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Edmonton Journal Civic Election Candidate

Lori Jeffery-Heaney, 47. Running for Councillor, Ward 8


Twitter @electlori

Facebook electlori

What are the three biggest issues in your campaign?

Your number one issue, and why?

A ttention to Mature Neighbourhood renewal - communities of ward 8 are all mature neighbourhoods. Continued revitalizaiton is
essential to the health of these communities and the core of Edmonton. Renewal includes infrastructure (roads, sidewalks, sewer
and water lines, etc), retention and renewal of our local community, recreational and cultural facilities (pools, arenas, libraries,
community halls) as well as working to retain local schools (work collaboratively with school trustees to achieve best possible
solutions for boards while considering community needs of today and the future). These communities also require new options for
Seniors' housing.

Number two issue, and why?

Fiscal Realism - Civic spending and infrastructure investments must be prioritized. Core services that the municipality is responsible
for delivering must be adequately funded and delivered efficiently. Holding tax increases to rate of inflation should be the goal.
Extensive and long term projects should be supported in short, medium and long-term budgets.

Number three issue, and why?

Public transportation is an important issue to the citizens of ward 8. Implementation of South LRT has had traffic and access
implications to the communities of Belgravia and McKernan. Concerns have been raised regarding the SELRT line. Community
involvement is essential in the development of the SELRT initiative, and we must consider the implications that have occurred in
west end of ward 8 as the new line moves forward.
Our bus system is also an integral part of our public transit system, and can't be overlooked. Our bus system needs to be efficient
and easy to use if we want to increase ridership. Buses should be connecting to LRT. They should provide good frequency in
service, hours that take into consideration the needs of the communities (ie: University, Seniors Centres, etc), and direct routes.
We should also be considering the needs of bike commuters and their transit needs as our citizens increase the combined use of
public transit with bicycles.

Which should be a higher spending priority for council, LRT construction or road construction, and why?
A balanced approach to the transportation needs of the city must be taken. Both roads and LRT need to be supported to ensure
Edmonton has an efficent traffic flow for the movement of goods and people. We cannot move forward with one at the expense
of the other. An integrated approach is required. The cost of LRT is extensive, as is the cost to support our road system - which
will we spend more on in any given year? That will depend on how quickly we wish to implement LRT expansion.
We also need to plan for passive transportation modes as well.

City council has turned down a motion to hold a non-binding plebiscite on keeping the City Centre Airport as a
general aviation facility. Should the new council reopen the airport issue?
. Yes It will require the political will of at least 7 on council to reopen this debate.
Many citizens of Edmonton asked to have their voices heard, and I believe the democratic approach would have been to permit a
plebiscite on the ballot.
Before any further action is taken on the airport lands the citizens of Edmonton should have full information on the pros and cons
of each side of the debate, including full economic and environmental information, as well detailed analysis of impacts to the
medevac system and proposed solutions if ECCA is to be closed. The time to openly review these issues is now, before any
further action takes place.

Do you live in the ward where you're running?


How important is social media to your campaign?

2 out of 5

What is your favourite blog?

mastermaq's website

What is the last book you read?

Capital Modern - A guide to Edmonton Architeture and Urban Design
What is the last piece of music you listened to?
Leonard Cohen - The Future

What is your favourite beer? Answer this question to humour Mark Suits, Edmonton Journal beer blogger
No Beer - Wine & Coolers Prevail

Favourite place in Edmonton, outside your home?

Difficult to limit to one place...Anywhere in Edmonton where you can see and enjoy the beauty of the river valley soccer fields in the spring time...Idylwylde library...places where community gather

Three fantasy guests you'd like to have dinner with, and why? Can be living, dead or fictional
Margaret Thatcher - a woman who held great power,
Queen Elizabeth - a worldy woman who's seen so much,
Cast of NCIS - great show with well developed characters

What type of car do you drive? Make, model and year

1995 Jeep Cherokee Sport - purchased new in '95

What is the best advice you ever received

Seek to find the answers yourself before asking the question;

Say what you mean and believe and stand behind what you say.

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