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Motivation Letter

Roy Bagus Kurniawan

My name is Roy Bagus Kurniawan. I come from Ponorogo, a small regency which is located
in East Java. I go to Surabaya in order to study about medicine in Universitas Airlangga.
Simply, I have been studying in Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga since August 2nd,
2017 as an undergraduate medical student.

Formerly, i was accepted as the student of Universitas Airlangga through SNMPTN selection.
The result was announced in April, 2017 and the first lecture would be started in August,
2017. Simply, it must be as long spare time for me as I didn’t have to go high school as well
as common days and I didn’t have any specific activities to do as routines. One day, somehow
I visited my friend house to fill my long holiday. He was watching Korean drama when I went
there. It was medical Korean drama and specifically focused in neurosurgery as the basic
setting. Because of this situation, I started joining him and I was thinking that I had been
interested with this drama. Eventually, I also asked him to share me the serial and I finished it
at home too.

Interestingly, after finishing the serial, somehow I would like know more about this field,
neuroscience and neurosurgery. This was so much impressive for me and somehow it became
the one of my motivations that made me more enthusiastic in studying medicine. Time by
time, August had come and I was the one of new students in this university and it meant that I
had to follow the sequence events in orientation phase. At this periods I knew about Surabaya
Neuroscience Club in Pengenalan Organisasi Eksternal conducted by Cerebrum committee
and somehow it seemed that it was the fresh air for me.

Since that time, I hope that I can be as the member of this club. I would like to learn and
explore this fields with better adviser. As the basic preparation, I studied diligently all of the
materials given to us as the newcomer medical student given by faculty. By studying correctly
and efficiently, I bet that it will be so much helpful for me to explore much knowledge from
SNSC if only I am accepted as the member. Besides, I hope that I also learn more about how I
can improve my soft skills, how I can build a good relation with senior, and how I can
perform a better teamwork relationship.

Hence, as the summary, I hope that I can participate and contribute actively in SNSC
specifically, and by implementing the important knowledge that could be gotten from this
club, I hope I can also contribute positively for the society, our country, and my religion.

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