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ref:ACI 435

Deflection For Doubly Reinforced rectangular section(t and c)

Properties Of Section :-
h= 9.50 in
d= 8.00 in
B= 1.04
d'= 1.50 in
b= 12.00 in
kd N.A
n= 9.29 h d
Yt= 4.75 in As
As= 1.24 in^2
As'= 0.53 in^2
Es= 29000.00 ksi
f'c= 3000.00 psi
Ec= 3122018.58 psi
fr= 410.79 psi Neutral Axis :-
Ig= 857.38 in^4 r= 0.38
Mcr= 6.18 kip-ft kd= 2.94
Icr= 406.77 in^4

Distributed Load :- Concentrated load:-

DL = 0.18 klf P = 0.00 kip
LL= 0.10 klf
L = 9.75 ft
W= 23.67 lb/inch
Ma = 13.50 kip-ft max unfactored moment at mid or support section
Mcr/Ma = 0.46

Ie = 449.98 in^4
Then :
Ie = 449.98 in^4

Calculation :-

d = w l4 / 8 Ec Ie = 0.39 in

Allowable L/350 = 0.33 in

d < Allowable Value O.K.

Effect of Creep ( Long Term Deflection ) :-

Wc = 0.49 kip/ft
Ma = 13.50 kip-ft

Mcr/Ma = 0.46

Iec = 449.98 in^4

Then :
Iec = 449.98 in^4

Calculation :-

dc = 5 w l4 / 384 Ec Ie = 41.04 in
a = ( 2 - 1.2 ( As'/As) > or = 0.6 = 1.49
Then :
a = 1.49
dc = 61.03 in
Allowable L/350 = 0.33 in

dc < Allowable Value O.K.

Deflection For singly Reinforced rectangular section(only tesion)

Properties Of Section :-
h= 25.00 in
d= 21.00 in
B= 0.34
d'= 0.00 in
b= 13.00 in
kd N.A
n= 8.04 h d
Yt= 12.50 in As
As= 4.80 in^2
As'= 0.00 in^2
Es= 29000.00 ksi
f'c= 4000.00 psi
Ec= 3604996.53 psi
fr= 474.34 psi Neutral Axis :-
Ig= 16927.08 in^4 r= 0.00
Mcr= 53.53 kip-ft kd= 8.59
Icr= 8693.36 in^4

Distributed Load :- Concentrated load:-

DL = 0.60 klf P = 5.00 kip
LL= 0.40 klf
L = 40.00 ft
W= 83.33 lb/inch
Ma = 250.00 kip-ft max unfactored moment at mid or support section
Mcr/Ma = 0.21

Ie = 8774.18 in^4
Then :
Ie = 8774.18 in^4

Calculation :-

d = 5 w l4 / 384 Ec Ie = 1.82 in

Allowable L/350 = 1.37 in

d < Allowable Value O.K.

Effect of Creep ( Long Term Deflection ) :-

Wc = 0.49 kip/ft
Ma = 250.00 kip-ft

Mcr/Ma = 0.21

Iec = 8774.18 in^4

Then :
Iec = 8774.18 in^4

Calculation :-

dc = 5 w l4 / 384 Ec Ie = 516.37 in
a = ( 2 - 1.2 ( As'/As) > or = 0.6 = 2.00
Then :
a = 2.00
dc = 1032.75 in
Allowable L/350 = 1.37 in

dc < Allowable Value O.K.

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