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Shuwahib internship report




Jimma University started to integrate ICT in its system; it established the Computer Center to
handle issues related to ICT. For a long time, the major task of the computer center had been
creating conducive environment for ICT related courses by providing computer Labs and
relevant software and hardware support. However, in the recent years the involvement of
computer center in course offerings is significantly reduced since most of the faculties have
established their own computer laboratories. The other area which the computer center is
involved in is providing short-term trainings to the university community. Cisco Networking
Academy hosted by the university to provide Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA)
,Information Technology (IT)essential ,and basic computer course is also temporarily under the
supervision of the Computer center.

Recently, the main focus of the computer center is shifted to the newly built campus-wide
network of the university. From the conception to the implementation of the network
infrastructure, the computer center has been enthusiastically participating in every activity. In
fact, the network project was under the direct supervision of the computer center since at the
beginning. However, after the implementation, the relationship between the network services and
the computer center has become vague.

Apart from these activities the computer center is highly involved in developing specifications
for purchase orders of computers and accessories, troubleshooting and maintenance of
equipment’s and purchase of software required for the academic and administrative tasks. The
strategic plan of the university states that the future academic and administrative tasks of the
university highly depend on the effective utilization of ICT infrastructures and services.

Shuwahib internship report

Management Information Systems (MIS) will be implemented to take the administration of the
university to a higher level. The requirements of the academic wing are also expected to increase
to integrate e-learning with the classical teaching-learning process in the near future.

1.2 Mission, Vision, Goal, and Objectives of JU-ICT

Develop state-of-the-art ICT infrastructure and provide superior quality services whereby the
teaching, research, and administrative activities of the university are carried out by utilizing the
resources and services efficiently and effectively.

To make Jimma University a high-tech university, this integrates ICT in all aspects of its

Ensure that ICT is fully integrated into planning and implementation of the University mission in
order to speed up and improve quality of activities of Jimma University.


 Develop world class ICT infrastructure which is capable of providing multitudes of

services that significantly improve the teaching, research and administrative activities
 Build the capacity of potential users of ICT resources so that they will make the most out
of the resources.
 Retain competent, highly qualified and innovative ICT professionals that maintain the
existing resources and plan for future expansions
 Develop high quality computer software
 Provide a system of reliable support for users of ICT resources
 Provide a standard for procurement of ICT resources and/or services
 Consult higher decision making bodies in ICT and related issues

Shuwahib internship report

1.3 Performed Activities

 User Administration System UAS

 Ethiopian Journal of Health Science Official websites
 Other Activities

The university ICT initiative is not limited inside the university only. The university has
participated on different national and regional ICT related initiatives.

 Some of the initiatives include:

 Basic computer literacy training for over 400 ICT users from Jimma and Illubabor
 Training 34 WorldNet Operators from 17 woredas of Jimma zone.
 A capacity building project with Oromia ICT Development Agency
 Dissemination of refurbished computers to health centers in Jimma Zone and
schools in Jimma town by collaborating with Close-the-Gap and VLIR, Belgian

1.4 Ongoing Activities

The following activities are being performed under the supervision of the team leaders of each

Computing and Services Division

 Student Information System (SIS) Software development

 Office Letter Management Software Development
 Student research program, website development
 Jimma University's Telephone Directory, website development
 User Administration System:- Integrated system with University Mail System
Networking Division

 Bandwidth Management and Optimization

 Network expansion to newly constructed building in the University

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 Fiber Optics cable installation and maintaining existing ones

Training and Consultancy Division

 Cisco Networking Academy Training -

 IT Essential Training

User Support Division

 hardware and software based maintenance service

 Installation of Network Antivirus Software (currently Kaspersky)

1.5 Over all organization and work flow

JU ICT-development is the back bone of Jimma University by giving many services and
facilities. It integrates the university with many software and hardware devices which are
technologically advanced or modernized. It also serves the society by giving academic training
and giving a Cisco academy certificates for both university members and society which are out
of the university. JU-ICT development has many different departments through which it applies.
It has many chain of work flow as a framework for their effectiveness of their services.

Shuwahib internship report


Fig. 1.1: Work Flow of JU-ICT

1.6 The main products of the company

The main products of Jimma University ICT Development Organization are to produce
different kinds of program listed below:

 Developing world class ICT infrastructure which is capable of providing multitudes of

services that significantly improve the teaching, research and administrative activities
 Building the capacity of potential users of ICT resources so that they will make the most
out of the resources.
 Retain competent, highly qualified and innovative ICT professionals that maintain the
existing resources and plan for future expansions.
 Developing high quality computer software
 Providing a system of reliable support for users of ICT resources
 Providing a standard for procurement of ICT resources and/or services
 Consulting higher decision making bodies in ICT and related issues
 Carrying out researches in ICT

Shuwahib internship report

 E-mail services
 Official website of Jimma University
 Automated Registrar System
 Hospital Automation System
 Video conferencing service
 Smart Classrooms

1.7 The User Supports of the company

One of the purposes of the Jimma University ICT Development Office is providing user
support. The office has recently implemented an open source helpdesk management system. All
collage has their own ICT user support staffs categorized as, Network, Software and Hardware
maintenance technicians.

 Collage of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine team

 Collage of Business and Economics team
 Collage of Natural Science team
 Collage of Social Science and Law team
 Collage of Engineering and Technology team
 Collage of Public Health and Medical Science team
 Central ICT User Support team

Those colleges have their own stores to have available all the spare parts, tools, equipment and
materials required for maintenance and troubleshooting of computers.

Shuwahib internship report



2.1. How we get into the company: - We got at the Information Communication Technology
(ICT) through an agreement between the university and the company which is done through the
University Industry Linkage (UIL) office. First Jimma University industry linkage Electrical and
Computer Engineering department prepare the mail paper for us whom we give to the company
to ask companies manager to take us into their company to practice for the duration of four
month .Then we give this mail to JU-ICT and the piece wisely they accept us. After that we start
our job interestingly.

Shuwahib internship report

2.2 Company’s work sections:

The Company has four departments:

 Networking
 Programming
 System administration
 Computer maintenance
We have been working on hardware maintenance and on networking of kitto furdisa campus.

2.2.1 Computer Network

A computer network is a group of computers connected for the purpose of communication or

sharing information, software or hardware. They can be connected through a variety of means
including both wired and wireless. When these computers are joined in a network, people can
share files and peripherals such as modems, printers, tape backup drives, or CD-ROM drives.
When networks at multiple locations are connected using services available from phone
companies, people can send e-mail, share links to the global Internet, or conduct video
conferences in real time with other remote users.

Every network includes:

 At least two computers Server or Client workstation.

 Networking Interface Card's (NIC)
 A connection medium, usually a wire or cable, although wireless communication
between networked computers and peripherals is also possible.
 Network Operating system software, such as Microsoft Windows

In order for a network to function, it must meet three basic

 It must provide connections, connection refers to the hardware.
 It must provide communications; communication is the way in which the devices talk
to each other.

Shuwahib internship report

 It must provide service; Services are the things which are shared with the rest of the
Components of Networks


Protocols: is the set of rules governing data communication

Fig.2.1: Components of Network

Classification of Computer Networks

On the basis of scale or extent of reach of network

On the basis of connection method
‐ Hardware technology: Wired, Wireless, Hybrid
On the basis of functional relationship
‐ Client Server, Peer to peer
On the basis of network topology

Shuwahib internship report

‐ Physical layout: Mesh, Star, Bus, Ring, Hybrid

Local Area Networks (LAN)

Local Area Network (LAN) refers to a group of interconnected computers that is under the same
administrative control. In the past, LANs were considered to be small networks that existed in a
single physical location. Although LANs can be as small as a single local network installed in a
Home or small office, over time, the definition of LANs has evolved to include interconnected
Local networks consisting of many hundreds of hosts, installed in multiple buildings and
Locations. In this context, the word “Local” in Local Area Network refers to local consistent
control rather than being physically close to each other. Devices in a LAN may be physically
close, but it is not a requirement. In general privately owned, which covers a small area.

Fig.2.2: LAN Network

Metropolitan Area Networks (MAN)

Networks that spans across large campus or City; consisting of various buildings interconnected
through wireless or fiber optic back bones. It may be a single network or a means of connecting a
number of LANs together.

Shuwahib internship report

Fig.2.3: MAN

Wide Area Networks (WAN)

A WAN covers a much larger area than a LAN. The most common example of a WAN is the
Internet. The Internet is a large WAN that is comprised of millions of interconnected LANs. All
of these networks are connected together using WAN connections, such as a phone company,
cable company, or Internet Service Provider (ISP).

Peer-to-peer networks: are more commonly implemented where less than ten computers are
involved and where strict security is not necessary. All computers have the same status, hence
the term 'peer', and they communicate with each other on an equal footing. Files, such as word
processing or spreadsheet documents, can be shared across the network and all the computers on
the network can share devices, such as printers or scanners, which are connected to any one

Shuwahib internship report

Fig.2.4: Peer-to-Peer Networks

The client/server network: are more suitable for larger networks. A central
Computer, or 'server', acts as the storage location for files and applications
Shared on the network. Usually the server is a higher than average performance computer

Fig.2.5: Client/Server Network

Computer Network Topologies

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A network topology is the physical layout of computers, cables, and other components on a
network. There are a number of different network topologies, and a network may be built using
multiple topologies

Star Network Topology: A star topology typically uses a network hub or switch and is
common in home networks. Every workstation is indirectly connected to every other through the
central computer.

Fig.2.6: Star Topology

Bus network topology: is a network topology in which a set of clients are connected via a
shared communications line/cables, called a bus. There are several common instances of the bus
architecture, including one in the motherboard of most computers.

Shuwahib internship report

Fig. 2.7: Bus Topology

Ring network topology: is a network topology in which each node connects to exactly two
other nodes, forming a single continuous pathway for signals through each node - a ring. Data
travels from node to node, with each node along the way handling every packet. Because a ring
topology provides only one pathway between any two nodes, ring networks may be disrupted by
the failure of a single link. A node failure or cable break might isolate every node.

Fig.2.8: Ring Topology

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Hybrid network topology: A hybrid topology integrates the star and bus topologies in a hybrid
approach to improve network scalability.


Computer Computer

Computer Computer


Fig.2.9: Hybrid Topology

Mesh Network Topology: A mesh topology provides redundant communication paths between
some or all devices (partial or full mesh).

Fig.2.10: Mesh Network

Among those topologies defined above Jimma university- ICT uses star topology.

Shuwahib internship report

2.2.2 Programming Section

Under this section there are senior and junior programmers who are graduate of computer
science, information science and electrical engineering they are working on different tasks

2.2.3 Computer maintenance Section

Computer hardware maintenance involves taking care of the computer's physical components,
such as its keyboard, hard drive and internal CD or DVD drives. Cleaning the computer, keeping
its fans free from dust, and defragmenting its hard drives regularly are all parts of a computer
hardware maintenance program and computer software maintenance involves operating
system,security,antivirus(currently kasperacy) and troubleshooting and every college has it is
own maintenance team we were working with jimma institute of technology maintenance team.

2.3 The work flow of the section

The division consists of workers of Electrical Engineers, Computer Science, Information

Technology (IT) and technicians and we have had a very good time

2.4 Type of work task we performed

We have been working on maintenance of hardware and software for four weeks under this we
have performed the following tasks with the help of workers of JIT-ICT team we were working
on laboratories of the institute. . During this we identified that the computer have or have not
functional of the following components and we replaced them with functional component.

Focus on Hardware


 The motherboard is the main printed circuit board.

 Contains the buses, or electrical pathways found in a computer. Buses allow data to
travel among the various components.

Shuwahib internship report

 Accommodates CPU, RAM, expansion slots, heat sink/fan assembly, BIOS chip, chip
set, sockets, internal and external connectors, various ports, and the embedded wires that
interconnect the motherboard components.

Selecting motherboard

 When selecting a replacement motherboard, make sure it supports the CPU,

RAM, video adapter, and other adapter cards.
 The socket and chip set on the motherboard must be compatible with the CPU.
 The motherboard must accommodate the existing heat sink/fan assembly.
 The existing power supply must have connections that fit the new
 The number and type of expansion slots must match the existing adapter cards.
 The new motherboard must physically fit into the current computer case.

Central Processing Unit (CPU)

 The CPU is known as the brain of the computer. It is also referred to as the
 The CPU executes a program, which is a sequence of stored instructions.
 Two major CPU architectures related to instruction set
 Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC)
 Complex Instruction Set Computer (CISC)
 The amount of data that a CPU can process at one time depends on the size of the
processor data bus.

Selecting central processing unit (CPU)

 Replace the CPU when it fails or is no longer adequate for the current applications.
 Make sure the CPU is compatible with the existing motherboard:
 The new CPU must use the same socket type or slot type and chip set.
 The BIOS must support the new CPU.

Shuwahib internship report

Random-access memory (RAM)

 RAM is temporary storage for data and programs that are being
accessed by the CPU.
 RAM is volatile memory, which means that the contents are erased
when the computer is powered off.
 More RAM means more capacity to hold and process large programs
and files, as well as enhance system performance

Selecting Random memory (RAM)

 New RAM may be needed when an application locks up or the

computer displays frequent error messages.
 When selecting new RAM, check the compatibility with the current
 The speed of the new RAM must be the same or faster than the
existing RAM.

Adapter cards

 Adapter cards increase the functionality of a computer by adding

controllers for specific devices or by replacing malfunctioning ports.

Examples of adapter cards:

 Sound adapter and video adapter

 USB, parallel, and serial ports
 Network Interface Card (NIC), wireless NIC, and modem adapter
Selecting Adapter card

We have to check the following before we replace the adapter card

 Slot type
 Port type
 Amount and speed of video RAM (VRAM)

Shuwahib internship report

 Graphics processor unit (GPU)

 Maximum resolution

Storage Drives (Hard disk and Floppy Disk)

 Storage drives read or write information to magnetic storage media.
 They may be fixed or removable.
 The hard disk drive (HDD) is a magnetic storage device.
 A floppy disk drive (FDD) is storage device that uses removable 3.5 inch
floppy disks.

Selecting Hard Drives and Floppy Drives

The signs that a hard drive is failing and should be replaced as soon as possible:
 Unusual noises
 Error messages
 Corrupt data or applications

Replacement options:
 Solid State Drives
 Optical Drives
 External Storage
 Hard Drive
 Floppy Disk Drive (limited use)

Internal Cables and Ports

 Power supply connectors- SATA, Molex, and Berg.

 Front panel cables connect the case buttons and lights to the motherboard.
 Data cables connect drives to the drive controller.
 A video port connects a monitor cable to a computer

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Power supply

A power supply should support 25 percent more wattage than all the attached components
require. The computer case holds the power supply, motherboard, memory, and other

Focus on software

 Operating system Installation

 Installing different software’s on lab pc’s

After completing maintenance we were working on computer networking of kitto furdissa

campus and troubleshooting lab network problems with JIT-ICT teams under this we have done
the following tasks


Network cables are used to connect and transfer data and information between computers,
routers, switches and storage area networks. Cables are essentially the carrier or media through
which data flows. There are different types of network cables and the appropriate type to use will
depend on the structure and topology of the overall architecture of the system.
Types of cables

 Coaxial cable
 Unshielded twisted pair
 Fiber optic

Depending on devices they connect to share data networking cabling divided into two major

 Straight through cabling

 Cross over cabling
Straight through cabling: is a type of twisted pair copper wire cable for LAN use for which the
RJ45 –connectors at each end have the same pin out. The wires on the cable are crossed over so
that they receive signal pins on the connector on one end are connected to the transmit signal
pins on the connector on the other end. Straight-through cable is used to connect computers and

Shuwahib internship report

other end-user devices (e.g., printers) to networking devices such as hubs and switches. It can
also be used to directly connect like devices (e.g., two hubs or two switches) if the cable is
plugged into an uplink port on one (but not both) of the devices. Crossover cable is used to
connect two like devices without the use of an uplink port.

Table 2.1: straight through color of cable arrangement

Pin number Wire color Straight through

1 White orange White orange
2 Orange Orange
3 White green White green
4 Blue Blue
5 White blue White blue
6 Green Green
7 White brown White brown
8 Brown Brown

Cross over cabling:-Is a type of twisted pair copper wire cable for LAN use for which the
second and third pairs on one end of the cable will be reversed on the other end.Cross over
cabling is used as a backbone cable to connect two or more switches in LAN, or connect two
isolated hosts to create a mini-LAN.

Shuwahib internship report

Table 2.2: cross over color of cable arrangement

Pin number Wire Color Crossed Over

1 White Orange White green
2 Orange Green
3 White green White orange
4 Blue Blue
5 White blue White blue
6 Green Orange
7 White brown White brown
8 Brown Brown

2.5 Procedures have been used while per forming cabling

Splicing: Is the process of pulling out or removing the insulated or conduit part of internet cable
by using splicing machine.

Fig.2.11: splicing machine

There are four steps for splicing cables

 Strip back all coatings down to the bare internet cable and clean using isopropyl alcohol
 Cleave the cables using a precision cleaving tool and put the heat shrink tube onto to one
of the ends

Shuwahib internship report

 Fuse the cables together in the splicing machine

 Put the heat shrink protector on the cable joint

Color coding: Is the arranging of eight color of the fiber optic cables according to their desires
straight through and crosses over cabling and align to the RJ-45 slots.

Crimping: Is the punching of the color coded cables aligned to RJ-45 slots by using crimping
called crimper?

Testing: Is the last procedures in the preparation of cable, in which we check the eight pin of
hair size optical cable is properly punched and give eight lights on testing machine


Labeling is the process of giving the proper number existing on the switches or hubs
correspondingly to the ports, i.e. the out let of the cable rising from the switches or hubs. It is
very important to give labels to the cables. Labels make the network troubleshooting less painful.
In case of problem, no need to trace every cable end to end. Each end of cable should be labeled;
the label should give information about where the cable is connected to and it depends on
company policy how the description format of the labels should be written. The most important
thing is to keep the writings not too long, and easy to be interpreted. There are many various
tools for optical cable labeling, which are used to make the labeling easier, some tools will keep
track on the labels and generate the next label automatically while some tools require us to input
the label writing manually.

Procedures have been used while per forming labeling

 Test the network cable using cable tester weather functional or not.
 Then check the cable performance of
 The eight pins using tester
 Perfection of RJ-45/11
 Punching problem using puncher
 Crimping problem using crimper
 If this is not the problem then check the ports

Shuwahib internship report

 After identifying the ports functional or not functional assign the ports labels with

Proper and professional labeled labeling and cabling is a raw material for producing a good
computer networking for accessing effective internet services, data sharing, and excess loose of

2.6 Performance Over Given Work Tasks

Although it is difficult to give evaluation for oneself, we can surely say that we tried our best to
get concrete knowledge from the internship program. We were dedicated for the assignments and
project given by our supervisors. Here it is difficult not to mention the close follow up we got by
our supervisors. There were reading assignments, simple exercises and other things that were
given to us by our supervisors and we got a very good feedback both from the exercises and from
our project. As our supervisors told us our overall performance was good.


There were challenges we faced during the internship time. . One of the major challenges we
faced is getting used to with the nature of the work which is relatively new for us. It was like
taking new courses informally .Another challenge was not starting work on time. We had to wait
for the company to facilitate things and resources for us. Unfortunately, that took more than three
weeks and we were disappointed for wasting that much valuable time of ours. We were very late.
As a solution, we added extra weeks as a compromise after the end of the scheduled internship

So some of challenges faced us while we was doing the tasks were as follows:-

 It was too much difficult to adapt working behavior

 It was too much difficult to learn new programming languages used for our
project at first.
 Shortage of money is also another difficult problem
 Some technicians don’t have full knowledge about the place they work so
they cannot give us full information.

Shuwahib internship report

2.8 Measure taken to solve problems

 We have tried to familiarize ourselves with working environments

 We made our best effort in learning new programming language
 We managed the shortage of money with money’s we got from family and
 We overcame the problems with technicians by reading different materials
and asking other technicians of the company

Shuwahib internship report



The internship program has offered us variously vast benefits. In addition to the practical skills
acquired from the program, a theoretical knowledge would be caught on. Besides, we could
manage to improve our qualities in terms of interpersonal communication. During the period of
internship, a team spirit had been developed on matters that needed teamwork. From this
internship program, we have got a good chance to improve our practical skill highly. We have
gained essential leadership qualities. Better yet, the crucial thing got from the internship is the
work ethics. Last but not least, the internship program has enabled us to see solutions through
problems, i.e. it has yielded some of valuable entrepreneurship skills in our life.

These benefits may be categorized as follows:

3.1 Benefits in terms of Practical Skills

Before the internship, our practical knowledge of learned theories was limited. Despite the
educational preparation of a student, class assignments and projects were to be done by only
short-period deadlines. This methodology had limited considerably the scope which we might
learn from the tasks. As the evaluations in campus are one-or-two-exams-based, we were
focused merely on class lectures and few exercises.

Unlike the projects we did at campus, the projects we had found throughout the internship period
were based on real-life problems. As we had been working in JU ICT, we managed developing a
problem solving system from the project we did which taught us improving our critical thinking
and problem-solving skills.

From the project we did, which is on developing Employee management system, the project
required knowledge on Sql , C# programming language and concept on database development
so, during our one semester stay, we had to go through these in order to develop the system

Shuwahib internship report

properly. Through this we In addition to what we learned from the project, we also got the
experience of working environment and teamwork. All the above experiences turned out to be
important occasions to improve our practical skills.
3.2 Benefits in terms of Theoretical Knowledge
The internship program was primarily supposed to make students aware of real working
environments. Nevertheless, we could also learn a great deal of theoretical knowledge during the
period of the internship. Until the internship, we had been running around in circles just for the
examinations since the education system locks students in the curriculum. Despite the fact that
essential courses are omitted out of the curriculum due to specializations in different streams, we
were able to learn them through the program.

The internship program had acquainted us with some crucial theoretic needed for each task.
Further on, we were able to grasp deeply the concepts of C# programming, Structured Query
Language (SQL), which is common language for variety of databases; we have also got a good
theoretical knowledge on computer networking and computer maintenance not to mention other
academic glimpses that could broaden our theoretical knowledge widely.

The most significant part of the theoretical aspect of the internship is its value in enhancing the
learned concepts. In fact, we had, for example, some ideas about database design from the course
database and now we have broadened our theoretical knowledge on database design since we
exercised it on a real practical project.

Another example worth mentioning could be the theoretical knowledge we gained on C#

programming language, which is very important to develop many applications. This was very
helpful for us because C# programming is hardly found in the academic curriculum.
Consequently, our internship experience seems to have obvious significance in upgrading our
theoretical knowledge.
3.3 Benefits in terms of Interpersonal Communication Skills

One of the goals of the Qualified Internship System is its role in improving skills of interpersonal
communication. In this regard, this internship helped us work up our personal behavior
corresponding to social interaction.

Shuwahib internship report

Throughout the internship, we could apply the knowledge we develop professional contacts.
Now, we understand these contacts may be able to help us in the future by acting as a reference
for another company, or assist us in securing full-time employment within their company.

The internship was an important occasion to create networking. As no one is perfectly intelligent
of everything, we had to ask different people in their areas of specialization. This, in turn,
enabled us to network with professionals. Moreover, the internship had opened the opportunity
to communicate with different positions in the company’s hierarchy. As a result, it had
acquainted us with a variety of individuals and systems.

Additional merit of the internship is communication in groups. As the projects were too
complicated for an individual, we had to work in group and communicate with one another. That
means we were able to learn how to communicate in a group to come up with successful results.
3.4 Benefits in terms of Team-playing Skills

Great national and international projects never come true as one-man work. And nothing
different from this was what we came across at JU ICT, all projects were being done in teams. In
short, Team work is the backbone of the company. Working in a company with a major trend of
team work, we were able to develop ourselves more in terms of team playing skills.

All the tasks we were given had required teamwork, we could get it solved through developing
team spirit. Without teamwork, the task would have been very tedious and tiresome which is
unnecessary. At first glance, working in team seemed an easy challenge to us, but in the course
time, we were able to get used to it and even enjoy it in the meantime.

In order for a team to function well, individual egotism (selfishness) needs to be stripped off. In
group work, everyone has to share responsibilities. This was the way we developed the virtue of
accountability. As the success of the whole project is determined by the work of every one, a
team spirit worked its way through us in the internship time. Sometimes, one’s fault might make
another one disappointed. In those circumstances, patience was the only solution to reach the
desired goal. Therefore, we managed taking in all these team-playing skills

Shuwahib internship report

3.5 Benefits in terms of Leadership Skills

The internship had been supposed to be an important occasion to practice the assets of
leadership. Unfortunately, we did not find the environment at JU ICT that helpful in this regard
since most tasks were of mere instructions. However, we had to look for all the opportunities and
thus, together our group, with our peers from other campus, started doing our own additional
personal project which taught us what leadership, sharing tasks and responsibilities meant.

In doing our projects, we were able to improve our self-confidence as we had the willingness and
inspiration to face any difficulty in the project. The projects helped us grow emotionally and
learn from failure and success. This, in turn, gave us a chance to learn project management, the
technical approach and methodology of a project.

In conclusion, the internship had helped us grasp leadership skills such as self-confidence,
accountability and fair assignation of tasks among group members.

3.6 Benefits in terms of Understanding about Work Ethics Related Issues

The measure of the performance of any employee of any profession mainly depends on his/her
compliance to the work ethics. Work ethics is one the most significant lessons we got during the
internship period. At JU ICT, we experienced the essences both universal and job-specific ethical
standards and the major work ethics requirements by the working environment so that we won’t
be new when we join the working environment after graduation.
Because the working atmosphere in JU ICT urged us to get involved in works which require total
obligation, we obliged ourselves to self-discipline.

The things mentioned above are some, not all of the work ethics values we got from our
internship stay.
3.7 Benefits in terms of Entrepreneurship Skills

An entrepreneur is a positive thinker who can see solutions from surrounding cloud of problems
or a surplus of resources unseen by others. An entrepreneur is also able to take risk of the
outcome of the things he/she does.
The JU ICT’s working environment had been

Shuwahib internship report

a good starting place to enhance our entrepreneur capabilities. Indeed, we learned a lot on
improving critical thinking and problem-solving skills. The change from school to workplace
itself was another learning opportunity, conditioning us to adapt to change and to be able to take

All in all, we can say that from this internship period in addition to formal academic knowledge,
we were able to gain general purpose life experiences in other aspects. These experiences are
unforgettable and we believe that it shaped our personality and behavior a lot.

Shuwahib internship report



4.1 Project outline

This report includes a development presentation of an information system for managing the staff
data within a small company or organization that’s for JU ICT. The system as such as it has been
developed is called Employee Management System. It consists of functionally related
GUI (application program) and database, even though choice of the programming tools is
individual and particular we decided to use SQL server management studio as a Database
Management System and C# as a programming language for developing our project. The project
consists of seven modules which are employee registration, employee experience, employee shift
schedule, employee attendance, employee leave type, and employee leave applying and
employee payroll calculation modules and database diagrams.

4.2 Motivation
Information’s like employee registration, employee attendance, employee shift schedule and all
calculations such as employee salary, employee tax, to create bank files, organization tax
calculations etc., are being done manually at the moment which is a time consuming task. Hence,
a system is required that can perform all above said operations automatically. Moreover, the
system should be user friendly, flexible, fast and highly secure.

4.3 Problem Identification and Solutions Proposed

The organization is using a manual system to manage employee, calculate salaries and tax of
employees. They also have to calculate and keep record of tax of whole organization and
maintain tax files manually. The management of organization also has to deal with bank files
manually. All this work requires a lot of paper work, is extremely time consuming job, and
accordingly costly as well, as they have to hire more man power. Since there is always a risk of
human errors present in a manual system so the chances of errors are very high and to figure out
such errors is also a very lengthy procedure. Therefore, the organization decided to switch from a
manual system to an automated computerized employee management syst

Shuwahib internship report

4.4 Project Goal’s

The system should be capable of performing following functions:
 Store basic information regarding employees of the organization
 Store employee attendance, shift schedule, employee leave information etc.
 Store basic information of employee salary and calculate gross salary, net salary and
income tax( according to employment income tax in Ethiopia)
4.5 Database analyzing, design and implementation
The database for the system should include information of company’s staff, respectively of its
Employees. The data is subdivided into the following groups:
Table 4.1 employee database table

Employee Info Details Employee Experience Shift Schedule Attendance

Employee ID Employee ID Employee ID Employee ID
Employee Name Employee Name Employee Name Employee Name
User Name Organization Name Shift Code Date Time
Password Position Schedule Type Absent Date
Type Duration Date In Time
Birth Date Department Rotation Period Out Time
Gender Start Year Shift Code
Hire Date End Year Department
Marital Status

Shuwahib internship report

Leave Type Details Leave Application Details Employee Payroll Details

Employee ID Employee ID Employee ID

Leave ID Leave ID Employee Name
Employee Name Employee Name Basic Pay
Leave Type Leave Type HRA
Units Application Slates MA
Entitlement Units Number of Days TA
Start Date DA
End Date IT
Gross Salary
Net Salary

Table 4.2 database table

We have constructed a database that consists of seven data tables. There will be one main parent
table and six child tables, related to each other. Patently, for this purpose the necessary primary
and foreign keys should be defined into the responding tables. The so defined structure above is
made up in conformity with the user’s needs and demands. Each employee of the staff is
intended to have several records, responding to his Shift Schedule, Attendance Information,
Salary Information, Leave Type Information and Leave Application Information, and only one
record containing his basic information within the company – his personal details as: date of
birth, gender, marital status, address and phone details, and his current working record. An
employee is supposed to have not only one record of his Shift Schedule, or his Attendance
Information…..For instance, if we take a look to the Shift Schedule data table – an employee
may have several records . It is absolutely the same with the Salary Information, Attendance
Information, Leave Type Information and Leave Application data tables so the relationships
between the data tables are shown below in which we can distinguish seven tables that the
database consists of. All of the relationships are of type: “one-to-many”

Shuwahib internship report

Fig 4.1 Database Relationship Diagram

4.6 Program’s Structure Analyzing and GUI Constructing

After getting the database prepared, application program should be constructed and Implemented
in some programming environment in our case we used C# windows form application to enable
the users to communicate with the database. Graphical User Interface (GUI) is intended to be
built up as a basic structure of the program every GUI consists of certain number of controls
(text-boxes, combo boxes, buttons…etc.). A set of controls is used in order to reach the desired
purpose, what concerns the functionality of the application, including Labels, Text boxes,
Combo Boxes, DataGridView, Buttons, Group Boxes, etc. All of these controls, available in the
program, are fitted to the corresponding forms that are used in the application. All GUI’s are
explained under system description.

Shuwahib internship report

4.7 Database Connections and Code-Implementation

This subsection represents the main approach that has been made up in order to establish the
connections with the database. After database is prepared we have to connect the GUI with the
database, all queries and codes used in this project are explained in Appendix.
4.7.1 Saving data into database
To save data to the database we have to fill information’s on the GUI then we have to click
(“Save”) Button after clicking the save button data will be added to the database. The next
approach has been made up to resolve the saving problem that’s there are common values
between parent table and child table such as Employee id, Employee name etc. so we used the
get button to get those values from parent table.

4.7.2 Updating data into database

To update data to the database we have to select the data to be updated and then we can update it
by clicking (“update”) button but one thing should always be taken into an account when we deal
with records-updating: We need to know the primary key’s value of the current record that we
would like to get updated by the system, as in other way a rather different record would be

4.7.3 Deleting data from database

To delete data from database we have to select data to deleted then we can delete it by clicking
(“Delete”) button but to delete data from the child table we don’t have to go to the child table
since we made the relation in SQL server cascaded the data from all child tables will be deleted
up on deleting data from the parent table.

4.7.4 Search data in database

To search data in database we have to write the Employee id in the search textbox then data will
be retrieved from the data grid view.

4.7.5 View data from database

To view data from database we have to click the load or view button then filter from
datagridview with the search textbox with his/her Employee id.

Shuwahib internship report

4.8 System Use case

In this section we will discuss the use case of employee management system. Uses cases show
how the users interact with the system. There are two actors in our system, administrator and
employee. Each one has its own responsibilities and level of access to the system.

Fig 4.2: General Use case diagram

4.8.1 Administrator

Administrator is the main actor in our system he/she is responsible to maintain basic information
of employee such as employee information, shift schedule,attendance,salary calculation, check
employee leave application etc. He/she will be the only person to add, update and delete the

Shuwahib internship report

basic information of the employees. He/she will be able to calculate the salaries of the particular
employees on the basis of given parameters.

Fig 4.3: Administrator Use case Diagram

4.8.2 Employee

After passing through the authentication process then he/she has the access to the system and is
authorized to add employee leave type, apply leave and view employee details such as shift
schedule, attendance and salary result.

Shuwahib internship report

Fig 4.4: Employee Use case Diagram

4.8.3 Use Case Scenario of Login

Registration is required to enter and use the system .In case of user registration; system
administrator will enter the required information about the actor (Employee) including the user
name, password, and type then create the new user accounts. In case of edition of user accounts
information, administrator will re-enter some information and update of existing users.

Shuwahib internship report

Fig 4.5: Login Use case Diagram

Actors (administrator, employee) want to enter into the system to perform the specific
Basic Flow
When any of the actors want to log-in, the system will ask the user name, password and type. On
entering the log-in parameters the system will authenticate them. After validation it will
authorized the actor to enter.
Alternative Flow
An error is generated if the log-in parameters are not valid.
User must be registered into the system.

Shuwahib internship report

The user will be entered into the system successfully

4.9 System Description

In this section we will describe how employee management system is functioning. This
Employee salary management system is a desktop based system so at the front end, users of the
system can access different graphical forms which can only be filled by the authorized. The data
is given as the input to the forms and after passing through certain query, it will check and
processes the data and finally store it in the database which is working at back end of the system.
And whenever the need arises the data can be fetched out from the database. This system
calculates salaries of its employees on the basis of certain parameters and store employee
information details such as shift schedule, attendance etc. It is also capable of calculating the tax
for the employee. All information is stored in the database of the system for the record of the
organization and can be viewed any time it is needed.

4.9.1 Anatomy of the System

In this section we will explain the overall working of the system and functions. Each function
will be discussed and explained individually as following: After Logging in to the system a
screen appears based on the actors(administrator, employee) where the user can view all the
functions that he can be performed under the ,such as, employee registration, employee
experience registration, shift schedule,attendance,employee leave type, employee leave
application and payroll calculation. All these functions are explained below.

4.9.2 Administrator Login

As the administrator enters in to the system the login screen appears then the administrator enters
his/her username and password to the textboxes and then select (“ADMIN”) from the type
combo box then he can access the system and perform administrator tasks if his password and
user name is correct or error will occur.

Shuwahib internship report

Fig 4.6: Administrator Login Form

After successfully logging to the system administrator welcome page displays the welcome
consists of timer which displays current time and current date then administrator clicks the next
button to go to the next form which is employee registration page.

Shuwahib internship report

Fig 4.7: Administrator welcome page

Employee Registration

Up on clicking the next button from administrator welcome form the employee registration form
displays then administrator fills all data in the form including the employee id, employee name,
user name, password etc. The administrator can use (“Generate ID”) button which displays
random id for employee or he can enter the id directly to the employee id textbox since the
textbox is not disabled, then he can save data by using (“Save”) button and update, delete(all
information’s of employee from the other form is deleted by using the delete button from
registration form since it’s the parent table and the rest are child tables), clear by clicking
respective buttons .The (“Load Table”) button is used to view (populate) the database
information and to refresh the data up on updating or saving.

Shuwahib internship report

Fig 4.8: employee registration form

Employee Experience Details

Up on clicking the next button from the employee registration form the employee experience
form displays then the administrator can fill all data in the form and then save, update, clear,
view data using the respective buttons on the form.

Shuwahib internship report

Fig 4.9: Employee experience details form

Employee Shift Schedule

Up on clicking the next button from the employee experience details the employee shift schedule
displays then the administrator can fill the form to schedule employee shift and then save,
update, view details using the respective buttons on the form.

Shuwahib internship report

Fig 4.10: Employee shift schedule form

Employee Attendance

Up on clicking the next button from the employee shift schedule form employee attendance form
will display then the administrator can fill the form to keep track of employee attendance and
save,view,update information there using the buttons on the form.

Shuwahib internship report

Fig 4.11: Employee attendance form

Employee Pay Roll Calculation

Up on clicking the next button from the attendance form the employee payroll form displays then
administrator fills basic employee information and calculates the salary and save data to the
database this form includes the following.


HRA=House Rent Allowance (allowance which is given to employee for house rent)

MA=Medical Allowance (allowance which is given to employee for medical treatment)

TA=Travelling Allowance (allowance given to employee for transportation)

DA=Dearness Allowance (allowance given to employee for compensation)

Shuwahib internship report


IT=Income Tax (type of tax which is calculated from employee basic pay)

In our project the income tax is calculated according to Employment Income Tax in Ethiopia which is
shown in the following table to calculate the income tax we have to click the (“calculate”) button in front
of the textbox of income tax(IT) then it displays the result into the textbox

Employment income(per month) Income tax payable (%) Deductible

Over birr To birr
0 150 Exempt threshold
151 650 10 15
651 1400 15 47.50
1401 2350 20 117.50
2351 3550 25 235.00
3551 5000 30 412.50
Over 5000 35 662.00

Table 4.3: Income Tax Schedule bands

PF=Provident Fund (money which is subtracted from basic pay which is to be used on retirement period)


Gross Salary= this is a type of salary before tax is applied

Gross Salary=Basic pay + Allowances

Net Salary= this a type of salary after tax is applied that’s home take money

Net Salary=Gross Salary - Taxes

To calculate net salary and gross salary click the calculate button in front of them and it will display the
result to the textbox then we can save it to the database.

Shuwahib internship report

Fig 4.12: Employee payroll calculation form

4.9.3 Employee Login

As the employee enters in to the system the login screen appears then the employee enters his/her
username and password to the textboxes and then select (“EMPLOYEE”) from the type combo
box then he can access the system and perform employee tasks if his password and user name is
correct or error will occur.

Shuwahib internship report

Fig 4.13: Employee Login Form

Employee Leave type

After successfully logging to the system the employee leave type form displays then the
employee fills the information on the form and add to the system, administrator can also access
this form to view employee leave type.

Shuwahib internship report

Fig 4.14: Employee leaves type form

Employee Leave Application

After filling the employee leave type form employee have to fill the employee leave applying
form to apply for leave.

Shuwahib internship report

Fig 4.15: Employee leaves letter providing form

Employee View Form

In this form employee can view all details such as employee shift, employee attendance and
employee salary which are added by administrator to the database but employee cannot delete or
update those data.

Shuwahib internship report

Fig 4.16: Employee view details form

Shuwahib internship report




The ultimate goal of the internship program is to enable students handle real life problems using
the knowledge they have in class, all the time we tried to see what is going on around more
closely, the whole experience of working at JU-ICT was great. This organization has a super
work culture, great minds and very high quality of work. We learned a lot of much related things
about computer network and maintenance. We have got a good practical knowledge besides to
our theoretical knowledge. Our staying in JU-ICT make us to practice so many things out of
academic area ,it helps us to understand & analyze what should we have to take when we
conduct our self within the environment or looking our self into a responsible person place.
Beside communication way (mechanism) to smooth very hard deal with related person was very
nice thing during our staying. The period of attachment has helped us gain enormous technical
knowledge and insightful experiences in a real working environment. The most rewarding
experience is to be part of the company culture. There were adequate opportunities to put
theories and principles learnt in the undergraduate course at campus. The program required
interaction with a wide range of people in the engineering profession as well as other related
fields. Thus, allowing for valuable human relations skills to be developed. With the help and
guidance from the supervisor we were able to complete the internship period effectively. The
project we did have helped us a lot on database design and we have got a good insight with C#
programming language .As inculcated by the culture of the company we learn to adopt a
systematic approach to an engineering problem and explore the numerous ways for the best
solution in the 16-week Industrial Attachment. Generally Our 4-month (16-week) internship
experience was extremely valuable and enjoyable. It was phenomenal to see the Engineering
practice in the real-world and their relation to the theory we learned in class over the years.

Shuwahib internship report


We have had a very good time in our stay in JU-ICT. But there is some issues which we couldn`t
left it.

 In all faculties the big problem we face is that in each office and laboratory out of three or
above only one or two ports are functional. Due to this two or more users (lectures,
students, others) use one port one after the other .Other ports are do not have internet
cable which rise from switches or hubs, and some of them are broken even there is
network cable .So, since this is the main problem which decline the service of individual
users, it should be maintained properly specially ports those simply presents on the wall
without any internet cable.
 The system we have developed is not web application it needs to be a web application in
the future to have more futures. So, we recommend the system should be a web based and
as it lacks some futures those things have to be added to the system.

So the mentioned issues are common issues which must be corrected as much as possible for the
next internship students.

Shuwahib internship report

1. A Programmer's Introduction to C# - APress, by Eric Gunnerson
2. DEITEL - CSharp How to Program
3. Different materials from the JU-ICT
4. Internet
5. Introducing Microsoft SQL server 2008R2 by Ross Mistry and Stacia Misner

Shuwahib internship report


Codes and queries to connect C# with SQL server

//Basic SELECT method to populate a DataSet from a SqlDataAdapter
SqlConnection sqlConn = new SqlConnection(connection string here);
SqlDataAdapter sqlAdapt = new SqlDataAdapter(@"SELECT * FROM tableName WHERE
conditionColumn='False'", sqlConn);
SqlCommandBuilder sqlCmdBuilder = new SqlCommandBuilder(sqlAdapt);
DataSet sqlSet = new DataSet();
feedbackAdapt.Fill(sqlSet, "dataSetTableName");

//Basic INSERT method with Parameters

SqlConnection sqlConn = new SqlConnection(connection string here);
SqlCommand sqlComm = new SqlCommand();
sqlComm = sqlConn.CreateCommand();
sqlComm.CommandText = @"INSERT INTO tableName (paramColum) VALUES
sqlComm.Parameters.Add("@paramName", SqlDbType.VarChar);
sqlComm.Parameters["@paramName"].Value = paramSource;

//Basic UPDATE method with Parameters

SqlConnection sqlConn = new SqlConnection(connection string here);
SqlCommand sqlComm = new SqlCommand();
sqlComm = sqlConn.CreateCommand();
sqlComm.CommandText = @"UPDATE tableName SET paramColumn='@paramName'
WHERE conditionColumn='@conditionName'";
sqlComm.Parameters.Add("@paramName", SqlDbType.VarChar);

Shuwahib internship report

sqlComm.Parameters["@paramName"].Value = paramSource;
sqlComm.Parameters.Add("@conditionName", SqlDbType.VarChar);
sqlComm.Parameters["@conditionName"].Value = conditionSource;
//Basic DELETE method with Parameters
SqlConnection sqlConn = new SqlConnection(connection string here);
SqlCommand sqlComm = new SqlCommand();
sqlComm = sqlConn.CreateCommand();
sqlComm.CommandText = @"DELETE FROM tableName WHERE
sqlComm.Parameters.Add("@conditionName", SqlDbType.VarChar);
sqlComm.Parameters["@conditionName"].Value = conditionSource;


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