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Chem-SAM Software Directions

(Quick Guide)

1. Run either the ChemSAM.exe or the Chem-SAM.jar file. You will need Java installed on your
computer to run either program.

2. The chemical security assessment profile should open, if not

a. Under File:
i. Open a Profile
b. Select ChemSAM_withchemicals.raml

3. On the Preliminary Information tab, enter details to ensure proper documentation will
accompany your results
4. Select the Enter Data Tab
5. If the chemicals you are assessing exist on the Chemical Asset list you can just enter data that is
specific to the facility, this includes the quantity and details regarding how it is stored.
6. If needed, you can add additional chemicals to the software. Select the Create New button,
answer all the questions about the chemicals and save the responses with the appropriate
chemical name.
7. Answer all of the questions about the facility security management to get the most accurate
assessment. Make sure to save your facility data with a unique name.
8. Under the view Results tab select the chemical or chemicals and the facility, you would like to
a. You can select outsiders or insiders to review those assessments separately. And limit
the risk to only theft or sabotage or all the assessed risks.
b. The tabulated sub-tab will give you numerical answers which can be useful in exporting
to other programs
9. The Model Structure tab allows you to see the risk drivers, looking at the question sensitivity
chart will help to define the biggest drivers.
10. Under File, save your assessments (Save Responses). This will allow you to load them later (Load

Save your assessments in a separate folder from the Chem-SAM software to avoid any accidental
overwriting of the default chemical libraries.

11. You can also create a report (Create Report) to export the results into a printable format.

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