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San Vicente, Santa Maria, Bulacan
Tel. No. (044) 815-3688

17 July 2018

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Cellular phones and other gadgets have become a way of life, a technological convenience that has impacted all
our lives in one way or another. However in the school environment, having cellular phones may cause distraction,
interruption and/or worst, may cause another infractions in case of its lost. Also, this may take away from the pupils
or students the valuable time needed for instructions and most importantly, student learning.

On the same note, firm, fair and just discipline is the foundation of an effective and efficient institution. Our school’s
vision and mission may be best realized if learners obey the rules of orderly conduct, exercise self-control, show
considerations of the rights of other individuals and accept the consequences of their acts. Discipline is one of the
core values of the learners in the school.

In lieu with this, we would like to reiterate that “BRINGING/USING OF NON-PERMITTED ELECTRONIC DEVICES
POWER BANK AND THE LIKE ARE STRICTLY PROHIBITED.” (Reference: Student Handbook s. 2018)

We do recognize that cellular phones can be a safety/security tools and/or a way of communication in case of a
family emergency, however it can be detriment to the school protocol to manage such emergencies in a safe and
effective manner. In such, parents and guardians are urged to utilize the school phone to relay any messages that
may be urgent in the nature of their child. We will do our best to relay any urgent information to your child.

If a pupil or student is found to be in a possession or use of cellular phones and/or gadgets, it will be confiscated
and will be given the following sanctions:

1st offense : Confiscated non-permitted phone/gadget will be return provided that parent will be the one
to claim for it.
2nd offense : Confiscated non-permitted phone/gadget will not be return, only the SIM card. This will be
return after the school year (March 2019). This was agreed by the parents and guardians
who attended the Parents’ Orientation last July 7, 2018.

Our goal is to create a safe environment, conducive to learning and free for all distractions in the learning process.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us at (044) 815-3688 or visit the SVLA
Guidance Office.

Thank you for your continued support and cooperation.



School Principal


I, parent/guardian of ,
of Grade Section , hereby confirmed that I have carefully read,
understood and acknowledged the “NO CELL PHONE/GADGET POLICY” of the school. I hereby pledge to
comply and to adhere with the above-stated policy and all the rules stipulated in the CODE OF BEHAVIOR AND
DISCIPLINARY MEASURES in Student Handbook s. 2018. I understood furthermore, should my child unable to
follow, or abide or have violated, the school has the right to impose and follow the proper sanction of his/her

Signature over printed name


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