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(547) 232- 8745 | jobprofessional@gmail.


Harold Hansen
Team Player – Goal Oriented – Analytical – Self-starter
Eager to Learn – Independent – Leadership - Confidence

2012 - present U N IT E D S TA T E S NA VY – Electronics Technician

• Two years of experience writing formal work packages and performing
maintenance as a quality assurance craftsman. This required a heavy
deal of analytical skills to assure that the job was conduct to perfection
the first time.

• Ability to function with ease in high pressure situations and to adapt as


• Four years of experience working in communications using both verbal

and non-verbal communications within a team of 12 people.
• Managed a work center of 12 people to schedule maintenance, spot
checks and routine administration for servicing pieces of equipment.

• Experience logging hourly status of equipment to monitor for trends,

analyze patterns, and perform maintenance when needed.


2018 – Present A RIZO N A S TA T E UN IVE R S IT Y – B.A. Business (Corporate Accounting)

2015 – 2018 VINCENNES UNIVERSITY- A.S. General Studies


2018 Graduated Cum Laude from Vincennes University with a 3.56 GPA.

2017 Awarded the Battle Efficiency Ribbon for service during the fiscal year of 2017.

2016 Awarded the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal for service during a

Awarded a Navy Sea Service ribbon by serving 90 consecutive days out to sea.

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