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Why Turkish Foreign Policy among 1990 and 1992

years accelerated pace of European integration?

Political Science and International Relationships





Turkey`s foreign policy between 1990 and 1993 years was focused on getting the full

membership of European Union and accelerated this policy in order to complete membership

in a short time. The removal of Berlin wall and disintegration of the Soviet Union brought

fundamental changes in perceptions and policies in the political, economic and security fields

during the beginning of 1990s in Europe that these fundamental changes influenced Turkey

and its foreign policy as well. In this paper I will explain why my argument is a why question.

So, I am going to argue what reasons led to Turkish foreign policy that Turkish government

began to focus on European integration policy. Due to developments in international

environment and changes in domestic politics as well, Turkish government at the beginning of

1990s started to negotiate with European Communities to complete membership policy. In

order to demonstrate my argument I will explain an historical background of it.


Turkey`s relation with Western Europe and its connection with both individual European

countries and as well as with European organizations were very crucial point for Turkish

foreign policy in terms of pursuit in Western-oriented foreign policy since the establishment

of the Turkish Republic in 1923. Westernization process was started at the end of Ottoman

Empire that this influence also led to Mustafa Kemal Ataturk to get western type of model in

Turkey after 1923. During the cold war period, Turkish foreign policy was defined by Turkey`s

effort to become an integral part of various European institutions. Although Turkey succeeded

by joining Western Europe`s political organization which is the North Atlantic Treaty

Organization (NATO) in 1952, Turkish-European relations shaped by its attempts to be

accepted into European Union (EU). Yasemin Çelik argues that “membership in this

organization was seen by Turks as the culmination of a process that has been going on for 150

years (p.97). That`s why from the establishment of Turkey, European Union membership has

huge importance for Turkish government to get priorities in Middle East and Europe. Although

Turkish foreign policy towards Western orientation was remained stable since 1923, during

decades, Turkish foreign policy toward Western Europe experienced some shifts. To start

with, first goal towards the getting membership of European Union started when Turkish

foreign policy started the negotiations for the establishment of a customs union with the

European Community after fifteen years of pursuing this goal. Second, we may demonstrate

the shift which occurred in 1987. Here Turkish government applied for full membership in the

organization. At this time, Turkey did not achieve a customs union with the European

Community and was just emerging from a period in which Turkish-European relations were

strained in an important way. The most significant reason for these improvements came from

the domestic environment in Turkey that especially we may see it in an economic arena. in

other words, the significance of Turkey`s relation with Western Europe countries and

organizations was very important that in order to get resolution for its domestic environment,

alliance with European powers were needed. On the other hand, Turkish policymakers

constantly maintained that Turkey`s relations with European countries were crucial due to

Western Europe constituted its most significant trading partner, its source of foreign minister

and foreign exchange. In brief, although Turkish relation with European powers played role in

political environment, we may say that Turkey`s relations with Western European countries

and as well as organizations based on economic orientation too.

Yasemin Çelik, Contemporary Turkish Foreign Policy, Westport, CT, 1999

Shift in Turkish foreign policy behavior

Republic of Turkey`s foreign policy with European Union, formerly known as the European

Economic Community (ECC) and the European Community (EC) that started when Turkey

applied for associate membership in the organization in 1959. Turkey became an associate

member after they signed Ankara agreement in 1963. This agreement defined terms,

conditions and the timetable for Turkey`s admission in to European Community. Although

Ankara`s foreign policy behavior toward the organization was unhesitant for the next fifteen

years, a major shift occurred when prime minister Bulent Ecevit suspended Turkey`s relations

with the European Community in 1978. It was very obvious that Turkish economy was facing

a serious crisis during this time, and Turkish policymakers believed that implementing

necessary steps for European Union membership would have good results for Turkey. Second

shift occurred when prime minister Turgut Ozal`s government applied for membership in the

organization in 1987. Many European leaders or organizations believed this application is too

early because of some domestic and external issues of Turkey. Coup deta`t which occurred in

Turkey in 1980, Turkish-European relations had been particularly strained. Due to military

regime and violation of human rights, political issues with Cyprus, relationships among EU and

Turkey was not bright. Ulusoy argues that “the EU effect showed itself particularly with

respect to the Cyprus conflict and human rights in order to push Turkey to take steps towards

the resolution of the conflict and towards democratisation (p.348)”. However, European

countries was not eager to facilitate relationships and Turkey`s European integration. So, due

to domestic and external issues, 1987 application of Turkey was not sufficient and as well as

European community was not 348


Economy . 2008, Akadémiai Kiadó: 339–58.
ready for Turkey. Turkish government wanted to get capitalization on the economic

liberalization and economic growth in Turkey by developing trade with European countries. It

is background of Turkey and shows what steps took by Turkish foreign policy towards getting

full membership in European Union. At the beginning of 1990s, during Turgut Ozal`s

presidency period, Turkish foreign policy was accelerated full membership policy because

Soviet Union was disintegrated and it was a good time to get resolution and there was not

threat anymore from the East.

Turgut Ozal`s government

Before explaining reasons why Turkey applied to European Union at the beginning of 1990s, I

would like to show Turgut Ozal`s successions, because within these successions Turkey came

to appropriate level and applied and accelerated European Union integration. Although it

shows background of Turkey`s preparation for European Union, it was actually one the

reasons that during Turgut Ozal`s prime minister periods, Turkey prepared by him and

acceleration process extended during his presidency periods. “Turgut Ozal, Turkish prime

minister between 1983 and 1989 and president until his death in April 1993, summarized this

view in his declaration: Müftüler shows that “If Turkey wants to be in the European

Community, there has to be democracy in Turkey (p.245-246). So, it is obvious that after

Turgut Ozal became prime minister of Turkey, he extended democratic process in order to

prepare his government for the EU. Result of 1983 general election concluded within

undeniable victory of Turgut Ozal`s Motherland Party that party came to power in Turkey.

Although there were some restrictions towards his political approaches, 6 November 1983

Müftüler-Bac, Meltem. 1998. “The Never-ending Story: Turkey and the European
Union”. Middle Eastern Studies .Taylor & Francis, Ltd.: 240–58. (Haynes, Michael, and
Katherine Pinnock.
election brought transition from autocracy regime to democracy. Turkey was at the beginning

of democratic regime in 1983, after the victory of Motherland Party in 1983 general election.

Turgut Ozal was such a person that served as bureaucrat, operative, vice prime minister in

Turkey. He had huge experiences towards government information. He organized or in other

words prepared 24th January Decisions in order to fix economic crisis in country and get rid of

the issues in stock market. 24th January Decisions prepared by Turgut Ozal, because he was

experienced person that work on International Monetary Fund (IMF) in United States. He had

learnt how to achieve political succession when he lived in America. His political ideas was

based on successful vision, libertarian and liberal thoughts. He was such a leader that knew

how to achieve political succession. Oran Baskın argues that “within this quality and character,

Turgut Ozal main goal after 1983 general election was to establish free market economy in

country.” So, Turkey would enter into rivalry with European system and enter world`s market

and shows its economic importance for EU members. So, at the end of 1980s, Turkey reached

a good stage and was able to apply for European Union which was development for facilitating

relations with EU.

Why Turkey applied for European Union membership?

Political reasons

In general, Turkey`s goal for getting full membership towards the European Union goes to past

times. As we know, Westernization process even started in Ottoman Empire and this process

affected Turkey that when Ottoman Empire demised and Republic of Turkey established by

Oran Baskın, Turkish Foreign Policy: Facts and analyses with documents. Salt Lake City
(Utah): University of Utah press. 2010, p.525-550
Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, Ataturk began to modernize Turkey in order to get good relations with

European powers. Reforms during almost two hundread years in Turkey aimed to get

westernmodel and broungt westernization process to Turkey in order to move country`s

position to western civilization. Turkey`s aims towards Westernization, Europeanisation and

getting full membership of European Union, followed to strengten democratic regime in

Turkey. According to coup detats in 1960, 1970, and 1980, majority of people in Turkey

targeted to get full democratic rights and these rights were very important to accomplish the

European Union membership. From Turkey`s application for European Economic Community

(AET) in 1959 until 1987, Turkey struggled to get full membership for European Union. In 1987,

when Turkish foreign policy received stabilization, Turgut Ozal viewed it as an opportunity to

start negotiation in terms of joining European Union. Turgut Ozal`s presidency in Turkey

coincided with complication in international affairs. So, in order to prevent decision which

could approve by European Union against Turkey`s external and domestic policy, Turgut Ozal`s

government should be in European Union to stop those decision. It was important for Turgut

Ozal, because, at the beginning of 1990s was very complicated years in Europe and in order

to preserve Turkey`s national interests in the region, Ozal government had to show its

important in Europe. Haynes, Michael and Katherine demonstrates that “In the 1980s these

were very much seen as alternatives, but in the 1990s they now appear as possible

complements of one another (p.422). That`s why it was very important necessity for Turkey

to start negotiation with European Union and stop globalized world`s bad influence in Turkey.

Haynes, Michael, and Katherine Pinnock. 1998. “Towards a Deeper and Wider European
Union?”.Economic and Political Weekly. Economic and Political Weekly: 415–30
So, although Westernization process which came from Ottoman Empire, even Turgut Ozal

years this process was still continued and as previous political leaders, Turgut Ozal decided to

approach with European Commission to prevent painful decisions against Turkey.

On the other hand, there was another political reason that Turkey during Turgut Ozal years

aimed to accelerate pace of European integreation because of its foreign policy towards

Greece was complicated. Turkey was willing to get European Union membership because if

Turkey would success that goal, Turkish government would have a huge advantage towards

Greece. Besides, Turkish government would be eligible country to resolve its position with

Greece government and get important position in the region. Greece was a member of

European Union that their main goal is stopping Turkey`s full membership over European

Union because analyzing it in a realistic way, we see that Greece government does not want

Turkey to get more benefits in Europe and strenght it position in region. However, Hasan

Kösebalaban argues that due to economic and political issues with Greece, it was problematic

to negotiate with EU (p.122). Besides, Main goal of Greece government was to stop national

interests of Turkey and prevent Turkey`s hegemon policy. That`s why we see Turgut Ozal

thougth that by joining the European Union, Turkey would preserve its national interests

againts Greece and protect Turkey from potentially harmful policy of Greece. İn brief,

relationship with Greece, especially towards Cyprus issue was very important in terms of

Turkey that Greece already had beed gained strategic position in Europe and in order to stop

presence of Greece in region, Turkey had to accelerated European integration policy. These

those are political reasons that shows why Turkey accelerated pace of European integration

at the begining of 1990s.

Hasan Kösebalaban, Turkish Foreign Policy, Islam, Nationalism, and Globalization, 2011,
United States - a division of St. Martin’s Press LLC, 175 Fifth Avenue,New York, NY, p.122
Economic reasons
Turkey`s İntegreation towards European Union was very important in terms of strenghening

economic association with other European states. European Union had huge importantance

for Turkey, because it was union that facilitates economical ties between countries. To be

realistic, if we check World war one from 1914 to 1918, and World war two from 1939 to 1945,

respectively, we would see that economic devastation is one of the reasons that triggered

great powers to attack one side to others. European Union is such a union that controls or in

other words, pays attention to countries where economic decline occurs and for this European

Union finds way to solve economic issues in order to fix economic decline. Sayek, Selin and

David claims that “1990-1991 Persian Gulf War reportedly had a contractionary effect on the

Turkish economy due to the disruption of trade flows, the embargo and a cutoff of trade with

Iraq, and a rise in the delivery price of oil for Turkey (p.214).” That`s why at the beginning of

1990s, Turkey saw European Union as an important institution for harmonization of economic

process. By joining to European Union, Turkey would get economic achievements. Since the

beginning of the relationship or process, Turkey is key country for European countries to

associate its trade relationships with others. Joining to wealthy and large market and

improving its trade relationships in that market was very important for Turkey at the beginning

of 1990s that by doing so, Turkey would have a chance to export its productivity in European

countries and harmonize its economy and shows its importance in Europe. However,

conventionally and consistently, Turkey would broaden economic and trade relationships with

countries are European Union member countries that Turkey would get cooperation in that

market only by joining European Union. Relationships with Middle East countries towards the

Sayek, Selin, and David D. Selover. 2002. “International Interdependence and Business Cycle
Transmission Between Turkey and the European Union”. Southern Economic Journal 69 (2).
Southern Economic Association: 206–38.
improving trade and economic achievements were not continuous and stable. To give an

example, at the beginning of 1980s, attempts by Turkish government over the progress of

trade and economic achievements was not successful. On the other side, trade with countries

which are European Union member states, was safe and continuous. Economically,

association agreement is one the reasons that forced Turkey to join European Union.

Exportation of Turkish productivity in Europe faced by restrictions of some dominant powers.

So, Turkey did not want to freeze its relationships with others and only way to get free hand

in Europe was to join European Union. In addition, Portugal and Spain joined European

Community in 1986. After Portugal and Spain`s acceptance to European Union, European

Community decided not to accept much more countries. So, this movement by European

Union triggered Turgut Ozal`s government to force relationship with European Union and

accelerate acceptance of Turkey to the integration. In order to preserve its position in the

region and get rid of the restrictions, the best way for Turkey would get the full membership

of European Union. Joining to huge European Community market relationship would bring

wealthy, steady, and safety market opportunities for Turkey that it would increase its

economic achievements, and would be beneficial for Turkey`s industrialization process. So, it

shows 24th January Decisions which prepared by Turgut Ozal, and actualized at the end of

1980s aimed to bring liberal economic policy. By actualizing this policy, Turkey would be join

to market which was safety and steady. It also brought developments on international

relationship that Turkey agreed to get strangers` capital and investments. So, the economy in

Turkey at the end of 1980s and beginning of 1990s started to pick up.
Social reasons

Social reasons are one of the important factor that forced Turkish government to negotiate

and join European Union at the begining of 1990s. To Start with, as we see, from the end of

Ottoman Empire and until the establishemnt of Republic of Turkey, Westernization process

contiuned and political leaders of both tried to bring western model to country. İn Ottoman

Empire, in order to solve political, economic and social issues, Ottoman government forced to

get western model in order to fix domestic issues. On the other side, at the begining of

Republic of Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk aimed to modernize country by adapting western

model. So, he did reforms in education, calendar and etc, that people in Turkey adapted the

westernization process. These reforms were aimed to bring western civilization that most

political leaders did it in Turkey. Now, style of European countries` people and people in

Turkey are very similar. By doing this, majority of people in Turkey adapted and demanded

more. So, European integration process was one of the issue that people demanded their

government to success about integration process. These process shows how social reforms

influenced people`s mind and shaped their thoughts in Turkey that it was one of the reasons

that between 1990 and 1993 years, pace of European integration process was accelerated. On

the other hand, there were many Turks in European countries that human rights were limited

to them. Turkey had to give them priorities in order to facilitate issue. Schäuble, Wolfgang,

and David Phillips argues that “europeans are anxious about Turkish immigration to their

countries, having grown uneasy about the large Muslim minority in their midst (p.137).”

Freedom of movement for Tukish citizens in European countries, including housing, traveling

and other social necessities, joining European Union and solving these issues were very

Schäuble, Wolfgang, and David Phillips. 2004. “A Still-european Union [with Reply]”. Foreign
Affairs, Council on Foreign Relations: 134–37.
important for Turkish government at the begining of 1990s. Joining to European Union was

evaluated by Turkish citizens as an opportunity to get new chance that they usually supported

and demanded Turkish government to faciliate relationships with European Union and

European Community. This expalantion shows how social ideas influenced Turkish citizens in

abroad and Turkey that they supported European integration. İn brief, although

westernization process was existed even from Ottoman Empire, until the begining of 1990s,

there was not existence of appropriate environment in Turkey to apply for membership. When

transtion from military regime to democratic regime was started and this harmonization

picked up its high level in 1990s, Turkish foreing policy was based on European Union

membership policy in order to join and get free hand for Turkish workers in European


Domestic reasons

As i mentioned above, in 1986, when Portugal and Spain completed pace of European

integration, European Community decided not to lay much more place for other countries.

Deupties and prime minister in Turkey forced and gave recommendation to Turgut Ozal that

pace of European integration should be accelerated in order to protect government`s national

interests. William Hale shows that “the European Union and NATO are the most important

pillars of the policy of setting a balance between security and freedom (p.164)”. People

believed that corruptions in Turkey were fixed by Turgut Ozal government at the begining of

1990s towards freedom, democracy, human rights, and economy that they were waiting for

actualization of application. Situations and political environment in Turkey at begining of

William Hale, 2000, Turkish foreign policy since 1774, 711 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017,
1990s was not bad that there was a enormous support to Turgut Ozal by public and upper

classes. İt was crucial step for Turgut Ozal and his political Motherland Party. So, that`s why

we see why Turgut Ozal was worry about European integration process that he aimed to

complete this integration in a short time and preserve his government`s natioanl interests in

Europe and Middle East.

Defensive reasons

Turkey accepted to North Atlantic Treaty Organization in 1952 that it was the second country

in NATO in terms of its military staff. During Cold War years, within United States, Turkey acted

as a balancer in Europe and tried to protect stability in European countries. NATO`S territories

where issues were existed in South Eastern Europe, Turkey acted as a balancer and protector

along with United States. At the end of 1980s, after Turgut Ozal came to power, the only

European country was Turkey that ignored by European Union. Turgut Ozal who was a political

leader at the begining of 1990s, thought it is not fair. Kenan Aksu shows that “Özal, who

strongly argued that Turkey had always been part of Europe because European civilisation was

born on its territory (p.8). According to this view, Turgut Ozal`s Turkey acted as a balancer in

Europe many years, so, Turkey had to be awarded by getting the full membership in European

Union. Turgut Ozal and his government defended this idea and when his government applied

to European Union, it was one of the main argument of Turkish government that turkish

policymakers claimed and showed Turkey`s importance in Europe. To be realistic, it was

totally true for Turkish foreing policy that Turgut Ozal claimed integration to European Union

is their reward. Turgut Ozal was a great leader that he thought if European integration process

Kenan Aksu, Turkey-EU Relations: power, politics and the future, 12 Back Chapman Street,
Newcastle upon Tyne, 2012, p.8-10.
will not be successful, he even would lose membership in NATO and Western European Union.

Defense of Europe for many years by Turkey along with United States had to be evaluated by

European Union and obviously Turgut Ozal`s government had to access full membership in

European Union. As a result, when defense of Europe by Turkish government along with

United States was not rewarded by European Union in favor of Turkey, it made Turkish

policymakers more insistent towards integration process.

New World Order

As we know Turkey`s European Union policy periods coincides with new world order that, in

the beginning of 1990s, chances of Turkey raised towards Europe was raised. Yasemin Çelik

illustrates that “the end of the cold war brought a degree of uncertainty to Turkish-European

relations because Turkey`s relationship with Western Europe had been built on the

circumstances of the cold war era, the breakdown of bipolar system and the disintegration of

the Soviet Union led to the questioning of Turkey`s strategic value for Western Europe and as

well as its role in the European alliance (p.110)”. According to this view, during the beginning

of the 1990s, after Soviet Union was collapsed, there was no threat from east that Turkish

government had a chance to broaden its influence in Northern Asia and Europe in order to

show its significance in the view of European powers eyes. According to upheavals in world

order, Turkey began to find an appropriate way in order to get rid of obstacles which stops

Turkey`s European integration process. On the other hand, Turgut Ozal`s attempt to spread

liberalization and democratization towards the Turkey at the beginning of 1990s were one of

the structural institutions that facilitated European Union negotiation. So, while these

Yasemin Çelik, Contemporary Turkish Foreign Policy, 1999, Westport, p.107-110

attempts actualized by Turgut Ozal, we see expansion of freedom of expression, freedom of

religion and freedom of enterprise after Soviet Union disintegrated. Analyzing Turgut Ozal`s

vision, implementation of these norms of freedoms would bring resolution to chronic issues

which are about Islamic conservatism and Kurdish conflict. As we know, these chronic issues

are evaluated by European Union, and European Communities claimed that if Turkey wants to

apply for European integration, those chronic issues must be resolved. According to Hasan

Kösebalaban, “first we see a major administrative restricting in response to international

systemic changes by Turkish foreign policy because, before Turgut Ozal government, Turkey`s

administrative structure was not appropriate for international changes (p.121) “. So, it was

one of the important steps that Ozal government decided to fix structural problems.

Otherwise, Turgut Ozal thought that Turkey would not be able to challenge against new world

order. Second important attempt by Turgut Ozal was to minimize the effects of rising

nationalisms that would threat national integrity of Turkey. İt was another crucial attempt that

in order to complete European integration process, Turkey would have appropriate domestic

environment. İf there was any suspended rising nationalism, European Union definitely could

stop negotiatins with Turkey towards European Union membership. Third important way was

to approach and adapt Western and its traditional values. By doing this, Turkey would prove

that it is in the side of European powers. These are crucial steps such as restructuring

administrative sytem or minimizing the effect of rising nationalism that Turkey would have a

chance to get imortant power in Europe on the eyes of European powers. İt was a good time

to fix these problems because there was no more threat or pressure from East. Disentegration

Hasan Kösebalaban, Turkish Foreign Policy, Islam, Nationalism, and Globalization, 2011,
United States - a division of St. Martin’s Press LLC, 175 Fifth Avenue,New York, NY, p-120-
of Soviet Union at the end of Cold War, and emergence of new world order triggered Turkey

at the begining of 1990s that government accelerated process of European Union integration.

İn brief, Turkey main goal at the begining of 1990s was to emerge as a new and dynamic power

in the new international and regional system after the Cold War.

Turkey`s growing association with European Community Council

Those reasons I mentioned above, led to beginning of association process among European

Community and Turkey at the beginning of 1990s. The European Commission issued its

opinion on Turkey`s application for full membership in 1990 that according to European

Commission, application of Turkey would not be acted upon. However, this negative answer

by European Commission also included a Cooperation program that was submitted to the

European Commission’s Council of Minister on 6 June 1990. This cooperation program in

history known also as `Matutes Package`. Under this package, the Custom Union had to come

into effect in Turkey at the end of 1995, and cooperation would continue in specific areas to

gain closer economic integration. Moreover, financial cooperation would be resumed and

political cooperation would be developed. Although this Matutes Package brought

development into Turkish foreign policy with European Commission, it made no mention of

full membership. European Union realized that Turkey still has an issues towards Greece.

According to Kaloudis, “Turkey`s remaining silent in the negotiations underway at the time

between the EU and Cyprus, referring all disputes with Greece, EU demand there would be no

improvement for Turkey in the EU (p.42).” So, we see that there were still issues with Greece

Kaloudis, Stergos. 2007. “WHY EUROPE CANNOT IGNORE TURKEY”. International Journal on
World Peace , Professors World Peace Academy: 37–62.
towards Cyprus between 1990 and 1992 years in Turkey that European Commission did not

approve Turkey`s full membership. On the other side, Ahmet Davudoglu states that “EU

reports Turkish foreign policy and EU objectives are in harmony after the beginning of the

post-cold war that there was chance to get deep relations with EU and reach satisfaction ”. It

was a development for Turkish foreign policy to facilitate relationships with European

Commission and apply in the next years in order to achieve full membership. To give an

example, ` The Matutes Package` was received with optimism by Turkish political leaders and

bureaucracy that Yildirim Akbulut who was prime minister of Turkey at the beginning of 1990s,

showed enthusiasm for the cooperation program in order to facilitate the negative public

reaction to the suspension of Turkey`s membership application. The Motherland Party

claimed that the package is starting point for European Commission to improve further

relations with Turkey. However, unfortunately, we see no action took by the Council of

Ministers in 1990 to the cooperation program.

When Turgut Ozal`s Motherland Party took office in Jul 1991, government demonstrated its

resolution to broaden its relations with European Commission by intensifying efforts to hold

meeting for the Council of Association. As a consequences, a meeting of the Council was held

on 30 September 1990. It is important on Turkish foreign policy at the beginning of 1990s,

because this meeting indicated that the institutional relationship and political dialogue among

the parties had been resumed. Within this meeting, both sides decided to set up committees

to discuss existing issues and come up with resolution. Within participation of the permanent

Ahmet Davudoglu, Turkey in the post-cold-war era, Republic of Turkey, Ministry of Foreign
Affairs, Foreign Policy Magazine, 2010.
representatives of the European Commission, officials of European Commission and Turkey`s

ambassador to EU, meeting of association council took up a number of technical questions.

Due to these questions, some countries demands not to facilitate relationship due to weak

spots of issues of Turkey, meeting brought no meaningful hope for the full membership

process. However, bureaucracy`s as well as officials demands in Turkey, we see further

attempts towards European Commission. Turkish government itself was eager to complete

process due to chance in international environment. On the other side, European Commission

was also eager to facilitate relationships with Turkey because of Turkey`s geographic and

strategic importance. So, in 1992, The European Commission`s vice president, Martin

Bangemann, submitted a working program to the European Commission and as well as to

Turkey. This program demonstrated that even European side is willing to develop further

relations with Turkey towards the framework of the Custom Union. According to Hasan

Kösebalaban, “EU enlargement Olli Rehn has observed that Turkey is already a privilaged

partner that there is a customs union for trade and economy (p.106)”.Thus, the working

program among European Commission and Turkey signed in 1992. This program included

policies on industry and technology, communication policies, and cooperation in the social

fields. When coalition between True path party and social democratic people`s party came to

existence in Turkey after general election in 1991, the new coalition government decided to

abandon Ozal`s policy of full membership whatever the cost. Instead of resisting for full

membership, they favored putting the Custom Union into effect at an early date. European

Commission was also glad to base its relations with Turkey on the Custom Union without

Hasan Kösebalaban, The Permanent “Other”? Turkey and theQuestion of European Identity,
Mediterranean Affairs, Inc, 2007, p.102-107.
making any further commitments for the future and speeded up its preparations. This

coalition government was giving priority to the Custom Union process without losing sight of

the basis objective of full membership that that`s why we see it followed closely the

developments in the process of European integration.

Role of Maastricht Treaty and its consequences for Turkey

Maastricht treaty plays crucial role in Turkish foreign policy at the beginning of 1990s that

within this treaty European integration process made its most significant leap forward since

1950. Head of states and government of the member states of the European Union met at

Maastricht in the Netherlands that they decided to form a monetary union between member

states. They also took the first steps towards a political union that the members would pursue

common policies in the fields of foreign policy, security and as well as cooperation in justice

and home affairs. This agreement signed officially in 1992 that extended the areas of

competence of the European Community, whereas it led to difficulties for Turkish foreign

policy that full membership became tougher. Oran Baskın mentions that “thus, Turkey would

become an associate member of the WEU, but this sort of membership did not allow for

participation as a full member in the decision-making process on the vital subject of Europe`s

security and defense (p.727). According to this view, the Maastricht treaty influenced Turkish

and European Commission in two significant ways. First one was very important that the treaty

amended article regarding the accession of new members. This new treaty declared that all

European states may apply for membership in the Union, whereas, it is necessary for states to

Oran Baskın, Turkish Foreign Policy: Facts and analyses with documents. Salt Lake City (Utah):
University of Utah press. 2010, p.725-727
get approval of European Parliament to admit new members. So, procedure was changed for

European states. On the other side, Turkey was very anxious about the procedures that

resolutions towards the European integration adopted by this body after 1980. Structure of

resolutions were not based on new procedures that accepted within Maastricht treaty, there

was new challenge for Turkey to struggle and become successful. Second, treaty turned to

institutions that would implement the European Union`s common foreign and security policy,

although the Western European Union (WEU) was not legally part of the European Union and

was founded before the other European communities. NATO members were not Western

European Union members were called to become associate members. Here we see that

although Turkey tried to annihilate all obstacles in order to get good relations with European

Union and complete full membership, Europe ignores Turkey. For the first time, Turkey felt

that it was being excluded from the European security and defense structure. This trend

movement continues towards the 1990s that Turkey suffered by European integration

process. In short, with this treaty, we see treaty made changes in the existing institutional

structure and brought new dimensions to integration process such as approval of European

Parliament to admit state as a member. Change of structures of European Union brought

challenges for Turkey foreign policy.

Reasons for Turkey wanting to establish a customs union

Political reasons

Application for European Union membership for Turkey was not successful in previous years

that Turkey would not want to lose even its importance towards establishing custom union

with European countries. Bernard Hoekman illustrates that “Turkey’s prospects of accession
to the European Union are highly dependent on the progress made with political and

economic reform (p.161)”. That`s why Turkish policymakers forced Turgut Ozal government

to get succession towards the Custom Union process. They believed that by developing

economic and political ties with EU, Turkey would be member power during next years. At the

beginning of 1990s, we see Turkey had been left behind by the Central European countries

and as well as Eastern European ones. These countries strengthened their political links with

European Union that Turkish government during Turgut Ozal years was not eager to stay

silent. So, we see six political reasons which forced Turkish government to establish customs

union. First, we see that Greece was becoming the basic obstacle to developing Turkish-

European Union relations. Regionally, Turkey policymakers believed that in order to get

strategic, regional importance towards Greece, establishment of custom union must be

completed. Second, the process of deepening the European Union gave rise to fears in Turkey

that no enlargement would occur in the short term. This is another fear occurred in Turkey

that Turkish policymakers were experienced about previous application. Those application

was not evaluated by European Commission in a positive way that policymakers of Turkey was

eager to facilitate and get importance in Europe. Third, there was anxiety in Turkish

government towards Turkish workers in Europe. To analyze it deeply, number of European

countries, especially Germany were being prevented from taking positions in favor of Turkey

by the prospect of free movement of Turkish workers. In order to get rid of this obstacle and

get free movement for Turkish workers in Europe, establishment of custom union was very

important for Turkish government. Fourth, the customs union was important for Turkey

because it was being used by Turkish government to secure its benefits in domestic politics.

Bernard.M.Hoekman, Turkey: economic reform and accession to the European Union, 1818 H
Street, NW 2005, p.159-161.
Fifth, by establishing custom union, this organization was expected to help restore the broken

political dialogue between Turkey and European Union and as well as European Community.

Turkish policymakers thought that by establishing customs union and become trade partner,

Turkey would be important country in Europe and this improvement would facilitate to

restore broken political relationship among Turkey and European Union. Sixth, after the

establishment of the single market following the Single Act and Maastricht treaty, we see

more competence in Central European countries and as well as European countries. Within

these treaties, more responsibilities occurred in Europe towards full membership for

European Union. Decisions in both treaties were also belong to Turkey that Turkish

government preferred getting economic integration rather than direct application for full

membership. It was true politics for Turkish policymakers that by economic integration,

Turkey would accomplish the integration of infrastructure and facilitate its political

importance in European Union.

Economic reasons

Within political reasons, there were also economic reasons forced Turkish government to

negotiate and establish Custom Union. First, there was harmonization of legislation period in

Turkish government in economy that Custom Union required exact steps by Turkey to

complete. Togan argues that “the policy of further opening up the economy was pursued with

the aim of integrating into the European Union (p.122).” Within opening up the economy,

Turkish government restructured the economy, eliminated macro-economy instability and

attain a place in the market by getting higher standard of governance. Turkish government

Togan, Sübidey. 2015. “Technical Barriers to Trade : The Case of Turkey and the European
Union”.Journal of Economic Integration. Center for Economic Integration, Sejong University:
was eager to complete these steps and join to Custom Union that by doing this, Turkey would

have a chance to get rid of their weak spots in their economy and develop in Europe. Second,

firms in Turkey were aimed to increase their productivity and efficiency which would help to

economic development and improve quality of life and greater prosperity. Of course, all these

would achieved by producing a large market. For producing a larger market, joining to Custom

Union was needed. Third, Turkish policymaker hoped that by joining to Custom Union,

organization will provide direct investment to Turkish economy. So, Turkish economy would

flow regionally and internationally. Fourth, the elimination of trade barriers in sectors such as

textiles was expected to allow easier access to European Union markets for these products

and lead to rise of exports. By joining European Union market, Turkish government expected

to export its productivity in European countries and demonstrate importance of Turkey. Also

it would have a positive effect in Turkish economy in terms of rising up. These are the

economic reasons that forced Turkey to get harmonization towards European Union. Turkish

government preferred to strengthen economic commitment with European countries and

their large markets that by doing so, Turkey would have more chance to join European Union


As a consequences, disintegration of Soviet Union at the beginning of 1990s, forced Turkey to

approach with European countries and as well as organizations that by doing so, Turkey aimed

to get strategic power in Europe. Thus, there was not pressure from East and Turkey would

able to apply for full membership in European Union. Due to domestic and external issues

such as violation of human rights and Cyprus conflict, respectively, Turkey was suffered by
negotiating with European Commission. Although articles of European Union changed within

Maastricht treaty, Turkey did not give up towards European integration. By analyzing reasons,

we see that although Turkey would not be successful towards getting the full membership of

European integration, Turkish policymakers decided to export their productivities to European

countries by establishing custom union. Turkish government would rise its economic ties only

by trading with European Union members because Middle East countries was not steady and

safety. Custom union would help Turkey to show Turkish government`s importance in Europe.

By doing so, Turkish government would able to export its productivities to European countries

and get successful achievements in economy. So, that`s why Turkish government wanted to

establish custom union and trade with European members, in this case, Turkey would be one

of the significance trading country in Europe. In my point of view, although Turkish

government`s application was not evaluated within good results by European Union,

attempting to establish custom union was very sensible policy that by doing so, Turkey could

facilitate relationships with European Union members as they did in next years.

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