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Joel Jenkins and Martin Edward Stephenson

Nick Andreychuk
Jack Mackenzie
Lee Beavington
E. P. Berglund
David A. Hardy
G. W. Thomas
C. J. Burch


Feature Story:
by Michael Ehart
Michael Ehart
The following pages
represent a brief
preview of
Dark Worlds
issue #3.
Dark Worlds
Cover artwork by Aaron Sidall (
THE TOMB OF THE AMAZON QUEEN..................Michael Ehart 2
A sorceress and her daughter on the run team up with the deadly
Sisterhood of the Spear to find a forgotten treasure.
IMMORTALS OF THE CANNIBAL COAST...................................
..............................Joel Jenkins and Martin Edward Stephenson 88
Terajel must save herself and her band of pirates from unearthly peri!

ROADBLOCK..........................................................Jack MacKenzie 32
Running a roadblock on a disused spaceway didn’t seem serious to Eddie
Pennington and his partner, but a deadly killing machine has other ideas!
THE STORMING OF BIG SPREE...........................David A. Hardy 44
Getting his man is not a problem for Mountie Thomas Gatewood, but
keeping the man’s death a secret is more of a problem!
BAYOU MIRAGE .......................................................E. P. Berglund 52
Does the spirit of a woman haunt the Bayou or protect it?
LAOCOON ..................................................................G. W. Thomas 65
Brett Hope follows a trail of death that leads to an unexpected evil.
LET SLEEPING DOGS LIE ..................................Nick Andreychuk 76
A corpse, a diner and a sleeping dog are ingredients for a mystery.
COMMUNICATIONS DELAY.................................Lee Beavington 82
An astronaut must communicate with Earth about a mysterious object.

Review: BURY ME DEEP..................................................................112
INTERVIEW WITH JOSHUA REYNOLDS.....................................114
THE DARK WORLDS CLUB ...........................................................117

DARK WORLDS issued occasionally by the Dark Worlds Club, British Columbia, Canada. Copyright 2008.
All Rights Reserved by the Editors and Author/Artist Partners. All copyright remains with the authors and
artists. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner
whatsoever without written permission. No submissions will be accepted without invitation of the Dark Worlds
Club. Letters of Comment can be sent to Each story in this anthology is a work of
fiction. Names, places, characters, and incidents in this anthology are either the product of the author's
imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to real people (living or dead) places, business
establishments, locales, and/or events is entirely coincidental.
G. W. Thomas & M. D. Jackson, Editors
a novelet by MICHAEL EHART

NLY NINE Temple soldiers and had another arrow in flight
ha d em er ge d fr om th e almost before the first struck him
desert, and Ninshi had cut squarely between the shoulders. The
the throat of one three nights before. second arrow struck less than three
There were two on guard tonight, fingers' width from the first, and the
nervous and alert. Miri waited until soldier fell forward with no more than
they were both facing out from the a grunt.
camp, away from each other. Her first Miri watched as the small form of
arrow caught the nearest in the throat, her mother flitted from shadow to
and he dropped soundlessly. Her shadow, into the camp, bending over
second shot was less certain. The each cloak-wrapped figure for a
moon was largely hiding her face, and moment, then silently moving on to
the over-large fire in the center of the the next. Miri lost sight of her for a
camp had flickered down to embers. few heartbeats, then was startled
She decided on the center of his back, enough to jump a little when Ninshi
Illustrations by M. D. Jackson

An ancient warrior and her daughter on the run

join with a fierce sisterhood to find a fabled treasure


Amazon Queen
reappeared a few paces away. life filled her dreams with too many
"Did you kill them all?" whispered ghos ts. Miri was only four teen
Miri. summers, and had far less of her
Ninshi shook her head. "I left one. adopted mother's acquaintance with
We will speak with him in the violent death. She propped herself
morning." against the bole of the tree, and though
She led the way out of the wadi she tried, sleep eluded her as well. At
where the soldiers had sheltered from first it was the trembling which
the night wind to the far side of a followed every fight that kept her
hillock a few hundred paces away. awake, and then it was a reflection on
Their horses were tethered to the lone the men they had killed. They were
tree there. Both mares stirred and soldiers sent by the Priestesses of the
twitched at the smell of blood on Temple of Ishtar to kill them or worse,
Ninshi's knife, still carried uncovered she knew that much. But it surprised
at her side. Ninshi bent, plucked a her that in spite of the fact that they
handful of the saw grass that grew in had been running from and fighting
small clumps at the base of the tree, these soldiers and others for some
and wiped her knife with it. The time, she knew very little about them.
bronze of the blade flashed dimly in She knew the weaknesses of their
the pale moonlight. armor, and the quality of their
They made a cold camp. Ninshi equipment and training. But she knew
slept little anyway, and so kept watch. nothing of the men themselves.
The long centuries of her murderous The sky lightened, and Ninshi


stirred from where she had sat still for was little more than a fire and a
the last few hours. She reached into sleeping circle. Just a few weeks ago
the pack against which she had they had been a hundred strong or
leaned, and produced two small more , wit h cam els, hors es an d
pieces of dried meat and a citron. She elephants. Less than two hands-full
divided the fruit with the same knife had emerged from the desert, with
she had cut throats with the night little more than their arms.
before, and handed a portion to Miri. Two large rocks had been rolled to
They ate in silence, fed a little grain to the edge of the now-dead fire, and
the horses, and broke camp. Ninshi and the soldier each sat. Miri
They led the horses over the rocky stood alert at her mother's shoulder.
hillock, and across an open space. "Tell me why you pursue us,"
Miri tied the horses to a small bush at asked Ninshi.
the mouth of the wadi. The course of The soldier's eye widened further.
the vanished stream that had formed it "You do not know? The priestess
was clear here, with its rocky bottom cannot let the Temple be burned, even
striated in recurved lines of ancient by someone…" he trailed off ,
waves. They walked to the edge of the frightened and uncertain of what
camp, where the lone living man words might awaken the monster in
stood, bare handed and with his head front of him.
uncovered. "…someone like me?" Ninshi
"Wh y hav e you spa red me, rasped. "You have no idea of what I
Mistress of Death?" The man's voice am. The priestesses no doubt raised
was tight, and high-pitched. He spoke you on dark tales of The Betrayer.
the Akkadian dialect of Nineveh, with Kept you awake nights, starting at
its distinctive dropped word endings. every night sound? Gave a name to
He was clearly trembling, and his face your fears."
was pale white against the black of his The soldier nodded.
beard and his tousled hair. Ninshi leaned forward. Her heavy,
"I have questions," Ninshi said greased braid slid over her shoulder
after a few moments. and hung between them as
The man gulped, and nodded. punctuation. "What I am is worse
"Come then, and we shall sit among than you could ever imagine. I need
the dead." your fear. I need you to return to your
They walked into the camp. The Temple and tell them that any who
figures of the dead men, rolled in their pursue me will die. And then…"
cloaks seemed peaceful. The only She looked around at the silent
evidence of violence was the dried figures around them, figures that had
pools of blood around the head of once been men. Using gestures and
each. Even those had mostly sunk into very few words, she instructed the
the thirsty dust here at the bottom of shaken soldier to assist her and Miri as
the wadi. they stripped the dead of their clothing
The fire at the center of the camp and weapons. They laid them out
was dead. The soldiers had fared very naked, side by side in a line.
poorly in the desert, and their camp Miri gestured to the soldier, and

led him up and around the bank of the again. Beautiful and terrifying, he
wadi, and motioned him to hide stood man-high at his bull's shoulder.
himself and watch. Miri crouched His lion-shaped head towered above
beside him. Below, Ninshi stood Nishi's small rigid form. The early
silently at the end of the line of morning light glistened gold off of his
corpses, her scarred face blank. enormous wings. The Great Beast
Judging that they were a safe distance rumbled some inquiry at Ninshi, and
away, Miri brought her fingers to her she answered in the same harsh
mouth and whistled softly. tongue. Seeming satisfied, the
She tapped her forefinger on the monster turned and began his ghastly
man's forehead. "You will be silent feast, beginning at the end of the line
now, and not run. No matter what you farthest from Ninshi.
see, you must not be seen or heard. Beside her, Miri heard the soldier
When the beast feeds she sees nothing whimper and choke. She grasped his
else, and cannot defend us." arm, pinching down hard, and with
The soldier gulped, but said her other hand turned his stricken face
nothing. to hers. His eyes were wild, and his
"On your life and mine. Not a mouth agape in horror. She shook her
sound." Miri settled a little lower, and head fiercely.
waited. "What is your name?" she
For what seemed a long while whispered into his ear, with breath
nothing happened. In the wadi below, only.
Ninshi stood staring at a broken tooth He shook his head,
talisman at the end of a strap hung uncomprehending.
around her neck. The wind blew She pinched down harder and
lightly through the wadi, stirring up asked again, "What is your name?"
small twists of dust and pushing a few He sobbed back a whispery gasp,
brown fronds from a dying palm past and nodded his head. "Dant."
the edge of the camp. Somewhere, a "Watch, Dant," she whispered.
sunbird faintly cried, and behind them "Watch it all, but make no noise, or I'll
the rising daylight warmed their kill you myself." She emphasized her
backs. words with the point of her knife
The soldier stirred beside her, and against his side. She felt fierce, and
Miri turned to repeat her warning, but faintly ridiculous. Dant was twice her
her whisper died in her throat. There size and likely twice her age as well.
was a sound like the rushing of a great He turned his head and
river, and at that same moment she shuddering, kept his face toward what
was blinded by pain. It felt as if her was happening below. Miri could not
eyes and ears were pierced by great tell if his eyes were open or even if
needles. For a moment she knew they were that he was watching, but
nothing but her agony, and then as she could tell he was terrified, which
quickly as it came it was gone, leaving was what Ninshi wanted, after all.
a foul weakness of limb in its place. After a terrible, long while, the
She had seen the Manthycore feed Beast finished and was gone. Ninshi
before, and had no desire to see it was still standing in the center of the

camp when they got there. Of the line

of bodies there remained no trace.
"Take food, and whatever you
need there." Ninshi gestured toward
the pile of clothes and weapons. "Go
quickly, and tell your mistresses what
you have seen here. Tell them that
Nin-Sinuss, Lady of the Song,
Servant of the Manthycore has no
desire to continue killing the servants
of the Temple of Ishtar, but has no fear
of it, either. And if they continue
sending companies of men after me, I
will burn every Temple of Ishtar from
Great Ur to Carcamesh."
Miri glanced across at her mother,
but her face betrayed nothing other
than ferocity. Miri was certain that her
mother could do nearly anything she
set to do, but even for her this seemed
a little more than was believable. A
glance at the face of Dant, though,
showed he had no doubt that Ninshi
was serious.
"Go then," she commanded. Dant
scrambled to stuff a pack with food
and a few small items, and then, not
looking back, started walking toward
the mouth of the wadi, and the long
road back to Nineveh.
"How did you become a soldier of
the Temple?" The words were out of
Miri's mouth before she thought about
Dant stopped, and without turning
said, "I was an orphan. I could do
nothing else." After a few moments,
his shoulders dropped, and he walked
out of sight.
Miri turned to find her mother
staring at her strangely. Miri held her
palms open, and shook her head. "I
don't know. I just wondered."
For a moment they looked at each
other in silence. A series of

expressions crossed Ninshi's face, generous. They were barely a few

each faint enough that no one but Miri hundred steps when the wind began to
would have known that her visage was rise, and the first hints of dust and faint
anything but blank. Finally Ninshi clouds of powder-fine sand began to
nodded. "Your burdens are yours, I wisp across their path. In a very few
think. But the more you know of a breaths they were forced to cover their
man, the more there is to remember faces. This was the false storm, just a
and regret once you have killed him." hint of the true Shamal to come, but
the horses would not walk into the
THE wind dropped to nothing. dust-laden wind, and so they
Ninshi tucked one leg between the dismounted and led them, clucking
other and the blanket, and rose up on and murmuring in their twitching ears
the back of her horse to look around. to calm them.
They were on the long sloping plain They were almost through the
that ran down from the Zagros small collection of buildings before
Mountain foothills to Eshnunna, and they saw them. Nins hi shou ted
the slight elevation this gave her was something, but her words were swept
enough to see for two days' travel away by the now howling wind. She
ahead. She shook her head, and settled motioned to a low building to the
back astride her horse. right, and they led the balking,
"Shamal," she said. "We must find panicky horses through the gateway
shelter, with water if we can." to the door. It was broken, and aslant,
Miri felt her eyes widen. Twice in the aged wood grey in the uncertain
the six years before they had passed light. Ninshi pushed it open with her
through the Shamal, the fierce desert shoulder, and led her horse inside.
sandstorms that raced up the Tigris Miri followed.
and Euphrates rivers from the sea, but It was dark inside, but
this time they were in the open, at least imm edi ate ly qui ete r. The roo m
two days travel from the nearest smelled of goats. As Miri's eyes
village. adjusted she realized that the smell
"How much time?" asked Miri. came from actual goats present, rather
"A quarter day, no more." than previous. She shook the dust
"This should at least make us from the scarf she had wrapped
ha rd er to fi nd ," offe re d Mi ri , around her face and peered about. In
hopefully. Miri did not know if Ninshi the center was a fireplace, unlit, with
actually believed they were still being the small amount of light filtering
followed, but the long centuries had down from the smoke hole above. The
made her mother cautious. room looked to be the common area of
"There was a caravansary, once," th e ca ra va ns ar y. No t en ti re ly
Nishi said. "Off the road now, but not abandoned. A stringy toothless man
far. Perhaps it is still there. We will go stared at Ninshi from the corner where
this way. Even if it is no longer there, he sat, behind the dozen or so goats he
there will perhaps be ruins, and if we had sheltered with.
are very lucky, a well." There was nothing much else in
Ni ns hi 's es ti ma te ha d be en the room. The caravansary had been

abandoned long enough that little She held her hands empty and
remained other than the uncertain roof level. "Will the storm make of us
and the mud brick walls. The doorway allies, for this little time? My sisters
at the rear, which must have led to the and I seek shelter, as have you." Her
rest of the building, was choked with voice was smooth and melodic.
rubbish, broken bricks and slivered "There is room enough, I think,"
beams. replied Ninshi. "And water in a well
"Fire? Miri asked. just outside."
Ninshi coughed and spat. "No. The tall woman nodded. "I shall
Smoke will make it worse. There was send my youngest sister, then, to
a well just inside the wall. Be careful, accompany the young warrior who
but be quick. Fill our water skins; we followed us in. He will want to
may be here for a few days. I'll tend to retrieve the skins he left outside."
the horses." "She," snapped Miri, annoyed that
Outside the wind was noticeably her stealth had been wasted. "I am a
stronger, and the howl had risen in she."
pitch from a cry to a full voiced The tal l wom an tur ned and
scream. By the time she had filled all nodded . "Why so you are. My
four skins she could barely see the apology." She motioned at the cloaked
corner of the building, and the actual figure nearest the door, and Miri
doorway was curtained by the dust followed her out.
that flew fiercely between. She slung Even in the few moments that she
the water skins over her shoulders, had been insid e, the wind had
two on each side, and staggered noticeably risen. It took a great deal of
toward where she knew the door must concentration just to stay upright, and
be, her steps unsteady as she was the fine, powdery sand that blew off of
buffeted by the wind. the desert blinded her. With Miri's
She was almost to the door when a help, the girl was able to fill the six
dark figure formed in front of her. She small water bags she carried, and
dropped the skins on her right, and together they stumbled back, on their
pulled her knife, but the figure way picking up the larger water bags
remained hunched and moved to the that Miri had dropped.
entrance of the caravansary hall. It The door partially blocked out the
was followed by five others. She howl of the wind as it shut behind
slowly lowered the other two skins, them, but already the room was
and with her knife held at ready, crept darker, and now quite crowded.
to the door and followed them in. Someone had found a lamp, but its
Ninshi stood at the center of the small light was not nearly enough to
room, silhouetted against the faint illuminate the large room. The air was
light of the smoke hole. Six figures filled with fine dust, further obscuring
crowded the doorway side of the vision.
room. The one in the front reached up From her size, the sister who had
and pulled down a dusty hood, gone for water with Miri was little
revealing dark hair bound up in an more than her age, though size could
elaborate knot. be deceiving. Miri was not much older

than fourteen winters, and already camp, all facing out from where the
was about the same size as her mother, fire would be. They are all armed,
who, if the caravan songs were correct with long knives, bows, some sort of
had to be at least fifty times that age. spear, and little crescent shields.
Miri made her way through the Women, but warriors. The leader
gloom to the corner where her mother seems to be wearing some sort of
sat quietly, watching as the armor under her robes. Do you know
newcomers laid down bedding in a who they are? Could they have been
circle and made make-shift camp in sent after us by the Priestesses of
the large room. She shifted the water Ishtar?"
bags to lean against the wall, and sat Though unusual, Miri and Ninshi
beside her. were not the only women who bore
Ninshi took one of the bags, and arms in the lands between the Tigris
carefully spilled a small amount of and Euphrates rivers. There were cults
water onto her scarf. She motioned whose priestesses practiced the art of
Miri to do the same with hers, and then war, and occasional body guards for
showed her how to cover her mouth those whose religions would not
and nose with the damp cloth. It made allow the creation or service of
breathing a little more bearable. At no eu nu ch s bu t ne ed ed wi ve s or
time during this did Ninshi take her concubines guarded. There were even
eyes from the women in the center of a few women, mostly former slaves,
the room. who had been trained to fight against
There were six of them, but they ani mal s or eac h oth er for the
only laid down five pallets. One of amusement of their owners. Some
them crouched in the center, watching cities trained their women as archers,
both the door and Ninshi watching to stand at the walls if the city were
her. attacked. And, though rare, there were
Ninshi leaned into Miri and said even a few women bandits.
something in her ear, but even inside "Ishtar? No. From their speech,
the howl of the storm was too loud. they are from the east. We shall see.
Miri shook her head, and Ninshi tried Rest now. The storm will be long, and
again. "What do you see?" soon make speech impossible."
Miri looked hard and thought The storm was long. Miri spent the
harder. She had anticipated the next two days in a sort of stupor,
question. It was a game they often periodically shaking out her clothes
played, a deadly serious one, as when the dust piled up, drifting in and
Ninshi tried to impart to Miri a portion out of an uncomfortable sleep. She
of the knowledge gained by a was constantly thirsty, but knew
centuries-long, dangerous life. enough to take only small sips of
"They are setting up like soldiers." water, and make sure that the horses
Ninshi shook her head, and pointed at got the bulk of it. Even still, one of the
her ear. Miri nodded, and tried again, horses died the second day. Its
louder. "They are setting up their wheezing breath had gotten steadily
camp like soldiers," she shouted over louder, and then it simply stopped
the howl of the wind. "Look, a circle breathing, and fell straight down

where it stood hobbled. The other irregular coloration to his clothing

horse knew that something had and the same straggly beard.
happened, but Ninshi had blindfolded To Miri the storm seemed to last a
both horses when she had hobbled lifetime. Not an ordinary mortal's
them, and the surviving horse was lifetime, either, such as may be
probably too weak at that point to do endured by a scrabble-land farmer or a
more than snort and roll her eyes bored mistress of some rich merchant,
under the strip of blanket Ninshi had with the endless days of sameness
tied over them. stretching out into the vague and
Miri was vaguely aware that the formless future. No, the storm seemed
women in the center of the room were to last the long hopeless centuries of
faring much the same. They would her adopted mother's lifetime, only
change guard periodically, with even devoid of the occasional splashes of
the youngest and eldest taking turns. vi ol en ce th at pu nc tu at ed he r
They kept their faces covered with existence. It seemed that long, but
elaborately embroidered cloths, eventually the roar of the wind
dampened in the same fashion as lessened, the air became slightly
Ninshi and Miri's plain scarves. One clearer, and by the morning of the
sister would constantly sharpen the third day actual light shone through
head of her spear while on guard, the the holes in the roof.
sound of the stone against the bronze They all began the weary task of
lost in the roar of the storm. Another cleaning the fine, clinging dust from
did some sort of needlework, with her themselves and their possessions. It
knife on her lap as she worked, eyes had worked itself into every pack, no
constantly shifting in the gloom matter how tightly bound, and into the
between Ninshi, the goatherd, the tightest crevices. Miri caught the eye
door and her work. The rest just of the sister who had gotten water with
grimly sat, waiting out the storm in her, and the girl nodded, her eyes dark
stoic misery. over the scarf across her face. They
The goatherd kept the lamp filled gathered the now-empty water skins.
with oil. He was small, withered and At the door they discovered that the
quite old. He seemed uncertain what dust had piled up to block the door, but
to be more frightened of; the grim together were able to shoulder it past
band of well-armed sisters, the the drift.
equally well armed mother and Outside the light was blinding.
daughter in the corner, or the storm. Miri blinked and looked down. She
He carefully made himself small, was unable to see much but kept her
scrabbling sideways with an companion's boot toes in sight. Her
inoffensive gape on his toothless mother had taught her watch the edges
mouth when he got up to refill the of things, and she knew that any
lamp. His expression was most likely hostile move from this girl would
intended to display harmlessness, but mean shifting her feet. Slowly her
instead conveyed something closer to eyes adjusted, and she was able to
idiocy. Miri's thought he looked like look up again.
one of his goats, with the same She raised her eyes, blinking

furiously, to see the girl doing the sand from his beard with his fingers.
same, heavy dark lashes batting She spoke to him in Khettish, and he
rapidly as she looked to see Miri's face nodded vigorously, and pointed to his
clearly for the first time. mouth. He made a few blatting
In spite of her intentions, Miri sounds, then he opened his mouth
st ar te d to gi gg le . Th er e wa s wide to reveal that as well as having
something completely ridiculous no teeth, he had no tongue. Ninshi
about the two of them cautiously nodded, and with the use of signs soon
regarding each other as they fanned was able to arrange the purchase of
the air with their eyelids. The girl one of his goats. The old man
started giggling too, seemingly struck immediately grasped her selection by
by the same image. Soon they were one horn, and pulled its head to one
lau ghi ng alo ud, the gir l's fac e side. With a quick, practiced motion,
covering puffi ng out with each he cut the goat's throat, and in short
choking laugh. order had it cleaned, skinned and
They stumbled giddily to the well, skewered over the sister's fire.
and took turns scraping the debris and Derinoe and her sisters huddled in
scum from the surface of the water as one corner, arguing quietly. They
they filled the skins they carried. Full, reached some consensus, and the
Miri bent to pick hers up, but the girl eldest stood, and approached Ninshi,
shook her head, and grasped Miri's hand outstretched. As Derinoe had
wrist with her hand. With the other she done, she removed her face covering,
uncovered her face, and smiled with and smiled.
regular, white teeth. Her face was "We have shared shelter, and will
dark, far darker than Miri's sunburnt soon share meat. Let us share salt, as
visage, but her skin was smooth, well, and call each other companion,
unmarked and soft looking. at least as long as our paths run
"Derinoe, I am called, a Sister of together." Over Ninshi's shoulder
the Shield." She spoke the language of Miri could see that she was dark-
Khett, with an accent Miri had never skinned, with dark hair and eyes.
heard before. There were lines on her face, but she
"I am Miri, a traveler." Derinoe was not yet old, though a bright white
dropped Miri's arm, and they picked streak ran though the lock of hair that
up the water skins and hauled them escaped from her head cloth.
into the caravansary. Ninshi nodded. "I am sometimes
Inside, someone had built a fire in called Ninshi, and this is my daughter,
the remains of a central fireplace. Miri. We travel to Eshnunna, at least."
Ninshi finished shaking out her "As do we. I am named Antiope,
garments and took a grateful swallow Eldest. My sisters are Melanippe and
of fresh water from the well. She spat, Thermodosa of the Spear. Bremusa
drank and coughed. "Much better," the silent stands there staring at the
she said. roasting goat, Molpadia is the tall one,
Miri finished arranging the water and my sister and niece Derinoe is
skins while Ninshi moved over to Youngest. Here then is a measure of
where the goat herder sat, combing salt."

Nishi took a pinch, and placed it on

her tongue, as did Antiope. They
clasped hands, and then sat discussing
the road ahead.
"My sister says you have a
callused wrist, like someone who
practices with a bow might." Miri
turned to see the tall sister, Molpadia,
eying her with measuring glance.
"I have drawn a string," Miri
"Good. Then perhaps after we
have eaten you can demonstrate to us
the use of such as this." She held out a
small, recurved bow, similar is size
and shape to those carried by the
steppe men of the north.
"Molpadia," Antiope said over her
shoulder. "We are among friends, for
now. Please do not bully the child into
doing something she does not care to
Miri flushed with anger, whether
at the implied challenge or at being
called a child she was unsure. "I will
shoot," she snapped.
Molpadia grinned and clapped her
hands. "See sister? No bullying. Just a
contest of skill with bow, is all. Let us
see what she is made of."
"Leave her alone, Molpa."
Derinoe was at Miri's elbow. "Come,
let us go to the well and see if we can
get some of this dust from our
Outside, Miri was calmer. Though
there was still a light breeze, the
clouds of dust no longer obscured the
sun, and this little patch where the old
caravansary stood was showed bits of
green under a coating of dust. It must
have been a restful and cool place,
once, in the years before trade with the
cities of the mountains had slowed.
The storm had stripped the palms, of

course, but there were a few patches of

low growing plants that had been
sheltered by larger objects and so
were spared.
They sat by the well, and Derinoe
undid her head scarf to reveal thick
dark hair done in the same sort of
elaborate knot that Miri had seen on
her aunt the first night of the storm.
The head scarf was plain and dark, but
well woven and little stained.
Miri undid her scarf and quietly
tucked it behind her, suddenly
embarrassed by its tattered
appearance. Ninshi traveled hard and
fast and there was seldom time or need
for fine dress. Miri reached into the
bag at her waist and produced her one
vanity, a fine comb given to her by
traders soon after she had started
travelling with her mother. She shook
her hair free, and started combing the
dust out.
Miri was used to Ninshi's near
silence, so Derinoe's gossipy chatter
was overwhelming at first. She was
sixteen, two summers older than Miri.
Her and her sisters were travelling to
meet with another of her aunts, who
awaited them in Eshnunna.
They were from Harap, a city far to
the east. They had come by ship to the
Tigris where they had traveled upriver
as far as Assur before the ship could
go no further, having been battered by
the steady harsh winds and barely
surviving a spring typhoon. They sold
it for a small fraction of its value and
had traveled by riverboat to Nineveh,
where they had expected to find her
aunt. Instead, they found a city in
turmoil, with visitors unwelcome and
the Priestesses of Ishtar, who ran half
the city, in near civil war.
A handful of years before someone

had burned down the temple at the nearly her normal self.
center of the city and murdered the Ninshi brought the surviving mare
High Priestess. She had never named out and tied her to a broken rail near
a successor, so of course several the well, where she found a little grass
factions had formed around the peeking from under a coating of dust.
various contenders. Five years later, Miri moved the packs from the dead
the temple remained only partially horse to the live one. With the horse
rebuilt, and the factions had come to loaded like this, neither of them could
nearly open conflict. ride, but at least they wouldn't have to
Though her aunt had fled the chaos carry their gear.
of the city, she had left messages for She was just cinching up the last
them, and tired of the monotony and bundle when she heard a step behind
potential for drowning of travel by her. "Let's see about this mistress of
boat, they had decided to travel the bow," Molpadia drawled. "I have
overland to Eshnunna. They had hired set up a target on the tree there. Let us
a caravan master and half-dozen draw strings, you and I, and I shall see
guards, but the caravan master had if I can come close to your mark."
betrayed them, leading them far astray "I have made no such claim," Miri
with the intention of murder and said quietly, but she pulled her bow
robbery. from where it was tucked into the
He had seriously misjudged the bundles. It was larger than the one
Sisters of the Shield. What the carried by Molpadia, made of bone
treacherous caravan master had and wood in strips, strung with
intended as a midnight throat-cutting twisted boar's gut.
and extended rape had only succeeded She pulled her quiver from the
in leaving him and his cohorts same bundle, and Molpadia gasped.
stretched dead in the desert camp. The There was nothing unusual about the
would-be bandits had killed the quiver itself, but the arrows were
Sisters' servants, but a lifetime of exquisite. The black fletching on each
training had left them over classed by took a half-turn around the perfectly
the Sisters. formed midnight-hued shaft. Miri
That same soldier's training had pulled three from the quiver, and
taught them how to travel light. They walked over to where Molpadia had
had abandoned the tents, set the drawn a line in the dirt. The dark-
camels free, and six days later patinaed bronze arrowheads sparkled
marched in good order into Nuzi, and in the sunlight.
then from there to the north road to Miri saw Ninshi standing next to
Eshnunna, where they had been Antiope, looking at her with no
caught in the storm with Miri, her readable expression on her face. Miri
mother, and the goatherd. knew this was foolish, that they
Deri's chatter was broken by one of always travell ed quietly. Doubly
her sisters, who shouted out the door foolish that she had shown the arrows,
that there was roast goat to be eaten, if but they were her prize, next to her
any was wanted. An hour later, with a comb. She had taken them from the
full belly and a clean face, Miri was bodies of some of the soldiers that the

Temple of Ishtar had sent to kill them sand, and knocked it. This time she
after Ninshi had burned their temple. drew even slower, held the arrow
Not only were they valuable and drawn against her cheek until her arm
distinctive, but it was stupid to use started to tremble, and then let fly. The
such arrows for shooting at a mark. arrow thwacked into the bole of the
Once broken, they were irreplaceable. tree, piercing the mark with not a
She strode to the line, strung her hair's breadth between hers and
bow, and stood for a moment, eying Molpadia's arrow. Better, but still,
the mark. It was a scrap of red cloth Molpadia had hit it first.
stuck to a tree, fifty or so paces away. Once again Molpadia drew and
The distance wasn't bad, but the mark shot with a dancer's fluid grace. No
was very small. She made no show of flicker of wind, this time, but her
testing the wind. She could feel it arrow struck just above. All four
quite well against her cheek. arrows stood within an area that could
Two of her arrows she thrust into have been easily covered with Miri's
the sand next to her foot. The third she palm.
knocked and slowly drew back her Miri moved slowly forward, her
bow, held, and let fly. The arrow eyes on the impossible mark. She
thwacked into the bole of the tree, pulled the final arrow from the sand,
knocking loose a shower of bark. It but before she could draw her bow
stood quivering, just under the mark. again she felt a hand upon her arm.
A puff of wind had pushed it to the She looked up into the face of
side a little, or she would have hit it. Antiope. The Eldest had a half-smile
As it was, the scrap of cloth settled on her face. "It is our custom, when
back down, its end draping slightly two such as you meet, should there be
over the shaft of the arrow. a tie, that we not resolve it. The
There was no sound from the Sisterhood, and I think the world, is
women around her. She looked down, better served by having two who are
and slid back away from the line. master than one held greater and
Molpadia stepped up, and in one fluid another lesser."
and beautiful motion drew and let fly. Miri shook her head. "Are all
Her arrow pinned the scrap of red contests left undecided, then?"
cloth to the tree, less than a finger's "No child. Only when there are
width above Miri's. two who are far above all others, those
Miri shuffled back, her heart in her who draw breath with the heroes of
mouth. She could feel her face as it old. Molpadia is the greatest archer of
blazed with embarrassment. How our land, and she has not beaten you.
could she beat that? She had practiced For her, and for you, we will leave it
for so many years, ever since Ninshi there."
had bought her from slavers as a child. Miri looked across the yard. Her
She had a teacher who had hundreds mother leaned against the broken
of years of experience. And here she wall, saying nothing. She looked
was, being humiliated by this arrogant around to find all eyes upon her,
woman. including those of the toothless
Miri, plucked an arrow from the goatherd. It seemed that even the

goats were watching her, and she felt fields and orchards around the city.
the heat rise in her face. She nodded, The air was still, and lines of smoke
unable to speak. One by one, the stood up from individual fires to form
sisters clasped her arm and spoke a a grey, hazy cloud above.
phrase in their own liquid language. Ninshi leaned over to whisper into
Deri hugged her as well as clasping Miri's ear. "I think we shall find
her arm. Molpadia, who was not in lodging outside the city. There is a
any way friendly, was at least polite, Temple of Ishtar here, and though it is
and managed something like a smile, a small one, there is no reason to doubt
at least in form. that they have resources enough to
In a short time they were on the cause us great difficulty should they
road, Miri leading the mare. The learn of our presence."
Sisters walked ahead. The day was The Sisters grew increasingly
bright, though the sun still had a quiet and tense as they drew nearer the
reddish cast to it. The storm had swept gates. Deri strode ahead to join them
the packed earth of the road clear, and and it seemed to Miri that the others
on the occasional rise the dark smudge surrounded her, as if to protect her
of Eshnunna could be seen far away from some danger presented by the
against the glitter of the ribbon of the city. Outside the gates, amid the
Tigris River that lined the horizon. expected hovels, brothels, wine shops
After a long while of walking in and mark et stal ls, ther e was a
silence, Miri spoke. "At least none of caravansary, low walled and built of
the arrows broke." the same reddish brick as the city
Ninshi shook her head. "No, none walls. It seemed busy. There were the
did. Though if there is anyone asking camels of at least two caravans loaded
for us, there now is a good story to be an d ro pe d to ge th er, re ad y fo r
told." departure, and a number of donkeys,
Miri looked at her boots as she horses and ox carts in the courtyard.
walked. "I am sorry." "Here we will leave you," Ninshi
Ninshi clasped her shoulder. said. The Sisters turned back, and one
"Don't be, child. At least it is a story in by one offered a hand to Miri and
which no one dies. There are few Ninshi.
enough of those about me, for all the Deri smiled, and leaned over to
lifetimes of men I have walked the hug Miri. "We will see each other
earth." again, I think," she said. Miri smiled
back, but couldn't speak. She
FOR over a day Eshnunna was watched them walk through the gate,
visible as a dark smudge against the and disappear into the street beyond,
ribbon of the Tigris River. As they Deri at the center once again.
drew closer, Miri saw that it was As it turned out, most of the traffic
typical of the cities between the two was outbound, and so Ninshi was able
rivers. Its walls were of brick, thicker to find room for them there, in a corner
and lower than the stone walls of some near the cistern that served the
other places she had been. The reddish caravansary. Sometimes they paid
brick stood out against the green of the more and slept inside, but the weather

was clear, and Ninshi did not want to the mud brick of the caravansary wall.
draw any more attention than could be She liked to watch the merchants and
avoided. guards as they prepared for their
Miri stayed with the horse while journeys. Ninshi often had them travel
Ninshi made her way to a wine shop with caravans, especially when they
she had spotted near the gate. She needed to cross an area that was
carried with her a ruby, one of the espec ially dange rous. Somet imes
fabled Tears of Ishtar, one of seven Miri overheard something useful.
shed by the goddess on her trip to the But this time her heart wasn't in it.
underworld. Kubileya, the tavern She liked Deri. Her life had not let her
goddess, had set them to collecting make friends, and sometimes months
them. In exchange, she promised to passed without her seeing the same
Ninshi the location of seven ancient face two days in a row, except her
herbs, which mixed together, might mother's. She didn't mind, and in fact
compel the beast she served, and free Ninshi's act of buying her from the
her from its bondage. Few had even slavers had been an answer to a
heard of the shappatu, the fabled fevered prayer. But it was a lonely life
herbs given to Noach so he might they led, something she had not really
command the beasts after the deluge, noticed until recently.
and those few who had knew little After a time, Ninshi returned. Her
other than their ancient names. scarred face was unreadable, but Miri
Ninshi had served the Great Beast could tell from the firmness of her
for over forty lives of men, until she stride that she was troubled about
had forgotten even her own name. She something. Ninshi crouched beside
was compelled by his sorcery, and her Miri, her gaze scanning the courtyard
cooperation ensured by the in front of her. Satisfied that none
Manthycore keeping as captive the there meant them harm, or even saw
love of her youth, unchanged and them, she sighed, and settled lower
timeless. She served in bitter against the wall.
unwillingness, and despair, her only "We will wait, here, for a day or
hope now that given by the Tavern so."
Goddess, and the seven herbs which Miri nodded, not understanding.
she might trade for the fabled rubies. "Kubileya said that the Sisters will
Each ruby needed only to be know of the location of the next ruby."
dropped into a bowl of wine, in any Miri shook her head, astonished.
wine shop or tavern. And just as the "How is this true?"
tavern Goddess hear anything spoken "It seems unlikely, I know, but
over bowl or cup, so could she speak sometimes those who seek the same
to those who would hear. It wasn't objects will find themselves on the
even remarkable to watch, as there same road. It does seem as if there is
was nothing uncommon about a some invisible hand at work here, but
drinker muttering into his wine. perhaps it is just coincidence. I don't
They had found and delivered like either possibility, but we will see.
three rubies, now. This was the I think we will wait here. We will buy
fourth. Miri sat with her back against new horses, and prepare for a long
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