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Teaching on: November 8,2018 (10:15-11:30am) Rachel Stacy

Grade: 4th Supervising Teacher: Miss Carder

University Supervisor: Dr. Leffler

Indiana Wesleyan University

Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template
CAEP 2018 K-6 Elementary Teacher Preparation Standards
Reading Lesson
Small Changes Can Lead to Big Changes.

This lesson is important because as the students work on their skills of reading
comprehension, one of the strategies that this lesson will focus on is finding the main idea in a
text. Through reading a verity of different text the student will be working on their
comprehension skill of finding the main idea and supporting it with details in the text.
I. Goals/Objectives/Standard(s)
A. Goal(s)—Unit (broad terms)
a. Students will have a deeper understanding of how to find the main idea in
different text.
B. Objective(s)—
a. After completing the matching activity the students will be able to identify a main
idea in a passage of text.
b. After completing the guided reading station the student will be able to explain a
main idea in a text and provide details from the story to support it.
C. Standard(s): Professional Society/State/District
(CAEP K-6 3.c)
a. 4.RL.2.1 Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what a text
says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
II. Management Plan-
a. Time- Lesson will be approximant 45minutes, with the individual sections time
listed throughout the lesson plan.
b. Materials- Flowcabulary video about main idea, Main idea cootie catcher activity,
Main idea memory game,
c. Space- Students will start on the front carpet for anticipatory set and stations
instructions. Students will be placed around the room to participate in different
activities (locations will be stated next to activities).
d. Small group layout-
Group One Group Two Group Three Group Four
Blake Leilynn Nolan Vontra
Becca Ally Aylin Emily
Melissa Jakira Gaige Lamarion
Tristian Kishaun Kareem Leland

III. Anticipatory Set (4 minutes)
a. “Today I am going to play a flowcabulary video and while you are watching; I
want you to think about what the main idea is and how you can find it in a text.”
Play the video. “Did you guys like the video?” allow time for student response.
What was something you might have learned from it?” Call on one student to
answer. “What did the video say was the main idea?” allow students to respond.
“How do you know something is the main idea?” Allow a student to answer.
IV. Purpose (1 minute)
a. Today we are going to learn about finding the main idea in the different text; this
is important because it helps us understand what the author wanted us to learn
from their writing.
V. Adaptation to Individual Differences and Diverse Learners
a. B.P. will need to be given verbal ques to stay on task and have reminders of what
he should be doing at different stations.
b. B.W will need to be given verbal ques to stay on task and complete the work in
each station.
c. For my students will ADHD I have created multiple hands-on activities to help
them be engaged in the lesson.
d. For my students with a cognitive disability I will be checking in on her and if she
is understanding the concepts and instructions for the different stations.
e. For my gifted student I will adding on an additional task to the stations if they
finish early.

VI. Lesson Presentation (Input/Output)

a. Mini Lesson (5 minutes long)
o “In the video it explains that the main idea in the text is what it would mostly be
about. What from a story helps you find out he main idea?” Allow students to
process the question and create a response. Call on one or two students. “The
details in the story help us find out the main idea.” “For today’s reading lesson I
am going to have you working at different stations that all will focus on main idea
and using the details in a text to find them.” Go over stations with students.
b. Reading Stations (2 rotations each being 15 minute long)
o Independent Reading Book Club Book {teacher made station} (Front Carpet)
 “For one of your stations you are going to be reading your book club book
chapter for the day.” “As you guys read your chapter think about the main
idea for your chapter.”
o Book Club Chapter Response {teacher made stations} (At their desks)
 “After reading your chapter I made a slide in your reading journal
for you to identify the main idea in the chapter.” “I also want you
to go back in the text and provide me with three supporting details
for your main idea.”
o Main Idea Matching Activity (At their desks)

“I have created a matching activity that is posted on your Thursday
PowerSchool learning. There are 10 different passages that I want you
guys to read and find the matching main idea for all of the passages.”
Show them the format of the activity and how they will more around the
main idea.
o Guided Reading Lesson (Teacher Kidney Table) Stays the Same
 Group One (Blake, Becca, Tristin, and Melissa)
 Pre-reading
o “Today for our reading lesson I brought the book Swimmy
by Leo Lionni.” “Swimmy is a very special fish that goes
on a grand adventure and helps others along the way.”
 Reading
o “On your own, I want you to silently read Swimmy.” Allow
time for student to read the story independently.
 Responding
o “What did you think of the story? Call on one or two
students to respond. “Can someone tell me what happen
thorough out the story?” Have a few students respond.
o “Today we are going to focus on fining the main idea in a
story. The main idea is what a text or story is mostly about.
So if we are thinking about Swimmy what do you think the
main idea of this story is?” Allow time for students to
respond. “What can we use to help us support the main
 Exploring
o “The details help us find the main idea of a story. I want
you guys to look back in the text and place a sticky note on
a page that you found to support your main idea.” Allow
time for student to look through and post it note the book.
“What were some of the details you found to support the
main idea?” Allow time for student to share what they
found. “Now go back in the text and see if you can find a
act that swimmy does that caused change for the other fish
in the sea.” “Allow time for student to look back in the
book and find an event and details to support it. Then have
them share what they find.
 Applying
o “Now when you go to read your book club book I want
you guys to look for the main idea in your chapter and find
the details to support it.”
 Group Two (Leilynn, Ally, Jakira, Kishaun, and Christian)
 Pre-reading:
o “Today I brought the book Teammates by Peter
Golenblock. This story is about Jackie Robinson first year
on the Brooklyn Dodgers major league baseball team. I
know that you guys are reading The year of the Ram and

Jackie Robinson as your book club books and I wanted to
bring in this story to have you learn a little bit more about
who Jackie Robinsons was and why he was so important.
and some of the hardships that he goes through.
 Reading
o “On your own I want you to silently read Teammates.”
Allow time for student to read the story.
 Responding
o “What did you think of the story? Call on one or two
students to respond. “Can someone tell me what happen
thorough out the story?” Have a few students respond.
o “Today we are going to focus on finding the main idea in a
story. The main idea is what a story or text is mostly about.
What was the main idea in Teammates?” Allow time for
students to respond. What help you come up with the main
idea?” Call on one student to answer.
 Exploring
o “The details help us find the main idea of a story. I want
you guys to look back in the text and place a sticky note on
a page that you found to support your main idea.” Allow
time for student to look through and post it not the book.
“What were some of the details you found to support the
main idea?” Allow time for student to share what they
found. “Okay looking back in the book, I want you guys to
find some details that either support of disprove that Jackie
Robinson had a hard first year in the major leagues.” Allow
time for student to look back and find detail to support their
 Applying
o “Now as you go to read your book club book I want you
guys to look for the main idea in your chapter and find the
details to support it.”
VII. Check for understanding
a. While the students are working in their groups, I will be walking around the
classroom and observing the different stations and assisting any student that might
need more support or are confused on the content.
b. While working in small groups, I will be working with students on finding main
idea in a text and will be able to help them work out any misconceptions that the
students might be having over finding main idea.
VIII. Review learning outcomes / Closure (5 minutes)
a. “Okay I want everyone back on the carpet.” Allow time for student to make their
way and sit down at the carpet. “Who can tell me something they liked about the
station they did today?” Allow time for student response. “What was something
you found hard?” Allow time for student response. “Are there any questions over
what a main idea is or how you find it in the text?” Allow time for students to

o Formative Assessment: Through my conversations with my small group and
walking around the classroom I will be observing student working in different
stations and noticing if they are understanding or misinterpreting main idea.
o Summative Assessment: The student will turn in their matching activity on
PowerSchool Learning for me to look over and identify what students might be
misunderstood among the students.
1. How many students achieved the lesson objective(s)? For those who did not, why not?
a. Most of the students were able to meet the first objective that I had placed for the
student to meet. All of my student complete and understood the direction and found
the main ideas to each of the passages.
2. What were my strengths and weaknesses?
a. My strengths were that I was able to be encouraging to my student, use appropriate
text selections for my student, and I was able to have good pacing throughout my
b. My weaknesses were that I had spoken to fast during my mini-lesson, I need to
work on being more aware of the other students that I am not working with, and
work on my confidence during large group teaching.
3. How should I alter this lesson?
a. I will want to slow down my mini-lesson speaking and I would create more
engaging stations for my student.
4. How would I pace it differently?
a. I would want to extend my stations and small group time by about 5 minutes to
allow student additional time to work at their stations.
5. Were all students actively participating? Is not, why not?
a. All students were able to actively participate in the lesson.
6. What adjustments did I make to reach varied leaning styles and ability levels?
a. I had created different book selections for the student that I am working with during
my small group lesson.
7. How can I enhance my lesson for the next time I teach it?
a. I would like to work on my confidence and classroom management for the next time
I teach this lesson to allow my students to better understand what main idea is
within the text.

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