Independent Reading Project For 3rd 6 Weeks 2018

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Independent Reading Project- 3rd 6 Weeks

Due December 17th, 2018

By now you have been reading daily in class and hopefully at home also. Pick ONE novel you have read or are
reading (Yes, it can be one you finished BUT you might need to check it out again to get specific
details/quotes/page numbers) and compete the “One Pager.” Follow the directions given about the one pager,
but also be creative. You can pick a book you read in class, but you can also read at home in order to finish a
book on time. The book you read should be recent; you read it this school year.

Think: How can I represent and present what is important about this book in only 1 page?

For this project you will need to have a NOVEL (a fiction book with chapters, probably 100 pages or more). I
know some of you love magazines, but you will be looking at themes, characters, plot, and mood. These
literary elements are found in fiction books. After you have completed your one-pager you will give a “book
talk” to the class. This talk is designed to tell the class about the book so that they can see if they would also
like to read this book. You will share your one-pager during this talk. The one pager should help explain the
book to the class. It should not be random. Your presentation should be planned and take about 2-3 minutes.
Yes, you may use notes when you talk. Again, this is a project so make sure what you share and discuss looks
and sounds like it took you some time and effort to complete!

After presentations we should all have lots of new reading ideas!

This project will be worth 100 points. 50 for the actual one pager 9and a brief summary that explains it) and 50
for the presentation.

We will present and turn in our one pagers the week of December 17-.21 You should plan to be ready
on December 17th, even if you don’t present that day. We will start presentations on the 17th, but
FOLLOWING DAYS. This ensures fairness, do not be late.

See the attached rubrics for how you will be graded and the reading standards this project is meant to show
mastery of. If you need help to pick a book please ask Ms. Palof, the librarian, or consult and look at the “reading idea” links.

To review, you will need to do 2 things:

1) Complete a creative One Pager
a) Follow the directions on the page. You are getting limited examples so you can be
CREATIVE but also represent important elements of the book
b) With the one pager, turn in a summary that explains it so ke sure Ms. Palof know what
she is looking at when she grades it!
2) Present your book using your One Pager and telling us why we should read it.
a) You should PLAN your presentation in advance, it should be 2-3 minutes

**We will upload this project and a reflection we do afterward into our digital backpacks as a representation of
our Independent Reading this semester/an example of our public speaking skills. The backpack of success
skills will be addressed as we reflect on the project**
Name: _______________________________________ Explanation of Ideas & Info. _____ (10)
Independent Reading Project: Organization _____ (10)
Book Talk/One Pager Eyes & Body
_____ (10)
_____ (10)
Presentation to the Class Presentation Aids (One Pager) _____ (10)
SCORE (out of 50)

Requirement Distinguished Proficient 7-8 Apprentice 5-6 Novice 0-4

9-10 At Standard Approaching Standard Below Standard
Uses relevant, well-chosen descriptions,
Uses some descriptions, facts,
facts, details, and examples to support Uses too few, inappropriate, or
Explanation of Ideas & Information
details, and examples that support
claims, findings, arguments, or an answer to irrelevant descriptions, facts, details,
ideas, but there may not be enough,
a Driving Question (CC 6-8.SL.4) Explain or examples to support ideas.
or some are irrelevant.
your book & Why we should read it!
Includes almost everything required
Includes everything required in the in the presentation. Moves from one Does not include important parts
presentation, states main idea and moves idea to the next, but main idea may required in the presentation, does not
from one idea to the next in a logical order, not be clear or some ideas may be in have a main idea or presents ideas in
emphasizing main points in a focused, the wrong order, has an introduction an order that does not make sense,
Organization coherent manner (CC 6-8.SL.4) has an and conclusion, but they are not does not have an introduction and/or
effective introduction and conclusion, effective, generally times conclusion, uses time poorly; the
organizes time well; no part of the presentation well, but may spend too whole presentation, or a part of it, is
presentation is rushed, too short or too long. much or too little time on a topic, a/v too short or too long.
aid, or idea.
Makes infrequent eye contact; reads
Does not look at audience; reads
Keeps eye contact with audience most of the notes or slides most of the time uses
notes or slides, does not use gestures
time; only glances at notes or slides (CC 6- a few gestures or movements but
Eyes & Body 8.SL.4) uses natural gestures and they do not look natural, shows some
or movements, lacks poise and
confidence (fidgets, slouches, appears
movements, looks poised and confident. poise and confidence (only a little
fidgeting or nervous movement).
Speaks clearly; not too quickly or slowly Speaks clearly most of the time; Mumbles or speaks too quickly or
(CC 6-8.SL.4) speaks loudly enough for sometimes too quickly or slowly, slowly, speaks too softly to be
everyone to hear; changes tone to maintain speaks loudly enough for most of the understood, frequently uses “filler”
Voice interest (CC 6-8.SL.4), rarely uses filler audience to hear, but may speak in a words (“uh, um, so, and, like, etc.”),
words speaks appropriately for the context monotone, occasionally uses filler does not speak appropriately for the
and task, demonstrating command of formal words, tries to speak appropriately context and task (may be too
English when appropriate (CC 6-8.SL.6) for the context and task. informal, use slang).
Uses well-produced audio/visual aids or Does not use audio/visual aids or
media to clarify information, emphasize Uses audio/visual aids or media, but media, attempts to use one or a few
Presentation Aids (One Pager) important points, strengthen arguments, and they sometimes distract from or do audio/visual aids or media but they
add interest (CC 6-8.SL.) Explains One- not add to the presentation. distract from or do not add to the
Pager and what is on it/connections to book. presentation.
Name: _______________________________________ Textual Analysis _____ (10)
Independent Reading Required Elements _____ (10)
Project: Organization/Neatness
_____ (10)
_____ (10)
One Pager & Summary
SCORE (out
of 50) Summary/Explanation _____ (10)
to Explain it
Requirement Distinguished 9-10 Proficient 7-8 Apprentice 5-6 Novice 0-4
Shows a deep understanding of Shows a relatively strong
the text. Uses specific understanding of the text. Uses
quotations (at least 3) with page less than 3 specific quotations
numbers. Project contains and/or forgets to cite page
examples of the themes, key numbers in evidence. Contains Shows some understanding of
characters and how they change, examples of the themes, key the text and required elements, Not clear whether the maker of
Textual Analysis authors style of writing, characters and how they change, though several points seem this one pager read the text.
connections between book and authors style of writing, confused.
the world, and words and or connections between book and
images that show the the world, and words and or
significance of the setting in images that show the
some way. significance of the setting.
Every required element is
included: 3 quotes, themes,
characters and how they change, Almost every required element Several key elements are
Very few of the required
Required Elements author’s style, connections, is on the one pager and can be missing. The one pager is
elements are present.
words/images that show easily found/seen. somewhat scattered.
significance of setting, extra
elements that show creativity.
One pager is logical and easy to
read/view. It looks like the
One pager is confusing, shows
student took time and effort on One pager work is mostly One pager shows some
lack of effort and deeper
Organization/Neatness their analysis of the book. organized logically and organization but not very neat or
thought. Not planner and carried
Thought carefully about what to effectively. logical.
out with care.
include; only included the most
important aspects of the novel.

While this one pager is There is not much depth or This one pager barely shows an
Piece is amazing in its attention
Thoroughness to detail and deeper thinking.
thorough, some sections gloss detail present in the various understanding of the text. Very
the surface. sections. little detail or depth.

Student one- pager is turned in

Explanation mostly makes sense
with a brief (one handwritten Explanation makes very little Explanation is missing or not
but might not explain all
Summary/Explanation page or one ½ page typed)
elements or is too brief to make
sense. Does not help teacher long enough to make sense/be
explanation of the visual that understand what was done. counted.
explains what is in each section.
Your completed project will show ALL of the standards we have covered in the fall semester!

Standards Addressed by completing your one pager

Reading Literature:
 R.L. 6.1 Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
 R.L. 6.2 Determine the theme or central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through particular details
 R L. 6.3 Describe how a particular story’s or drama’s plot unfolds in a series of episodes as well as how the characters respond or change as
the plot moves toward a resolution
 R.L. 6.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the
impact of a specific word choice on meaning and tone
 R.L. 6.5 Analyze how a particular sentence, chapter, scene, or stanza fits into the overall structure of a text and contributes to the
development of the theme, setting, or plot.
 R.L. 6.6 Explain how an author develops the point of view of the narrator or speaker in a text.

 W 6.4 Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience

Speaking and Listening:

 S.L. 6.4 Present claims and findings, sequencing ideas logically and using pertinent descriptions, facts, and details to accentuate main ideas
or themes; use appropriate eye contact, adequate volume, and clear pronunciation.
 S. L. 6.5 Include multimedia components (e.g., graphics, images, music, sound) and visual displays in presentations to clarify information.
 S.L. 6.6 Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks, demonstrating command of formal English when indicated or appropriate.

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