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she chao pace we represent sing nd everything on uth ould bull in te tr of svn. Down wn capes and esvealy le wih nth Hl el lod the way Kor wt em; Hewes {fn the bosom of spe "Henceforth may every cestion create the orm of what pain Lal sep nd ying Nien reper gh vine fom out by ‘Ser ht wil he ho, ting ae re ad Rs, speais inthe new language of arcu "Ruined towns await your ial, our new Hea, But for Gas “ut we platen must re tothe defence of new building 2d, for ste tne beng, lok op or even Blow wp the lata of ole seit: sem burn the remain ofthe Gree in he crematoria, to imal People towards what new in orer tha the newly forged image of bi day be pure Monuments Not Made by Human Hands On the squares of Rusia there have ben set up a number of mon ‘mini for oustanding tlds and thee wo cat lifes new frm, ‘General speaking the isto of monet contac hare had fone tak oan o mma dhe porri, by te faces ing prope: finds for what each one wanted toring aout Yor this reson the monuments represent systems of erect stamps recommended fr life ‘infact the representation of + man in monument snot the repre tation oa porta sally wndertod, Tels rahe the preseeaon ‘of tet or plan which represented bythe inddualityk aee ‘Daring = Tong process the Ise and figte of the indidual change in condition an expresion acordiag tothe repeentaton of se system or plan.” The fee in the cote of roti proceg. a procening and change in appearance depen onthe venga tenon {the culture comained n'a pstem of plan and thought with which {he erganisn is occupied; and in order co expres thi or that sem T St ofall aazper or round off spell a 4 too, wih hic T must [rtette or cere the stam {have conve “Ai int ofall before the conception, I gather in the inner laboratory of my brain the ements tha are enc or forming the conection, Al he monuments which ave been st up ae sem whic ate recogni a the best by our contemporaries {Contemporary ite ha demanded that thc selon be dragged the sce fom dhe vals and that thei words be taken ut of Book ‘nd turned into buring cal of the new Iie Contemporary life hat summoned masters, ven them dhe systems at told them to execute 3 uling scoring foi plan, scuiptm were summoned uo uld pedals and 10st upon their scald mance ith gore sod ne now tne iat ving “Toe suitor mast approach is work om this age Anapptiach The Gil euld prea very serous quion and draw one afeon vo tell sound sope of what neds representing ‘resins monet sot x plogeph tO ast nots save at te thing tobe rerseted fom one sie only ~ a camera ern Dae Cur monuments oF the system which ie supposed wo become 2 mont ment an cuained 2 se by arti tealpon fom ove aspect, througt {he ens ofa camera and ftom another, hough their own Ines Tam ade of eomsracton. “Tha turmed ot shat tbe monument were al eal xv half wear with porate fon the unneesry lane aires, ‘On Mey sare in Moncow sande the bux of comrade Rhaltrn| (executed by the tut government) one cannot eney hin. Here the Sulptor at ante excenive we of hs inner alent “Chmrade Katara prayed on x ite vr of 2 pedal which does nor eotespon mall tbe dmensons of the bust. The bas isl i prmened ofapteduvan sie ‘ie lle up sleeves and epee ofthe fate all sown ‘The entire scum of "the interna” bar been excesively and without esiaint pour out ino the repreentton, and ita of making the han prea wor deed, iat diminished state “A moment seis thing Se must no dort beyond recogion the ystem which has been creel, aking eves fasrows on the forehead, and ind and fs Stighing itech tones i pore Sto and tw this sore of frivolity vt crete by bums hand with which al the squares of Macon tnt Perogead ae elotered Sp (On Palace Sguee in Pesograd + monet war bilo Radichev® according oll he rls of he bree have often heard seulptr repyig t cic: “Well, you know, fc ball pouile ut, you brow, {avert goods, no mater, toler inadequate fez” "But whe You look st monument, you ge the opposite imprenion: that thre thing ahng excep ln sll aden undenantog tole ne and weight — csp tte tn, “hy iyo mae she moment he ha” That at Bow 1 “And his “undeton” ha thrown many at onthe tne acs, ‘What woul happen is howe plan ot architects were unde stood by every brichiye in his own way? Would be «good hoe? “Alehough witty’ fourth cnary “Grek architect ach path right ene amore conempornry rst oe eae. ‘But in epee ot wort aking i sem Everythings den se elore the sult ies sytem which mist be armed into mon. ‘Bele dhe rclae plans which must be tied nto howe ‘There no place for anything Ineral ota, oof Ge *T sendanot ney there no lf you youn reno shaped nto chisel, your forehead canto! be 3 Habu, our bret nan od you hands Tams, then leave the making of monunents shone for they wll be ot created by ua han (On the Museum ‘he cents of pital ie has moved wo Rosi Tie hae bers formed the est aguas which the ene power of tae olietbined sate mabe cl Tene ger forth sad shine In all comer of the earth the new com> preheat the etece of things, and hither tothe cette represen [tera old caltre ert on of thee cracis and come wits thelr worm oto teeth to aw theucues apiece from the hem Of the ew Co ‘lar cence must be formed for art and cea. Fire he rotating eave tals and racy and there chat new ‘ontexporay culture st are wi no room for alm rom theo On Tirhrto to the ew ple of Mle and extement all innovators mua suray eats inorder to take par in ration on word scl “he innowsto in comtemporary Ie must crete u New epoch ~ such that not anes of i wll uch the old oe ‘We mut recognise “shor aration” st Being the sharp distinction terre our epoch nd the past the moment of ceatve spt the ‘poly spleen in forme thee no stagnation ~ tly tempestaous ‘Aca aul teastes 20 not ext i or epoch and noting i created on the foundtom ofan age-old fre. "The songer the howp, the more hope the pxtion of our wil nk in conjunction wh te sve to destoy what esom ha fot Pe will cannot overcome the Egyptian pyramids. ‘The bagrge of antiquity ce ut in vey one Uke splinter of ld widom, td our anaes 10 previ & waste of tine and toghable for tote that Bat vc of winds Beynon ‘Our wihdom hastens and rvs towards the uncharte sbyes of space, seching ater forthe night Spl “The feible bey of the propel with difcty ceas ie fom the old earths entrees, and the weigh of out gratinther and rand. Inthe’ laggne weighs down the shoulders of wings, Do we ted Rabe or the Cheops Pyeumid? s+ depraved Venus secary tthe pio fn the Begs oo new comprebeon? GERM he oro town spp te ute: ‘Do we neod the confimatry signa ofthe end okd woman of Grace Reman schiectre, in Ort hen comtemporary els td ‘oars ino squat shows Do wre need tmp o Chi, when fe bs long since et the ron ing of vaults nd and sot, and when the cre dome Binsin by compation with ay dep with mos offer-cone beams? ‘Does be ho wil rea throgh the bse lampahede and wemsin hidden forever on the eternally new path, does he nen the wisdom of ur eontempory te? 1s the Roman Pop's ap neesry to a twasie four engine ning over the pobe tnd tying fo take ot rom Hs ack Do we need the wardrobe o rads rom the cer of ancient dime, hen new tar sew contemporary ihe fem met? Do we nz the wax taper he pt weno my ead wea lcrc tamps and telecopor ‘Contemporary hfe needs nothing other than what belongs to it; and ony thu wick grow on hr shoul Belong to "Ac, both great ad whe, repraenting the epden and faces ofthe vwisat now les bused by contemporary ie, ‘Our eomemporary fe neds only rng and ile giving energy, i neds fying iron beams tnd coloured sgl slong the new ph og Whe &

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