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Juan Fernando Casañas Ramos Diet Report ICESI U.

The purpose of this report is to describe my eating habits by performing an analysis and
evaluation based on a report I took daily for two weeks. For this, I wrote down each of the
meals on a sheet of paper and at the end of the day i typed them in excel. I must say that for
me diets are something normal because since I was a child I had a sporting life and I know
the need to eat well to have a better performance and performance in any activity you do.
However, not all diets or food plans work for all people because each one has different
requirements and objectives, a person who does not exercise constantly could not have the
same diet as a professional swimmer.

Before I started describing my diet I must mention that about a year ago I was training very
hard in the gym to the point that it became my favorite activity. At that time, I started a
very strict feeding model where I had to eat the same food every day in the same quantities
and almost at the same times of the day. The results were incredible since the change in my
physique was very noticeable and my performance in my physical activities had improved
considerably. Unfortunately, I had to stop this regime because of the university and work
and to this day I try to keep some things although I know it is not the same. As you can see
in the registry I try to eat at the same hours, very similar meals and it is repeated during
some days of the week. I always drink water, some juices or Coca-Cola Zero during meals
and on weekends I eat junk food. In addition, if during the week I trained in the gym, I take
sports supplements such as protein, glutamine and amino acids.

Doing the analysis, I realized that I am still trying to maintain some parameters of food that
I was doing some time ago. Something essential in my diet is that I always try to eat more
than 3 times a day and that each meal has the necessary macronutrients. Something to
generalize is breakfast since I always eat the same thing: 5-6 eggs, rice and cheese. Also, on
the days that I should get up at 5 am my first meal is oatmeal with protein powder: I do not
like it much, but the nutrient supply is high and then I can have breakfast in the middle of
the morning. Something I have learned about food is that it is related to many things that
happen to the body, if you have eaten well you can have energy to make your daily journey,
your mood is maintained, and your health is preserved.
Juan Fernando Casañas Ramos Diet Report ICESI U.

To determine if my food has been healthy or not, I must rely on the medical exams I made a
couple of weeks ago and everything is in order. besides, I cannot say that I am following a
diet because I really try to take a few percentage of diets in the past. Something that has
been worrying me is the fact that I cannot feed myself at the same hours or wait a long time
between meals. This is because sometimes college and work get difficult and priorities
must change. The not being able to eat generates in me, headache and lack of energy and
for this reason I cannot continue with my training either. When I feel do not have the
courage to go to the gym so i prefer not to do it because at that moment i can have an

Finally, I can say that these types of reports are not alien to me since I have always been
familiar with these concepts. Nutrition and sports are two concepts that have a very strong
relationship. Fortunately, i am aware of my current state and the way of feeding myself. I
know I'm not feeding myself in the best way, but I think the situations I’m living now not
allow it 100%. However, i hope to finish the academic semester and be able to dedicate
myself to training and thus also, improve my nutrition and return to take the food plan I had
time ago. As additional advice i can say that more than diets what people should do are
food plans because diets are very strict, expensive and often difficult to perform over an
extended period.
Juan Fernando Casañas Ramos Diet Report ICESI U.

Sunday, November 4 Monday, November 5 Tuesday, November 6 Wednesday, November 7 Thursday, November 8 Friday, November 9 Saturday, November 3

Protein Shake + oat (80 g)+

Protein Shake + oat (80 g)
AM 5:00
6 eggs (4 whole, 2
without yolks), 200 gr of
rice, coffee, 40 gr cheese
AM 6:00 curd
6 eggs (4 whole, 2
without yolks), 200 gr of 6 eggs (4 whole, 2 without
rice, coffee, 40 gr yolks), 200 gr of rice, coffee, 40
AM 7:00 cheese curd gr cheese curd

6 eggs (4 whole, 2 without 6 eggs (4 whole, 2 without

yolks), 200 gr of rice, coffee, yolks), "pandebonos",
AM 8:00 40 gr cheese curd coffee, 40 gr cheese curd

AM 9:00

Protein shake 6 eggs (4 whole, 2 without 6 eggs (4 whole, 2 without

protein and glutamine shake pineapple
30 g protein yolks), 200 gr of rice, yolks), 200 gr of rice, coffee,
AM 10:00 coffee, 40 gr cheese curd 40 gr cheese curd

AM 11:00

Fish (150 g), rice 200 g, "Sancocho de costilla", rice,

lemonade and Meat loaf, rice, salad and salad and "passion fruit"
AM 12:00 beans. Little Salad lemonade. juice
grilled chicken breast
(150 g), rice 200 g, grilled chicken breast (150
avocado, "lulo" Juice g), rice 200 g, avocado, Chicken Nuggets, rice 200 g, Roast, potatoes, salad
and "lulo" Juice and beans, blackberry Juice and and Cocacola + Ice creme
PM 1:00 broccoli broccoli broccoli

PM 2:00

PM 3:00

Tuna, rice and CocaCola Protein shake and Yogurt and little jam Cup of coffee and little
Oat 120 g with strawberry Protein shake and aminoacids
Zero aminoacids sandwich tukey portion
PM 4:00

PM 5:00 Aminoacids shake

Pizza, french fries, ice cream

and Cocacola Zero
PM 6:00

Spaguetti with
Spaguetti with tuna, salad
Parmesan annd "Lulo"
and CocaCola
PM 7:00

grilled chicken, rice and grilled chicken, rice, broccoli grilled chicken, rice, beans Meat, rice, broccoli and
Cocacola Zero and Cocacola Zero and Cocacola Zero Cocacola Zero
PM 8:00

PM 9:00

Protein shake
Casein Shake Casein Shake Casein shake Pizza and Cocacola Zero

PM 10:00

Turkey sandwich and

Casein + glutamine shake
Cocacola Zero
PM 11:00
Juan Fernando Casañas Ramos Diet Report ICESI U.

Sunday, October 28 Monday, October 29 Tuesday, October 30 Wednesday, October 31 Thursday, November 1 Friday, November 2 Saturday, November 3

Protein Shake + oat Protein Shake + oat (80

(80 g) + Mango g)+ banana
AM 5:00
6 eggs (4 whole, 2 6 eggs (4 whole, 2
without yolks), 200 gr 6 eggs (4 whole, 2 without without yolks), 200 gr
of rice, coffee, 40 gr yolks), 200 gr of rice, of rice, coffee, 40 gr
AM 6:00 cheese curd coffee, 40 gr cheese curd cheese curd

AM 7:00
6 eggs (4 whole, 2 6 eggs (4 whole, 2
without yolks), 200 gr without yolks),
of rice, coffee, 40 gr "pandebonos", coffee,
AM 8:00 cheese curd 40 gr cheese curd

Protein shake
30 g protein
AM 9:00
6 eggs (4 whole, 2 6 eggs (4 whole, 2
Fruits salad without yolks), 200 gr without yolks), 200 gr of
of rice, coffee, 40 gr rice, coffee, 40 gr cheese
AM 10:00 cheese curd curd

AM 11:00
grilled chicken breast grilled chicken breast
(150 g), rice 200 g, grilled chicken breast (150 (150 g), rice 200 g,
avocado, "lulo" Juice g), rice 200 g, avocado, "Arroz con Pollo" 200 avocado, "lulo" Juice
and "lulo" Juice and gr , potatoes chips and
AM 12:00 broccoli broccoli and cocacola zero broccoli
grilled chicken breast
grilled meat (150 g), (150 g), rice 200 g,
rice 200 g, avocado, avocado, "lulo" Juice
blackberry Juice and and
PM 1:00 beans. Little Salad broccoli
"Sancocho de
costilla", "patacones",
rice, blackberry juice
PM 2:00 and salad

PM 3:00

Protein shake and

Tuna, rice and water Tuna, rice and water Yogurt Tuna, rice and water Yogurt and cheese
Cake, potatoes chips, aminoacids
PM 4:00 candies and Cocacola

PM 5:00

Pizza, french fries, ice

Slide of pizza and
cream and Cocacola
PM 6:00

Meatballs, rice, salad Meatballs, rice, salad and

and Cocacola Zero Cocacola Zero
PM 7:00
grilled chicken, 4
steamed potatoes, Meatballs, rice, salad
potatoes chips and
Ketchup, salad and and Cocacola Zero
Cocacola Zero
PM 8:00 Cocacola Zero

Spaguetti with
putanesca sauce, cheese
PM 9:00 and blackberry juice

Protein shake + 80 g 4 eggs, 120 g oat and steamed fish, rice 150
Casein shake Casein shake
oat water gr, beans and Water
PM 10:00

Cake and water Casein shake

PM 11:00

Glutamine shake

AM 12:00

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