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Please make an article on the poem by Wilfred Owenentitled The Unreturning. These items
will help you to analyze the poem:
A. Begin with the summary of the poem.
This poem tell about night which has passed the sudden crushing blows. Now the
remnants of a wall cloud at the top that shows the silence. When a person who has died
and he wanted to go back. From there there is someone observing but none of the ghosts
that rise, there is someone who has been exiled call me. They are all away, silent and
captured. None that I want to refinance or re talking at me, and then I watched the dawn
indeterminate, with dusk empty, sad that's what I think. When the man complained of
pain he felt that the time was getting a bit and while I always ask the dawn. He felt
clogged by wings innocence. He felt frightened because chained the doors of paradise.
In this poem have stanza in the third line, and Theme The Dead can not return to the
living via the afterlife which will forever hold mankind with no return, remorse, or
regret. The ryme is ABBAABBA. And this Meter: iambic pentameter.

B. Analyze the elements of the poem such as:

1. Speaker : Somebody watching for the dead
2. Diction : The author makes the reader feel the pain he felt throughout the war
3. Imagery : The imagery in the first line where the night crushes out day appeals to the
sense of night overshadowing or being presented as far ronger than the light.
The thirtteen line “I dreaded even a heaven with doors so chained” He felt frightened
bacause chained the doors of paradise.
4. Figurtive language : Light=Night to day (Night-violence, Day- change in perspective)
5. Rhetorical devices :
6. Sound values : This poem is very good because it gives a moral message for us who are still
alive, do not ever forget our obligations or forgotten God. because after we die surely will
later regret.
7. Versification:
8. Form and meaning : petrarchan sonnet, split octave, couplet

The Unreturning
Tak dapat kembali
by Wilfred Owen

Suddenly night crushed out the day and hurled

Malam hari telah tiba dan menghancurkan hempasan
Her remnants over cloud-peaks, thunder-walled.
sisa-sisa dinding awan yang ada dipuncak
Then fell a stillness such as harks appalled
kemudian terdengar suara yang hening
When far-gone dead return upon the world.
ketika seseorang yang telah meninggal dan ingin kembali di dunia

There watched I for the Dead; but no ghost woke.

Disana ada seseorang yang mengamati, tapi tak ada satupun orang yang telah meninggal itu
Each one whom Life exiled I named and called.
Masing-masing orang hidupnya dikucilkan/diasingkan ya itu sebutan buat aku
But they were all too far, or dumbed, or thralled,
Tapi mereka semua menjauh, membisu dan ditawan
And never one fared back to me or spoke.
dan tak ada satupun yang membiayai aku atau kembali berbicara
Then peered the indefinite unshapen dawn
Kemudian mengamati fajar yang tak tentu
With vacant gloaming, sad as half-lit minds,
Dengan senja yang kosong, menyedihkan itu yang aku pikirkan
The weak-limned hour when sick men's sighs are drained.
Pria itu mengeluh merasa kesakitan dan ia merasa kalau waktunya itu semakin sedikit
And while I wondered on their being withdrawn,
Dan sementara itu aku bertanya-tanya dengan fajar senja
Gagged by the smothering Wing which none unbinds,
Tak ada orang yang tercekik oleh sayap yang tak bersalah
I dreaded even a heaven with doors so chained.
Aku takut bahkan dengan pintu surga yang dirantai itu

C. Give your respond toward the theme suggested by the poem.

I think this theme is very good for someone who is dead can not come back and have
a religious poem why? because he was sorry for his life does not have a good track
record when he tested with sick he only complained. he can only regret it. He is also the
fear of death. This poem is very good because it gives a moral message for us who are
still alive, do not ever forget our obligations or forgotten God. because after we die
surely will later regret.

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