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Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

Academic and Research Vice-rector

Activities guide and evaluation rubric

1. General description of the course

Faculty or Escuela de Ciencias Básicas, Tecnología e

Academic Unit Ingeniería
Academic Level Professional
Academic Field Disciplinar Training
Course Name Diseño de Sistemas
Course Code 301309
Course Type Theoretical Can be yes ☒ No ☐
Number of Credits 2

2. Description of the activity

Type of the
Individual ☐ Collaborative ☒ of 6
Moment of I-
Initial ☐ ☒ Final ☐
evaluation: Requirenments
Engineering and
Delivery Environment of the
Evaluative score of the
activity: Monitoring and Evaluation
activity: 175
Starting date of the
Deadline of the activity:
October 17, 2018
Sept. 6, 2018
Competence to develop:
 Provide details on software architecture, data structures, interfaces
and components needed to implement the system
 Develop the design for an information system or software product
 Identify the different representations of a software taking as
resistance features, functionality and beauty.
Topics to develop:
 Design concept
 Architecture design
 Design at the component level

Steps, phases of the learning strategy to develop

 Analysis of the situation.
 Conceptualization

Activities to develop
1. When "writes" a program designed software is it? How do they
differ software design and coding?

2. How is the quality of software design is evaluated?

3. Give examples of three data abstractions and procedural

abstractions used to manipulate.

4. Describe in your own words software architecture.

5. Post design pattern that is in a category of everyday objects (for

example, consumer electronics, automobiles, appliances, etc.).
Describe briefly the pattern.

6. When should be implemented as monolithic modular design

software? How is this accomplished? Does the performance is the only
justification for the implementation of monolithic software?

7. How coupling concepts and portability of software related? Give

examples to support your point of view.

8. Describe briefly each of the four elements design pattern.

9. Using the architecture of a house or building as a metaphor, make

comparisons with the software architecture. What disciplines resemble
classical architecture and software? How do they differ?

10 From examples:
 Data-centric architectures.
 Dataflow architectures.
 Object-Oriented Architectures
 Layered architectures.

11. Some of the architectural styles mentioned in question 10, are

hierarchical in nature, while others do not. Make a list of each type.
How architectural styles that are not hierarchical be implemented?

12. The terms architectural style, architectural pattern often arise in

the analysis of software architecture. Investigate and describe how
each differs from the others.

13. Select an application with which you are familiar. answer:

Control. How the control is given within architecture? Is there a
different hierarchy of control?

Data. How data between components communicate? Is the data

stream is continuous or data objects passed to the system

14. It is sometimes difficult to define component. First a general

definition and then other more explicit object-oriented software and
traditional. Finally, choose three programming languages with which
you are familiar and illustrate the way in which each defines a

15. Why control components in traditional software are needed and

why generally not required in object-oriented?

16. Investigate the types of cohesion and coupling types

17. What it is a component of webapp?

18. All modern programming languages implementing structured

programming constructs. Give examples of three programming

19. Select a small coded and picture component with 1) an activity

diagram, 2) a flowchart, 3) a decision table and 4) LDP.
20. Why is it important to "subdivision" in the design review process at
the component level?
 Knowledge Environment
 Collaborative Learning Environment
for the
 Monitoring and Evaluation Environment
 It should be carried out:
 Distributed among the small group, the solution of
points 1 to 20 described in activities to develop
 Note: You must deliver the solution of the points in
full. Having no involvement of any member of the
small group, you must redeploy the solution of the
 Consolidate the contributions of the members of
the small group.
 Each member must give its endorsement to the
consolidated document before uploading it to the
Products to indicated space.
deliver by  Deliver to the monitoring and evaluation
student environment in the space corresponding to STEP 2,
a PDF document containing:
 Cover page
 Introduction
 Goals
 Solution of proposed points
 Conclusions

The name of the document is: name CW_Code

Couerse_## (Example: CW_301309_00).
The document must be delivered with APA style
Weighting: 35% of the total rating (175 pts.)

General guidelines for the collaborative work

Planning of In the development of collaborative work by
activities for students requires some key elements that lead to an
the academic exercise, responsible and effective.
For this to be achieved it is necessary that among
others with the steps outlined in the document entitled
"Guidelines of the curriculum in the UNAD / Aspects of
collaborative work and accompanying teacher" (Abbey,
Sailing, Montero & Vargas, 2014, pp. 16-18):
Recognition of stakeholders: At the beginning of
each evaluative activity the student will make its
recognition as an stakeholder of the group, presenting
their strengths and exposing the channels of
communication to be effective interaction.
Assignment of roles: Each member of the group
will assume one of the roles listed, which will be
functionally during the implementation of the
collaborative work. It is suggested to rotate roles in
each of the activities, tending to a comprehensive
training of all participants in the group.
Planning of the academic activities: planning of
the activities becomes a key element for the
achievement of the task. The group will undertake a
work plan for the development of academic activity, on
the basis of the analytical reflection of the agenda of
activities, the guide and rubric assessment. Carried out
the required readings by acquiring ownership issue.
Staging of the principles of collaborative work: it
is important to internalize the principles of interaction,
growth and responsible action to ensure the excellent
development of their learning process and presentation
of written products that correspond to the quality of
what was requested in the course.
The active participation: it requires a proactive
participation with individual contributions relevant to
the construction of a product that account as requested
by the activity guide.

Roles to Each student will choose one of the five roles that
perform by are specified in the check box next to this and assume
the student responsibly the function of this in order for the
in the participation in the collaborative work is relevant,
collaborative active with an assertive communication and the
group construction of collaborative products requested and
within the established times.
The document "General Guidelines of the
curriculum in the UNAD / Aspects of collaborative work
and accompanying teaching (abbey and others: 2014),
p. 11, establishes the following roles for the
implementation of the collaborative work of course:

Relate the roles that are established in the UNAD

for collaborative work. It is important to assume with
responsibility, but without leaving your commitment as
a student in front of the development of the activity.
Compiler: Consolidate the document that is
constituted as the end product of the debate, taking
into account that has been included the contributions
of all participants and to include only the participants
involved in the process. You should inform the person
Roles and responsible for the alerts to notify who did their shares,
responsibilit which are not included in the product to be delivered.
y for the Reviewer: Ensure that the written to comply with
delivery of the rules of presentation of works required by the
products by teacher.
Evaluator: Ensure that the document contains
the criteria present in the rubric. You must
communicate to the person in charge of the alerts to
report to the other members of the team in case you
have to make any adjustment on the subject.
Deliveries: Alert on the delivery times of
products and send the document in the time stipulated,
using the resources allocated for the shipment, and
indicate to other colleagues who has made the delivery.
Alerts: Ensure that you notify the members of
the Group of developments in the work and inform the
teacher through the forum of labor and the messaging
of the course, which has been carried out in the delivery
of the document.

Use of the standard PAC, version 3 in Spanish

Translation (version 6):
APA are the style of organization and
presentation of information used in the area of social
sciences. These are published under a Manual that
Use of allows you to have the ways in which you must submit
references a scientific article. You can find the most relevant
aspects of the sixth edition of the Manual of APA, as
references, quotes, preparation and presentation of
tables and figures, headers and seriation, among
others, by going to the page

What is plagiarism for the UNAD? plagiarism is

defined by the dictionary of the Real Academia as the
action of "copy the substance of the works of others,
making them as their own." Therefore plagiarism is a
serious offense is the equivalent in the academic field,
to theft. A student who plagiarizes does not take their
education seriously, and does not respect the
intellectual work of others.
There is no plagiarism. If a student makes use of
Plagiarism any portion of the work of another person, and does
policy not document its source, is committing an act of
plagiarism. Now, it is clear that all we have with the
ideas of others at the time of submission of our own,
and that our knowledge is based on a knowledge of the
other. But when we rely on the work of others,
academic honesty requires that explicitly announce the
fact that we are using an external source, either by
appointment or by means of a paraphrase annotated.
For the UNAD, 029 in the agreement of 13
December 2013, article 99, are regarded as offenses
against the academic order, among others, the
following: "(e)The plagiarism, that is to say, to present
as their own the whole or part of a work, work,
document, or invention made by another person. It also
implies the use of quotations or references, or propose
citad offenses where there is no coincidence between it
and the reference"; and (f) "The play, or copy with non-
profit, educational materials or results of research
products, which have intellectual rights reserved for the
Academic sanctions that will face the student are
the following:
(A) In cases of academic fraud shown in the
respective evaluation or academic work, the grade will
be zero point zero (0.0) without prejudice to the
disciplinary sanction.
(B) In cases related to plagiarism in academic
work whatever its nature, the grade will be zero point
zero (0.0), without prejudice to the disciplinary

4. Evaluation rubric

Evaluation rubric

Activity Individual Collaborative

☐ ☒
type: Activity Activity
Unit I -
of the
Initial ☐ Requirenment ☒ Final ☐
s Engineering
Assessed Performance levels of the individual activity
Aspects High score Media score Low score
It It presents Contributions
presents significant with little 15
contributi contributions to meaningful points
ons to the content
building development of construction
collaborati the activity work
ve work
(up to 15 (up to 7 (up to 0
points) points) points)
opinions Performs Does not
back the
performs the opinions but has participate in
contributi 25
contributions of no foundation the forum.
ons made points
by their
(up to 25 (up to 12 (up to 0
points) points) points)
Solve at least Resolves less
Does not solve
Resolves five (5) of the than five (5) of
any of the
as items proposed the proposed 25
proposed questions questions points
activity (up to 100 (up to 50 (up to 0
points) points) points)
Assessed Performance levels of the collaborative activity
Aspect High score Media score Low score
Although there
Participate Makes a Does not
is no
s makes substantial participate in
contributi contribution to the
ons for the the construction construction of 12
constructi of the final the final points
they lack
on of the product document
(Up to 0
document (Up to 12 points) (Up to 6 points)
Applies the APA
Applies Not applicable
in the entire
Apply partially APA APA 12
APA points
(Up to 0
(Up to 12 points) (Up to 6 points)
Presents a Presents a
document with document with
Structure Document
good some errors in 11
of the final devoid of any
organization your points
document organization
complying with organization or
the request spelling
contained in the

(Up to 11 (Up to 5 (Up to 0

points) points) points)
Final score 175

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