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Day Fourteen

Morata de Tajuña to Aranjuez (29 km)

If you’re coming from Madrid, don’t worry about taking the bus to Morata; you can connect with the route by taking the
Vía Verde from the Arganda del Rey metro station and riding 14 kilometres to Morata (giving you a day’s ride of 43 km.)
Note that the final part of this route, from Titulcia to Aranjuez, is only suitable for bikes adapted to off-road riding; if you’re
on a road bike, you will need to divert through Villaconejos or take the train from Ciempozuelos down to Aranjuez.

 km You need to…

 0.0 Plaza de la Constitución, Morata de Tajuña. Take c/ Domingo Rodelgo (the M313 Regional Road) out of town.
 4.2 Continue on M313 through roundabout, past gas station and Alcoholera de Chinchón distillery
 11.4 M313 merges with M404; continue RIGHT.
 15.5 First roundabout; go straight through, avoiding turnoff to Titulcia if you don’t need to stop for food or water.
 16.7 Second roundabout; take LEFT turn onto the M320 regional road, heading towards Villaconejos.
 16.9 Just alter you go over the Río Tajuña, take the first RIGHT onto the Vía Pecuaria (look for the white sign with the cow.)
 17.8 Path forks; continue on main path, taking LEFT hand fork.
 20.7 Path dips down near high-tension electricity wire; watch for bad surface and loose gravel.
 22.7 Vía Pecuaria turns LEFT at traffic roundabout by 16 -century bridge. Continue LEFT.
 23.2 Vía Pecuaria turns RIGHT and goes under bridge.
 23.3 Come out from under the bridge and turn LEFT. You should always have the regional road on your LEFT-hand side.
 24.2 Ignore turnoff on left-hand side, and continue on main Vía Pecuaria path.
 26.2 Path dips down near farm; watch for loose gravel and bad surface.
 27.2 Cross paved road and continue on tree-lined lane towards Aranjuez.
 28.5 Turn RIGHT to get to Camping International Aranjuez.
Day Fourteen
Morata de Tajuña to Aranjuez (29 km)
Start point: Plaza Mayor, Morata de Tajuña
( GPS: 40º 13’ 46.05” N, 3º 26’ 12.11” W)

Where to get food and water: There’s a decent number of bars,

restaurants and bakeries in both Morata de Tajuña and Titulcia.

How to get there: Unlike most of the towns on the Trans-Iberian, the
easiest way to reach Morata de Tajuña is by bike. Take Metro Line 9 to
Arganda del Rey; exit the station, turn RIGHT and ride for 400 metres (past
the BP station; the beginning of the Vía Verde is on the LEFT side of the
road, past a white apartment building. (If you reach the first roundabout,
turn around and go back; you’ve gone too far!) Morata is 14.3 kilometres
southeast of Arganda on the Vía Verde.

Keep in mind: Cyclists on road bikes will not be able to ride the Vía
Pecuaria between Titulcia and Aranjuez. The most direct way to get to
Aranjuez on a road bike is to continue along the M320 regional road to
Villaconjeos, and from there, pick up the M305 regional road, which will
bring you into Aranjuez on the other side of the river; from the centre of
town, signs direct you towards the Campsite.

What to see: Provided it’s open and not undergoing some kind of
renovation work, the Palacio Real de Aranjuez
( is not to be
missed. Used as a summer palace by the early Spanish Bourbon kings, it
provides an intriguing look into the daily life of the Royal Family almost two
hundred years ago. One note: Do NOT bring your bike onto the grounds of
the palace or you will be asked to leave!

Where to sleep: Camping International Aranjuez, at the end of today’s

route, is open year-round and has cabins for rent, in addition to plots where
you can pitch your tent. Most other options for accommodation are located
in the centre of town, just to the east of the Palace.

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