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State whether following statements are true or false

You can change the proposed billing document type (that came from the sales document
type), when you create the billing document.
(a) True
(b) False

Billing list reference number does not overwrites the individual reference number in
accounting. True or False
(a) True
(b) False

You can see the document flow from the report list for orders (VA05) without having to go into
the order, just by going to the menu: environment > document flow

(a) True
(b) False

Answer the followings ( Only one option is correct )

The posting status of he accounting document can be seen on which level of the billing
(a) Header
(b) Item
(c) Header and Item

5 Which of the following statement is incorrect in regards to debit and credit memos

(a) It can be referenced to a Sales document or to a billing document

(b) The can be created with reference to credit memo requests and debit memo requests

(c) It can be created without reference to a previous document

(d) It can be referenced to a delivery

(e) In order to be created, a billing block must be removed from the reference document

6 Which of the following is incorrect

(a) The billing document type control the number assignment and the partners
(b) The billing document type control the Revenue Account determination

(c) The billing document type control the Cancelation billing type and the posting block
(d) The billing document type control the texts and output
The billing document type control the Account determination for goods issue posting through
table 30 of MM

7 Which of the following statements are incorrect

(a) You can use an invoice to refer to an order and a delivery at the same time

(b) You can use an invoice to refer to an order (Debit/credit memo to Invoice)

(c) You can use an invoice to refer to an delivery (Return to Invoice)

(d) You cannot use an invoice to refer to an order and a delivery at the same time

8 When several invoices are created for one delivery, this is known as:
(a) A split invoice
(b) A complete invoice
(c) A collective invoice
(d) An invoice split
(e) An invoice collection

9 Which of the following components do not form part of the process to set up the billing plan

(a) Date description

(b) Date category
(c) Date proposal
(d) Rule for date proposal
(e) Item category

Revenue Account Determination use the following criteria to determine the General Ledger
Account. Select the correct answer
Chart of accounts, Sales Area, Account assignment of the customer, Account assignment of
the material, Account key
Chart of accounts, Sales Area, Account assignment of the customer, Account assignment of
the material, Account number
Chart of accounts, Sales organization, Account assignment of the customer, Account
assignment of the material, Account key
Chart of accounts, Division, Account assignment of the customer, Account assignment of the
material, Account number
Chart of accounts, Division, Account assignment of the customer, Account assignment of the
material, Account key
Answer the followings ( More than one option may be correct )

The system can determine the business area in various ways? Which of the following can be
used in the derivation of the business area
(a) Company code
(b) Sales Area
(c) Plant and Item Division
(d) Sales organization, Distribution channel and Item Division
(e) Shipping point

12 Which of the following statements are correct

(a) Every company code need to have it's own set of chart of accounts
(b) More than one company code can use the same chart of accounts
Because of the unique assignment of the sales organization and company code, the system
(c) will automatically derive the company code when you enter the sales organization in the FI
Because of the unique assignment of the sales organization and company code, the system
(d) will automatically derive the company code when you enter the sales organization in the
sales order
(e) A business area must always be defined.

13 Which of the following is examples of a Billing document type

(a) Invoice, pro forma invoice and Invoice lists
(b) Debit, credit memo and cancellations
(c) Returns, external transactions
(d) Inter-Company delivery and billing

14 Which of the following statements are incorrect

When you cancel a billing document the system copies the data from the reference
document into the cancellation and offsets the entry in accounting

(b) When a billing document is cancelled it resets the document status

(c) When a billing document is cancelled it do not update the document flow

When you cancel a billing document the system copies the data of the original into the
cancellation document and the cancelled document will have a "cancelled" indicator

The cancelation document will contain the referenced document number and the original
document will have an "cancelled" indicator

15 Which of the following statements are incorrect

(a) The invoice correction represents a combination of a credit and a debit memo request

(b) The invoice correction can be created without reference to a billing document
First the debit memo items is listed followed by the credit memo items. The debit memo items
cannot be changed
When creating an invoice correction, the items are automatically duplicated and the resulting
Item categories must have opposite +/- values
You can delete the credit and debit memos together and all unchanged pairs can be deleted
at once in this way

16 Which of the following statements is incorrect

You can create as many pro forma invoices as you would require, since the billing status in
the reference documents is not updated
(b) Data from pro forma invoices is not transferred to accounting
(c) Data from pro forma invoices is transferred to accounting

(d) You need to post the goods issue before creating a delivery related pro forma invoice

17 Identify the correct statement.

(a) You can create an invoice with reference to a delivery or a goods issue document

(b) You cannot create credit memos with reference to a credit memo request.

(c) The possible reference documents are determined by billing document type.

(d) Pro forma invoices are generally needed for exports.

(e) After creating a pro forma invoice, the postings are automatically made in the FI module.

18 Which of the following statement is incorrect in regards to cash sales

(a) The delivery is created automatically when you save the cash sale order
(b) The goods issue is posted afterwards as a separate transaction
(c) The system automatically print the billing document (Receipt)

(d) The accounting entry will be blocked and must be released by the responsible employee

(e) The delivery must be created after the cash sale order

19 When processing a billing due list, you have the following options. Select the correct answers

(a) The invoice run can be started as a simulation run.

For performance reasons, the invoicing run via billing due list processing can only be carried
out in batch.
The invoice run can be carried out for delivery-related and order-related billing documents
(d) Order-related and delivery-related billing documents must always be created separately.
Order-related and delivery-related billing documents must always be created in the
20 Select the incorrect statement regarding Invoice lists
Invoice list contain various billing documents and can be sent to a payer on specified days or
(b) All the Billing types to be included in the invoice list must be assigned to the invoice list type

For the system to work you need to define a factory calendar to indicate on which days the
(c) invoice list must be created and this factory calendar must be added to the payer's master
Invoice list update accounting & post the accounting documents for the billing documents in
the list
Invoice list cannot be cancelled as a list. The individual billing documents need to be
reversed if you want to cancel the billing list

21 Which of the following statements are true regarding billing plans?

(a) The following are the three type of billing plans: periodic, contractual, milestone.

(b) Billing plan types can be in the header and item levels.
(c) Billing plans can be used to handle down payment functionality.
(d) The date category can be changed in the item
The Billing plan types that is created at header level is the master plan and billing plans at
item level need to be linked to the master billing plan

22 Which of the following is incorrect regarding down payments used in billing plans

(a) Down payment can be settled in full or settled partially

(b) Down payment can only be settled in full
For partial and final invoices, the down payments that have been made are transferred to the
billing documents as down payments for clearing
(d) Tax is determined and displayed when the down payment request is being made.

When the invoice is printed, the down payment amount due for clearing will not be displayed
as the clearing is carried out automatically during invoice printing

23 Select the incorrect statement

(a) For every installment a billing document will be generated
Each installment create a separate accounts receivable item so that each payment can be
cleared against an installment
Installment payment terms must be set up in customizing and you need to indicate the
(c) number and amount of the installments in percentage and payment terms for each
installment payment
(d) Incoming payment dates are regulated or stipulated in an installment plan
(e) Settlement dates are regulated or stipulated in a down payment plan

24 Which of the following statements are correct

A company code represents an independent accounting unit with balance sheet and profit
and loss statements as required by law
A business Area reports financial information across company codes and is used for internal
(c) General ledger accounts, for company code reporting, cannot be posted by business area
Business Area has a fixed assignment and is determined per order item according to certain
(e) Only one business area can be determined for the billing document

25 Which of the following statements are correct

(a) Sales documents types update accounting document types
You can set a posting block on Billing documents and accounting documents will only be
generated after the billing block has been released

You specify in the billing document type what accounting document should be proposed for a
transaction. If you leave this field blank the system will automatically propose RV doc type.

26 Which of the following are true regarding the billing date?

(a) It can be changed in the billing document.
The customer master is where you maintain the calendar if billing is to be done on specified
(c) It is proposed automatically, but can be overridden.
(d) If using delivery related billing, the billing date is based on goods issue.

(e) If using order related billing, the billing date in the order forms the basis for the billing date.

27 Identify the correct answer:

(a) The billing document created in SD is always automatically released to FI

(b) An F1 billing document is created on the first day of the month.

(c) The selling price of a material is entered as master data on the functional side of SD

The Item category in the sales document will indicate to the system whether it is order
related billing or delivery related billing

28 Which of the following statements about billing are incorrect?

(a) Invoice dates for creating invoices at certain times are maintained in the calendar

(b) You cannot carry out pricing again during billing

A transaction-specific requirement, such as "deliveries must be combined in a collective
invoice" can be set to control billing
(d) If there are several payers for one delivery, several billing document is created for each payer

1 a 3
2 b 3
3 a 3
4 a 1
5 d 1
6 e 1
7 d 1
8 d 1
9 e 1
10 c 1
11 b,c,d 5
12 b,d 5
13 a,b,c 4
14 c,d 5
15 b,c 5
16 c,d 4
17 c,d 5
18 d,e 5
19 a,c 5
20 d,e 5
21 b,c 5
22 b,e 5
23 a,e 5
24 a,b 5
25 b,c 3
26 a,b,c,d,e 5
27 c,d 4
28 a,c 4


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