large
amounts. Her eyes were open wide, and she
was barely breathing. Next to her was an
extremely concerned Lira, shouting
'Hélène, Hélène!', and she was crying.

Nipples looked up to the sky. Every second

passed by and her vision became blurry and
disoriented. Her limbs slowly got limper.
She felt cold. She needed an oven to sleep

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Nipples died that night.

And *Carol Hammer*, the blond woman, the

woman in red got into much more trouble
then she could've asked for.


A month after the accident. Only three

people joined Nipples' funeral: her sister
Lira, the landlord, who probably liked
Nipples because she didn't have any
friends, and Cab Guy. It ended early, and
everyone went home.

Then, suddenly from the skies, a man in

white, with his body posed like a
Christian cross, landed down on his feet,
next to the grave of Nipples. His face
looked bizarre: only his eye whites was
seen, and with his mouth open wide, white

Nipples- September 2018 manuscript

smoke flew out of it. His voice is

seemingly monotone...or maybe he's just
making one sound in one constant pitch.

He glows white and the all of the dirt of

the graveyard flew high until out of
sight. Still in the cross pose, he used
his feet to open Nipples' grave. He bends
his neck backward in one motion, and
sucked something purple out of Nipples!

Nipples suddenly opened her eyes, taking a

large gasp, and punched the man. She did a
jumping jack to leave the coffin, spread
her legs, clenched her fists and screeched
cattle sounds. She charged at the man, who
was about to knock her over with his body!

The impact caused a large explosion

that destroyed the entire graveyard.
Nipples breathed heavily as she fell to
her knees. The man was on the ground,
still in a cross pose, retaining his
original face. Nipples looked at him,

Nipples- September 2018 manuscript

"Who's you, ehh?"

She held him by the head and tried to drag

him back to her apartment.

Meanwhile, Lira was moving into Nipples'

apartment after being encouraged by her
mother, still in prison. She looked around
the somewhat trashed space and shook her
head. The front door suddenly slammed

'Ayy Gear! You visitin'? Get me some white


Lira looked behind her to see Nipples with

an unconscious body in a white Greek
dress, posed like a cross. She stood
there, eyes wide open. Nipples noticed
her, and said:
'What's up, Gear! I came back!'

Lira fainted.

Nipples proceeded to place the unconscious

Nipples- September 2018 manuscript

body on the table. She checked for a


'Still strong, eh? Weird.'

He slowly opened up his eyes. This time,

it wasn't just eye whites showing. They
were pale green irises.

'Neighbour?! It was you? You bought me

back, moo!'

Kyle sat up and shook his head vigorously.

'No, this isn't right! Nipples, you have

to stay away from me from now on!'

Nipples raised an eyebrow- 'Why, eh?', she


Kyle continued to tell her that what he

saw in her earlier was "a meme". Nipples
got confused, she said she was just saying
"moo" because it sounded funny. Thinking

Nipples- September 2018 manuscript

it might suggest ignorance, she reminded

Kyle that she knew what cows look like,
and they have that sound. He retorted:

'That's the problem, Nipples! A meme is

what spreads, in real life *or* the
internet! I...ah, never mind.'

Nipples is curious. She scowled and stuck

her face close to Kyle, and spoke in a
gruntled voice:

'You answers me this *right now*, moo.

What's your job?'

'Well, I'm an architect?'

'Don't pretend like I can'ts remember what


Kyle looked away, nervous. There's no

point in hiding it for Nipples. She had
done her job of dragging him here, why not
pay her back with what she wants?

Nipples- September 2018 manuscript

'Okay...I'm a "dead meme".'

'Ha ha ha...what?'

'I am the last of a group that ominously

fly around the universe for...reasons I
don't know. But our breath seem to make
its victim melt though!'

He continued:

'It was contagious, everyone was doing it.

But then, things...changed. Everyone who
became like that was cured. Not me
however, and I don't know why! It was then
a voice-'
Nipples immediately interrupted Kyle's

'Hey, you crazy, Kyle-'

Kyle then interrupted her:

Nipples- September 2018 manuscript

'No, I'm not! You just saw me! I think

you're crazy! A voice told me the only way
to restore my meme status is to "vacuum
other memes"...Like yours!'
'I didn't care enough to, but that voice
didn't leave me. It comes around and I
turn into...this. Forgive me, Nipples.'

Nipples chuckled. She calmly spoke to


'You're so serious about this! What about

memes? We're still neighbours, eh? Ayy,
I'm sorry I wasn't able to answer your
questions. You wanna hang-'

Kyle cuts off Nipples' sentence. He cries:

'Meme possession is dangerous, Nipples!

You'll go insane if owned more than

'Yeah, yeah, whatevers.'

Nipples- September 2018 manuscript

Nipples managed to calm Kyle's guts and

Lira's when she woke up. She then told
Kyle whether if he had asked the landlord
for information, he said no, since the
landlord wasn't present. Her German
Shepard was, and it almost shredded Kyle
to smithereens!

Nipples laughed hard, as if she's seen

this sometime before. She took him
downstairs, where they met the landlord, a
twenties-something woman with long hair
and grey eyes. She greeted them with a
gentle smile. Nipples left her alone with
Kyle, walking upstairs to see Lira looking
at the fridge with a sad look. Nipples
shouted out with an "Ayy Gear!"

Lira turned around, disappointed with

Nipples' optimistic look. She told Nipples
had she got a new job, and Nipples
answered honestly.

'I've been wearing this one dress for a

long time, Gear.'

Lira can't really do anything with Nipples

Nipples- September 2018 manuscript

at this point. She is now too, poor like

her sister.
Like everyone in this neighbourhood.

But then, a sigh arrived:

'I still can't believe you just came back

like that, Hélène.'

Nipples turned her head away from Lira's

face with an awkward expression:

'Yeah...ask your new neighbour, Kyle. I

calls him Neighbour though.'


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