3D Printing and Industrial Engineers

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3D printing has changed the way industrial engineers think about the industry. This tech, is
undoubtedly one of the most interesting technological innovations that we have today and is
provoking intense debates in various stages around the world, especially in the field of
industrial engineering. This tech consists of creating physical elements from a three-
dimensional digital model made in a CAD program. Its evolution to reality has shown that,
in fact, it could change the rules of the game in the industry. (Redwood, s.f.) For most
industrial engineers, it becomes a powerful tool but it changes the way they see the industry,
big manufacturing companies will be affected and must replan many of their processes and
industry professionals should evolve with it.

First, 3D printing is the opposite of conventional manufacturing, which involves cutting a

piece of metal or plastic with, for example, a milling machine. In 3D printing, the final object
is achieved by additive processes, that is, it is created by placing successive layers of material
until it is completely produced. This raises a big question for industrial engineers because
many industrial processes could be replaced by 3D printing, so they should determine the
optimal processes to work with 3D printing or conventional manufacturing. That, without
considering that the proliferation of low cost 3D printing equipment has caused this
technology to reach homes and anyone could manufacture what they want or need. In that
order of ideas, the engineers will have to be very precise in the processes that really must be
carried out in the companies. (3D PRINTING, 2017)

Another important point to consider is the massive personalization generated by this type of
technology. On the one hand, companies should re-invent and manufacture customized
products in minimum quantities, that is, to work under the make-to-order philosophy of lean
manufacturing. But on the other hand, with the massification of 3D printers, companies will
need to offer greater benefits to customers especially in terms of quality and logistics of the
products. (Barry, 2012) For this, engineers should determinate what will be the value added
to the products made in the companies. Also, companies could do the reverse process,
designing what the client wants with all the specifications and allowing them to be the ones
who "print" the product at home.
Although there are great advantages of 3D printing, it is necessary to evaluate the
disadvantages compared to conventional industrial processes. The massive production of
products made by 3D printing is expensive, the amount of materials that can be used for the
product is reduced and, finally, the characteristics of the product can be low in terms of
strength, resistance, heat and stability. (The Economist Group Limited, 2011) However, with
the passage of time this technology has improved and its adaptations are not only applicable
to manufacturing but also in other fields such as medicine, art, and architecture. This also
uncovers another challenge for industrial engineers as it further expands its field of action.
However, they should learn more about this technology and there are even those who believe
that it will be an engineering in the future. 3D printing is here to stay and therefore different
processes that we see daily in companies must change to improve and obtain the benefits that
it brings. (RUIZ DE GARIBAY, 2015)
This technology allows to show some advantages over conventional manufacturing and
mainly the strength of this is to achieve personalized products in an economical way in small
quantities. No need for tools or molds just need a lot of creativity from the designer. It will
be necessary for those who work in the manufacturing sector to improve their CAD software
skills since it will be a very important tool for companies. 3D printing gives the possibility
to create from simple objects to the most difficult ones, going through spare parts for a car to
human organs. Therefore, the invitation is for those who work every day with manufacturing
processes of any kind. It is necessary to learn and apply the new technologies. Remember, to
create something the only things you need are a CAD software and a 3D printer. (Alexandru
& Petroşanu)

3D PRINTING. (2017). 3D PRINTING . Obtenido de https://3dprinting.com/what-is-3d-

Alexandru, P., & Petroşanu, D.-M. (s.f.). THE IMPACT OF 3D PRINTING TECHNOLOGY ON THE

Barry, B. (2012). 3-D printing: The new industrial revolution. Bussines Horizons, 155-162.

Redwood, B. (s.f.). 3DHUBS. Obtenido de https://www.3dhubs.com/knowledge-base/additive-


la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad de Deusto.

The Economist Group Limited. (11 de 02 de 2011). Print me a Stradivarius . Obtenido de


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