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JEN 128(9/10) doi: 10.1111/j.1439-0418.2004.00887.


Ó 2004 Blackwell Verlag, Berlin

Colonization of growing fruit by the armored scales Lepidosaphes

beckii, Parlatoria pergandii and Aonidiella aurantii (Hom.,
Ma E. Rodrigo, F. Garcia-Marı́, J. M. Rodrı́guez-Reina and T. Olmeda
Institut Agroforestal Mediterrani, Entomologı́a–ETSEA, Universitat Politècnica de Valencia, València, Spain

Ms. received: February 27, 2004; accepted: June 11, 2004

Abstract: The process of invasion of the fruit surface by three species of armored scale insects [Lepidosaphes beckii
(Newman), Parlatoria pergandii Comstock and Aonidiella aurantii (Maskell)], was studied in citrus orchards in
València, Spain. Three periods of intense crawler migration were detected annually for L. beckii and P. pergandii.
Abundance of crawlers increased throughout the year and they moved outwards in the tree canopy. The fruit was
continuously invaded during the period of fruit growth, starting at a very early stage of fruit development, by crawlers
of the first generation of all the three species. Differences in fruit invasion and settling behaviour were found between
the three species. First-generation crawlers tended to settle under the fruit calyx in L. beckii and P. pergandii, and on the
exposed fruit surface in A. aurantii. During the second generation, most A. aurantii scales originated from reproducing
females already settled on the fruit, whereas in L. beckii and P. pergandii new scales came preferentially from other tree
substrates or from females settled under the fruit calyx. These findings suggest changes to optimize the timing of
chemical sprays for controlling the scales.

Key words: Citrus, crawlers, diaspidids, fruit, invasion

1 Introduction armored scales like L. beckii and P. pergandii may

settle beneath the calyx when the infestation of fruit
Armored scales (Hom., Diaspididae) are important
begins. The calyx seems to protect scales from adverse
pests of citrus all over the world, causing reduction of
climatic conditions and natural enemies. The fruit
tree health and production, and severe downgrading of
surface may be infested by insects coming out or
fresh marketed fruit at the packinghouse (Quayle,
emerging from under the calyx (Bodenheimer, 1951;
1941; Ebeling, 1959; Talhouk, 1975; University of
Carnegie, 1957; Gerson, 1967).
California, 1991a). In Spain, the main world exporter
It is important to know the manner and the moment
of fresh citrus fruit, three diaspidid species require
when diaspidids infest growing fruit in order to apply
regular applications of pesticides, Lepidosaphes beckii
measures of control, especially the succesful applica-
(Newman), Parlatoria pergandii Comstock and Aonid-
tion of chemical treatments (Walker et al., 1990). The
iella aurantii (Maskell) (Moner, 1992; Francés et al.,
objectives of this study were to investigate the move-
1998; Costa-Comelles et al., 1999). The three species
ment of crawlers in the tree, analyse the process of
develop two to four generations per year in the
infestation of fruit by successive crawler generations
Mediterranean area and in California (Benassy and
and study the importance of the calyx in the infestation
Soria, 1964; Abbasi, 1975; Moreno and Kennett, 1985;
process in the three species of armored scales, L. beckii,
Hafez et al., 1987; Walker et al., 1990; Rodrigo and
P. pergandii and A. aurantii.
Garcı́a-Marı́, 1992). Fruit of oranges [Citrus sinensis
(L.) Osbeck] and clementines [Citrus reticulata
(Blanco)] start to grow in spring and reach their final
size in autumn, being invaded by successive broods of 2 Materials and Methods
scale crawlers that develop during this period. The
The present study was conducted in València, Spain in four
second annual crawler generation which takes place in groves (Xest1, Xest2, Sueca and València) during 1995 and
the summer is generally considered to be mainly 1996, and at six groves (Catarroja1, Catarroja2, Catarroja3,
responsible for the infestation of fruit (Smirnoff, Picassent, Sueca and Riola) in 2001. All 10 groves consisted
1960; Benassy et al., 1980; Orphanides, 1982; Alexan- of 12–15-year-old navel orange commercial plantations. No
drakis, 1983; Atkinson, 1983; Moreno and Kennett, insecticides were applied to the groves during the sampling
1985). It has been observed that certain species of period and for at least 2 years prior to the present study. All
570 Ma E. Rodrigo et al.

groves supported medium to heavy infestations of L. beckii, from each tree, in four groups of three, were marked. The
P. pergandii and/or A. aurantii. In the four groves sampled in three fruit in each group were situated in the same branch.
1995 and 1996, the seasonal trend in the proportion of The four groups of each tree were selected from the four
different stages was monitored by sampling infested leaves quadrants of the tree canopy. If necessary, leaves or branches
every 2 weeks and recording the number of different stages of situated near the fruit were eliminated so that the marked
100 live scales found in a minimum of 10 leaves. fruit were not in contact with them. We placed a 5-mm-wide
ring of insect-trapping adhesive (TanglefootÒ, The Tangle-
foot Company, Grand Rapids, MI) around the peduncle of
2.1 Movement of L. beckii and P. pergandii crawlers one of the fruit in each group, a second fruit had adhesive
in the tree over the calyx to seal it completely, and the third one with no
The movement of L. beckii and P. pergandii crawlers in trees adhesive acted as control. A total of 324 fruit were marked.
was studied in 1995 at the València grove. The study started In December 1996, fruit were picked, carried to the labor-
in April, once the first flush of growth had been completed. atory and inspected under a stereomicroscope, recording
Sticky tape traps were wrapped around infested twigs, numbers of scales found on each fruit. For subsequent
following the method used in California to detect crawler analyses, only groups with the complete set of three fruit
generations of A. aurantii (University of California, 1991a). were considered, rejecting those groups in which any fruit
Fifteen traps were placed on each of two study trees. The had dropped.
traps were wrapped around green twigs, branches and wood,
five on every one. Green twigs (0–1 year old) corresponded to 2.5 Data analysis
the last flush of the previous year. Branches (1–2 years old)
corresponded to a more interior region of the tree, were SAS/STAT software (SAS Institute, 1989) was used for the
partly lignified (grey and green wood) and measured between statistical procedures. One-way analysis of variance (anova)
0.5 and 1 cm in diameter. Wood (2–3 years old) was the most and Fisher’s protected least significant difference (LSD) tests
interior branches of the tree, completely lignified and were applied to the comparison in number of crawlers
measuring 2–5 cm in diameter. Traps were replaced every between types of branches and between generations. Paired
10 days from April to October. t-tests were performed for comparing settlement preferences
Traps consisted of a base of black friction tape (tesaÒ, tesa in first-generation crawlers. Percentages of infested fruit were
AG, Hamburg, Germany) tightly wrapped around branches arcsine square root-transformed before the analysis. The
upon which transparent tape sticky on both sides (tesaÒ, effect of exclusion with adhesive barriers was analysed by
Beiersdorf AG, Hamburg, Germany) was placed to capture one-way anova followed by the LSD procedure.
crawlers. Transparent tapes were collected and mounted on
glass slides for counting crawlers under a stereomicroscope.
The identification of the two scale species was based on the
form and colour of crawlers, oval–elongated, pale yellow in 3 Results
colour in L. beckii and oval, short, burgundy in colour in
P. pergandii (Avidov and Harpaz, 1969). 3.1 Movement of L. beckii and P. pergandii crawlers in
the tree
2.2 Infestation of fruit Approximately 2000 crawlers of each species (L. beckii
and P. pergandii) were caught on the sticky tape traps
The process of infestation of fruit by L. beckii, P. pergandii
and A. aurantii was monitored in three different groves
during the sampling period (April to October).
(Xest1, Xest2 and Sueca) in 1995 and 1996. Ten trees were Seventy-two and 67% of L. beckii and P. pergandii
selected in each grove, 20 fruit were marked in each tree and crawlers, respectively, were caught in the inner edge of
the fruit were examined visually every week. We recorded the the trap, showing that crawlers moved preferentially
number of scales of the three species found on each fruit outwards in the tree canopy. Sticky tape traps detected
between May and October, except for A. aurantii in Sueca, three peak periods of crawler movement in the tree
for which sampling was started in June. branches (figs 1a and 2a), which coincided with the
three annual generations found when sampling popu-
2.3 Role of the calyx lations on leaves (figs 1b and 2b). The trend was
similar for the three plant substrates studied, green
To determine the role of the calyx in the process of twigs, branches and wood. The three peaks in crawler
infestation, samples of 100 fruit, with 10 fruit per tree from movement occurred in the first half of May for the first
10 trees, were collected. The València and Sueca groves were generation, in mid-July for the second and from mid-
sampled every 2 weeks between June and October 1995. A
September to the beginning of October for the third
single sample was taken in June from the six groves in 2001.
The fruit were taken to the laboratory, each fruit was generation. These dates correspond to the year of
inspected beneath a stereomicroscope and the number of sampling and variation in timing of peak crawler
scales (L. beckii, P. pergandii and A. aurantii) found under emergence is likely to occur, as it depends on degree
the calyx and in the rest of the fruit was noted for each fruit day units that will vary from year to year. Immature
separately. (first and second instar larvae) peaks (figs 1b and 2b)
occured within 15–30 days following crawler settling
(figs 1a and 2a).
2.4 Exclusion technique
For L. beckii (fig. 1a), the average number of crawlers
In order to establish where the scales infesting the fruit in the per trap found during any sampling period was greater
second generation originate from, an exclusion technique was on branches (32.13 ± 16.52) (mean ± SEM) than on
used at the Sueca grove in July 1996. Before the second green twigs (18.07 ± 6.65) and wood (22.83 ± 12.85),
annual flush of crawlers, 27 trees were selected and 12 fruit

Ó 2004 Blackwell Verlag, Berlin, JEN 128(9/10) doi: 10.1111/j.1439-0418.2004.00887.569–575

Colonization of citrus fruit by armored scales 571

(a) Xest295 Xest195 Xest196

2.5 Green twigs Branches Wood 80

Percentage of infested fruits

mean no. crawlers / trap day

60 L. beckii


0.5 20

0 0

(b) L1 + L2
100 80 Xest295 Xest195 Xest196
% immature stages

Percentage of infested fruits

P. pergandii
60 60


0 20

Fig. 1. Phenology of L. beckii. (a) Crawlers on three 0

plant substrates; (b) immature stages on leaves
Percentage of infested fruits

(a) 100 A. aurantii

2.5 Green twigs Branches Wood
mean no. crawlers / trap day

2 60
Fig. 3. Progress of infestation of fruit during the period
A M J J A S O of fruit growing by L. beckii, P. pergandii and
A. aurantii, in different groves from Vale`ncia, Spain,
(b) in 1995 and 1996
L + L2
% immature stages

80 of crawlers caught was higher on wood (49.37 ± 9.85),

60 intermediate on branches (25.8 ± 8.22) and lower on
green twigs (8.39 ± 3.41). The average number of
crawlers per trap for the second and third generations
(37.2 ± 15.72 and 32.19 ± 11.19, respectively) was
0 significantly greater than that for the first generation
(14.17 ± 8.95) (F ¼ 9.95; d.f. ¼ 2, 2; P < 0.01).
Fig. 2. Phenology of P. pergandii. (a) Crawlers on
three plant substrates; (b) immature stages on leaves 3.2 Infestation of fruit
In Valencia, fruit start to grow in April and navel
oranges attain their final colour and size in November,
although no significant differences were detected when the harvest starts. We observed an increase in
between the three types of branches (F ¼ 1.35; the percentage of infested fruit throughout the period
d.f. ¼ 2, 2; P > 0.05). The number of crawlers during of fruit development, from April to November (fig. 3).
each emergence increased significantly during the We detected fruit infested with the three species of
course of the year with each new generation scales in June, and this suggests that the fruit became
(F ¼ 10.68; d.f. ¼ 2, 2; P < 0.05). The average number infested early, by the first crawler generation in May.
of crawlers per trap was 5.1 ± 0.46 for the first For L. beckii the process of infestation of fruit started
generation, 22.63 ± 3.31 for the second and earlier at the Xest1 95 and Xest2 95 groves than at
45.3 ± 10.77 for the third. For P. pergandii (fig. 2a), Xest1 96, probably because of the high levels of
significant differences were detected between branches infestation at those groves or because of differences in
(F ¼ 28.68; d.f. ¼ 2, 2; P < 0.01). The average number temperature between 1995 and 1996. For P. pergandii

Ó 2004 Blackwell Verlag, Berlin, JEN 128(9/10) doi: 10.1111/j.1439-0418.2004.00887.569–575

572 Ma E. Rodrigo et al.

infestation of fruit started at the same time at the P. pergandii for settling under the calyx, more definite
three groves. For A. aurantii, the percentage of in the first species, whereas A. aurantii tended to settle
infested fruit was above 40% already in June, preferably on the fruit rather than under the calyx. In
probably because of high levels of infestation at the
grove. 100

Percentage of infested fruits

In July, just before the second annual generation, the L. beckii
percentage of infested fruit reached at most 10% for
P. pergandii, ranged from 5 to 30% for L. beckii and 60
was approximately 50% for A. aurantii. After the
second crawler generation, fruit infestation increased
sharply, reaching by the end of September 40–60% of 20 Calyx
fruit infested for P. pergandii, 40–80% for L. beckii Free-fruit surface
and 100% for A. aurantii. 0

3.3 Role of the calyx 100

Percentage of infested fruits

P. pergandii Calyx
During June, the percentage of fruit with live scales of 80 Free-fruit surface
P. pergandii and L. beckii under the calyx was nearly
double the percentage of fruit with live scales settled on
the free fruit surface (figs 4 and 5). A sharp increase 40
in the number of infested fruit, that equalled or 20
exceeded the calyx infestation, was detected in mid-
July at the València grove, and during August at the 0
Sueca grove. In A. aurantii, fruit surface infestation
was nearly greater than calyx infestation at the Sueca
Percentage of infested fruits

grove (fig. 5), suggesting that the trend followed by
A. aurantii
A. aurantii is different from that followed by 80
P. pergandii and L. beckii. In some cases the percentage
of infested fruit decreased, presumably because of
mortality of the scales on fruit caused by abiotic 40 S
factors or because of the action of natural enemies. 20 Calyx
In order to confirm that first-generation crawlers Free-fruit surface
tend to settle under the calyx, we sampled six groves 0
once in June 2001. The results are shown in table 1 and
corroborate the results obtained from previous experi- Fig. 5. Percentage of calyx and free fruit surface
ences. There was a clear preference in L. beckii and infested with live scales of L. beckii, P. pergandii and
A. aurantii at the Sueca grove
Free-fruit surface
Percentage of infested fruits

L. beckii Table 1. Comparison between calyx and free fruit sur-

face in percentage infestation and mean number of
60 diaspidid scales, at six orange groves sampled in June
2001 in Vale`ncia (Spain)

% Infestation1 Scales per fruit2

(mean ± SEM) (mean ± SEM)
0 L. beckii
Calyx 27.67 ± 8.35* 1.07 ± 0.51*
Free fruit surface 10.17 ± 3.96* 0.19 ± 0.09*
Calyx P. pergandii
Calyx 42.67 ± 10.48** 1.76 ± 0.96*
Percentage of infested fruits

P. pergandii Free-fruit surface

80 Free fruit surface 24.33 ± 7.27** 0.66 ± 0.37*
A. aurantii3
60 Calyx 15.50 ± 7.75* 0.34 ± 0.17*
Free fruit surface 39.75 ± 10.97* 1.41 ± 0.68*
40 Significant differences (* P < 0.05; ** P < 0.01) were deter-
mined using paired t-test.
20 1
Percentage of infestation, L. beckii (t ¼ )3.31; d.f. ¼ 5; P <
0.05), P. pergandii (t ¼ )4.49; d.f. ¼ 5; P < 0.01) and
0 A. aurantii (t ¼ 4.01; d.f. ¼ 3; P < 0.05).
J J A S 2
Number of scales per fruit, L. beckii (t ¼ )3.06; d.f. ¼ 5; P <
0.05), P. pergandii (t ¼ )3.67; d.f. ¼ 5; P < 0.05) and
Fig. 4. Percentage of calyx and free fruit surface A. aurantii (t ¼ 3.48; d.f. ¼ 3; P < 0.05).
In A. aurantii, only four groves were considered because of the
infested with live scales of L. beckii and P. pergandii
lower level of fruit infestation in the other two groves.
at the Vale`ncia grove

Ó 2004 Blackwell Verlag, Berlin, JEN 128(9/10) doi: 10.1111/j.1439-0418.2004.00887.569–575

Colonization of citrus fruit by armored scales 573

Table 2. Mean number of diaspidid scales on orange at least from first to second generation, and they
fruit in December 1996, as influenced by a barrier of moved preferentially outwards in the tree canopy.
adhesive located around the fruit peduncle, or around the Crawler population density on branches was similar
calyx, or without barrier (control), in July 1996 for the two species of diaspidids, but in P. pergandii it
was more abundant in the inner part of the tree canopy
Adhesive L. beckii P. pergandii A. aurantii than in the exterior. This is possibly because of the fact
that the proportion of the whole tree population
No 18.26 ± 5.44 a 3.48 ± 0.95 a 11.22 ± 3.69 a
Peduncle 7.93 ± 1.70 b 1.38 ± 0.41 b 12.40 ± 2.92 a
settled on the bark of the trunk and main limbs is
Calyx 2.84 ± 0.63 c 0.25 ± 0.09 c 12.53 ± 2.54 a higher in this species (Bodenheimer, 1951; Gerson,
Mean ± SEM within columns followed by same letters are not
1967). Our results demonstrated the utility of the
significantly different according to LSD test (P < 0.05). sticky tape traps, already used in other scales as
A. aurantii and Quadraspidiotus perniciosus (Com-
stock) (University of California, 1991a,b), to monitor
L. beckii the percentage of fruit with scales under the the population fluctuations of L. beckii and
calyx was 2.7 times higher than the percentage of fruit P. pergandii.
with scales on the surface. In P. pergandii calyx Several authors have observed that fruit become
infestation was 1.7 as high as fruit infestation. infested by A. aurantii at the beginning of their
Conversely, in A. aurantii the percentage of fruit with development and fruit infestation by this species
scales under the calyx was 2.5 times lower than the continues as long as fruit remain on the trees. This
percentage of fruit with scales on the free fruit surface. process is initiated at a very early stage of fruit
Comparing the average number of scales, we found 5.6 development by crawlers of the first generation (Geor-
times more scales under the calyx than on the fruit in gala, 1963; Orphanides, 1982; Alexandrakis, 1983;
L. beckii, 2.7 times more in P. pergandii and 4.1 times Atkinson, 1983; Carroll and Luck, 1984). Previous
less in A. aurantii. information on this behaviour in L. beckii and
P. pergandii is scarce (Bodenheimer, 1951; Gerson,
3.4 Exclusion technique 1967). It has been suggested that L. beckii crawlers
invade the developing fruit only in the second genera-
As a result of placing adhesive barriers on fruit in July, tion in August (Benassy et al., 1980). Our study
we observed that the average number of scales per fruit demonstrated that citrus fruit became invaded by
in December was significantly lower when compared L. beckii and P. pergandii crawlers continuously during
with control fruit in the case of L. beckii and the entire period of fruit growth, similar to what was
P. pergandii (F ¼ 12.85; d.f. ¼ 2, 240; P < 0.01; F ¼ previously reported for A. aurantii.
9.74; d.f. ¼ 2, 240; P < 0.01, respectively). Popula- According to our results, the three scale species
tions were lower when the barrier of adhesive was showed different behaviour during infestation of the
placed over the calyx than when it was placed around developing fruit in the first generation. Crawlers of
the peduncle of the fruit. In A. aurantii, the barrier of L. beckii and P. pergandii invading the fruit tended to
adhesive was irrelevant and no significant differences settle preferentially under the fruit calyx and not on the
were found when we compared the average number of exposed fruit surface. At the end of the first flush of
scales found in the control fruit with the fruit isolated crawlers, the percentage of fruit infested was 2.7–3.4
with adhesive barriers neither around the peduncle nor times higher under the calyx compared with the
over the calyx (F ¼ 0.47; d.f. ¼ 2, 240; P > 0.05) exposed fruit surface in L. beckii, and 2.7–3.3 times
(table 2). From these results, we estimate that most higher in P. pergandii. In contrast, A. aurantii prefered
A. aurantii crawlers originated from the reproduction the exposed fruit surface and populations were always
of females already settled on the fruit, whereas we higher on the exposed fruit surface compared with the
found that in L. beckii and P. pergandii, 57 and 60% of calyx. We have found no references to the calyx as a
new settlers originated from crawlers walking across settling place in the numerous papers published on
the peduncle and 28 and 34% of settlers proceeded A. aurantii. Bodenheimer (1951) indicates that first
from the calyx area, respectively. larvae of L. beckii infesting fruit at a very early stage,
from the end of April on, settle on the fruit in the
shelter of the sepal leaves and do not settle visibly on
4 Discussion the surface of the fruit before mid-July. In P. pergandii,
Gerson (1967) observed that the first infestation of fruit
Our results showed the existence of three defined occurred mainly in the calyx area and throughout the
periods of crawler production for L. beckii and period of fruit development. He reported a continuous
P. pergandii during the season in the study area, in flow of scales from the calyx to other areas of the fruit
May, July–August and September–October. In other surface. Our experiences were the first quantification of
areas of similar climate, such as other Mediterranean this process for the three diaspidid species.
countries or California, two to four discrete genera- Several reactions to external stimuli when deciding
tions are usually found during the year in these two on a place to settle down and start feeding have been
species of diaspidids (Benassy and Soria, 1964; Abbasi, described in crawlers of these diaspidid species. In
1975; Moreno and Kennett, 1985; Hafez et al., 1987; general, diaspidids tend to show positive thigmotactism
Walker et al., 1990). The movement of crawlers along and this causes them to settle near obstacles, crevices,
the branches seemed to increase throughout the year, contact surfaces or irregularities of the substrate

Ó 2004 Blackwell Verlag, Berlin, JEN 128(9/10) doi: 10.1111/j.1439-0418.2004.00887.569–575

574 Ma E. Rodrigo et al.

(Beardsley and Gonzalez, 1975). This was experiment- 1998; Costa-Comelles et al., 1999). Our finding of
ally demonstrated for A. aurantii (De Bach and White, differences in settling behaviour and origin of scales on
1960) and L. beckii (Carnegie, 1957; Hulley, 1962). fruit between A. aurantii and the former two scale
Bodenheimer (1951) indicated that positive thigmotac- species, together with the recent expansion and out-
tism is probably the main reason why crawlers of break of A. aurantii in all the Spanish citrus area
L. beckii prefer to settle below the sepals of the fruit. suggest changes in the pest control strategy that could
A strong positive response to the light (phototactism) improve scale management in Spain. For example, the
was also demonstrated in A. aurantii (De Bach and application of OPs should be reserved preferentially to
White, 1960). L. beckii was considered positively the spring, to the first period of crawler production,
phototactic by Hulley (1962) but not by Carnegie whereas mineral oils could be applied early in the
(1957). Differences in settling behaviour among dias- summer, before the scales settled on the fruit start to
pidid species suggest that they probably exhibit differ- reproduce. Comparative trials should be carried out in
ences in the response to thigmotactism and/or the field to test the validity of these suggestions. Other
phototactism, although other types of stimuli, like aspects of the strategy for controlling diaspidids in
chemotactism as suggested for L. beckii by Benassy Spain, as the definition and use of treatment thresholds
et al. (1980), could also be involved. or the role of biological control agents in regulating the
There were also apparent differences among the diaspidid populations, should be also addressed to
three especies in the fruit invasion behaviour during optimize the management of these pests in Spanish
the second generation. According to the results of our citrus groves.
exclusion experiment, in the previous generation, it
was found that aerial invasion could also be involved
as dispersal among armored scale crawlers is accom-
plished not only by active wandering but also by wind The authors thank M.C. Torralba and cooperating growers
(Willard, 1974; Beardsley and Gonzalez, 1975). How- (Cooperativa de Xest and Cooperativa de Catadau) for
ever, crawlers of L. beckii and P. pergandii invading the logistical support. This research was funded by Ministerio
fruit were preferentially from other tree substrates or de Ciencia y Tecnologı́a (AGF98-0330). Special thanks to
M.C. Lahoz for her disinterested help in the grammatical
from females settled under the fruit calyx. We found
correction of this manuscript.
the percentage of invaders from the calyx area to be
considerably lower than that reported by Bodenheimer
(1951), who pointed out that 90% of L. beckii scales on References
fruit originate from the first settlers below the sepals Abbasi, M., 1975: Notes bio-ecologiques sur Parlatoria
and not from immigrants. pergandii Comstock (Homopt. Coccidae) au marroc.
Differences in settling and fruit invasion behaviour Fruits 30, 179–184.
between the three diaspidid scales observed in this Abdelrahman, I., 1973: Toxicity of malathion to California
study could lead to the use of different management Red Scale, Aonidiella aurantii (Mask) (Hemiptera: Dias-
strategies to reduce scale infestation of mature citrus pididae). Aust. J. Agric. Res. 24, 111–118.
fruit at harvest in areas or orchards where the three Alexandrakis, V., 1983: Données biologiques sur Aonidiella
species coexist. Diaspidid scales are usually sprayed aurantii Mask. (Hom. Diaspididae) sur agrumes en Crète.
with two types of pesticides, organophosphate com- Fruits 38, 831–838.
pounds (OP) and mineral oils. Two key aspects for the Atkinson, P. R., 1983: Estimates of natural mortality related
to environmental factors in a population of citrus red
success of this chemical spray are the developmental
scale Aonidiella aurantii (Maskell) (Hemiptera: Diaspid-
stage that predominates in the population and the idae). Bull. Ent. Res. 73, 239–258.
moment of invasion of the citrus fruit by the scales. It Avidov, Z.; Harpaz, I., 1969: Plant Pests of Israel. Jerusalem:
is known for A. aurantii that the proportion of Israel University Press.
development stages changes gradually and the mortal- Beardsley, J. W.; Gonzalez, R. H., 1975: The biology and
ity produced by the pesticides is dependent on the ecology of armored scales. Ann. Rev. Entomol. 20, 47–71.
predominant stage, older stages being more tolerant to Benassy, C.; Soria, F., 1964: Observations ecologiques sur les
chemical sprays, OPs (Abdelrahman, 1973; Schoonees cochenilles diaspines nuisibles aux agrumes en Tunisie.
and Giliomee, 1982) and mineral oil (Riehl, 1988; Ann. I.N.R.A. Tunisie 37, 193–222.
Davidson et al., 1991). Benassy, C.; Bianchi, H.; Brun, P., 1980: Données préalables à
la definition d’un seuil d’intervention chez Lepidosaphes
The efficacy of OP sprays is higher for scales living
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on leaves and branches, whereas mineral oil shows 25.
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