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Amandeep Kaushik




Practice assessment
Tourism strategic management 1st practice

Faculty of International Tourism

Department of Tourism and Hospitality

Supervisor: Dr.geogr., professor Maija Rozīte

RIGA, 2018

This report has been prepared for the internship that has been done in the Remarc International in
order to study the practical aspects of the syllabus and implementation of the theoretical
knowledge in the real field with the purpose of fulfilling the requirements of the course of
Masters in Tourism Strategic Management.The aim of this internship is to be familiar to the
practical aspect and uses of theoretical knowledge and clarifying the career goals, so I have
successfully completed the internship and compiled this report as the summary and the
conclusion that have drawn from the internship experience.I would like to express my sincere
gratitude to my internship coordinator Dr.geogr., professor Maija Rozīte who have given their
valuable time and given me chance to learn something despite having their busy schedule and for
his great guidelines for internship. I am also thankful to Mr. Constantin Babuta, Mr. jonathan
sventola and other staff member for their co-operative support, and also presenting with an
opportunity for me to have a practical experience in this organization. Lastly, I would like to
GRECOTEL RHODOS ROYAL for providing this opportunity to work for my practice and Mr.
Ali Jay who helped me to clutch the rear opportunities to learn the real world situation. I am also
grateful to all member of Remarce international for providing several information, papers, data,
figures and services as well as sharing their experience with me and teaching me different
techniques to build the computer network for to operate effectively and efficiently. Thus, the time
with remarc international was very audacious and supportive to my career through which I have
gained valuable work experience that will help definitely makes a favorable impression on me as
a prospective future employer.

Place: Riga Amandeeep Kaushik

5-09-2018 SMA1D2
Table of Content

1. General Characteristics ……………………………………………………. 4-8

1.1 Tourism in Greece…………………………………………………. 4

1.2 Tourism Activities and tendencies………………………………… 6-8

1.2a Tourism Activities……………………………………………….... 6

1.2b Recent Trends…………………………………………………….. 7

2. Company Characteristics……………………………………………….... 9-15

2.1 Company functions and represented field……………………………... 10

2.2 Resources necessary for business works………………………………. 11

2.3 Organisational Structure……………………………………………….. 12

2.4 Duties and responsibilities of Author………………………………….. 13

2.5 Target Market………………………………………………………….. 14

2.6 Competitors……………………………………………………………. 14

2.7 Marketing…………………………………………………………….... 14

2.8 Co-operation………………………………………………………….... 15

2.9 Result of activity……………………………………………………….. 15

3. Description of work and problems……………………………………….. 16-17

4. Conclusions………………………………………………………………… 18

5. Suggestions………………………………………………………………..... 19

6. Reference………………………………………………………………….... 20
1. General Characteristics

1.1 Tourism in Greece

Tourism is the main sector in greece. It is the important part of greece in order to contribute in
there economics. Over 27 million tourists visited Greece in 2017. Over 27 million tourists visited
Greece in 2017, according to Bank of Greece (BoG) figures. Tourist traffic increased by 9.7
percent, reaching 27,194 million visitors against 24,799 million visitors in 2016.

An increase of licensing and monitoring functions of GNTO, including its 14 Regional Offices,
were transferred to the Ministry. The Regional Offices have responsibility for licensing and
inspecting tourism businesses, conducting quality control, monitoring official classification and
imposing administrative sanctions on tourism businesses. At a local level, authorities (regions
and municipalities) draw up and implement programmes and activities for tourism development
and promotion in their areas. However, it is mandatory for all public authorities to obtain prior
approval of their promotional activities from GNTO, with a view to harmonising their campaigns
with the overall tourism promotion strategy of the country.

In 2016 a number of different types of tourism education and training bodies, previously
managed by the Greek Organisation for Tourism Education and Training (OTEK), were
transferred to the Ministry as Regional Tourism Units. The Hellenic Chamber of Hotels (HCH) is
a public entity supervised by the Ministry, whose members are hotels operating in Greece. As of
January 2017 it has been made the competent authority responsible for the official classification
of hotels, rooms and apartments to rent.
Figure 1 Greece: Organisational chart of tourism bodies
1.2 Tourism activities and tendencies

1.2 A: Tourism Activities:-

Greece, birthplace of the Olympic Games, is ideal for participating in a sport or taking part in
events or games (sports tourism). In the recent past the country has frequently organized many
large sports/athletic events (world championships, Pan-European games, significant
international tournaments, etc), with the crowning event being the 2004 Olympic Games that
were held in Athens.
These sports/athletic events contributed significantly to the construction of many modern large
and small sports facilities, stadiums and training centers throughout the country, covering a
wide range of sports, where today local residents and visitors to the region are able to exercise or
train in their favorite sport: from athletics, soccer, volleyball and basketball to tennis and golf,
sailing and surfboards.
Moreover, many hotels offer their guests special facilities for sports activities(basketball,
volleyball, tennis, golf, sea-sports, etc). More details can be provided by the relevant hotel
official (check the hotel guidebook).
Below are some atractions listed in numbered list which works in contribution of greece

1. Acropolis, Athens
2. Acropolis Museum, Athens
3. Santorini
4. Mykonos
5. Delphi
6. Meteora Monasteries
7. Rhodes Town
8. Corfu Town
9. Samaria Gorge
10. Nafplio
11. Zagorohoria & the Ancient Ruins of Kassope and Nikopolis

12. Thessaloniki
1.2B Recent Trends

Tourism is well recognised for playing a key role in global economic activity, job creation, and
as a source of export revenue and domestic value added. On average, tourism directly contributes
4.2% of GDP, 6.9% of employment and 21.7% of services exports to OECD countries (Figure
1.1), all of which are stable or slightly higher than figures for 2014.

Below are some figures and tables which depicts the number of inbound travelers:

Table 1: International Tourist Arrivals 2012-2106

Table 2: Internal tourism consumption, 2016 or latest available year

Below are some estimates and forecasts of greece:

Table 3: estimates & Forecasts

2. Company Characteristics

Company Name: Remarc International

Established In: 1992

Main Office: P.O.Box 489,Koropi 19400,Attiki,Greece.


Business Sector: Tourism and Hospitality

Founder and CEO: Mr. Alexander

Remarc international is serving since 27 years by taking care of more than 200 Hotels with the
help of more than 750 Entertainers and 100 professional artists in order provide the best quality
services all around Greece cyprus and Spain.
2.1. Company Functions and represented Field

Remarc Sunseafun Group was founded with one specific aim in mind: to help our 200
Mediterranean Hotels & Resorts increase the value of services throughout effective Hotel
Consulting and Entertainment Management Team all around Greece, Cyprus & Spain.

In many parts of the World Entertainment, Sports & Animation have already become
indispensable department in the hotel structure.

Remarc international cover all segments of entertainment life in hotel, including:

Remy Kids Club: This segment is works in supervising and entertaining kids from the age of

Teen-Age Animation: supervising and entertaining teens from the age of 12-17

Events and Public Relations: giving permanent information to the guests

Adult Entertainment: games, all kind of sport & Remarc Fit Academy activities and
completions, large variety of daily and evening entertainment
2.2. Resources necessary for business works

In order to conduct all entertainment activities it includes material resources more than non

Remy Kids Club: In order to entertain and supervise small kids of the age of 4-12 it requires lot
of toys and stationary to entertain and teach them.

Below are few Material lists which requires in order to entertain kids: beach toys, paper, color
books, paint, color pencil, soft balls and many more.

Teen-age Animation: Teenage entertainment is same as adult entertainers and requires the same
type of material as Adult Entertainment which includes sports activity fitness activities and other

Below are few Material lists which requires in order to entertain Teen-age animation: Sport
equipment depending on what kind of sport is included in the program i.e, football, Basketball,
beach volleyball etc, few small interdoor interactive card games like UNO monopoly chess etc.

Adult Entertainment: Adult entertainment requires more attention as they are the one who are
going pay and score on the basis of service provided by the organisation.

Below are few Material lists which requires in order to entertain Adult Entertainment: Sport
equipment depending on what kind of sport is included in the program i.e, football, Basketball,
beach volleyball etc, Yoga mets, Few GYM equipment depend on program running on particular

Evening Events and Shows: This thing leaves most of the impact in guests mind and now a
days evening shows and programs are on the top of priorities for some hotels in the
entertainment department.

Following are the material requires for evening shows and events: Costumes depending on
shows, lights, sound systems, technical tools, props etc.

Public Relations: In the world of entertainment it is also known as Guest Contact which helps in
getting good comments from the guest. This work don’t require any kind of material just an
entertainer ready to talk with a smile.
2.3 Organisational Structure


The main Process start from recruiting an entertainer by having Virtual Interview with the help
of Software name SKYPE. After selecting the candidate offer letter has been provided to the
entertainer according to their job role. After recruiting the entertainer they get 1 week of unpaid
training and after finishing there 1 week of training the entertainer is posted to their respected
hotel or resort.
2.4. Duties and Responsibilities of Author:

The Author will perform the animation programs as instructed by the AGENCY and the hotel,
whose instruction shall be according to the International quality requirements concerning sports,
entertainment, culture and kids animation programs. These programs will be performed
according to the hours and at the places corresponding to the specific needs of the Hotel. The
ANIMATOR is to be duly informed herewith and therefore accepts the same.

Author was appointed as Sport Animator in order to entertain being a part of Adult entertainment
But due to some issue he was moved in 3 Different hotels where he was allotted with different
duties and responsibilities Author was appointed with the below duties and responsibilities:

In Labranda Sandy beach Resort:

● Executing daily sports activities i.e, Beach volleyball, Darts, Balls, Table Tennis.
● Guest relations
● Evening shows

In Porto Caras Grand Resort:

● Remy Keds Club entertainer helping with kids

● Building weekly programs and schedule.
● Making posters for shows
● Conducting daily sports activities i.e, Table Tennis, balls
● Conducting fitness activities i.e, Yoga and Stretching, Aqua aerobics
● Evening Sound and light technician i.e, DJ making playlist and lightings

In Grecotel Rhodos Royal:

● Executing Daily sports activities i.e, Beach Volleyball, Water polo, Table Tennis and on
alternative days Beach Volleyball, darts, Basketball.
● Guest relations
● Evening shows
2.5 Target Market:

The main target market for Remarc international was Hotels and Tour operator and for the hotels
in which author pursued his practices was more focused in the guest in the hotel irrespective of
their ages.

2.6 Competitors:

Private tour operators with their own entertainment team especially dedicated to limited number
of guests i.e, Hydro Tours, Plant fun, Tui, Life Tourist etc

2.7 Marketing:

As Remarc International is not directly dealing with guest their main marketing method of
promoting their product was with the help of digital marketing.

In order to promote their services they are using facebook and all social networking sites.

From this season they are more focused in promoting evening shows they have separate page for
promoting evening shows.

Moreover all hotel have their separate pages for the animation team and their work.

In order to promote they are following the Hashtag Trend with #beremarcable.
2.8 Co-operation:

Remarc International have cooperation with more the 200 hotels.

Below mentioned are the few hotel chain cooperating with remarc international:

● AKS Hotels
● Kipriotis Hotels
● Grecotels
● Louis Hotels
● Labranda Resorts
● Mitsis Hotels
● Aquila
● Atrium Hotels and many more.

2.9 Results of activity:

The result of activities conducted by the animator was reflected in the number of guest
participating in daily activities.

Receiving around 20 guest in one activity was considered to be a well executed activity, will on
the other hand receiving only 10 guest in big activities like aqua aerobics and beach Volleyball
was considered to be poor performance.

The highest number authors received in his activities was 32 guests in beach volleyball, 57 in
Aqua aerobics and 28 in Water Polo.

The major problem detected by the author was lack of communication because of less
knowledge of foreign language.
3. Description of work and Problems:

The author was appointed as Sport entertainer in order to execute sport activities with the adults.

From the day one author started learning about the pre-activity work which includes promoting
the activity by going in person to the guest and ask them to join the activity.

Promoting your activity was the important part in order to get more guest in their activities. An
entertainer should start promoting their activity before 30 mins of actual activity time and should
walk around the material of activity in order to attract more guests.

Any sport activity should only be finished in 45 mins and for the big activities like volleyball and
waterpolo it can be stretched upto 1 hr.

In the gaps between 1 activity and another the author was guided to have guest relation in order
to get some good comments.

The morning activities starts from 10 AM till 12:30 PM. After 12:30 PM every entertainer was
ordered to gathered around main pool in order to perform the jungle.

The Afternoon Activities starts form 3:00 PM till 6 PM. In which author have to do the same
above mentioned tasks but with different activities.

The evening shows starts from 8:30 PM and runs until 11:30 PM which includes external shows
and acts prepared by entertainers. 8:30 to 9 PM this half an hour was completed dedicated for the
kids where the kids entertainers dance with kids.

After Executing all the tasks the last 2 hours from midnight till 2 AM(depending on the time we
need for rehearsal of the shows) is for practicing evening shows.
Major Issues:

Below are some major issues faced by the author during his work:

● Communication issue: less knowledge of foreign language was the major problem faced
the author.

● Activities Timing: There are some activities such as Volleyball and waterpolo one after
another which was affecting the number of guest in both the activities.

● Guest Relations: There were some guest who were not interested in talking and
participating in any activities which was creating a wrong impression on the other guests.

● Late night Practice for shows: Sometime this issue was also impacting the daily
activities in the morning because of less hours of rest.
4. Conclusions

● This Report explain brief information on the importance of tourism in greece

and their responsible organisations.

● This Report depicts the brief information of company services and the
working environment. It also depict the way of working and standard of

● This report reflects the communication factor as the major issue because of
lack of foreign languages.

● It also explains the company plays an important role in the field of tourism
and all around entertainment in hotels.
5. Suggestions

● The problem of Language can be rectified by placing the entertainer in the

hotel in which the maximum number of guest have same language. For
instance in porto caras grand resort the number of russian speaking guest in
more the any other guest so the person who knows only russian can be
placed in that particular hotel.

● Problem of time clash in activities can be easily rectified by eliminating the

less running activity from the program and adjusting the clashed activities
toward that activity.

● World travel and tourism Council, Travel and tourism economic impact
2017, E-Book, Excessed 15-9-2018.
● OECD, OECD tourism Trends and policies 2017, E-Book, Excessed
● OECD, OECD tourism Trends and policies 2018, E-Book, Excessed
● Remarc International, Who we are,,
Excessed 15-9-2018.

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