Designing Teaching and Learning Assignment 2 Lesson Plan Analysis

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Kiara Rose Calarco Assessment 2 18041907

102086 Designing teaching and learning

Assignment 2
Lesson plan analysis


Original Lesson
Lesson Plan Analysis……………………………………………… ..4
Modified LessonPlan………………………………………..……….7
Academic Justification…………………………………...…….…...13
Learning Portfolio Web link…………………………………….….16

Original Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan (Health & Physical Education)

02.00 pm-3.20
Nutrition and Sports

Key Idea
 Students consider the range of influences on their health associated with
increasing freedom of choice, critically examine information available about
those choices, and devise personal and community strategies based on them. [F]
[In] [T] [KC1] [KC6]
Student learning Outcomes for the lesson:
Evidence of learning …. The students will
 Understand how much energy they require on a daily bases
 Understand the role of CHO, Fat and protein
 Food servings in the food pyramid

Essential learnings: Key Competencies Equity Perspectives

 Interdependence KC1: collecting, analysing, organising  Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander
 Thinking KC2: communicating ideas and info  Multicultural
 Communication KC4: working with others in teams  Gender
KC6: solving problems  Socio economic
 Disabilities
 Rural and Isolated

Teacher Outcomes:
Teacher Will
 Give clear and concise instructions allowing the students to successfully
participate in the lesson.
 Make it a fun and exciting learning environment allowing all students to be
actively engaged.
 Give constructive feedback to students, allowing them to progress at a
particular skill (inform them of what has been done correctly and what needs to
 Answering any student questions

Lesson Plan Proforma/ Health & Physical Education 2

Kiara Rose Calarco Assessment 2 18041907
Focus Shape

Engage in a class sharing Introduction:

activity about their holidays
Take the class role Students to recap what Take sure students fill
they have learnt last week 5 mins
in the first three rows

Get students to share with a partner what of seats

they ate for lunch and which
macronutrient it fits under.
Provide examples of what you
had so they know what to do

Students will: Students take notes as the teacher goes

 Understand how much through the content of the lesson
energy they require on o How much energy do we
a daily bases need on a daily basis to keep
 Understand the role of healthy
CHO, Fat and protein  BMR
 Thermic affect Move around the class
 Food servings in the 30 mins
 Activity level area and ask students
food pyramid
o The role of CHO questions
 Simple and complex
 What level of activity
are CHO used for fuel
o Glycemic Index (G.I.)
 Low G.I. and High
G.I. foods
o Role of fat

Kiara Rose Calarco Assessment 2 18041907
Saturated fat, mono
Development unsaturated, poly
unsaturated and trans
o The role of Protein
 Protein supplements
o Healthy eating pyramid
 Daily servings of each
food type.

Move around the class to 10 mins

 Reflect on their daily help students with the
intake of food Activity activity
 Provide each student with a activity
sheet Provide specific feedback
 Students work individually to answer
the work sheet Encouraging student input
into the answering

 Closure: Revision:

Engage in answering
 Revise that they have covered for
questions by participating When do we mainly use
in the closure session today session CHO as a source of fuel?
 Provide constructive feedback to When do we use fat as a
students about their level of source of energy?
 If activity sheet is not completed Great effort from
5 mins
during class it must be completed by everyone
the following lesson.
Reference: found on the Australian curriculum lessons website

Kiara Rose Calarco Assessment 2 18041907
Nutrition and Sport (2017) Australian Curriculum Lessons. Retrieved 1 May 2017, from

Kiara Rose Calarco Assessment 2 18041907

Lesson Plan Analysis

Section 1: Australian Professional Standards for Teachers

Evaluation score – 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent)
Comments incl. evidence for evaluation score (2 sentences)

1 Know students and how they learn

1.3 Students with diverse linguistic, cultural, religious and socioeconomic backgrounds
1–2–3–4–5 Comments: Only mentions equity perspectives briefly but doesn’t really refer to it in the
actual lesson.
1.4 Strategies for teaching Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 Comments: Not discussed, however, the lesson plan allows room for these strategies to be
implemented throughout
1.5 Differentiate teaching to meet the specific learning needs of students across the full range of abilities
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 Comments: allows for specific learning needs to be meet but doesn’t show this in the
lesson plan provided
1.6 Strategies to support full participation of students with disability
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 Comments: not mentioned, however, there is room where teachers can provide this support
through altering of the worksheets
2 Know the content and how to teach it
2.2 Content selection and organisation
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 Comments: the content of this lesson plan is mentioned and is clear in outlining what
students will be learning as well as a recap of the previous lesson.
2.3 Curriculum, assessment and reporting
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 Comments: the lesson concludes with revision questions and recaps what the lesson
entailed to assess and report on content knowledge possessed by students
2.6 Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 Comments: the lesson plan revolves around worksheets. No ICT is used but however could
be implemented when doing group work
3 Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
3.1 Establish challenging learning goals
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 Comments: 3 learning goals are mentioned in the learning outcomes for students which
may need to be carried over in the next lesson due to time constraints
3.2 Plan, structure and sequence learning programs
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 Comments: the structure of the lesson provides clear and categorized information that
flows well to enhance student learning
3.3 Use teaching strategies
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 Comments: the structure of the lesson is split between teacher led and self-taught with the
note takings and worksheets provided to students
3.4 Select and use resources
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 Comments: no use of ICT, only pen and paper for worksheets and note taking are
incorporated into the lesson
4 Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
4.1 Support student participation
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 Comments: group work and individual work are both implemented throughout the lesson
to help students stay engaged by allowing variety in the lesson.
4.2 Manage classroom activities
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 Comments: provides a range of activities varying from worksheets to group discussions
involving recapping and revision
4.3 Manage challenging behaviour
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 Comments: not mentioned, however, constant movement from the teacher around the
classroom can help manage challenging behavior from students
4.4 Maintain student safety
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 Comments: not mentioned, however, not necessarily needed with the activity given to
4.5 Use ICT safely, responsibly and ethically

Kiara Rose Calarco Assessment 2 18041907

1–2–3–4–5 Comments: not mentioned throughout lesson but would be helpful when implementing
ICT in the classroom
5 Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
5.1 Assess student learning
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 Comments: informal assessment at the beginning is used to test students’ knowledge of
the previous lesson as well as recapping the current lesson at the end.
5.2 Provide feedback to students on their learning
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 Comments: feedback is presented to students in the form of questions, answers and
revision testing to assess engagement

Section 2: NSW Quality Teaching Model

Evaluate the lesson plan according to the following NSW Quality Teaching model elements.

Evaluation score – refer to NSW QTM Classroom Practice Guide for each element
Comments incl. evidence for evaluation score (2 sentences)

1 Intellectual quality
1.1 Deep knowledge
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – Comments: revision relating to previous lesson is shown as well as recapping as the
5 conclusion of the lesson. The focus was on nutrition and the food pyramid
1.2 Deep understanding
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – Comments: this lesson plan is teacher centered, however, there are opportunities for students
5 to show understanding through question and answer based activities and worksheets
1.3 Problematic knowledge
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – Comments: the structure of the lesson plan is task orientated where students work to achieve
5 a result, however, some question based activities may allow openness to multiple
1.4 Higher-order thinking
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – Comments: the lesson plan is mainly structured for lower-order thinking, though some areas
5 of the lesson where students do group work and discussions, show high-order thinking
1.5 Metalanguage
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – Comments: BMR, CHO and Glycemic Index (G.I.) are examples of high use of
5 metalanguage used throughout the lesson
1.6 Substantive communication
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – Comments: the lesson itself is designed to involve constant communication between teachers
5 and students when necessary. Students could find it more helpful to receive extra work when
finishing early
Quality learning environment
2.1 Explicit quality criteria
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – Comments: students are not provided with a criteria based on quality of their work. Only
5 technical and procedural criteria has been clearly provided
2.2 Engagement
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – Comments: the lesson plan appears to be engaging through the use of group work at the
5 beginning and with constant checking of work by the teacher, however, disengagement could
occur during individual work on the worksheet with fast finishers or easily distracted/social
2.3 High expectations
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – Comments: Most students are shown to participate in challenging work throughout the
5 lesson, they are also encouraged to try their best and input in the activity
2.4 Social support
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – Comments: partnering up and group work is part of the lesson plan where it is encouraged to
5 show supportive behavior and comments
2.5 Students’ self-regulation
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – Comments: there isn’t any mention of self-regulation in the lesson plan. This leaves room
5 for students to show initiative in regulating their own behavior
2.6 Student direction

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1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – Comments: Some extent to which students conduct their group work, however, their control
5 is minimal overall
3 Significance
3.1 Background knowledge
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – Comments: students background knowledge is not mentioned and therefore doesn’t insinuate
5 whether it connects to the substance of the lesson
3.2 Cultural knowledge
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – Comments: no reference to other cultures in the lesson, but, using food when referring to
5 different cultures can be discussed
3.3 Knowledge integration
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – Comments: there is potential for these areas in the lesson plan to be cross-curricular focused
3.4 Inclusivity
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – Comments: not mentioned, however, implied that all students are given the same opportunity
5 to engage and learn in all activities
3.5 Connectedness
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – Comments: the teacher attempts to connect what is being leaned to the world beyond the
5 classroom with the introduction activity, but the connection is weak through the lesson plan
3.6 Narrative
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – Comments: no mention of any stories, case studies or literary texts addressed in the lesson
5 plan

Section 3: Identifying Areas for Improvement

Identify the two APST standards and two NSW QT model elements you are targeting for improvement.

1) 1.5 Differentiate teaching to meet the specific 2) 2.6 Information and Communication Technology
learning needs of students across the full range of (ICT)
QT model
1) 2.6 Student direction 2) 3.2 Cultural knowledge

Kiara Rose Calarco Assessment 2 18041907

Modified Lesson Plan

Topic area: Nutrition and Stage of Learner: Syllabus Pages:

Sports Stage 5 [F] [In] [T] [KC1] [KC6]

Date: Location Booked: Classroom Lesson Number: 3/4

Time: 45 minutes Total Number of students: Printing/preparation
24 - Food pyramid worksheet
- Student nutrition handout
- Discussion question sheet

Outcomes Assessment Students learn about Students learn to

[F] [In] [T] [KC1] [KC6] Lesson assessment 4.6 defining healthy Understand how
food habits – nutritional much energy they
Students consider the range of Informal requirements – the require on a daily
influences on their health assessment via the relationship of food bases
associated with increasing Healthy eating quiz habits to health – Understand the role of
freedom of choice, critically cultural and social
CHO, Fat and protein
examine information available Questioning and meanings of food –
about those choices, and
Food servings in the
feedback relationship between
devise personal and throughout lesson diet, physical activity food pyramid
community strategies based on to test students’ and health
them knowledge and

Extra worksheet
provided to
students who finish
an activity early
and require more
Cross Curriculum themes & General capabilities Explicit subject specific concepts and skills

Differentiate teaching to meet the specific learning Students are applying their knowledge on health and
needs of students across the full range of abilities nutrition to apply the food pyramid to a range of
(extension activities for those who are advanced) influences associated with increasing freedom of choice
General Capabilities as well as creating personal and community strategies
ICT: YouTube videos on the food pyramid based on these influences.
Cultural knowledge and background on each food

Kiara Rose Calarco Assessment 2 18041907

Time Teaching and learning actions Organisation Centred


Intro Taking the role and getting Teacher: mark the role whilst asking students about Student
students to share what they did their favorite holiday activity that they did
5 minutes in the holidays
Student: sharing with the class one favorite holiday

Resources: the role with student’s names on it

Body Sharing activity: Teacher: ask for a student volunteer and show, as an Student
Get students to share with a example, how to perform the activity. Pair those
5 minutes students who are more advanced with those who
partner what they ate for lunch
and which macronutrient it fits aren’t to make for a better classroom environment
under. This will hopefully bring where full participating is reached. Also, if students
up different types of cultural haven’t brought up didn’t cultural foods, then refer to
foods from different student and mention them to the students briefly
backgrounds which will bring
Student: students pair up and share their food choices
awareness and enhance cultural
knowledge Resources: Food pyramid diagram

YouTube Video: Teacher: sets up the YouTube clip and plays it with Teacher
Students will watch a quick some pauses to explain some concepts. Get students
5 minutes
video demonstrating how the to point out everyday foods to place them in their
food chain works and how it is categories on the food pyramid
divided into categories to help
Student: watch YouTube video and ask questions when
with visualization

Calorie Counter activity Teacher: Shows students how to access the online Student
Students get allocated to a calorie counter on their smart devices or computers and
5 minutes demonstrates, using an example, how to use it.
computer or smart device to
calculate their calorie intake per
Student: students work individually to count their
day with the foods they would
calorie intake per week using the online website and
regularly eat during the week then come together as a group to share

Resources: Count my calories calculator website

Kiara Rose Calarco Assessment 2 18041907

15 minutes Healthy eating quiz Teacher: assigns students to a computer each to Student
This quiz is designed to help rate complete the quiz and monitor progress as well as
how healthy the students eating addressing any questions or concerns along the way
habits and food choices are. The
quiz will identify areas for Student: participate in the online activity to gain
improvement as well as general knowledge on their current eating habits as well as
feedback and suggestions on how taking on board provided suggestions and feedback after
to adjust and increase foods in the quiz.
their diet
Revision Revision Questions: Teacher
5 minutes
Teacher: Lead the discussion and make sure all students
When do we mainly use CHO as a have an opportunity to answer and address any unsure
source of fuel? questions
When do we use fat as a source of
energy? Student: Class revision and recapping what was learnt in
What is the role of protein? the lesson to encourage feedback
Students to complete these
questions if they finish previous Resources: Discussion question sheets
activities early, otherwise, this
could be set as homework

Kiara Rose Calarco Assessment 2 18041907


In modifying this lesson plan, I have established a need to integrate information and
communication technology (ICT) as well as Aboriginal culture to extend knowledge in these
areas amongst the students. ICT is an important aspect in learning and education in the
classroom, so integrating it into a lesson plan is rewarding. Using ICT, found to be useful
when students had direction in the lesson. This is seen when students are allocated 15
minutes to complete a healthy eating quiz, allowing them to assess their own eating habits.
These activities manage to cater for all differing abilities amongst the students as there is
always help and feedback provided by the teacher and excelling students.

As the original lesson plan didn’t allow for enough student direction or use of ICT, it was a
lot easier to implement these into the modified lesson where students are able to
experience learning interactivity through a computer or device instead of taking basic notes.
This caters for all learning abilities, whether its group work or computer work, as well as
making sure that all needs are met.

Overall, I found this assignment surprisingly useful in providing me with the basic knowledge
to complete or alter a lesson plan in the future. I have concluded that there is a lot of
thought, time and dedication allocated to a lesson plan for it to meet necessary needs of the
students. This has therefore allowed me to gain a deeper understanding of what is involved
in becoming a quality teacher.

Learning Outcome Method of measurement and recording

KC1 Informal assessment during discussion of quiz results
KC6 Informal assessment through constant monitoring and
questioning throughout online quiz and calorie calcultor


The major key issue shown in the lesson plan that needs to be either reduced or eliminated
is the trip hazard of bags around the classroom. It is essential that all bags are moved to one
side of the room to allow the teacher to move around freely to each student and allows
safety to other students also. Through the implementation of ICT, it is also a potential risk as
trip hazards, such as a charger cord, may be present and need to be tapped to the floor to
avoid injury. Also, all cords must be plugged in correctly to the wall to avoid electrocution.

Kiara Rose Calarco Assessment 2 18041907

Academic Justification

Although the original lesson plan presented was inclusive, there were areas that needed
improving in relation to the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (AITSL, 2016).
These were aspects of ICT and differentiation of teaching for altering learning abilities.

Standards 1.5 and 2.6 are both shown in the modified lesson plan as YouTube videos and
online quizzes as well as pairing students up during group work based on learning abilities.
Research by Schumm and Vaughn (1995) showed that teachers didn’t respond to this form of
action in their classroom as they felt as if it was not their job to draw attention to differences
amongst the students. However, it is the teacher’s role to encourage a student into an area
where they can receive maximal development in their learning as well as success in activities
that are viewed as slightly more challenging (Tomlinson, et al., 2003). When differentiating
teaching practices at the classroom level, as I have done in my lesson plan, it is important not
to come across as targeting or excluding a student due to their learning abilities. The
modifications made to this lesson plan involve paring students up where they can help one
another learn as well as providing extra activities to those students who like the challenge.
These modifications also help with ICT in the classroom as students can engage in online
activities which allows them to work at their own pace to achieve their goal. Many
researchers have concluded that through the use of ICT and specifically computers, students
are becoming more knowledgeable. Thus, diminishing the concept of direct instruction by
teachers as well as allowing these teachers a chance to support those students with particular
learning needs. (Iding, Crosby, & Speitel, 2002; Shamatha, Peressini, & Meymaris 2004;
Romeo, 2006).

ICT in the original lesson plan wasn’t integrated and therefore needed to be addressed in the
modification of the lesson. This was achieved through the use of a Youtube video outlining
the significance and process of the food pyramid. This is used as an introduction to the
pyramid as students may have never heard of it before. It provides an interactive form of
learning for the students where they can absorb knowledge easier (Duffy, 2008). ICT has its
benefits in teaching students new and exciting ways to learn as well as still learning the class
content. The healthy eating quiz as well as the calorie counter are both other forms of ICT
that are being used in the lesson.

Kiara Rose Calarco Assessment 2 18041907

Within the NSW Quality Teaching Model (Ludwig & Gore, 2003), beneficial modifications
were made in terms of cultural knowledge as well as student direction. The original lesson
plan was mainly teacher centred activities where students didn’t have much direction. The
activities either involved note taking or individual worksheet work where students would be
restricted to choice in the lesson. This issue was managed through the use of the healthy
eating quiz as well as the calorie counter calculator. These activities allow students to work at
their own pace and have a choice in what food they decide to put in the calculator or what
questions they think best suits their eating habits in the quiz. Research shows that pedagogies
directed at enriching student’s contribution to their learning has seen to be beneficial in
student engagement and behaviour (Smith, Sheppard, Johnson, & Johnson, 2005).

Through giving students a choice in their classrooms during activities has led to the last
modification of cultural knowledge. It is important that students understand and learn about
different cultures and their background. In the modified lesson plan, the implementation of a
discussion based on what cultural foods the students ate over the holidays brings in a
different aspect to the lesson that students may not know of. Research by Hefflin, (2002)
showed that when teachers adopted teaching practices based on cultural knowledge, they
were able to view pedagogy through the lives of their students. This further enhances
relationships between students and teachers to form strong and trusting environments.
Teachers who care about their culturally diverse students, also show an understanding to
culture as a significant aspect to the lives of their students. Hefflin (2002) also states that a
teachers goal to have a cultural pedagogy teaching practice is to increase students successful
development through the use of such materials where students are encouraged to utilise what
they know to gain further knowledge and skills.

Kiara Rose Calarco Assessment 2 18041907


AITSL. (2016). Australian Professional Standards for Teachers. Retrieved from

Bingimlas, K. A. (2009). Barriers to the successful integration of ICT in teaching and

learning environments: A Review of the Literature. Journal of Mathematics, Science and
Technology, 5(3), 235-245. DOI: 10.12973/eurasia.2009.00146a

Duffy, P. (2008). Engaging the YouTube Google-eyed generation: strategies for Using Web
2.0 in Teaching and Learning. The Electronic Journal of e-Learning 6(2), 119-130.

Hefflin, B.(2002). Learning to develop culturally relevant pedagogy: A Lesson About

Cornrowed Lives. The Urban Review, 34(3), 231‐248. DOI: 10.1023/A:1020603323594

Iding, M., Crosby, M., & Speitel, T. (2002). Teachers and technology: Beliefs and practices.
International Journal of Instructional Media, 29 (2), 153-171.

Ludwig, J., & Gore, J. (2003). Quality Teaching in NSW Public Schools A classroom
practice guide Retrieved from

Romeo, G. I. (2006). Engage, empower, enable: Developing a shared vision for technology in
education. Engaged learning and Emerging Technologies. The Netherlands: Springer

Schumm, J., & Vaughn, S. (1995). Getting ready for inclusion: Is the stage set? Learning
Disabilities Research & Practice, 10, 169–179.

Shamatha, J. H., Peressini, D., & Meymaris, K. (2004). Technology-supported mathematics

activities situated within an effective learning environment theoretical framework.
Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 3(4), 362-381.

Smith, K., Sheppard, S., Johnson, D., & Johnson, R. (2005). Pedagogies of Engagement:
Classroom-Based Practices. Journal Of Engineering Education, 94(1), 87-101.

Tomlinson, C., Brighton, C., Hertberg, H., Callahan, C., Moon, T., & Brimijoin, K. et al.
(2003). Differentiating Instruction in Response to Student Readiness, Interest, and
Learning Profile in Academically Diverse Classrooms: A Review of Literature. Journal
For The Education Of The Gifted, 27(2-3), 119-145.

Kiara Rose Calarco Assessment 2 18041907

Learning Portfolio Web Link


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