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Tittle:The causes of blackout in Bandar lamping


Most people all over the Indonesia know about it and can imagine
the effects of blackout that are very detrimental to the productivity
of the work.


A. prolenged dry season the power not optimal.

- Reduced water discharge.

- Ability of power plans and transfer energy reduced.

- Some a power plant interruption.

B. Maintenace of power plants not optimal.

- Dry season influence the optimal of power plants.

- Smog influence the air filter from power plants.

- Maintenance is not good.

C. The heavy rain and winds cause system power platns be

- Power pole collapse caused the heavy rainfall and winds.

- Fallen tree befall the system PLN.

- The suddenly blackout


Blackouts have become a regular occurrence, mostly without prior

notice, Damage to electronic appliances has caused many customers to lodge
complaints. Although the deficit sounds small it has often occurred blackouts
two to three times a week in Lampung, which is part of the south and central
Sumtera network.Citizen users of electricity the electric company and
bitching,every day forced to face the blackout in shifts, generally lasts at least
for three hour. But not a little who had blackout until a dozen hours, every
time got turn blackout.

Blackout in shifts and evenly, for at least three hours once a turn, to
reduce the burden due to conditions of deficit of electrical power in Lampung.
Blackout tag electricity in the province of Lampung, according to PT the electric
company going on since 25 September 2015, because of deficit of electrical
power is very big between day and night is around 80 megawatt, so do the
reduction burden with blackout tag.
Manager Distribusi PT.PLN Lampung, explain the cause of the deficit of
electrical power in this area is the diminished ability power, Power plant water
(PLTA) Batutegi and PLTA way Besai, because the discharge water was reduced
due to long dry season.
The specific, at the time of normal transfer electrical power during the day
range 200--250 MW, and at night in normal times, to transfer electrical power
can reached 342 MW but, when it can be transferred only ranges 228—290
MW.These conditions cause the deficit of electrical power, sowe imposed the
blackout tag.
He described anyway the details of the cause of the transfer electrical power is
reduced to that,that PLTA is not optimum because of the drought prolonged,
the power plant (GAS) not optimal because of the fog the smoke that
happened in Sumatera Central and South caused the filter inlet having a that
result in adecrease in power capble of generating, as well as some of the GAS
having a disturbance.the cause of the other is merelymaintenance some of the
plants, in between PLTU hill Acid 1 and 2 and PLTG keramasan 2 and 3.
The explain, the power capable of generating Lampung and transfer of
Sumatra South in normal times average about 865 MW, the supply by
generating 540 MW and transfer 325 MW, with a load peak of the highest ever
achieved 854 MW.
To supply electricity Lampung reliable, then need to available reserves are at
least as big as the biggest in Lampung, namely 100 MW and to reach the
expectations enough. Then it takes a backup plant as big as 30 percent of the
burden of the top or around 256 MW.
He insists, with the conditions of deficit of electrical power in Lampung,
happen reduction weight morning, and night, to keep balance in the system so
it didn’t happen blackout or shutdown completely.
PT. PLN Lampung, suggest customers to use electricity with efficient and them
as needed, to maintain balance in the supply of electricity when the load peaks
at 17.00—22.00 WIB .


The causes of blackout in Bandar Lampung are prolonged dry

season the power not optima, Maintenance of power plants not optimal,
heavy rain and winds make system power plants be damaged, are very
detrimental to the productivity of the public.

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