Phase 0 - Cristian David Fajardo

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CODE: 1028029032




In the following work we will investigate one of the most important topics of our
profession, the waves because thanks to it we communicate today, applied in
wireless transmission of data and medicinal applications
In this activity we are going to consider two main applications of electromagnetic
waves and answer the given questions:
- Wireless data transmission.
- Medical applications



1. Definition of concepts the following concept
 Electromagnetic wave:
They are those waves that do not need a material means to spread. They include,
among others, visible light and radio waves, television and telephony.
All propagate in vacuum at a constant speed, very high (300 0000 km / s) but not
infinite. Thanks to this we can observe the light emitted by a distant star so long
ago that perhaps that star has already disappeared. Or to find out about an event
that occurs thousands of kilometers practically at the moment of occurrence.
Electromagnetic waves are propagated by an oscillation of electric and magnetic
fields. The electromagnetic fields to "excite" the electrons of our retina,
communicate with the outside and allow our brain to "build" the scenario of the
world in which we are.
The O.E.M. they are also support for telecommunications and the complex
functioning of the current world.
 Propagation speed:
All waves have a finite propagation velocity, whose value is influenced by the
elastic recovery forces of the medium and certain factors of the mass of the
medium: the linear density in the strings; the depth of the water below the surface,
or the adiabatic coefficient, the molecular mass and the temperature in the case
of the propagation of sound in a gas
In general, the expressions to determine the speed of propagation of a
mechanical disturbance depends on whether the medium is solid, liquid or gas,
but all have the following form:

 Wavelength.
It is the distance between two consecutive crests or valleys is what we call
wavelength. The wavelength of a wave describes how long the wave is. Water
waves in the ocean, air waves, and waves of electromagnetic radiation have
wavelengths. The wavelength represents the actual distance traveled by a wave
that does not always coincide with the distance of the medium or the particles in
which the wave propagates.
is the distance that exists between two successive points that are in the same
state of vibration (same elongation, speed, acceleration). It is symbolized by the
Greek letter λ (lambda) and is expressed in units of length (m
 Reflection and refraction:
The waves are transmitted at a finite and constant speed that depends on the
medium in which they propagate. The main properties that influence the speed
of the waves are the nature of the medium and its state. Regarding the state of
the medium through which the waves are transmitted, we can highlight the
In this way we can determine that when a wave is transmitted between two media
with different properties or in the same medium in which its state is not
homogeneous, a variation in the speed of this
The reflection of waves occurs when these are impinged on the surface of the
media with different properties, reversing the direction of propagation of some of
the waves. The reflection depends on the properties of the media and the angle
of incidence with respect to the surface

 Electric permitting
Relevance is the quality of something (a fact or words) when it connects with a
general situation. There is relevance if a specific proposal is related to the subject
that is being addressed. On the contrary, a proposal is not relevant if it is not
related to the general context.
 Magnetic permeability:
Magnetic permeability is called the capacity of a substance or means to attract
and pass through it magnetic fields, which is given by the relationship between
the existing magnetic induction and the magnetic field strength that appears
inside said material.
Some materials are magnetized when placed in a magnetic field. The capacity of
a material to be magnetized is called magnetic permeability. An example of this
is rubbing a piece of iron with a magnet. The iron will become magnetized and
have its own magnetic field.
Many substances, including water, have a degree of magnetic permeability.
When a material is placed in a magnetic field, it interacts with the field in one way
or another. The permeability of a substance describes how the material responds
and the effects of the field on the material. A substance with a magnetic
permeability will either magnetize itself in the direction of the field or in opposition
to it. Thus, depending on the permeability, the substance will be attracted or
repelled by the field.

2. Explain the importance of considering the "depth of the skin" (depth of

penetration) in medical treatments.
The importance of the depth of the skin is important in medical treatments since
this is the shield that the human body has to cover itself for many diseases, which
is why X-rays are used since the depth of the skin is impossible for the human
eye to investigate the human body thoroughly

3. Make a graph that explains at least three modes of "terrestrial

propagation of electromagnetic waves", including a brief explanation of
The ionosphere
It is the region of the high atmosphere between 60 and 400 km high. It is so called
because it is composed of ions and ionospheric plasma, it is important for
propagation because it allows to reflect or refract radio waves below a critical
At low frequencies and for antennas close to the ground, a surface wave is
excited. At higher frequencies, for higher antennas, the ground produces
reflections odifracciones when it hinders the wave.

The atmosphere:
The gases of the troposphere bend, by refraction, the path of the propagation
rays. In addition, depending on the frequency (in the microwave) they produce
additional attenuation to the free space. At microwave frequencies, the presence
of rain, fog and other hydrometeors also produces absorption, dispersion, and
some depolarization of the waves, leading to additional attenuation. The
ionosphere produces strong refractions the frequencies of MF and HF that are
accompanied by attenuation, dispersion and polarization rotation
4. Can human tissue change its conductivity due to disease? Explain
Phototherapy is a treatment technique that uses electromagnetic radiation of
natural or artificial origin for the treatment of diseases. The applied light can be
visible, infrared or ultraviolet radiation. Phototherapy is commonly used in the
treatment of skin diseases such as vitiligo and psoriasis, although it has also been
shown to be useful in mood disorders such as depression. Phototherapy can be
applied in specific facilities or using equipment for home use, the conductivity of
human tissue continues to function normally since none of these factors influence
its conductivity change.

5. Using the "electromagnetic spectrum", select a frequency used in

medical treatment and explain how it is used and select a frequency used
in wireless transmission and explain its application.
X-ray. It is electromagnetic radiation, invisible, capable of crossing opaque bodies
and of impressing photographic films. The Wavelength is between 10 to 0.1
Nanometers, corresponding to frequencies in the range of 30 to 3,000 PHz (from
50 to 5,000 times the frequency of visible light).
They are a type of radiation called electromagnetic waves. X-ray images show
the inside of your body in different shades of black and white. This is because
different tissues
They absorb different amounts of radiation. The calcium in the bones absorbs
most of the X-rays, so the bones look white. Fat and other soft tissues absorb
less, and look gray. The air absorbs the least amount, so the lungs look black
When concluding the activity, we could observe that the electromagnetic wave
can be applied in different sectors; technological, medicinal among others, thanks
to the waves the human being has evolved making discovery that could not be
done before and reaching places where it is impossible to reach by guided means

Recovered from, electromagnetic waves, José Villa (2015)
Recovered from, the crazy physicist, Javier Sánchez (2013)
Recovered from, Deal with the chemistry , Enrique Castaño (2016)

Recovered from, PhysicalLab, Gregorio Coronado (2013)

Recovered from, Ecured, Steven A. Tretter (1995)

Recovered from, Propagation of electromagnetic waves ,

Recovered from, Ray x ,MedlinePlus (2018),

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