15 Academic Reading 10+50 Phrasel Verb

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Academic reading 10+50phrasel 16 IBT center

Leave a system or
Оролцохоос татгалзах, I enjoy tennis but I'm so busy I had
opt out ph/v decide not to
орхих to opt out of the tournament.
1 participate
The boy owned up. He said he
Admit or confess
own up ph/v Хэргээ хүлээх kicked the ball through the
2 window.
The old lady passed away
pass away ph/v Die Нас барах
3 peacefully.
Don't forget to pass on the
pass on ph/v Transmit Шилжүүлэх
4 information.
Faint / lose She passed out when she heard
pass out ph/v Ухаан алдах
5 consciousness the bad news.
I will lend you 20€ provided you
pay back ph/v Reimburse Эргүүлж төлөх pay me back before the end of the
6 week.
Choose someone to The other children were always
pick on ph/v blame, punish, bully, Гоочлох, өө сэв хайх picking on Charlie because of his
7 etc. red hair.
Will you help me pick out a
pick out ph/v Select; choose Сонгох
8 handbag to go with my outfit?
Children are quick to pick up a
pick up ph/v Learn Сурах
9 new language.
Collect; give someone James is coming to pick me up at
pick up ph/v Авах
10 a lift 8 o'clock.
Cause pain or My stomach is starting to play up
play up ph/v Тавгүйтэх, өвдөх
11 discomfort. again after all that heavy food.
Emphasize or make
He always plays up his
play up ph/v something seem more Онцлох , дөвийлгөх
12 important.
Minimize or make Бүдгэрүүлэх , ач
The government played down the
play down ph/v something appear less холбогдолыг нь
gravity of the situation.
13 important бууруулах
Come or go quickly in She popped over to visit her
across/over/ ph/v зүглэх
the direction specified mother after lunch.
14 down/out
He sometimes pops in for a cup of
pop in ph/v Make a brief visit Ороод гарах
15 coffee.
The question popped up during
pop up ph/v Arise, occur Гэнэт гарч ирэх
16 the meeting.
My grandmother caught
Overcome difficulties
pull through ph/v Идгэрэх , давж гарах pneumonia but she pulled
or illness
17 through.
Return something to its
Please put away the dictionary
put away ph/v normal place after Эмхлэх , цэгцлэх
when you've finished using it.
18 using it.
Postpone / arrange a The meeting was put off because
put off ph/v Хойшлуулах
19 later date of the strike.
20 put on ph/v Turn on / switch on Асаах Could you put on the light please?
Wear a garment or
put on ph/v өмсөх/хувцас/ Put on your coat - it's getting cold.
21 piece of clothing.
It took a long time to put out the
put out ph/v Extinguish Унтраах /гал/
22 fire.
Academic reading 10+50phrasel 16 IBT center

Go to a lot of trouble / Зовох, өөртөө төвөг Please don't put yourself out for
put (yourself) ph/v
23 be inconvenienced удах us.
Leave/place someting
(something) ph/v Гаргах Don't forget to put out the dustbin.
outside the house.
24 out
Connect two people I'll put you through to Mr.
put through ph/v Холбож өгөх
25 (on the telephone) Brown.
Accommodate / give Хоноглуулах, ор We can put you up if you'd like to
put up ph/v
26 someone a bed гаргаж өгөх come for the week-end.
I don't know how you can put up
put up with ph/v Tolerate тэвчих
27 with all the noise.
Indicate / direct The teacher pointed out the
point out ph/v Хэлж өгөх , зааж өгөх
28 attention to something mistake.
She amazed everyone by reeling
reel off ph/v Түгдрэлгүй хэлэх off all the phrasal verbs she had
29 learned.
Count on / depend on / Don't worry. You can rely on
rely on ph/v хамаарах
30 trust me. I can keep a secret.

rub out ph/v Erase Балруулдах Write it in pencil so that you can
31 rub it out.
Escape from a place or He ran away from home at the age
run away ph/v Зугатах
32 suddenly leave of fourteen.
Meet by accident or
run into ph/v unexpectedly (also : Тааралдах Sophie ran into Maria at the
33 bump into) shopping centre.
Have no more of What a nuisance! I've run out of
run out of ph/v …. Үгүй болох
34 something coffee.
Early Saturday morning we set off
set off ph/v Start a journey Аялалд гарах
35 for the ski slopes.
She set up her own company 10
set up ph/v Start a business Бизнес эхлүүлэх
36 years ago.
It's always wise to shop around
shop around ph/v Compare prices Үнэ харицуулах
37 before buying anything.
We expected William to come but
show up ph/v Appear / arrive Ирэх , харагдах
38 he didn't show up.
shut up
ph/v Be silent, stop talking Чимээгүй болох
39 (impolite) Oh shut up you idiot!
Register (e.g. at a Бүртгүүлэх /зочид Let's go and eat as soon as we've
sign in ph/v
40 hotel) буудал / signed in.
Pay your bill and leave He signed out and left for the
sign out ph/v Төлбөрөө төлөн гарах
41 (e.g. a hotel) airport.
Emma signed up for a computer
sign up (for) ph/v Enroll in an activity Бүртгүүлэх
42 course.
sign up Sign an agreement to Гэрээ байгуулж гарын Paul has signed up with a news
43 (with) work for somebody үсэг зурах agency.
Select for special Two boys were singled out for
single out ph/v Онцхлох
44 attention extra coaching.

Учир нь тайлагдах, It took a while for the scale of the

sink in ph/v To be fully understood
ойлгогдох disaster to sink in.
Academic reading 10+50phrasel 16 IBT center

46 sit down ph/v Take a seat Суух Please come in and sit down.
Tomorrow's Saturday, so I can
sleep in ph/v Sleep later than usual Айжуу унтах
47 sleep in!
Get rid of the effects of Архи нь гарах , архиа Jack went for a long walk to sober
sober up ph/v
48 too much alcohol гаргах up.
Rise from a sitting The pupils stood up when the
stand up ph/v Суудлаасаа босох
49 position headmaster arrived.
Resemble in
take after ph/v Адилхан байх Jamie really takes after his dad.
50 appearance or character

1. six-legged 40. tremendous 81. roam

2. ants, 41. appeared 82. preferred
3. wasps 42. struggled endlessly 83. poverty.
43. gradually 84. intend
44. estimate 85. invaded
4. ladybug
45. Peace 86. attention
5. fireflies,
46. disturbance 87. except
6. termites
47. violent 88. nobleman
7. moths
48. lawsuits 89. superior
8. dragonflies
49. campaigns 90. strike
9. mosquitoes
50. Blessed 91. motion-picture
10. silverfish
51. brotherhood 92. era of silent comedies
11. grasshoppers
52. seldom 93. gained
12. houseflies
53. frequently 94. composed
13. crickets
54. waged 95. undersized
14. walkingsticks
55. banded 96. undernourished,
15. fleas.
56. warfare. 97. shuffling
16. steamy
57. cutting off 98. gloves
17. polar
58. bear 99. bamboo
18. snow-capped
59. extended 100. bounces
19. caves
60. disputes 101. crushing
20. constantly
61. forbade 102. penniless
21. annoy
62. shrines. 103. respectability
22. bite
63. permitted 104. authority
23. infect
64. guarantee 105. soul
24. deadly diseases.
65. conquer 106. comedian
25. crops
66. opposed 107. controversy
26. domestic
67. struggle 108. immoral
27. invade
68. destroy 109. accused
28. property.
69. dawn 110. reenter
29. great value
70. tribes, 111. ceremonies
30. pollinate
71. followers 112. honorary
31. fascinating
72. navies 113. annual
32. antennae,
73. suffering 114. incalculable
33. enormous
74. hardship 115. knighted
34. carpenters
75. Earthquakes 116. revolutionized
35. papermakers
76. floods 117. treatment
36. guards
77. disagreement 118. plot
37. soldiers
78. conquest 119. suffered
38. trappers
79. dried up 120. painful
39. undertakers
80. seize 121. operations
Academic reading 10+50phrasel 16 IBT center

122. reflects 169. Induct 216. ultimate

123. concern 170. generalizations 217. revealed
124. conflic 171. probabilities 218. goddesses
125. zeal 172. certainties 219. qualities.
126. conventional 173. deduction 220. associate
127. interior 174. premises 221. expanse
128. monologue 175. observation 222. emerged
129. stream 176. obtain 223. intimate
130. consciousness 177. Deductive 224. intermediary
131. illusion 178. inference 225. spirits
132. poverty 179. premises. 226. covenant
133. obscurity 180. propositions 227. bless
134. remarkable 181. distinguish 228. faithful
135. enormous 182. valid 229. divine
136. impact 183. combination 230. mystics
137. innkeeper 184. notable 231. claim
138. crammed 185. wonders 232. reside
139. swerve 186. tombs 233. buffaloes
140. shore 187. preserved 234. existence
141. bend 188. unaware 235. Experts
142. bay 189. foolish 236. arguments
143. recirculation 190. extravagances 237. unconditioned
144. representation 191. terrace 238. ultimate
145. traces 192. shifts 239. numerous
146. flow 193. screws 240. ceremonies,
147. evaporation 194. complicated 241. supreme
148. interchangeable 195. temples 242. worshiped
149. symbolizes 196. coast 243. influences
150. position 197. marble 244. fulfillment
151. matter 198. dedicated 245. kinship
152. deny 199. sculptures 246. faith
153. spiritual 200. throne 247. pattern
154. entity 201. ornaments 248. distinctive
155. interpret 202. flesh 249. grew up
156. associated with 203. ivory. 250. cult,
157. emphasis 204. wreath 251. inspiring
158. concerns 205. marble 252. imitate.
159. reemerged 206. basement 253. crucial
160. doctrines 207. colonnade 254. inspiration
161. dialectical 208. colonnade 255. worship
162. emerged 209. stood on 256. countless
163. dialectic 210. hollow 257. anthropologists
164. transition 211. toppled 258. occurrence
165. phase 212. earthquake. 259. existence,
166. oriented 213. supreme 260. prosperity
167. uphold 214. portrayed 261. tribe
168. ideology 215. supernatural 262. ensure

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