Bloomberg MIT Spring Tech Talk PDF

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Learning the Lexicon of Financial Markets

to Understand Natural Language Queries
Question answering (QA) requires computers to understand and
act upon queries from humans. The process of transforming natural
language into precise and executable meaning representations is known Thursday, April 19, 2018
as semantic parsing. Can we induce a semantic parser from data using
machine learning? The challenge lies in blending the symbolic and 4:00PM - 5:00PM
statistical sides of AI while retaining the accuracy levels required in
finance. Hewlett Room, 32-G882
Ray and Maria Stata Center
In this talk, we will introduce our research into learning grammars for
financial QA in collaboration with Prof. Yoav Artzi of Cornell University. Cambridge, MA 02139
We utilize the combinatory categorial grammar (CCG) framework,
which aligns syntax (functions of parts of speech) and semantics
(typed lambda calculus). We will assess the challenges of learning and Please RSVP to:
inference in this approach and compare it to other semantic parsing
Gautam Shine, ML Research Scientist, Bloomberg Questions? Contact:
Gautam Shine is a researcher and engineer in the Machine Learning Philip Arsenault at
group at Bloomberg. He specializes in natural language understanding
and the development of grammars and parsing algorithms for question
answering systems. Prior to joining Bloomberg in 2017, he earned his
Ph.D. in electrical engineering at Stanford University.

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