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Unit title: Visual identity

Focus area: Graphical or Promotional

Timeline Syllabus Outcomes Covered

A student:
1st topic in Stage 5 5.1.2 applies and justifies an appropriate process of design when developing design ideas and solutions
syllabus 5.4.1 develops and evaluates innovative, enterprising and creative design ideas and solutions
5.5.1 uses appropriate techniques when communicating design ideas and solutions to a range of audiences
5.6.1 selects and applies management strategies when developing design solutions
5.6.3 selects and uses a range of technologies competently in the development and management of quality design solutions

Cross-Curricula Priorities General Capabilities

ICT: (see ‘Technologies Integrated’ below) Collect, analyse and organise information: research and seek inspiration
Work, Employment and Enterprise: develop employment skills through for design project
experience (design project), self-evaluation and practical activities Communicate ideas and information: communicate design solutions
Civics and Citizenship: prepare to become active members of society driven graphically and orally
by advances in technologies and communication and information Solve problems: create graphic solution/s for provided brief
Gender: inclusive design briefs and reference to designers of both genders Use technology: use computers and design programs to complete design

Quality Teaching Elements Blooms Thinking Skills Utilised

Intellectual quality: Understand design brief, criteria

- deep understanding Apply research and criteria to create design solution
- problematic knowledge Analyse criteria
- higher-order thinking Evaluate possible solution
- substantive communication Create design solution
Quality learning environment:
- engagement
- students’ self-regulation
- student direction

- background knowledge
- inclusivity
- connectedness
- narrative

Resources Required

- Design & Technology Years 7-10 Syllabus BOS NSW
- Design & Technology Years 7-10 Advice on Programming and Assessment BOS NSW

ICT/Technology: Access to computers, internet, Word, graphic program (ie. Publisher, Paint, Photoshop, Illustrator, etc)

Multimedia and Web References:

Google Slides:
Responsible ICT use agreement:

Literacy Approaches to Learning Numeracy Approaches to Learning Technologies Integrated

Students: Students: Students:
- will be engaged in using oral, written and visual - use numeracy concepts, such as size, - document design process using word
language in responding to problems and the ideas proportion and measurement in the processing and desktop publishing
of others development of design solutions - utilise Google Slides to complete design project
- include subject-specific vocabulary to describe, - utilise electronic communication in the
classify, and interpret meaning, to develop and researching of information
present designed solutions using a range of - produce graphics in the form of existing and
computer technology including word processing created images in design development and
and desktop publishing. presentation
Syllabus Content Teaching and Learning Tasks Evidence of Resources Reg
Outcome Learn About Learn To Core Task Modified or

5.1.2 applies Creative and • use idea-generation • students differentiate • students Completion of Google
and justifies an innovative idea- techniques when between the techniques by are provided work Slides link
appropriate generation using developing creative defining each and the
process of • brainstorming design ideas associating a visual example opportunity
design when • concept sketches • use research and with each > these are added to complete
developing and maps information when to individual PowerPoints the task in
design ideas • modelling generating creative hard-copy
and solutions • interaction of design ideas • students create design form if
hand and mind solutions individually, and in required
• observation • collaborate when pairs (limited ICT
• research developing design skills or
• collaboration ideas and solutions require other
5.4.1 develops Experimentation • students provided with • if difficulty Design process to Computer
and evaluates • testing and • assess the suitability design briefs for company is faced with be documented in room
innovative, experimenting of design ideas by logo and marketing provided PowerPoint (ie.
enterprising testing and materials brief, sketches, drafts, Paper (as
and creative experimenting students are etc) required)
design ideas • refine design ideas presented
and solutions to address needs and with Camera
opportunities alternative,
• experiment to simpler briefs
optimise design
solutions for student • sketches,
project work drafts, etc
may be hand
Evaluating drawn –
• criteria for • document and • students document and digital copies
success evaluate decisions justify design process and (photos) to
• evaluation made throughout the decisions > embedded into be
techniques design process using PowerPoint embedded
specified criteria for into
success PowerPoint
• self-assess and peer-
assess designed
• justify and document
decisions made during
the development of
designed solutions
• reflect on their
learning in the design
5.5.1 uses Communication and • following the end of the • students oral and visual IWB
appropriate presentation design project, students with low ICT presentations to
techniques techniques present (and justify) their literacy may teacher and peers
when • visual • outline a range of solutions to teacher and present using
communicating • graphical communication peers using appropriate alternative
design ideas • written techniques presentation mediums and mediums (ie.
and solutions • oral appropriate to various methods poster, 2D
to a range of • digital audiences visuals, etc)
audiences • apply appropriate
techniques when
documenting and
presenting design
ideas and solutions
• use ICT applications
such as multimedia
devices, computer-
generated graphics,
word processing and
desktop publishing for
presentation of
• construct and use
models or computer-
generated simulations
to communicate
design ideas and
• use appropriate ICT
applications when
designing and
producing solutions

• marketing • develop, present and • as part of the • (this is an

strategies justify a marketing presentation, students may optional
strategy for the “sell” their solution to the extension
designed solution client (using SWOT analysis, activity)
using multimedia etc)
presentation software

5.6.1 selects Management • moderate

and applies • project • prepare and • familiarise students with time limits in
management managemet implement time and expectations for project accordance
strategies strategies when action plans in design with student
when implementing and projects • students identify costs, time and
developing evaluating the • estimate financial materials, software, etc for ability
design process of design costs in design design process
solutions projects
• manage materials,
tools and techniques
when developing the
design project
• evaluate the role of
project management
when developing the
design project

• safe work • demonstrate safe • familiarise students with

practices and safe work practices when safe and ethical computer
environments producing design and internet use
5.6.3 selects Realisation of Computer
and uses a design ideas using room
range of technologies
technologies including Graphic
• tools and • introduce students to • identify
competently in • identify a range of design
equipment various graphic design Paint and/ or
the tools and equipment, programs
• materials programs (ie. Photoshop, Publisher as
development materials and
• techniques Illustrator, etc) acceptable
and techniques and
programs for
management calculate requirements
the less ICT
of quality for each design project
design • select and use tools
solutions and equipment when
designing and
producing each project
• justify the selected
resources used for
each design project
• select and use a
variety of appropriate
techniques when
designing and
producing each design
• select and use
appropriate materials
when designing and
producing each design

Weekly Play by Play

Length Time Teaching and learning tasks Registration

Week 1 - 2 1 lesson
• Teacher provides overview of the unit and design project
• Students download PowerPoint scaffold and personalise it
• Design process is revised as a class – students list and define/ describe each step > complete in PowerPoint
• Design project is explained in depth (expectations, criteria, time limits, etc) – students provided with official
assessment notice

2 lesson
• Safe computer and internet use is discussed
• Students sign ‘Responsible ICT Use’ form (Appendix 2)
• Teacher introduces graphic design software available to students – provides links to tutorial videos for each
software (available for students to watch at home)

3 lesson
• Students define/ describe idea-generation techniques – attach visual example of each > complete in PowerPoint
• Whole class activity: analyse a logo design brief
• Discuss considerations to be made in logo design process
• Identify suitable techniques - conduct whole class brainstorm for the brief

4 lesson
• Teacher presents examples of logo designs and process (found in students’ Slides)
• Students are provided with design elements for logo from previous lesson (visual, font, colour palette)
• Students create concept sketch/es of design solution > digital copies to be embedded into PowerPoint
• Students pair-share their solution and justify their choices – informal peer assessment
• Students digitally publish final design

5 lesson
• Using the design elements from previous lesson and additional criteria (contact element, address) students sketch
a design for an A5 brochure for the company

6 lesson
• Students continue working on brochure from previous lesson > digital copy to be embedded into Folio
• Depending on time and ability, students may digitally publish logo and brochure design
Week 3 - 4 1 lesson
• Students access Google Slides (Appendix 1) and complete the following:
• Students are presented with a design brief for a company logo, business card, and brochure – in pairs, students
utilise the techniques discussed to create design solutions
• Students research information and inspiration for the brief for remainder of the lesson
• HOMEWORK: students to consider possible design solutions for the brief (no physical proof required but may
create idea boards, sketches, etc)

2 lesson
• Students continue to work on partner activity from previous lesson

3 lesson
• Students continue to work on partner activity from previous lesson

4 lesson
• Students informally present their design solution using an appropriate presentation software and identify the
techniques used and the process taken

• Teacher provides students with official assessment notice for design project
• Assessment is thoroughly briefed and expectations are laid out (time limits, documentation, criteria, size
• Design brief is thoroughly explained and confusion from students is addressed
• Students directed to download project specific PowerPoint

5 lesson
• Students work on design project
• Student document the process and add documentation into assessment specific PowerPoint

6 lesson
• Students work on design project
• Student document the process and add documentation into assessment specific PowerPoint
• Students present to teacher the direction they are heading in and receive feedback
Week 5 1 lesson
• Students work on design project
• Student document the process and add documentation into assessment specific PowerPoint

2 lesson
• Students work on design project
• Student document the process and add documentation into assessment specific PowerPoint

3 lesson
• Students formally present design solutions using appropriate presentation software and receive feedback from
peers and teacher


Appendix 2

The unit outline developed for the stage 5 unit, Design Processes, aims to address the learning
outcomes set by the Board of Studies in the Stage 4-5 Design & Technology syllabus. This is achieved
by implementing pedagogies which integrate literacy, numeracy, and ICT focus. Adjustments are
considered and made which address the diverse needs within the classroom, ensuring an equitable
learning environment is created for all students. The outline aims to, as the syllabus states, provide a
framework for the application of an appropriate design process, to produce quality designed
solutions (Board of Studies NSW, 2003).

The lessons are presented in a coherent sequence that ensures all content is covered and is
understandable relative to other topics in the subject. Gilbert (as cited in Ummels, Kamp, de Kroon &
Boersma, 2015) states that where concepts and contexts are relatively intertwined in teaching, it
“seems to help students develop a cognitive network with more elaborate connections between

The activities implemented into the learning sequence adopt Bloom’s Taxonomy of Learning
Domains. The Taxonomy created under the leadership of Dr Benjamin Bloom (1956) promotes
higher order thinking in education requiring students to analyse and evaluate concepts, processes,
etc, as opposed to just remembering facts (Clark, 2015). This contributes positively towards the
cognitive development of students, as as Piaget (1936) believed cognitive development is a “process
which occurs due to biological maturation and interaction with the environment” McLeod (2009).
The delivery of coherent and slightly challenging lessons, furthers this notion as the classroom
becomes the ‘environment’. Throughout the topic, students are required to ‘remember’ who a
consumer is or what defines a consumer. They are required to ‘understand’ how and/ or why various
factors influence the decision of a consumer and ‘apply’ this knowledge to various scenarios.
Through this, higher order thinking is promoted in the classroom, contributing to positive cognitive
development, while satisfying several elements of the New South Wales Quality Teaching Model
(NSW Department of Education and Training, 2003) including ‘higher-order thinking’, ‘problematic
knowledge’ and ‘high expectations’.

The use of Information and Communication Technology occupies a significant focus in current
Australian curriculums. Lesson content throughout the topic is provided via visual instruction
through a PowerPoint, in conjunction with oral instruction. The use of ICT by teachers has been
shown to improve student satisfaction as the lesson is made more interesting, more diverse, more
motivating and more supportive of productive learning (Uluyol and Sahin, 2016). In addition to this,
students utilise Google slides for the group work component of the unit. The Google Apps suite
contributes towards a collaborative learning environment where students are able to remotely
collaborate on team-based learning activities using the Docs or Slides apps. Slides allows
collaboration on presentation type activities, similar to those produced using Microsoft PowerPoint.
Research conducted by Peacock and Grande (2016) regarding the use of the Google Apps suite
revealed that from the students who utilised Google Slides in order to complete a team-based
presentation activity, 89% found the collaborative possibility presented by the app to be helpful, and
73% indicated that the app was easy or very easy to use.

Collaborative learning is made a trend across the topic due to its demonstrated benefits on the
learning development of students. Zurita and Nussbaum (cited in López-Yáñez, Yáñez-Márquez,
Camacho-Nieto, Aldape-Pérez & Argüelles-Cruz, 2015) “claim that collaborative learning is
considered to enable cognitive development, since it stimulates social interaction and learning
among the members of a group.” This provides opportunity for potential achievement for all abilities
present in the classroom through grouping of various abilities and due to its promotion of critical
thinking through discussion and debate (López-Yáñez, Yáñez-Márquez, Camacho-Nieto, Aldape-
Pérez & Argüelles-Cruz, 2015). Collaborative learning, along with individual learning throughout the
topic, satisfies syllabus requirements of collaboration between students.

The needs of diverse students are addressed through differentiated teaching and learning strategies
across the topic. Standard 1.5 of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers requires
teachers to Differentiate teaching to meet the specific learning needs of students across the full
range of abilities. (Board of Studies NSW, 2012). An example of this is allowing students with low ICT
skills to produce hard copies of their individual work in a scaffolded folio, as opposed to struggling to
use a computer.

A formative assessment task has been designed towards the end of the topic which addresses
several of the topics syllabus outcomes. Smit and Hall (as cited in Smit & Humpert, 2012) claim that
“an assessment should be used as a teaching tool to extend rather than to merely measure
instruction”. Being the first topic covered from the Stage 5 syllabus, diagnostics returned from the
assessment will be used to improve and adapt pedagogies or ‘instruction’ for future topics. The
assessment is a collaborative activity in pairs. Students are granted the freedom to select their own
partners which ensures the comfort of students is met, while satisfying the NSW QTM element of
‘students’ self-regulation’ (Professional Support and Curriculum Directorate [PSCD], 2003). The NSW
QTM element of ‘student direction’ is also satisfied within the final assessment where students
freely select the program in which they wish to publish their final presentation. The final assessment
requires that literacy, numeracy and ICT standards be met by all students. Students are required to
use subject-specific vocabulary while designing and presenting a digital presentation within a strict
time limit.

A heavy focus on the integration of numeracy, literacy and ICT into high school classrooms, along
with a focus on differentiated learning in order to meet the diverse learning needs in the classroom,
proves a challenge for teachers in lesson plan design. Several teaching strategies have been put in
place which provide an inclusive classroom environment where all learning abilities are considered
and catered to. This helps ensure a safe and comfortable environment for all and contributes to
equality in learning achievement.

Board of Studies NSW (2003). Design & Technology Years 7-10 Syllabus. Retrieved from

Clark, D. (2015). Bloom’s Taxonomy of learning domains. Retrieved from

López-Yáñez, I., Yáñez-Márquez, C., Camacho-Nieto, O., Aldape-Pérez, M., & Argüelles-Cruz, A.
(2015). Collaborative learning in postgraduate level courses. Computers In Human Behavior, 51,

McLeod, S. (2009). Jean Piaget. Simple Psychology. Retrieved from

PSCD (2003), Quality Teaching in NSW Public Schools. Retrieved from

Smit, R., & Humpert, W. (2012). Differentiated instruction in small schools. Teaching And Teacher
Education, 28(8), 1152-1162.

Ummels, M., Kamp, M., de Kroon, H., & Boersma, K. (2014). Designing and Evaluating a Context-
based Lesson Sequence Promoting Conceptual Coherence in Biology. Journal Of Biological
Education, 49(1), 38-52.

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