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Personal Details

Full Name : Kadek Dana Atmaja

Sex : Male

Place, Date Of Birthday : Karangasem , 03 April 1998

Nationality : Indonesia

Masrital Status : Single

Height, Weight : 168 cm, 58 kg

Health : Perfect

Religion : Hindu

Address : Jln Wibisana Barat Gang Taman Sari Blok 2

Mobile : 08970228131

E-mail :

Educational Background

2013 – 2016 : SMK PGRI 3 DENPASAR (Tata Boga)

Working Experience

1. Daily worker - Harris Hotels Denpasar

2. Daily worker - Quest Hotel Kuta,Tuban ( 1 years 5 month )

There by declare that all information above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.


Kadek Dana Atmaja


Jln Wibisana Barat Gang Taman Sari Blok 2

Denpasar Bali

Telp. 08970228131

Job Application

Dear Sir / Madam ,

Referring to advertisement that I heard, there is a position of COOK available at yours establishment.
Therefore , I would like to apply for that position.

For your information , please find attached my curriculum vitae.

Should your consider my application , I will be happy to have a personal interview at your convenience
time. Please fell free to contact me if you need any queries.

Thank you for attention and looking forward to hearing from you.

My best regard,

( Kadek Dana Atmaja )

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