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Financial Plan for Brian Mardjuki


Age: 21
Net Income: $1,200 (reference financial plan)
Net Worth: $21,000 (reference financial plan)
Investor Profile: Aggressive (reference IPQ)
Credit Score: 716 (reference credit report)
Tax Bracket: 15% (reference tax credits)
Emergency Savings:
Life Insurance:
Savings Goals:
#1: Have 1,000,000 Saved for Retirement:
Start Date: 9/4/2018
Expected Date to Use: 9/4/2058
502 Dollars per month to achieve
This goal assuming that I am earning
A 6% interest rate.

#2: Save for a pioneer DJ controller. Cost: $1,700

Start Date: 9/4/2018
Expected Date to use: One year from now- 9/4/2019
If I want to have this controller one year frpm now I
would have to save $141 dollars each month to achieve this goal.

#3: Pay off Student Loans within 5 years of graduating from SLCC.
Start Date: 5/1/2018
Expected Date: 5/1/23
I expect to have about $3,000 in student loans to pay off when
I graduate with my associates. I would have to pay $50 dollars
a month toward my student loan to achieve this goal.

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