Focus 4 Macedonia 2018 Year Plan

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Наставен предмет: Aнглиски јазик

Училиште: ____________________________

Класа: IV

Годишен број на часови: 108 Неделен број на часови: 3

Учебник: Focus 4

Автори: Sue Kay, Vaughan Jones, Daniel Brayshaw

Учител: _______________________

Годишен план за работа

Број на часови
Об. број Обработка Други Вкупно
на Име на наставната тема на нов видови
настава материјал
0 Introduction 0 8 8
1. Do your best 4 7 11
Јазична биографија од Европското 1 1

јазично портфолио
2. It takes all sorts 4 7 11
Подготовка за тестирање, тестирање, 3 3

3. A place to live 4 7 11
4. The cost of living 4 7 11
5. The world at your feet 4 7 11
Подготовка за тестирање, тестирање, 3 3

6. True or false? 4 7 11
Јазична биографија од Европското 1 1

јазично портфолио
7. Log on 4 7 11
8. Around the globe 4 7 11
Подготовка за тестирање, тестирање, 3 3

Јазична биографија од Европското 1 1

јазично портфолио
Вкупно часови: 108


presenta practice production assess-
== -tion ment &

IX * (13) 0 Introduction
1. Diet – Present tenses review, food voc. - 1 - -

2. Fun and game – Past tenses review, - 1 - -

sport vocabulary

3. Teenage types – Conditionals, wish - 1 - -

and if only; family/people vocabulary

4. Visitors from space- modal verbs for - 1 - -

speculation. Science vocabulary

5. Advertising – Reported speech; - 1 - -

advertising vocabulary

6. Performers – Articles; Culture, the arts - 1 - -

7. UK vs USA – Comparative structures; - 1 - -

adjectives and adverbs

8. USA vs UK – The Passive; Politics, - 1 - -


1. Do your best

9. Vocabulary – Education. Phrasal verbs. 1 - - -

Collocations. Personality adjectives

10. Grammar – Present and past habits 1 - - -

11. Listening – Multiple matching - 1 - -

12. Reading – Gapped text - 1 - -

13. Grammar – Verb patterns 1 - - -

X 13 14. Speaking – Describing a photo - 1 - -

15. Writing – A report (1) - 1 - -

16. Writing – A report (2) - 1 - -

17. Focus review 1 - - 1 -

18. Language in focus – -ing forms - - 1 -

19. Unit test 1 - - - 1

20. Language biography / Portfolio *** - - 1 -

2. It takes all sorts

21. Vocabulary – Family. Celebrations. 1 - - -

Religious ceremonies. Verb-noun
collocations.Common phrases

22. Grammar – Past perfect simpla and 1 - - -


23. Listening – Sentence completition - 1 - -

24. Reading – Multiple choice - 1 - -

25. Grammar – Relative clauses 1 - - -

26. Speaking – Telling a personal - 1 - -


XI 27. Writing – An article (1) - 1 - -

28. Writing – An article (2) - 1 - -

29. Language in focus – Collocations - - 1 -

30. Focus review 2 - - 1 -

31. Focus review - Workbook (Language - 1 - -

in focus – Collocations & Use of English)

32. Preparation for the test **** - 1 - -

33. TEST 1 (Grammar, vocabulary and - - - 1

use of English)

34. Test results and correction - - - 1

3. A place to live

35. Vocabulary – Dependant 1 - - -

prepositions. Collocations. Useful phrases
to describe cities

36. Grammar – Future forms 1 - - -

37. Listening – Multiple choice - 1 - -

38. Reading – True/False (1) - 1 - -

39. Reading – True / False (2) - 1 - -

40. Grammar – Quantifiers 1 - - -

XII 41. Writing – A „for and against“ essay - 1 - -


42. Writing – A „for and against“ essay - 1 - -


43. Focus review 3 - - 1 -

44. Language in focus – determiners - - 1 -
(special cases)

45. Unit test 3 - - - 1

4. The cost of living

46. Vocabulary – Shopping and money. 1 - - -

Phrasal verbs. Collocations. Money idioms

47. Grammar – Question tags and reply 1 - - -


48. Listening – Multiple choice - 1 - -

49. Reading – Multiple matching - 1 - -

50. Grammar – Present and past modal 1 - - -


51. Speaking – Making and justifying - 1 - -


52. Writing – A formal email - 1 - -

I 53. Focus review 4 - - 1 -

54. Language in focus – modality - - 1 -

(alternative structures)

55. Review test 2 – Grammar, vocabulary - - - 1

and use of English

56. Test results and correction - - - 1

5. The world at your feet

57. Vocabulary – Employment. Phrasal 1 - - -

verbs. Collocations. Word families (1)

58. Employment. Phrasal verbs. 1 - - -

Collocations. Word families (2)

59. Grammar – Reported Speech (1) 1 - - -

60. Grammar – Reported Speech (2) - 1 - -

61. Listening – Multiple choice - 1 - -

II 62. Reading – Multiple choice - 1 - -

63. Grammar – Reporting verbs 1 - - -

64. Speaking – Problem solving - 1 - -

65. Writing – An article (1) - 1 - -

66. Writing – An article (2) - 1 - -

III 67. Focus review 5 - - 1 -

68. Preparation for the test (Language in - - 1 -
focus – phrasal verbs)

69. TEST 2 - - - 1

70. Test results and correction - - - 1

6. True or false?

71. Vocabulary – Truth and falsehood. 1 - - -

Phrases with take. Compound adjectives

72. Vocabulary – Truth and falsehood. 1 - - -

Phrases with take. Compound adjectives

73. Grammar – Conditional clauses 1 - - -

(alternatives to if)

74. Listening – Sentence completion - 1 - -

75. Reading – Gapped text (1) - 1 - -

76. Reading – Gapped text (2) - 1 - -

77. Grammar – Mixed conditionals 1 - - -

78. Speaking – Ethical issues - 1 - -

79. Writing – An opinion essay (1) - 1 - -

80. Writing – An opinion essay (2) - 1 - -

IV 81. Focus review 6 - - 1 -

82. Language biography / Portfolio -- - 1 -

7. Log on

83. Vocabulary – Collocations to do with 1 - - -

Internet use. Health issues. Collocations
in set phrases (1)
84. Vocabulary – Collocations to do with 1 - - -
Internet use. Health issues. Collocations
in set phrases (2)
85. Grammar – Advanced passive forms 1 - - -

86. Listening – Multiple choice - 1 - -

87. Reading – Multiple choice (1) - 1 - -

88. Reading – Multiple choice (2) - 1 - -

V 89. Grammar – Passive reporting 1 - - -


90. Speaking – Clarification - 1 - -

91. Writing – A “for and against” essay - 1 - -

92. Writing – A “for and against” essay - 1 - -

93. Focus Review 7 - - 1 -

8. Around the globe

94. Vocabulary – The natural world. 1 - - -

Pollution. Compound nouns

95. Grammar – Unreal past and regrets 1 - - -

– wish, if only, it’s time and would rather

96. Listening – Multiple choice - 1 - -

97. Reading – Multiple matching - 1 - -

VI 98. Grammar – Emphasis – cleft 1 - - -

sentences and inversion

99. Speaking – Giving a presentation 1 - 1 - -

100. Speaking – Giving a presentation 2 - - 1 -

101. Writing – A review of a travel - 1 - -

destination (1)

102. Writing – A review of a travel - 1 - -

destination (2)

103. Focus Review 8 - - 1 -

104. Language in focus – word families - - 1 -

(prefixes and suffixes)

105. Preparation for the test - 1 - -

106. TEST 3 - - - 1

107. Test results and correction - - - 1

108. Language biography / Portfolio - - - 1

Total : 108 lessons 27 53 17 11

* Number of lessons per month will be adjusted every year.

** This number is an example.

*** The position of lessons devoted to Language biography & portfolio within the year plan can be changed.

**** The position of lessons devoted to tests within the year plan can be changed.

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