The Impact of School Facilities On Teaching and Learning in Presbyterian Secondary Schools in The SW of Cameroon

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

International Open Access Journal |

ISSN No: 2456 - 6470 | Volume - 2 | Issue – 6 | Sep – Oct 2018

The Impact off School Facilities on Teaching and Learning in

Presbyterian Secondary Schools in the SW off Cameroon
Rev Mbanwi Pascaline Enjoh
M.Ed, PhD inn View
View, Department of Educational Foundations and
Administration of the
he Faculty of Education, University of Buea, Buea, Cameroon

Considering that education is the bed rock of every This agrees with the study of Buckley, et al., (2004)
successful society,, this study intended to find out the that poor air movement and ventilation can result in
impact of school facilities on teaching and learning in increased student absenteeism and subsequent
Presbyterian secondary schools in the south west reduced student performance; thermal comfort affect
region of Cameroon. This study used the survey both teacher performance and student achievement
research design which helped to determine the and classroom lighting can improve test scores and
influence of facilities on teaching and learning in reduce off-task
task behavior. Also, a study of over 2000
selected Presbyterian secondary
econdary schools in the South classrooms indicated that students with the most
West Region of Cameroon. Data for the study was classroom daylight progressed 20% faster in one year
collected by the use of questionnaire which contained on mathematics tests and 26% faster on reading tests
semi structured questions. The closed ended questions than those in classrooms with the least amount of
constituted Likert-type
type four response option items. natural daylight.
The secondary schools ols studied are located in three of
the six Divisions of the Region. These are Fako, Keyword: Facilities, Teaching, Learning
Meme and Manyu. Of the five secondary schools
studied, two are in the urban area of Kumba (Meme INTRODUCTION
Division) and Limbe (Fako Division) while three are Education is the bed rock of every successful societal.
located in rural areas.. The target population for this The no child left behind global education policy is the
study constituted all teachers found in Presbyterian latest approach in the improvement and closing of
Secondary Schools in the South West Region of gaps in student academic performance. Traditionally,
Cameroon high schools have received much of the attention in
the discussion of school reforms. This is possibly due
In this study the researcher used 05 Presbyterian to the sequential proximity that high schools have to
Secondary Schools out of the 07 Presbyterian the world of higher education or the world of work.
Secondary Schools inn the South West Region of Universities and employers are claiming billions of
Cameroon. This sample size gave a percentage of dollars in expenses to remediate high school graduates
60% from the population giving a total number of (Fiske, 1991). It is without doubt that every
representatives of 150. From the findings, it was sustainable
ainable education system is well embedded in an
realised that the indispensible role of school facilities environment made of diversified educational
was approved by almost all ll the respondents. About facilities. Bearing in mind the inexplicable importance
three quarters of them held that school facilities of these facilities, this paper sought to investigate the
(classrooms with good air conditions) enhance impact of school facilities on teaching and learning
learni in
teaching and learning, comfortable seats enable Presbyterian Secondary Schools in the SW of
learning as students feel well to participate in class Cameroon.
while spacious classrooms give the teacher and
student good room for interaction.

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
ational technology; so also, size of classroom,
A recent study by the American Society of Civil sitting position and arrangement, availability of tables,
Engineers reports that 75 percent of the nations’ chairs, chalkboards, shelves on which instruments for
school buildings are inadequate (Kerr, 2003). This has practicals are arranged (Farrant, 1991 and Farombi,
occurred coincidentallyy while student performance 1998).
and dropout for many of our nation’s students has
remained stagnant (Cameroon growth and According to Oni (1992), facilities constitute a
employment strategic paper). The research is clear strategic factor in organizational functioning. This is
that a strong link exists between the school facilities so because they determine to a very large extent the
and the learning process (Blair, 1998). Oft cited smooth functioning of any social organization or
researchers Earthman and Lemasters (1996) have system including education. He further stated that
pointed out that students surrounded by a safe, their availability, adequacy and relevance
r influence
modern and environmentally controlled environment efficiency and high productivity. In his words,
experience a positive effect on their learning. School Farombi (1998) opined that the wealth of a nation or
finance trends in Texas have shown a notable
otable increase society could determine the quality of education in
in funding for educational facilities (Clark, 2001). that land; emphasizing that a society that is wealthy
However, studies are needed to draw a clear will establish good schools withwi quality teachers,
comparison between the quality of our school learning infrastructures that with such, students may
buildings and academic outcomes. Long time Texas learn with ease thus bringing about good academic
educators, such as retired Texas A&M University achievement.
rofessor Harold Hawkins, point out the limited depth
of research in this area (O’Neill, 2000) Knowing the For successful achievement of academic performance
importance of school facilities in the teaching and in schools there is need to provide key physical
process, this study is intended to highlight the impact infrastructure which
hich include:-
include: science laboratory,
of these facilities within the teaching and learning. school library, classrooms and various types of solid
waste disposal. Science laboratory is central to
Purpose of the study scientific instruction and it forms essential component
This study intended to find out the implication or of science education. It is where various kinds of
impact of facilities available in schools on the practical work
ork are carried out by students under the
teaching and learning process. It was intended to guidance of their teachers. Without proper and well-
illuminate the relationship that exists between school equipped science laboratory, it is not possible to carry
facilities, teaching and learning. out the science teaching process effectively in any
school or educational institutions. Library is a section
Research Question of the school organization where there are
Do school facilities influence the teaching and groupsofbooks, magazines, articles and newspapers.
learning process in Presbyterian secondary schools? Some schools have audio-visual visual section in their
library. The need for a good library service is no
BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY longer an issue of debate. A library is therefore
School facilities have been observed as a potent factor indispensable
sable because it is hub of intellectual
to quantitative education. The importance
rtance to teaching activities in the school just as a laboratory.
and learning of the provision of adequate instructional
facilities for education cannot be over
over-emphazised. Classrooms are key infrastructural facilities in the
The dictum that “teaching is inseparable from school where the teaching learning process takes
learning but learning is not separable from teaching” place. Spacious classroom gives the teacher and
is that teachers do the teaching
ing to make the students students good room for interaction. Solid waste
learn, but students can learn without the teachers. disposal system is important in enhancing safe and
clean environment. There is need for proper
According to Akande (1985), learning can occur management of solid waste disposal in schools
through one’s interaction with one’s environment. because this enhances positive attitude towards
Environment here refers to facilities that are available personal hygiene and environment. Firstly, Fir
to facilitate students learning outcome. It includes application of appropriate management techniques
books, audiovisual, software and hardware of would assist in taking care of all available facilities. In

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
either word, facilities which might have suffered classroom size on achievement can therefore be
neglect as a result of carelessness, ignorance, lack of ambiguous, depending on the instructor’s teaching
commitment and resources for manage
management, would method and student motivation.
receive attention from school administrators and
inspectors. Also, school facilities which are well The physical infrastructure includes laboratory,
managed are likely to be durable. This will save us the library, classroom and solid waste disposal. A well
loss of replacement within a short period of planned and organized layout of physical
procurement. infrastructure do much to banish apathy, supplement
inadequacy of books as well as arouse students
In addition, there would be safety from danger, interest by giving them something practical to see, do
disaster and theft when facilities are well managed, and at the same time helping to train them to think
certain facilities, especially the ones in the things out themselves. Savoury (1958) suggested a
laboratories, are delicate, dangerous, expensive and catalogue of useful visual aids that are goodg for
explosive. They need to be well managed in order to teaching history such as pictures, post cards,
avoid the danger which would arise ise from their usage. diagrams, maps, filmstrips of materials. It is against
Also, disasters such as flood and fire could be avoided this background that this study seeks to establish the
if there is proper planning for safety precautions. influence of physical infrastructure on the
performance of students in Presbyterian Secondary
In Virginia, Cash (1993) developed a research that schools in Cameroon.
examined the impact of various factors of building
condition on student’s achievement in a manner that Writing on the role of facilities in teaching, Balogun
controlled for socio-economic
economic status of the students. (1982) submitted that no effective science education
He found that when socio-economic
economic factors were programme can exist without equipment for teaching.
constant, facility condition had a significant This is because facilities enable the learner to develop
correlation with student’s achievement. Also, he problem-solving g skills and scientific attitudes. In their
found out that air conditioning,g, absence of graffiti, contribution, Ajayi and Ogunyemi (1990) reiterated
condition of science laboratories, classrooms, that when facilities are provided to meet relative
condition of library facilities, types of solid waste needs of a school system, students will not only have
disposals systems correlated with student academic access to the reference materials mentioned by the
achievement at a significant level when controlling teacher,
er, but individual students will also learn at their
for socio-economic status of the students. own pace. The net effect of this is increased overall
academic performance of the entire students.
Chan (1996) also conducted a similar study of the
impact of physical infrastructure on students and This is in agreement with Nwangwu (1997) who
concluded that technology and adaptabilities of believed that teaching materials facilitate teaching and
physical infrastructure better equipped students for learning
earning activities, which result in effective teaching
success and that to ignore that fact wa
was to disregard and improved academic performance. For efficient
the physical difficulties of learning. On classroom educational management, facilities help the school to
size, studies have shown that students in larger classes determine the number of pupils to be accommodated,
may perform more poorly if the resulting reduced number of teachers and non-teaching
teaching personnel to be
motivation leads to increased absenteeism. However, employed and the cost determination for the efficient
such issues have not been empir empirically tested. management of the system (Osagie, 2001). The school
Teaching is generally assumed to be a public good, climate is determined by the resources, especially
however, as Bonesronning (2003) points out, there are class rooms under which the teachers and pupils
also private good aspects. operates which influences attitude in teaching
teachin and
learning. Unconducive class room creates stress on
As classroom size is reduced, instructors have a teachers and pupils resulting to negative attitude
greater chance to provide students with individual toward school and learning by pupils.
attentionn and can respond to the reduced class size by
reallocating resources towards low-achieving
achieving students The issue of quality in education goes beyond the
or by adopting teaching methods geared towards curriculum or subject content but includes learning
student needs (Brown and Saks 1987). The impact of environment
ment and school factors. It is the view of

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Obayan (2003) and Obameata (1998) that classroom discomfort. There is also increased absenteeism
absent and
learning environment and school factors exerts some conditions favourable to disease and infection spread
dominant influence on learner’s achievement. amongst students. Student achievement is further
reduced by poor ventilation, lack of air movement and
Quality of facilities is not only related to building age poor humidity control. Much of the research on this
but also building condition, with good facility was done before standardised testing was available as
management being able to extend the life cycle of a a measuring tool. However, students in appropriately
building. Higher literacy and numeracy achievements controlled environments were observed to make
have been recorded for students learning in ne new or significantly fewer errors on tasks and required less
upgraded buildings when compared with students time on tasks than students in uncontrolled
learning in older or non modernised facilities. These environments.
differences have been found in a range of studies
across the United States, with scores ranging from Lorton and Walley (1979) and an Hallack (1990)
between five and eight percent higher for student
students in discovered that learning experiences are fruitful when
better condition facilities. The link between student there are adequate quantity and quality of physical
behaviour and better quality facilities is less resources; and that unattractive school buildings,
conclusive; however, studies have found fewer crowded classrooms, non-availability
availability of playing
discipline and attendance issues in more modern ground and surroundings that have no aesthetic beauty
facilities (Fisher 2000). can contribute to poor academic performance. To
emphasize further the issue of physical facilities,
Facilities below approved standard
tandard could also lead to Cameron (1970) underscores the importance of
reduction in quality of teaching and learning in developing adequate and appropriate physical
schools resulting to poor pupils’ academic facilities for quality education to be realized.
performance (Uwheraka, 2005). The school
environment affects academic achievement of pupils. There is a consistent body of evidence linking
Facilities such as, desks, seats, chalkboard
chalkboard, teaching particular factors to improved student performance
aids, and cupboard are ingredients for effective (Buckley et al 2004). These include:
teaching and learning. In the same vein the Nigeria  Air movement and ventilation – poor air
Education Research Council of 1998 also emphasized movement and ventilation can result in increased
that, for a good education policy or programmed to student absenteeism and subsequent reduced
guarantee quality outputs, it must be adeq adequately student performance;
supplied with necessary facilities and equipment. In  Thermal comfort – considered to affect both
Kenya a number of studies have been conducted to teacher performance and student achievement;
assess the level of availability and adequacy of  Classroom lighting - appropriate classroom
teaching and learning facilities in the schools. The lighting can improve test scores and reduce off-
school infrastructure which includes: buildinbuildings, task behavior
science laboratories, play grounds, and school  Natural daylight – has been linked to faster
compound were found to play an important role in progression in Mathematic and reading. A study
facilitating academic achievement in schools. An of over 2000 classrooms indicated that students
evaluation which was conducted by KIE in the year with the most classroom daylight progressed 20%
2007 to investigate how much prepared schools were faster
ter in one year on math tests and 26% faster on
for thee new curriculum showed that most of the reading tests than those in classrooms with the
sampled schools had inadequate infrastructure for least amount of natural daylight.
teaching and learning.  Acoustics - good acoustics considered
fundamental to good academic performance, both
According to Kenn Fisher (2000) temperatures in in terms of external noise and noise within
wit the
excess of 25ºC have detrimental physiological effects classroom.
which, in turn, decrease mental effic
efficiency, work
outputs and performance. Above this temperature, and Ogundare (1999) and Olagboye (2004), viewed
with poor humidification, respiration rates are utilization of school infrastructure and learning
increased, physical efforts become more demanding, environment as the extent of usage of school
attention spans decrease and students report more buildings, laboratories, library, assembly-ground,

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
flower garden, school garden, volleyball fiel
field, chairs, of statistical analysis. Advocacy of school libraries is
desks, chalkboard, and so on. However, too much made more difficult if the sole source of evidence is
pressure on their use could result in over utilization, a dry statistics. Yet macro-studies
studies that take thousands of
situation that could lead to rapid deterioration and students as their subjects must necessarily
nec take a
breakdown. For instance, when a classroom built to statistical approach. According to Scott and Plourde
accommodate 40 students is constantly ly being used for (2007) the research now needs to move on from
60 students then the returns from these facilities may examining the positive impact of school libraries and
not be maximized in terms of teaching and learning. into studying exactly what a quality school library
Comfortable learning facilities will not only boost the programme looks like.
morale of teachers and students but will also ensure
the realization of the set educational objectives in METHODOLOGY
secondary schools. This study used the survey research design which
helped to determine the influence of facilities on
The library services (both physical and virtual) of the teaching and learning in selected Presbyterian
Information Division are developed and maintained secondary schools in the South West Region of
for and on behalf of the teaching and learning needs Cameroon. The design was considered relevant
of the University. Library and information del delivery because it entails the researcher to collect, analyze
services are integrated within the Information data and report information as it exists in the field
Division to ensure that excellence in teaching and without manipulation of variables.
learning is backed by high quality infrastructure using
the best of the physical and communications facilities. Also, the design was used in describing the
Developments within e-learning
learning are paral
paralleled by an characteristics of a large population, makes use of
going demand for print, multimedia and nonnon-book large samples, thus making the results
re statistically
library materials and services. The physical libraries significant even when analyzing multiple variables,
add value to the teaching and learning experiences by many questions were asked about a given variable
providing housing, organisation and access to a giving considerable flexibility to the analysis. The
diverse range of general and specialised
ised materials. design allowed the use of various methods of data
collection like questionnaire and
a interview methods
According to Haycock (1995a, 1995b), the evidence and it also made use of standardized questions where
that links school libraries and student achievement is reliability of the items is determined (Owen, 2002).
that, schools with good libraries and the services of a Hence, the researcher used this survey design to
school librarian students perform significantly better collect data from teachers of some selected
on tests for basic research
earch skills; students perform Presbyterian Secondary Schools in the th South West
significantly better in reading comprehension and in Region of Cameroon.
their ability to express effectively ideas in relation to
their reading; more reading occurs when there is a The South West Region is made up of six divisions.
school library; the guidance of a librarian appears to These are; Fako, Meme, Ndian, Manyu , Kupe- Kupe
exert significant
gnificant influence on student achievement in Manenguba and Lebialem. These are in turn broken
gathering and in schools with good down into subdivisions. Presidentially appointed
libraries and full-time
time librarians, students perform senior divisional officers and sub-divisional
sub officers
better at higher levels in reading comprehension, and govern each respectively.
in knowledge and use of reference materials than
studentss in schools with minimal or no library service. The secondary schools studied are located in three of
the six Divisions of the Region. These are Fako,
Other researches that link specific school library Meme and Manyu. Of the five secondary schools
factors to student achievement prove that school studied, two are in the urban area of Kumba (Meme
libraries are statistically the most beneficial are Division)
vision) and Limbe (Fako Division) while three are
clearly important. Smith (2001) admits that causal located in rural areas.
ationships cannot be established solely on the basis

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Figure 1: the study Area: South West Region

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470

Figure 2: Presbyterian Secondary Schools in the South West Region of Cameroon

The target population for this study constituted all Data for the study was collected by the use of
teachers found in Presbyterian Secondary Schools in questionnaire which contained semi structured
the South West Region of Cameroon questions. The closed ended questions constituted
Likert-type four response
sponse option items. The choice of
In this study the researcher used 05 Presbyterian a questionnaire was motivated by Gay and Airasion’s
Secondary Schools out of the 07 Presbyterian (2000) who opined that it is easier to collect data from
Secondary Schools in the South West Region of respondents through the use of questionnaire because
Cameroon. This sample size gave
ave a percentage of it requires less time, and produces quick results.
60% from the population giving a total number of
representatives of 150.

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
Data analysis
nalysis refers to examining what has been learning is greater than the critical Гxy -value of 0.098
collected in a survey or experiment and making at 0.05 level of significance.
deductions and inferences (Kombo & Tromp, 2006).
The questionnaire collected from the respondents Conclusion
were checked to ascertain that they were completed From the findings, it is glaring that the concept of
and accurately. Theyey were then edited and coded. The facilities cannot be undermined in any educational
data will be analyzed using the Statistical Package for milieu; be it primary, secondary or higher education.
Social Sciences (SPSS, Version 21). Mujis (2004) Most Presbyterian Secondary Schools in the South
describes SPSS as the capability of offering extensive West Region of Cameroon have some good facilities
data handling numerous statistical analysis routines though there is a need to make all of them available to
that can analyze small to very large data statistics. all schools given their prominence in teaching and
Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive learning. From first sight, their importance can all be
statistics tools such as frequency distribution tables measured from the uses they provide to teachers and
and graphs. Qualitative data was used and analyzed learners in school but intrinsically they have differing
by synthesizing the information from the respondents degrees of influence on teaching and learning. The
andd arranging the responses thematically in line with conceptpt of facilities appears to be so underpinning in
the variables of study. teaching and learning because learning experiences
are fruitful when there are adequate quantity and
FINDINGS quality of physical resources; and that unattractive
The indispensible role of school facilities was school buildings, crowded classrooms can contribute
approved by almost all the respondents. About three to poor academic performance. Nonetheless, caution
quarters of them held that school facilities should be taken on provision of good facilities
(classrooms with good airr conditions) enhance because some sophisticated equipment derail
teaching and learning, comfortable seats enable student’s attention and they prefer extracurricular
learning as students feel well to participate in class activities like spots, laboratory than attend class
while spacious classrooms give the teacher and lessons. This leads to increase absenteeism rate.
student good room for interaction.
A multiplier effect was also identified on these
This agrees with the study of Buckley, et al., (2004) findings depicting that the dilapidation or depreciation
that poor air movement and ventilation can result in of infrastructures and equipment can cause further
increased student absenteeism and subsequent destructions especially when the density of usage is
reduced student performance; thermal comfort affect not controlled to match the appropriate ratios. The
both teacher performance and student achievement damage or destruction of windows, doors and benches
and classroom lighting can improve test scores and for example can result to a high students concentrate
reduce off-task
task behavior. Also, a study of over 2000 on the remaining good ones leading to subsequent
classrooms indicated that students with the most damages because of over usage. In this light, the
classroom daylight progressed 20% faster in one year findings
dings of this study were concluded in favour of
on mathematics tests and 26% faster on reading tests Wilson and Kelling (1982) Broken Window theory;
than those in classrooms with the least amount of who offered that if a building had a broken window
natural daylight. and the window was not replaced, all of the other
windows would soon be broken. One broken window
On the other hand, good school facilities like indicates that
hat no one cares, so continuing the breakage
comfortable benches and chairs can encourage so will come at no cost.
much relaxation during learning and some students
sleep off in class. Despite this, the global mean of the Also, Malcolm Gladwell (2009) using Wilson and
distribution was 2.99 which fell ll above the cut off Kelling’s theory said that the condition of school
point of 2; denoting that school facilities constitute a infrastructure has crucial consequences for school
vital aspect to effective teaching and learning in performance, specifically attendance anda drop-out
Presbyterian Secondary Schools in the South West rates. If a school is damaged and left unrestored, the
Region of Cameroon. To complement this, the result disrepair will create an atmosphere of instability that
of the analysis revealed that
at the calculated Гxy -value tends to strangle social order and the educational
of 0.252* for classroom adequacy and teaching and process. Students in such an environment perceive

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