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Assignment Brief

BTEC Level 4-5 HNC/HND Diploma (QCF)

To be filled by the Learner

Name of the Learner :VENUGA RAJENDRAN

Edexcel No : Centre No :93104 Batch:VIII

Date of Submission :25.10.2014

Unit Assessment Information

Qualification : Higher National Diploma in Computing and Systems Development

Unit Code & Title : Y/601/1244 – Unit 01 - Business Skills for e-Commerce

Assessment Title & No’s : Design a e-Commerce solution for Food Chain (No 1 of 1)

Learning outcomes and grading opportunities:

LO 01:Understand the structure and aims of business organisations
Learning Outcomes LO1.1 LO1.2
LO 02:Understand the impact of e-Commerce
Learning Outcomes LO2.1 LO2.2
LO 03:Be able to design e-Commerce solutions.
Learning Outcomes LO3.1 LO3.2 LO3.3 LO3.4 LO3.5

Merit and Distinction Descriptor

M1 M2 M3 D1 D2 D3

Assessor : Internal Examiner (IE) :

Date Reviewed : Date of IE :

Date Issued :01.10.2014 Date Due :25.10.2014

ESoft Computer Studies (PVT) Ltd - Business Skills for e-Commerce Assignment
Statement of Originality and Student Declaration

I hereby, declare that I know what plagiarism entails, namely to use another’s work and to present it as
my own without attributing the sources in the correct way. I further understand what it means to copy
another’s work.

1. I know that plagiarism is a punishable offence because it constitutes theft.

2. I understand the plagiarism and copying policy of the Edexcel UK.
3. I know what the consequences will be if I plagiaries or copy another’s work in any of the
assignments for this program.
4. I declare therefore that all work presented by me for every aspects of my program, will be my
own, and where I have made use of another’s work, I will attribute the source in the correct
5. I acknowledge that the attachment of this document signed or not, constitutes a binding
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6. I understand that my assignment will not be considered as submitted if this document is not
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Student’s Signature: …………………………… Date:.………………

ESoft Computer Studies (PVT) Ltd - Business Skills for e-Commerce Assignment
Assignment Brief
A supermarket chain in the business for the last 30 years, “Food Chain” is in the process of expanding
into many other areas including their main business, the supermarket. “Food Chain” is owned by a group
of businessmen who formed it 30 years ago. They are financially very stable and have a strong brand
name. Their prices have been very competitive and are aimed at the middle-income group of the
society. They have a set of semi-loyal customers; however, the customers are aware of prices offered by
other supermarkets and are sensitive to changes in quality and price. “Food Chain” have 50
supermarkets island-wide and they are thinking of expanding in to 80 supermarkets altogether within
the next 2 years. Their cost cutting venture that they started last year has no positive results. In fact, it
has created dissatisfaction and de-motivation among the operational level staff due to all the careful
monitoring of all their activities by the senior staff. There is a danger of these skilled and experienced
workers leaving the company as many supermarkets are opening up and the industry is quite lucrative.
“Food Chain” hasa great reputation for their efficient staff and services offered at their supermarkets,
they would not want their well-experienced and in-house trained staff to leave in the middle of a
company expansion.

Due to the very heavy competition among the supermarkets and shops, the Top management wants to
create a positive difference in the experience of the customer in shopping at “Food Chain”. They want to
adapt new store formats, online shopping and collaborations with other businesses to enhance the
service they provide. At the moment, “Food Chain” has a website which gives prices of all the products
they offer at their supermarkets. No online ordering is possible. At present, “Food Chain” has a network
that links all their branches through the Internet to handle their internal financial matters. They want to
upgrade it to link all their supermarkets island-wide to allow online shopping and delivery of goods.

“Food Chain” has an idea to collaborate with Sri Lankan shops in other countries to be their supplier of
goods. This will allow a global approach and will ensure a steady supply of goods to other countries.
Also, “Food Chain” wants to link up with vegetable wholesalers in Dambulla as well as farmers scattered
in all parts of the country to have a direct supply of vegetables and fruits Sri Lanka produces to help in
the development of the economics of the country. They want to collaboratively work with possible
corporate customers as well. “Food Chain” wants to have a system where they can monitor the trends
of the offline and online shoppers to provide them a better service according to their buying trends.

The management of “Food Chain” feels that they need to carry out a more aggressive marketing
campaign to win over new customers. They are looking at a more nationalistic approach to make people
buy Sri Lankan made products to make a national contribution as well.

ESoft Computer Studies (PVT) Ltd - Business Skills for e-Commerce Assignment
1. Identify the core business functions of “Food Chain”.
2. Identify and explain the structure and the business objectives of “Food Chain” in terms
of the profit, market share, Return on Capital Employed (ROCE), sales; growth and
customer service.
3. Apply PEST analysis to identify the environment in which “Food Chain” operates and
explain how the organization shapes it’s behavior based on the environmental forces.
(limit no of words not more than 750) (LO1.1)(M2.1)
2. Identify stakeholders of “Food Chain” and explain how well the organization meets the
requirements of their stakeholders.(LO1.2)
3. What are the advantages of using e-Business for the operations of “Food Chain”?, and Analyze
the impact of introducing an e-commerce system to “Food Chain” including the risk and
4. Analyze the global impact of e-commerce on society.(LO 2.2)(D2.2)
5. Identify the business-to-business opportunities and the business to consumer markets of “Food
Chain”. (LO 3.1)
6. Identify the online and offline marketing strategies that can be used to facilitate this company.
Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses in the current “Food Chain” system.(LO 3.2)
7. By considering the financial implications, technological requirements, key business process,
security and legislations design an e-commerce solution for “Food Chain”. (LO 3.3)(D3.5)
8. Identify the financial and business implications of a new e-commerce solution. (LO 3.4)
9. Evaluate the suitability of your new e-commerce solution by means of the competitive situation
of “Food Chain”.(LO 3.5)

ESoft Computer Studies (PVT) Ltd - Business Skills for e-Commerce Assignment
Assessment Criteria(Students are not authorized to modify or write anything on below)

Outcomes/Criteria for PASS Page Feedback
LO1Understand the structure and aims of business organisations
1.1 assess an organisation’s core business functions Task 1

1.2 evaluate an organisation’s business aims and Task 2

show how they relate to stakeholders

LO2 Understand the impact of e-Commerce

2.1 analyse the impact, including the risks, of Task 3
introducing an e-Commerce system to an

2.2 discuss the global impact of e-Commerce on Task 4


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LO3 Be able to design e-Commerce solutions.
3.1 investigate market potential for an e-Commerce Task 5

3.2 evaluate current e-Commerce systems in use by Task 6


3.3 discuss the financial implications of an e- Task 7

Commerce solution

3.4 design an e-Commerce solution Task 8

3.5 evaluate the suitability of an e-Commerce Task 9


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Grade Descriptor for MERIT Possible evidence Feedback
M1 Identify and apply strategies to find appropriate solutions

M1.1 effective judgments have been made Carry out a market analysis on the
size, characteristics, dynamics,
competitors, historical background,
emerging trends, and market share
and market segmentation of “Food
M2 Select / design appropriate methods / techniques

M2.1relevant theories and techniques have been applied Task 1

Apply SWOT analysis for “Food Chain”
M3 Present and communicate appropriate findings Documentation is well structured
adhering to the formatting guidelines
M3.1the appropriate structure and approach has been used. with non-overlapping facts.
Data provided about the company
are accurate, reliable and consistent

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Grade Descriptor for DISTINCTION Possible evidence Feedback
D1 Use critical reflection to evaluate own work and justify
valid conclusions

D1.3 Self-criticism of approach has taken place Report: shown in the self-reflection
D1.4 Realistic improvements have been proposed against defined Good conclusion with suggestions
characteristics for subject for further improvement

D2 Take responsibility for managing and organising activities

D2.2substantial activities, projects or investigations have been Task 4

planned, managed and organized
Gantt chart must be provided at the
appendix section and submit the
work on time.
D3 Demonstrate convergent / lateral / creative thinking
Task 7
D3.5Innovation and creative thought have been applied Evidence of Innovative and creative

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Strengths: Weaknesses:

Future Improvements & Assessor Comment:

Assessor: Signature: Date: ____/____/______

Internal Verifier’s Comments:

Internal Verifier: Signature: Date: ____/____/______

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