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British Journal of Anaesthesia 111 (S1): i50–i61 (2013)


Monitoring and managing hepatic disease in anaesthesia

D. Kiamanesh, J. Rumley and V. K. Moitra*

Department of Anesthesiology, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA
* Corresponding author. E-mail: vm2161@columbia.edu

Summary. Patients with liver disease have multisystem organ

Editor’s key points dysfunction that leads to physiological perturbations ranging
† Hepatic disease can lead to multisystem organ from hyperbilirubinaemia of no clinical consequence to severe
dysfunction with multiple significant anaesthetic coagulopathy and metabolic disarray. Patient-specific risk
implications. factors, clinical scoring systems, and surgical procedures
stratify perioperative risk for these patients. The anaesthetic
† Pathophysiological alterations can occur in
management of patients with hepatic dysfunction involves
pharmacological responses, the systemic and pulmonary
consideration of impaired drug metabolism, hyperdynamic
circulations, coagulation, and neurological function.
circulation, perioperative hypoxaemia, bleeding, thrombosis,
† Perioperative risk is determined by both patient-specific and hepatic encephalopathy.
and procedural factors.
Keywords: liver; liver, cirrhosis; liver, disease; liver, function; liver,

The liver metabolizes drugs, food, and toxins; synthesizes pro- (82%), and Class C patients (82%) who undergo abdominal sur-
coagulants and anticoagulants; and regulates temperature, geries.12 13 A newer study reports lower mortality rates after
glucose, and metabolism. When patients with liver disease abdominal operations: Class A¼2%; Class B¼12%; Class
need surgery, anaesthesiologists face several perioperative C¼12%.14 Improvements in surgical technique, anaesthetic
challenges. Patients with liver disease have physiological per- management, and perioperative care might explain the differ-
turbations that range from mild hyperbilirubinemia of no clin- ence in these findings.
ical consequence to severe coagulopathy and metabolic The model for end-stage liver disease (MELD) score is a vali-
disarray (Fig. 1). This article reviews the current body of knowl- dated and prognostic tool that estimates disease severity and
edge of perioperative assessment, monitoring, and manage- survival in patients with liver disease. The MELD score is object-
ment of hepatic disease in patients who will undergo surgery. ive, ranges from 6 to 40 points, and is calculated from the
serum bilirubin, serum creatinine, INR, and aetiology of liver
disease.15 The MELD score has been validated across a
Perioperative risk assessment number of liver diseases (alcoholic hepatitis and variceal
Patients with liver disease who undergo non-hepatic surgery bleeding)16 and surgeries (abdominal, orthopaedic, and car-
have greater transfusion requirements, high infection risk, diovascular).5 8 17 – 19 In patients who have undergone abdom-
cardiac compromise, longer hospital stays, and increased opera- inal surgery, an elevated MELD score was a better predictor of
tive mortality.1 – 6 Patient-specific risk factors, various scoring poor perioperative outcome than CTP classification.17 Patients
systems, and surgical procedures stratify risk for these with MELD scores .15 should avoid elective surgery.20 In
patients.6 – 9 Independent risk factors for complications and 2002, the United Network for Organ Sharing adopted the
mortality are outlined in Table 1. MELD score as a method of allocation of organs to estimate sur-
The Child– Turcotte– Pugh (CTP) classification system, ori- vival. The incorporation of hyponatraemia, an important prog-
ginally devised in 1964 to predict outcomes in cirrhotic patients nostic factor in patients with cirrhosis, into the MELD score
undergoing portosystemic surgery, assesses perioperative risk might improve risk stratification among patients awaiting
for patients with liver disease who undergo hepatic or non- liver transplantation.21
hepatic surgery.8 10 Scores are calculated from five variables: The type of surgical procedure influences perioperative out-
serum albumin, serum bilirubin, ascites, prothrombin time comes in patients with hepatic disease. During abdominal
(PT), or INR (modified CTP score), and grade of encephalopathy surgery, reflexive systemic hypotension from visceral traction
to stratify patients into three groups (Class A¼score 5–6; Class and blood loss can reduce hepatic arterial blood flow.22 23
B¼score 7–9; Class C¼score 10–15).11 This scoring system Patients with extensive liver disease who undergo abdominal
relies on a subjective assessment of ascites and encephalop- surgery have a mortality rate of 30%.12 24 Mortality rates in
athy and does not consider preoperative infection, aetiology cirrhotic patients who undergo open cholecystectomy are
of cirrhosis, or surgery type.6 Original studies suggested high 23–50%; cardiac surgery, 16 –31%; laparotomy for trauma,
mortality rates in Class A patients (10%), Class B patients 45%; and oesophageal surgery, 17– 26%.25 – 33 Patients with

& The Author [2013]. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Journal of Anaesthesia. All rights reserved.
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Monitoring and managing hepatic disease in anaesthesia BJA

Acute kidney injury
Hepatorenal syndrome
Insulin resistance

Hepatic disease
Cardiovascular Decreased metabolic function
Vasodilated state Decreased gluconeogenesis Neurologic
Hyperdynamic cardiac function Decreased lactate clearance Hepatic encephalopathy
Cirrhotic cardiomyopathy Hyperbilirubinemia Cerebral oedema
Drug-induced hypertension Varices Intracranial hypertension
Portopulmonary hypertension Portal hypertension

Bleeding and thrombosis
Unreliable INR
Pulmonary Decreased factor synthesis
Aspiration risk Thrombocytopenia and platelet dysfunction
Hepatopulmonary syndrome Dysfibrinogenaemia
Compression atelectasis
Pleural effusions/hepatic hydrothorax
Acute respiratory distress syndrome

Fig 1 Organ response to hepatic dysfunction.

Table 1 Perioperative risk factors associated with complications coagulopathy or CTP Class C cirrhosis are at even higher risk
and mortality1 – 33 during open cholecystectomies, abdominal surgeries, and
cardiovascular procedures.25 27 29 30 32 Contraindications to
Scoring system
elective surgery include fulminant hepatic failure, acute viral
† Modified Child –Turcotte –Pugh (CTP)
† Model for end-stage liver disease (MELD)
or alcoholic hepatitis, chronic active symptomatic hepatitis,
† ASA-PS IV or V CTP Class C cirrhosis, severe coagulopathy (platelet
Patient-specific risk factors count,50 000 ml21, uncorrectable PT .3 s above control),
† Male gender hypoxaemia, heart failure, and acute kidney injury.3 34
† Age .70 yr
† Preoperative infection
† Cirrhosis other than primary biliary cirrhosis Management of anaesthetic medications
† Elevated creatinine and metabolism
† Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
† Intraoperative hypotension The metabolic activity and clearance of anaesthetic medica-
† Upper gastrointestinal bleeding tions is impaired in patients with liver disease. Without
† Ascites adjusted doses of medications, duration of drug action is
High-risk surgeries extended and toxic levels can result.35 36 Emergence from an-
† Abdominal surgery aesthesia can be delayed.
† Open cholecystectomy
Hepatic metabolism takes place via two pathways: phase 1,
† Cardiothoracic surgery
† Trauma laparotomy biotransformation via the cytochrome P450 system (which
† Oesophageal surgery requires delivery of oxygen via hepatic perfusion); and phase 2,
† Emergency surgery glucuronide conjugation. The first is decreased in liver disease;
the second is relatively spared when dysfunction begins.37

BJA Kiamanesh et al.

Many anaesthetic drugs (i.e. opioids, barbiturates) bind to can develop.58 – 60 Delayed epidural catheter removal has been
albumin in the circulation. Low albumin levels increase the suggested in patients who undergo hepatectomy.61
free fraction of drug and can theoretically exaggerate pharma-
cological effect.38 End-stage liver disease alters hepatic extrac- Organ response, assessment, and
tion, renal excretion, and levels of serum proteins in addition to management
albumin. The net effect of these changes is unpredictable,
making general recommendations for drug administration diffi- Hepatic response
cult. For safety, drugs are titrated to desired effect. Laboratory tests, such as albumin and bilirubin, are non-specific
Patients with hepatic dysfunction can be sensitive to seda- and can be affected by other diseases and medications. Even
tives such as midazolam and diazepam.39 40 In contrast, the with hepatic disease, patients can have normal liver function
pharmacokinetics of lorazepam, which undergoes glucuronida- and laboratory values because the liver, the largest organ and
tion, is less likely to be affected by liver disease.41 Benzodiaze- gland in the body, has a large reserve capacity.
pines can precipitate hepatic encephalopathy, and flumazenil Albumin, produced exclusively in the liver, has been used to
can reverse this condition.42 Conversely, patients who have a assess hepatic synthetic function.62 Low levels of this non-
history of alcohol abuse can require large doses of benzodiaze- specific marker are also found in patients with malnutrition,
pines. Rapid redistribution of bolused propofol determines its renal disease, and capillary leak syndrome. This prognostic
duration of action, which is not affected by impaired liver metab- marker in hospitalized patients is a negative acute phase react-
olism. In a small study of cirrhotic patients, propofol infusions ant because the production of albumin decreases during states
did not increase termination half-life or clearance to a clinically of inflammation with cytokine release and surgical tissue
significant degree.43 trauma.62 63 Albumin, with a long half-life of 20 days, can be
The adverse effects of morphine can be more pronounced normal even in acute liver failure.64
in patients with severe liver disease.44 45 Morphine is metabo- The breakdown of red blood cells within the reticuloendo-
lized by glucuronidation in the liver, and its intermediate thelial system forms unconjugated (‘indirect’) bilirubin. Uncon-
metabolites are eliminated renally. Although the pharmaco- jugated bilirubin is transported to the liver to be conjugated
kinetics of morphine can be unaltered in patients with mild and secreted into bile.64 65 Increased production, decreased
hepatic disease, a prolonged half-life is associated with a pro- hepatic uptake, and decreased conjugation of bilirubin
longed PT, hypoalbuminaemia, encephalopathy, ascites, and cause unconjugated hyperbilirubinaemia. The most common
jaundice.37 46 47 The elimination of morphine metabolites can causes of unconjugated hyperbilirubinaemia are haemolysis,
be prolonged in patients with hepatorenal syndrome (HRS). resolution of haematomas, inborn errors of bilirubin conjuga-
Metabolism of fentanyl, sufentanil, and morphine, which tion (Gilbert’s syndrome and Crigler –Najjar syndrome), or
have a high hepatic extraction ratio, is slowed by impaired portal hypertension.64 Under normal circumstances, levels of
hepatic blood flow.38 44 48 conjugated bilirubin in serum are negligible after rapid excre-
In patients with liver disease and oedema, neuromuscular tion into the biliary system. Conjugated hyperbilirubinaemia
blocking agent doses must be augmented because fluid reten- can indicate intrinsic liver disease, especially in conjunction
tion increases the volume of distribution. Neuromuscular with elevated aminotransferase levels, a sign of hepatocellular
blocking agents that are metabolized by the liver, such as injury. Conjugated hyperbilirubinaemia with elevated alkaline
vecuronium and rocuronium, have a slower onset and longer phosphatase and minimal increase in aminotransferase
duration of action.49 – 54 Liver disease reduces plasma cholin- levels is consistent with a purely cholestatic process and can
esterase activity, and prolonged neuromuscular block after result from numerous causes, including cholestatic drug reac-
succinylcholine has been reported.55 Acute kidney injury with tions or obstructive jaundice.64 – 67
elevated potassium levels or immobilization for long periods The normal portosystemic arterial pressure gradientbetween
might preclude the use of succinylcholine. the portal vein and hepatic vein is ,5 mm Hg. Intrahepatic vas-
Vasodilating anaesthetic agents such as propofol and vola- cular resistance and portal venous blood flow increase the gra-
tile anaesthetics cause hypotension if intravascular volume is dient, characteristic of portal hypertension. Vascular resistance
depleted (i.e. by overdiuresis or gastrointestinal losses), and in the liver can result from several factors: liver fibrosis, re-
reduce liver perfusion. In addition to perioperative haemor- generative nodules, collagen deposits in the space of Disse,
rhage and hypotension, volatile anaesthetic agents can endothelial dysfunction, imbalance between endogenous
reduce hepatic blood flow and hepatic oxygen uptake. Com- vasoconstrictors (i.e. norepinephrine, thromboxane A, endothe-
pared with the vasoconstrictive effects of halothane, isoflur- lin I, angiotensin II, and leukotrienes) and vasodilators (nitric
ane and desflurane can improve hepatic blood flow and oxide), and contraction of portal and septal myofibroblasts
splanchnic perfusion via hepatic vasodilation.56 57 and smooth muscle cells.68 – 70 As the pressure gradient
Patients with end-stage liver disease often exhibit coagula- between the portal vein and the hepatic vein increases, gastro-
tion disorders. The presence of a coagulopathy is a contraindica- oesophageal and haemorrhoidal varices develop to decompress
tion to regional anaesthesia, particularly epidural anaesthesia. the portal system. Portal hypertension produces endogenous
In patients without a preoperative disorder of coagulation, vasodilators that cause splanchnic vasodilation.68 69 71 Splanch-
intraoperative or postoperative coagulopathy from hepatic is- nic vasodilation in turn increases portal blood flow and exacer-
chaemia, insufficient residual hepatic parenchyma, and dilution bates portal hypertension.

Monitoring and managing hepatic disease in anaesthesia BJA
Complications of portal hypertension include gastrointestinal to splanchnic vasodilation and decreased systemic vascular re-
bleeding from expansion and rupture of varices, intraoperative sistance, the body retains sodium and water, which increases
bleeding from intra-abdominal collaterals, and formation of plasma volume. An increase in cardiac output and heart rate
ascites and pleural effusions.68 72 Almost half of patients with cir- follow.81 84 Venous capacitance increases from formation of por-
rhosis have oesophageal varices at the time of diagnosis, with tosystemic shunts with portal hypertension to contribute to a
the 1 yr risk of variceal haemorrhage at 12% and a 1 yr rate of re- hyperdynamic circulation.
current haemorrhage at 60%. The 6 week mortality with each Management of vasodilatory hypotension focuses on
episode of variceal haemorrhage is between 15% and 20%.73 expanding the intravascular volume, administering a vasocon-
In patients with acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding, a restrict- stricting agent such as norepinephrine or vasopressin, and de-
ive transfusion strategy (transfusion when the haemoglobin is termining the underlying cause of vasodilation to target.
,7 g dl21) can decrease subsequent bleeding and prevent an in- Aggressive fluid resuscitation without assessment of fluid re-
crease in the portal-pressure gradient.74 Patients who have sponsiveness should be avoided because excessive i.v. fluid ad-
received multiple previous transfusions, such as patients with a ministration to a non-fluid-responsive patient can increase
history of gastrointestinal bleeding, should be evaluated in cardiac filling pressures, which can cause hepatic congestion,
advance for cross-matching large quantities of blood products pulmonary oedema, and resulting respiratory failure.
possibly required for a procedure. Systemic conditions such as haemochromatosis (ventricular
Before operation, ascites is initially managed with a low hypertrophy with increased end-diastolic and end-systolic
sodium diet and diuretic therapy. Patients with ascites refrac- volumes), amyloidosis (restrictive cardiomyopathy), Wilson’s
tory to treatment with diuretics require large-volume paracen- disease (supraventricular extrasytolic beats), and alcoholism
tesis and albumin replacement to prevent hypotension and (systolic and diastolic dysfunction) can affect liver and cardiac
HRS.75 Large-volume abdominal ascites can lead to a lower function.85 During the perioperative period, the circulatory
venous return and, in conjunction with pleural effusions, can system can be challenged with shunt insertion or greater after-
decrease pulmonary reserve and prevent patients from lying load from surgical stress, unmasking underlying cirrhotic cardio-
flat. If there is evidence of tense ascites, recent food ingestion, myopathy. Echocardiography shows impaired myocardial
or a propensity for delayed gastric emptying, a rapid-sequence function similar to that found in sepsis.86 This condition is also
induction of general anaesthesia with tracheal intubation characterized by QT prolongation and systolic and diastolic dys-
should be considered. function.87 Reduced b-adrenoceptor function might explain
A transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) pre- these findings.85 Cirrhotic cardiomyopathy is often reversible
vents recurrent variceal bleeding and manages refractory and requires inotropic and diuretic support to prevent elevation
ascites.76 During the procedure, an expandable stent is placed of central venous pressure and hepatic congestion.
into the liver parenchyma for portosystemic exchange to de- Patients with portal hypertension can develop portopulmon-
crease portal hypertension. The procedure is performed under ary hypertension (PPHTN) and right ventricular dysfunction.
local or general anaesthesia as a ‘bridge’ to liver transplantation While the exact pathogenesis of PPHTN remains unclear, histo-
in patients with severe liver disease.77 General anaesthesia pathological findings are indistinguishable from those observed
might be preferred because of the duration of the procedure in idiopathic pulmonary artery hypertension (medial hyper-
and the potential for a life-threatening event such as bleeding, trophy, concentric intimal proliferation, plexiform lesions, in
infection, haemobilia, arrhythmias, liver ischaemia, and stent situ thrombosis, and fibrotic changes).88 89 A hyperdynamic cir-
migration.78 Preoperative evaluation of cardiac function (par- culation might increase shear stress on the pulmonary vascula-
ticularly right ventricular function) is essential because stent ture to cause remodelling and pulmonary hypertension.88 90 The
placement can rapidly increase venous return and cardiac mean pulmonary artery pressure .25 mm Hg at rest and pul-
output to unmask underlying cardiomyopathy.79 80 Encephal- monary vascular resistance .240 dyn s cm25 define PPHTN.
opathy can worsen from enhanced systemic delivery of biogenic PPHTN has been reported in 6–9% of patients with advanced
amines normally cleared by the liver. liver disease.91 92 In a retrospective study of patients who
underwent orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT), mortality
was 50% in patients with the mean pulmonary artery pressures
Cardiovascular response between 35 and 50 mm Hg and 100% in patients with pressures
The cardiovascular system of patients with end-stage liver .50 mm Hg.93 Calcium channel blockers, which can be used in
disease mimics the hyperdynamic circulatory changes in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension, are not recom-
patients with sepsis. Tachycardia, elevated cardiac output, low mended in PPHTN because they produce mesenteric vasodilata-
arterial pressure, and low systemic vascular resistance are char- tion and worsen portal hypertension. b-Blocker therapy, which
acteristic.81 Enhanced endogenous production or diminished is often used in patients with portal hypertension to reduce
hepatic clearance of vasodilating substances (nitric oxide, the risk of variceal bleeding, is contraindicated in patients
carbon monoxide, and endogenous cannabinoids, tumour ne- with PPHTN because its negative inotropic effect decreases
crosis factor-a, adrenomedullin, and hydrogen sulfide) and the exercise tolerance.88 90 Finally, while liver transplantation is a
inflammatory response to bacterial translocation cause tempting option to reduce PPHTN, moderate or severe uncon-
splanchnic arterial vasodilation (Fig. 2).81 82 These changes trolled PPHTN is associated with significant mortality risk and
have been reversed with liver transplantation.81 83 In response is a contraindication to OLT.93 – 95 Intraoperative management

BJA Kiamanesh et al.

Increased levels of vasodilating substances

Nitric oxide
Carbon monoxide
Endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor
Tumour necrosis factor-a
Hydrogen sulfide

Liver dysfunction Splanchnic vasodilation

Portal hypertension Systemic vasodilation
Bacterial translocation and inflammation

Increased plasma volume

Increased cardiac output

Fig 2 Vasodilation from hepatic dysfunction.

is targeted to prevent increases in pulmonary vascular resist- chronic pulmonary disease and occasionally acute respiratory
ance by controlling hypoxia, hypercarbia, acidosis, pain, and distress syndrome.99 Chest radiography rules out pulmonary
hypothermia. oedema, pleural effusions, or cardiomegaly in patients with
Because of these cardiovascular changes, invasive monitors symptoms of dyspnoea. Muscle wasting and intra-abdominal
usually are used during the perioperative period. Beat-to-beat hypertension from ascites increase the work of breathing.
arterial pressure is monitored and blood is sampled frequently Ascites fluid can enter the pleural space through small chan-
via a radial artery catheter. Pulse pressure variation, calculated nels in the diaphragm to cause a hepatic hydrothorax (usually
from the invasive arterial tracing, assesses fluid responsive- on the right side). Compressive atelectasis from ascites and
ness. Peripheral arterial pressure measurements can be unre- pleural effusions reduce functional residual capacity and de-
liable in patients with severe vasoconstriction or vasodilation. crease the time to oxygen desaturation. Lung recruitment
Central venous access is established to measure right atrial and pleural fluid drainage can improve pulmonary mechanics.
pressure and to administer drugs. Monitoring central venous Respiratory alkalosis can be observed in patients with a high
pressure does not reliably measure blood volume or change respiratory drive from liver dysfunction. The use of positive-
in blood volume.96 Echocardiography assesses ventricular pressure mechanical ventilation and PEEP can lead to an
filling, contractility, and function. Myocardial ischaemia, pul- increased average intrathoracic pressure, which decreases
monary embolism, pleural effusion, and inadequate inferior venous return from the inferior vena cava and hepatic veins
vena cava reconstruction can be observed with transoesopha- and can lead to congestion of the liver. This concern remains
geal echocardiography (TOE). The risk of rupture of oesopha- controversial, as studies with PEEP of up to 10 cm H2O have
geal varices with TOE is rare.97 98 Bladder pressures should shown no adverse effects on hepatic arterial, portal venous, or
be measured if intra-abdominal hypertension from ascites is hepatic venous flow.101
suspected. A diagnosis of HPS is considered in patients without cardiopul-
monary disease who have a PaO2 ,8.0 kPa. The triad of liver
disease and/or portal hypertension, widened age-corrected al-
Pulmonary response veolar–arterial oxygen gradient (.2–2.7 kPa) while breathing
Up to 70% of patients with end-stage liver disease complain of room air, and documented intrapulmonary vascular dilation
dyspnoea.99 100 Potential causes of preoperative hypoxaemia (IPVD) define HPS.99 102 103 Enhanced production or impaired
and respiratory failure in patients with cirrhosis include atel- hepatic clearance of endogenous vasodilators (i.e. nitric oxide,
ectasis from the compressive effects of ascites, hepatic vasodilator prostaglandins, substance P), or inhibition of vascon-
hydrothorax, hepatopulmonary syndrome (HPS), underlying strictive substances (i.e. tyrosine, serotonin, and endothelin) by a

Monitoring and managing hepatic disease in anaesthesia BJA
damaged livercan cause IPVD. IPVD causes hypoxaemiaviaven- renal function is impaired rapidly and progressively with a doub-
tilation and perfusion mismatching, intrapulmonary shunt ling of the initial serum creatinine to .2.5 mg dl21 or a 50% re-
physiology, and diffusion limitation.99 103 Patients with HPS duction in the 24 h creatinine clearance to ,20 ml min21 in ,2
often complain of dyspnoea and fatigue; they can have clubbing weeks. Patients with type II HRS have impaired renal function
and spider angiomata. They may experience platypnoea (dys- and a serum creatinine .1.5 mg dl21 and do not meet the cri-
pnoea in the upright position relieved by recumbency) or have teria for type I HRS.107 Compared with patients diagnosed with
orthodeoxia (arterial oxyhaemoglobin desaturation in the prerenal failure, patients with HRS lack a renal response to a
upright position). Preferential perfusion of IPVDs with the 1.5 litre volume challenge. Distinguishing between HRS and
patient upright might cause these clinical manifestations. acute tubular necrosis is difficult. Fractional excretion of
Contrast-enhanced echocardiography or perfusion lung scan- sodium ,1% suggests tubular function and favours a diagnosis
ning with technetium-99m-labelled macroaggregate albumin of HRS. The presence of renal tubular epithelial cells in urinary
detects intrapulmonary shunting suggestive of IPVD.102 103 sediment favours a diagnosis of acute tubular necrosis.109 112
Resolution of this syndrome after transplant has been reported. Administration of terlipressin, a vasopressin analogue, along
Medical therapy for HPS has, to date, been relatively ineffective. with i.v. albumin has been shown to have some benefit in
Currently, the only known treatment option for patients with HPS patients with type 1 HRS.114 115 Medical management of HRS
is liver transplantation.104 – 106 is marginally effective, but liver transplantation usually reverses
HRS.116 117
Hypervolaemic hyponatraemia from accumulated secretion
Renal, electrolyte, and glucose response of anti-diuretic hormone acts on vasopressin-2 receptors of
Acute kidney injury commonly occurs in patients with chronic the renal tubular collecting duct to impair excretion of solute-
liver disease and is present in up to 20% of patients hospitalized free water.118 When extracellular volume expands, ascites and
with decompensated liver cirrhosis.107 Patients with acute oedema can result. In patients with hypovolaemic hyponatrae-
kidney injury and cirrhosis have more complications and mia via loss of extracellular fluid from the kidneys (overdiuresis)
greater risk for mortality after liver transplantation than those or gastrointestinal tract, ascites or oedema is rare. These
without renal failure. Gastrointestinal bleeding, diarrhoea from patients can have prerenal failure from low circulating volume
infection or lactulose administration, and diuretic medications or hepatic encephalopathy from rapid reduction in serum
change circulatory function via hypovolaemia and can cause pre- osmolality.109 118 Distinguishing between hypervolaemic and
renal injury. This injury rapidly reverses with correction of the hypovolaemic hyponatremia guides treatment. Hypervolaemic
underlying pathophysiology and volume resuscitation.108 109 hyponatraemia is managed with fluid restriction (1–1.5 litre
As cirrhosis progresses, reduction in systemic vascular resis- day21) and withholding of diuretics. Vaptans, medications
tance activates the renin–angiotensin and sympathetic nervous that block the V2 receptor, increase solute-free water excretion
systems, which leads to ascites, oedema, and vasoconstric- dose-dependently and might preclude water restriction so that
tion of the intrarenal circulation and renal hypoperfusion. diuretics can be continued.119 Patients with hypovolaemic hypo-
Ischaemic events and medications such as non-steroidal anti- natraemia are not given diuretics; instead, saline is administered
inflammatory drugs or aminoglycosides cause intrinsic renal to increase plasma volume.118
damage.108 109 Managing kidney injury, low urine output, and Patients with preoperative hyponatraemia are at risk for
electrolyte abnormalities in patients with hepatic disease is central pontine myelinolysis (CPM) perioperatively. CPM is a
challenging. Pre- or post-renal kidney injuries reverse with neurological condition characterized by symmetric non-
enhanced renal perfusion or removal of the obstruction, re- inflammatory demyelinating lesions in the basis pontis. The aeti-
spectively. Optimizing renal perfusion and avoidance of ology of CPM is uncertain, but osmotic stress on central nervous
nephrotoxic drugs are also important in these patients.110 Con- system cells has been suggested, and CPM correlates with rapid
tinuous renal replacement therapy can be used perioperatively correction of hyponatraemia.118 Rapid changes in concentration
to manage volume shifts, acid– base balance, and electrolyte of serum sodium cannot be predicted and a ‘safe’ rate of cor-
disturbances. Placement of a TIPS can improve serum creatin- rection of hyponatraemia has not been definitively established;
ine, with more profound effects on those patients with higher some experts recommend sodium correction at a rate ,12 mEq
baseline levels.111 litre21 day21.120 – 122 Preoperative correction of hyponatraemia
HRS is caused by functional renal vasoconstriction (via activa- can prevent a rapid increase in serum sodium levels intraopera-
tion of the renin–angiotensin system, the sympathetic nervous tively and after operation. Sodium bicarbonate should be admi-
system, and arginine vasopressin) in response to splanchnic ar- nistered cautiously because it has a high concentration of
terial vasodilation.109 112 Although histological findings and sodium.
diagnostic tests for HRS are lacking, diagnostic criteria are Calcineurin inhibitors, loop diuretics, and significant blood
used to categorize two types of HRS. Criteria for HRS include (i) loss can worsen hypomagnesaemia. Total serum calcium is
cirrhosis with ascites, (ii) serum creatinine .1.5 mg dl21, (iii) often low because patients commonly have low serum
no improvement of creatinine after 2 days of diuretic withdrawal albumin with reduced calcium binding. Failure to clear citrate
and volume expansion with albumin, (iv) absence of shock, (v) (metabolized by the liver) after the administration of a signifi-
no current or recent treatment with nephrotoxic drugs, and cant volume of packed red blood cells, malnutrition, and
(vi) absence of parenchymal kidney disease.113 In type I HRS, vitamin D deficiency can lead to perioperative hypocalcaemia.

BJA Kiamanesh et al.

Disorders of glucose metabolism are observed in patients thromboelastography or rotational thromboelastometry

with chronic liver disease and cirrhosis.123 124 Multiple factors assess the viscoelastic properties of a whole blood sample as a
affect glucose levels, including the inflammatory response to function of time to reflect the function and interaction of
surgery, steroid administration, hepatic dysfunction, altered plasma, blood cells, and platelets. These measurements
glycogen stores, and insulin resistance in liver failure. Episodes detect a hypercoagulable state and distinguish hyperfibrinolysis
of hypoglycaemia are observed in patients with end-stage liver from other causes of coagulopathy, such as factor depletion or
disease. thrombocytopenia to offer a composite picture of the clotting
cascade.129 130 140 141 Although both have been used to guide
haemostatic management during liver transplantation, there
Haematological response are no studies evaluating these tests as predictors of intraopera-
In patients with hepatic disease, haemostatic changes tive bleeding in patients with hepatic disease.129 130 140
promote both bleeding and thrombosis. Inadequate synthesis Uncontrolled haemorrhage and massive transfusion in the
of all coagulation factors (except for von Willebrand’s factor operating theatre or the intensive care unit can cause the
and factor VIII), thrombocytopenia, platelet function defects, lethal triad of acidosis, coagulopathy, and hypothermia. Left
dysfibrinogenaemia, and elevated tissue plasminogen activa- uncorrected, each of these abnormalities can exacerbate the
tor (tPA) levels cause bleeding. Elevation of von Willebrand’s others, creating a ‘bloody vicious cycle’. Additional early com-
factor and Factor VIII and decreased levels of ADAMTS-13 (a plications of massive transfusion include (i) acute haemolytic
disintegrin and metalloproteinase with a thrombospondin transfusion reactions, (ii) febrile non-haemolytic transfusion
type 1 motif, member 13), protein C, protein S, antithrombin, reactions, (iii) transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI),
a 2-macroglobulin, plasminogen, and heparin cofactor II (iv) transfusion-associated circulatory overload, (v) allergic
favour thrombosis. reactions, (vi) bacterial sepsis, (vii) hypocalcaemia, and (viii)
Factors VII, X, V, II (prothrombin), and I (fibrinogen) have a hyperkalaemia (see Pham and Shaz,142 this issue).143
short half-life (hours to days) and are synthesized solely by hepa- Warming the room, applying forced warming systems,
tocytes, making possible a ‘semi real-time’ evaluation of hepatic administering blood products and fluids through a fluid
synthetic function.125 Although patients with liver disease can warmer, and heating and humidifying inspired gases reduce
have abnormal PT from decreased production of pro-coagulant the risk of hypothermia. Dilutional coagulopathy and thrombo-
factors, the rebalanced state of pro- and anti-coagulants in cytopenia may be prevented by transfusing packed red blood
patients with liver disease makes the PT an unreliable tool for cells, fresh-frozen plasma, and platelets in a 1:1:1 ratio.143 Occa-
evaluating tendency to bleed or clot.126 – 133 sionally, recombinant Factor VIIa is administered.144 – 148 Factor
Levels of fibrinogen, an acute phase reactant, are normal or VIIa has not been shown to decrease red blood cell transfusion
increased in mild-to-moderate liver disease. In patients with requirements during hepatectomies.149 Potassium, magne-
severe hepatic dysfunction, however, fibrinogen is poorly sium, and calcium levels are frequently monitored to correct ab-
synthesized and dysfunctional, which increases the risk of normal levels. Improving haemodynamic parameters, adjusting
bleeding.134 135 Although hyperfibrinolysis (from increased minute ventilation, or administering sodium bicarbonate or tro-
levels of tPA and reduced levels of thrombin-activatable fibrin- methamine manage metabolic acidosis. The riskof TRALI can be
olysis inhibitor and plasmin inhibitor) has been observed in cir- reduced by minimizing transfusions and transfusing packed red
rhotic patients, its association with bleeding is unclear.126 136 blood cells with a short storage time (see Cohen and Matot,150
Hypofibrinolysis (from increased levels of plasminogen activa- this issue) and fresh-frozen plasma from men or nulliparous
tor inhibitor and reduced levels of plasminogen) can restore the women.
balance of fibrinolysis.126 137 138
Thrombocytopenia and platelet dysfunction are character-
istic of end-stage liver disease. Thrombocytopenia results Neurological response
from several factors: portal hypertension with hypersplenism, Patients with liver disease can have encephalopathy before op-
which sequesters platelets; consumption of platelets during eration or after operation. Brain dysfunction manifests in acute
systemic intravascular coagulation; and impaired hepatic syn- or chronic liver failure or after a spontaneous or surgical porto-
thesis of thrombopoietin, which stimulates platelet production systemic shunt.151 152 Hepatic encephalopathy is a neuro-
in the bone marrow.72 139 Defective signal transduction; psychiatric complication of acute and chronic liver disease
uraemia from acute kidney injury; and intrinsic defects of with features that range from mild confusion to cerebral
ADP, arachidonic acid, collagen, and thrombin prevent platelet oedema with intracranial hypertension.101 152 Patients have
aggregation.139 disturbances in consciousness, cognitive abilities, behaviour,
Patients with active sites of bleeding should be transfused fine motor skills, concentration, reaction time, memory,
with fresh-frozen plasma, packed red blood cells, cryoprecipi- and/or electroencephalogram.152 – 154 The pathogenesis of
tate, or platelets as dictated by clinical assessment and labora- hepatic encephalopathy is not understood, but most theories
tory tests. In addition, desmopressin can be considered for implicate elevated levels of ammonia, a gut-derived neuro-
patients with concomitant renal dysfunction and uraemic toxin, which is shunted to the systemic circulation from the
bleeding. Coagulation status should always be monitored by portal system. Bacteria in the intestinal tract produce
inspection of the surgical field. Measurements from ammonia, which crosses the blood– brain barrier into

Monitoring and managing hepatic disease in anaesthesia BJA
astrocytes that detoxify it to glutamine. An increased concen- Conclusions
tration of intracellular glutamine leads to swollen astrocytes
Patients with hepatic disease are at high risk for poor periopera-
with reduced ability to regulate neurotransmission.80 101 152
155 tive outcomes. Assessment of the severity of liver dysfunction
High serum ammonia levels are present in patients with
and consideration of type of surgery stratifies risk and delays
hepatic encephalopathy, even though the degree of elevation
elective surgery in patients with significant hepatic disease
of ammonia does not correlate with neurological dysfunction.
(CTP Class C cirrhosis). Managing surgical patients with hepatic
Other factors, such as hyponatraemia, gastrointestinal bleed-
disease considers anaesthetic dose adjustment and monitoring
ing, and infection, may contribute to the development of
the multisystem organ responses to liver dysfunction.
hepatic encephalopathy.101 151 156 Left untreated, cerebral
oedema can progress to intracranial hypertension and brain
herniation. Multiple grading scales assess the severity of Authors’ contributions
hepatic encephalopathy. The most common scales are the
All authors participated in literature search, writing of first
West Haven Criteria (Conn Score) which has grades 0 through
draft, editing, and final approval.
4 and the Glasgow coma score.157 158
Initial therapy for hepatic encephalopathy identifies
and treats reversible triggers (i.e. gastrointestinal bleeding, Acknowledgement
hypokalaemia, alkalaemia, hypoglycaemia, hypovolaemia, The authors would like to thank Sally Kozlik for her invaluable
and infection) of this neuropsychiatric syndrome and considers editorial assistance.
minimizing benzodiazepine medications.14 82 While there is no
evidence of a direct correlation between the degree of elevation
of ammonia and severity of hepatic encephalopathy, it is well Declaration of interest
accepted that ammonia is a factor.159 Non-absorbable disac- None declared.
charides such as lactulose acidify the gut environment to de-
crease absorption of ammonia from the gut via catharsis.152
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Handling editor: H. C. Hemmings


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