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One India Drive, Bengal Tiger, Curry House, CA


1. Representation. Beenocker (Attorney) shall represent client in presenting claims, filing suit, or
trial, as may be necessary in attorneys' judgment, against those liable for:

Wrongful termination

No settlement shall be made without consent of client.

2. No Hourly Charges. Client will not be required to pay an advance retainer nor will client be billed at
an hourly rate (e.g. $250/hr) for attorney's work as case proceeds. Client prefers to have attorney take the
case based upon a percentage of a successful result only. Attorney agrees to take full risk of no fee
unless claim is successful. Client has benefit of not paying for hourly services.

3. Attorney Fees. Attorneys' percentage fee shall be as follows:

30% of net recovery if settled before filing lawsuit with court clerk or after lawsuit is
filed but before a formal discovery proceeding occurs. (Discovery proceedings include
depositions, interrogatories, subpoenas for documents, etc.)

33% of net recovery if settled through negotiations after lawsuit is filed and after a
formal discovery proceeding, but without conducting a mediation proceeding, an
arbitration hearing or a court settlement proceeding;

38% of net recovery if settled or brought to judgment in or after a mediation

proceeding, an arbitration hearing, a court sponsored settlement, proceeding, or a trial.

Percentage fees are not set by law. Percentage fees between attorneys and clients are negotiable. The
fees stated above are the agreed fees between attorney Lee E. Sheldon and the client. If claim is on
behalf of a minor, the fee may be determined by the court.

4. Calculation of Percentage Is On Net Recovery, Not Gross Recovery. Attorneys' percentage fee
shall be calculated on the net recovery. The net recovery is the total settlement or judgment less costs
and expenses of handling the claim as described in paragraph 5.

Wage losses, pain and suffering and other items of loss or injury are part of client's total damages which
attorney seeks to recover on behalf of the client in a lump sum settlement or judgment. These items of
damage are not "costs and expenses" of handling the claim. Thus they are not deducted from the gross
recovery when calculating the attorney's fee, rather they are part of the damages claimed on which the
settlement or judgment is obtained and on which the percentage fee is calculated.

Occasionally, the parties agree to settle the claim by future payments, rather than, or in addition to, a

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present lump sum. If so settled, attorney fees relating to future payments will be paid at the time of
making the settlement agreement. The attorney fees for future payments will be calculated by
determining the present value of the future payments.

5. Costs and Expenses. This case will result in costs and expenses depending on complexity, whether
suit is filed and other factors. Costs and expenses may be paid by client or by attorney. If client cannot
afford to pay costs and expenses as incurred, attorney may pay costs and expenses, but is not obligated to
do so. Insofar as they are paid by attorney, they shall be deemed business expenses of attorney and not
loans to client. Costs and expenses of processing and handling the claim will be deducted from the gross
recovery, if any, in calculating the attorney's percentage fee specified in paragraph 4. The fee shall be the
percentage fee according to such calculation plus the amount of costs and expenses paid by attorney. If
there is no recovery on the claim, there shall be no attorney fees nor shall there by a client obligation to
pay costs and expenses.

Costs and expenses will vary considerably from case to case. Generally, complex or larger cases require
more costs and expenses than do simpler or smaller cases. Experts typically charge $300 to $600 per hour
to consult on a case and to testify, if necessary.

Since attorney fees are on the net recovery after costs and expenses are deducted, attorney has a similar
interest with client in keeping control of costs and expenses. However, the course of the case, including
what is done by the defense, dictates what may be appropriate or necessary to expend in the attorney's
best judgment to effectively present client's claim and enhance the ability to obtain a favorable settlement
or judgment.

Therefore, as client's claim proceeds, costs and expenses may include, but are not limited to, the

(a) Court's filing fee for lawsuit (Approx $350). Process server fees (Approx $65 per delivery). Jury fees
(Approx $150/day). Witness fees (variable). Other court reporter and court clerk fees (variable).
(b) Court Reporter charges for transcribing depositions of witnesses and for trial. (Each one hour of
deposition transcript is approximately $200 to $250).
(c) Document Copy Service Companies (These companies serve subpoenas and copy medical and
employment records. Charges are approximately 50 cents per page plus a basic fee ranging from $25 to
(d) Variable fees for investigators, paralegals, researchers, doctors, accident experts and other
(e) Each case will be charged a minimum $250 for paralegal/staff services in securing and/or analyzing
documentation, including employment records, medical records, or others. A minimum $8.00 per month
telephone charge will be assessed for each month the case is pending. Additional charges will be made
for photograph, copying, long distance telephone, travel, computer database, and other expenses.

6. Successful Party's Right to Costs. The successful party at trial may be entitled to recover from the
opposing party certain costs and fees as specified by law. If judgment is in favor of client, client may
recover certain costs and fees in addition to damages. If judgment is against client, client may be liable
to defendant for such costs and fees.

7. Court Awards of Attorney Fees. In certain kinds of cases, the law sometimes permits the judge or
jury to award an amount as attorneys fees to the prevailing party. The amount of such fees awarded shall
not affect the agreed percentage fees. The amount of fees awarded shall be considered as additional

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damages recovered, and the percentage fee shall be calculated on this entire sum (damages plus fee
award). A court award of attorneys' fees from the defendants or their attorneys for frivolous motions or
procedural matters shall be deemed additional attorney fees payable to attorney for the additional work
involved. The percentage fees stated above shall remain unaffected by such attorney fee awards.

8. Additional Services Not Covered. This agreement does not cover an appeal, a second trial if
necessary, collection proceedings after judgment, or any other proceedings after judgment, or
negotiations and/or litigation with lienholders, if any, or any other services that may arise out of this
matter, except specifically this claim against the defendants and the filing of suit and/or trial against the
defendants on this claim. If additional services are needed for other related or unrelated matters, and if
client and attorneys agree that attorneys shall provide such services, additional fees will be charged in an
amount to be agreed upon.

9. Malpractice Insurance. Pursuant to California Rule of Professional Conduct 3-410, I am informing

you in writing that I do not have professional liability insurance.

10. Miscellaneous Provisions. There are no guarantees of success for this claim. Attorney may
withdraw from case or client may change attorneys. If so, costs and expenses to that date shall be
reimbursed to attorney within 30 days. Attorney’s fees for having taken the case and having performed
services to that date shall continue as a lien on any successful recovery. Law firm may associate other
attorneys, share fees, and designate the attorney to handle all or any part of case, including trial.



Date: _______________________ Client Signature: ______________________

Client Signature: ___________________ Attorney Signature: ____________________

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