IAS Mains Chemistry 2017 Paper 1

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( f11 £4 '1 セ@ #11 '1 (^ヲセ@ I)

(11flT : rfr.:r. F:fTl?: Sヲセ@ Jiq;: 250
Time Allowed : Three Hours Maximutn Marks: 250

セ@ セイゥヲ@ cnT セ@ セ@ セ@ ¥ Mkl ヲセ@ f<5J <'1 mitcfi セt@ Cfil t tl I rt lJ:4 Cfl セ@ I
セ@ 3TIO ^イセ@ セ@ \111 Gl"ciif -q ヲ」セ@ セ@ ctセ@ セ@ 3ft\ セ@ セ@ "B セ@ セ@ I
w&n?if cn1 セ@ -qf:q ^イセョ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ 1

^イセ@ tiwn 1 セ@ 5 セ@ セ@ 。セ@ セ@ ^イセ@ -B it セ@ セゥエ@ Cfi11-it-Cf11i セ@ ^イセMNZ@ セ@ セ@ mrr ^イセョ@

セ i@
セ@ ^ヲセBGャO@ セ@ 3i"Cfi GQセ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ I
^イ セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ l=fTup:f -q fu& セ@ セ@ NI("!Ch l セ@ セ@ セ t M セ@ -q fcn<n 1T<n セG@ Sヲエ|セ@ l=fTup:f q;r
セ@ @セ ^イセMエャBq@ H」イサNュ セ NI@ セ@ セ@ ァセcィ "Cf{ -Pcn<n セ@ ャ@ セ@
セ@ セ@ -q{ セ@ 1
\3b(1 f<Sl li mm セ@ fcnm l=fTm -B -fu-& セ@ セ@
3l R1 f<ffi 3rr<:r "CR cnW 3lcn rr@ セ@ 1

セ@ SャQcヲセ\Zェアゥ@ m, セイゥ・ャ[@ セ@ cnT, ^ヲ セBGャ@ cnr セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ lTQ, セ@ -q セ@ セ@ セ@ I

\ifGf CTCf1 \3 ?<1 fuJ (1 セ@ m , セ@ 。セ@ セ@ gセ@ 1qct1 wqfBclliA'Cfi :wn -B セ@ セ@ 1
セ@ Sヲ}cセ@ -m, -m \3q9)ffi セ@ cnr セ@ chlMC!> HQセ@ セ@ -pnzy cfilRrtl!> 1
^ヲセ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ Tfit セtg@ "ffism セ@ 3f.Tffi\ セ@ セ@ I
^ャセ@ セ@ セ@ cRt l"J1TRT セャゥ@ ャ ェュセ@ cfiT セ@ 1 セ@ CfiTCT セ@ m, en ^ヲ セ B[ヲ@ セ@ セ@ cRt T[1TRl cRt セ@ セ@ セ@
セ@ SヲセュZ@ セ@ 1T<n mI セ@ gffil Cfl l "B セ@ セ@ セSd@ セ@ 'IT セ@ Sヲセ t N@ cnT セ@ <§'q' it CfiTCT \1fRT セ@ I
Please read each of the following instructions carefully before attempting questions.
T here are EIGHT questio ns divideJ in Two Sections and p1inted both in HINDI and in ENGLISH.
Candidate has to attem pt FfVE questions in a ll.
Question Nos. 1 and 5 arc compulsory and out of the remaining, THREE are to be attempted choosing
at least ONE questio n from each Section ..
The number.of marks ca n·ied by a questio n/ part is indicated against it.
Answers must b e w ritten in the medium authorized in the Admission Certificate w hich must be stated
clearly on the cover of this Question-cum-Answer (QCA) Booklet in the space provided. No marks will
be given for answers w ritten in m edium other than the authorized one.
Coordinate d iagrams, w herever required, sha ll be drawn in the space provided for answering the
question itself.
Unl ess o therw ise mentioned, symbo ls and notati o ns carry their usua l standard m eanings.
Assume suitabl e data , i [ considered necessary, and indicate the same c learly.
Word lim it in アオ
w herever specified, sho uld be adhered to. ・ウ エセ ッ ョ ウL@
Attempts of questio ns shall be counted in sequential o rder. Unl ess struc k ofC attempt of a ques tion
sha ll be counted even i r attempted part ly. Any page o r po rtio n of th e page left bla nk in the
Q ucstion-cun1 -Answct Booklet must be <::!early s truck o ff'.

s th-p-ch1n
Values of fundamental phys(cal constants

Planck's constant h - 6·6262 X 1o- 34 Js

mass of electron m - 9·109 1 X 10-?1 kg ·.
charge on electron e - 1·60210 x 1o- 19 c
velocity of light in a vacuum c - 2·997925 x 108 ms- 1
Avogadro constant NA - 6·022045 x 1023 . mol- 1
Boltzmann constant kB = · 1·3805 X 10- 23 JK- l
Faraday constant F - 96500 C mol- 1
Gas constant R = 8·3 14 JK- 1 mol- 1
rc - 3·14


l.(a) セ@ セ@ ? @セ セ@ セョゥエ@
Cf2:fT セ@ セ@ fi<"iH13fi" セ@ セ@ セ@ @セ セ@ mセ@ セ@ ?
co;- 3W1<1 セ@ |Sセ Q エゥGH oi@ "« セ@ o/ セ@ chlMQ\ I
What is resonance energy セ@ What are the conditions which permit structures to
have イ・ウッョ。セ@ ? Discuss resonance taking the example of ion. 10 co;-

dNc = セ@ セ@ c "« (c + de) セ@ セSit@ cfiT セ@ セ@
N = セSit@ cfiT ¥ セ@ セ@ I
.m = 3l lfik1Cfl ᄋ セ@ セ@ I
T = cィセGゥ@ セ@ セ@ crrq セ@
セ N@ itm HCfl P"'l cfiT ^iセ@ Cf)d w セ@ セ@ fu-o: セ|ゥェ@ Cf) セ@ Olj, q ?I ch1 MQ\· I
For an ideal. gas, the distribution 1'!-w of molecular speed is,

• r

· where, .
dNc = Number molecules within the speed range c and (c + de).
N = Total number of molecules. .
m =Molecular mass.
T = Temperature in Kelv.in scale.
Derive the expression of most probable speed of this gaseous system. 10

s th-p -chn1 2
l.(c) ¥ C: lt=ltH セ@ (1-l.Jr) cfiT セ i@ siセ@ 'B セ@ セ@ Cf[ff セ_@ セ@ fcn
1-lJT = -_I_(()1-JJ Cp ()p T , 11

Define Joule-Thomson coefficient (1-l.JT ) . What is its unit in SI system? Show that

1-l.JT = __1 (()J-JJ . 10

Cp ()p T, 11

l.(d) (1) "'tfR セ@ Cf)f セ@ ACh iLI Hセ@ セ@ 'B ) セ@ セ@ I OLI IMI chlMQ) I
( i i) irff セ@ セ@ "t1f?f 'B lTlf セ@ "CR fq 'tl C1 Jl セ@ セ@ irff 31 tll\s') 'i COT o;-t:cfq Ict 'i mm
(i) Four-phase sulphur system (in equilibrium) is impossible. Explain. 5
(ii) In open container, on heating, solid sulphur melts, but solid iodine sublimes.
Explain. 5

I.( e) セ@ セ@ エヲャ]セ エ GBヲャ@ tilflCh(Ot Ch1 セ@ セjAcィQ@ cRt ュセSd@ "ct"m セ」ヲQwMゥエ@ ュセ@ セ@ R<ifGQ) 1

0·1 M NaCl Hセ I@ MC1Ll'i N セ@ セ@ 25°C "CR l=fl'c<:f 311LIACh flRhllct l セ@ cnr 4RChC1'i
cf\l!Vic( I セ@ セ@ Allct iCh HaIセG@ 0·51 mol- 112 L 112 1
Write down the Debye-Hi.ickel limiting equation with symbolic significances and
their units. Calculate mean ionic activity co-efficient of 0· 1 M NaC I (aq) solution
at 25°C. The value of Debye-Hi.ickel constant (A) is 0·5 1 mol- 112 L 112 . 10
2.(a) (i) セャ ャ Gゥ」エ ャ@ セ@ セ@ tffif Cf[ff m-a セ@ ? セ@ SI セ@ セッエjャ@ -B セ@ Cf[ff セ@ ? セヲ@
iTfr セ@ セlャGゥ」エ@ セ@ "CR セ@ m
Cf)f flCh i( I, JO!Ch mm セ@ I OLI IM I chlMQ) I
(ii) ゥィZ M Sャgセヲ@ iTfr セ@ セG@ GfrlfC1" m cfiT セ@ セャmqI@ 1 cths(cll('fl iTfr セ@ セ@ セ@
セ@ ACh iR<iQ) I
( i) What is the dimension of viscosity co-efficient? What is its unit in Sl system?
T he temperature effect on viscosity co-efficient of ideal gas is positive.
Explain. I0
.(ii) Define Boyle temperature of non-idea l gas. Obtain its expression for
van der Waals' gas. 15

2.(b) 2 flr.flr. O!ffi1 セ@ セ@ flclflt=J J"l(Cf)(l セイUIcヲャ@ Cf1T "Q)Cfi セ@ -B flt=JCt (cf)Lj セ@ セ@ "C1\
セ@ セ@ (fm -:0\l"tf -B アヲ\Z」エjセ@ セ@ cfiliVIQ) 1 セ@ セ [@ w:Wr セ@ m "CR エ]セ\cィd@ cnr セ@ m
490 dyne c m- 1 セ@ I
Find the change in surface area and energy when two identical mercury droplets of
diameter 2 mm merged isothermally to one drop. Given th at surface tension of
mercury is 490 dyne cm- 1 at ・ク ー ・ イゥュ ・ セエ。 ャ@ temperature. l0

3 s lh-p -chtn
2.(c) 298 K -q"\, 3H:P:lljqkFi セ@ 2Cu+ (aq) セ@ Cu(s) + Cu 2+ (aq) セ@ セ@ エゥuャciセ@
セ@ cnr qf.zCfi('i'i chlMQ\ I W %298 K "W1 -q"\

Ecou+;cu = +0·52 V (1'2TI Ecou 2+;cu+ = +0·16


Calculate the equilibrium constant for the disproportion reaction :

2Cu-+: (aq) セ@ Cu(s) + Cu 2 + (aq) at 298 K. Given : eセオ K@ !Cu = +0·52 V and

eセオ R K@ leu+ = +0·16 V at 298 K. 15

3 .(a) ( i) 1:%' Cfitf セ@ 7l1f セ@ cfiT セ@ m?fT cnr, ヲセM セ@ -q"\, m tcrcf: t:rG CR 'Cfio/ セ@ "W1

tR 3lT セ@ セ@ iセ@ (I) セhHヲRti@ (II) セg@ セ@ ffl. Cfln セ@ ? セ|Sュ@

"ffl1*r セ@ 'Cfi'RUT セ@ I

(ii) 1:%' セ@ <lfl lltACfi セ@ セ@ セ@ セg@ (J mol- 1) cnr セ@ T (K) セ@ tmT セ@

- .
%, セg]。K「t K」 t R
セ@ a,b (1'2TI 」セ@ セStィZ@ tセ@ セi@

(I) a, b HセG@ c cfiT セcヲゥ@ Iセャエ@ i CflfT セ@ ?

(II) l|sHヲセ@ L\H セ@ セG@ T セ@ セ@ ᄋ セ@ セ@ セG@ ai\JiCfi セ@ chlMQ\ I

(i) At constant pressure, the te'mperature of a fixed amount of hot tea in a cup
.decreases spontaneously to room temperature. What will be the sign of (I) L\H
and (II) L\ G of this process? Give reason(s) in support of your answer. 10

(ii) L\G (J rnol- 1) for an electrochemica l reaction, as a function of temperature,

T (K) is given by L\G = a + bT + 」t R
セ@ where a, b 。セ、@ c are constants and
independent ofT.

(I) What are the units of a, b and c ? and

(II) Find the expressions of L\S and L\H as a function of T. 15

3.(b) セtciI@ -mw セ@ lJffi セ@ cf.T セ@ セ@ iセ@ SI セ@ セoi」エャ@ 'B セGcヲコョ@ セ_@
Cflt1 セ@ 1:%' m?fT @セ ャjutセ@ セ@ ? Cl 」ィセ@ セ i@ Cl \3'm セ@ I セ@ l1R 'CfiT mrrfcrcr cffi crrB
Cf)RCI1 cnt.=r -B セ@ ?
Define partial molar Gibbs free energy. What is its unit in SI system? Is it intensive
property? Answer with justification. What factors influence its val ue? 10

sth-p-clun 4
3.(c) セr\Zュ@ Cf1T セ@ {iljGI4 it ヲセcZ」エャQ\u i@ Q1m セ@ 1 0·154 nm セ@ セ@ cfiT X-Rhozon cir
^イセ@ coW: Cf1T セ@ TGz i cャjセ@ ウゥョ・セ@ TfFit 0·225, 0·3 16 HQセ@ 0·388 11<:, (100); (110) HQセ@
(111) セ@ "B- セtZ@ セ@ セ@ I セ@ Rtifc<:'i Cf1T Cl1f (SC or BCC or FCC) 、セ@ セ@ "ffi;r
cfiT m\ C'1 kj I{ Cf)T rセ@ chl MQ) I

Polonium crystallizes in the cubic ウケセエ・ュN@ Using X-ray of wavelength 0·154 nm,
first order Bragg reflections occur at sinG values 0·225, 0·316 and 0·388 from
(100), (1 10) and (111) planes respectively. Determine the class (SC or BCC or
FCC) of the cubic crystal and edge length (a) of unit cell. 15

4.(a) (i) C'ikl 1{ a セ@ "Q,CI1 fcp:fm セゥエ@ "Q,CI1 CfiUT セ@ セ@ セ@ 、セ@ a/2 セ@ llt"4" セ@ セ@ cfiT
Sll セ@ Cf1 ct I Cf)T q P.zCf1 C'1 '1 chl Ml!\ I

(ii) 1s 31 1f4c:C'1 セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ fuf&l!\ 3fR セ@ セ@ O?j)C"Cf?l ch'IMC!\ 1

(i) For a particle in one-dimensional box of length a calculate the probability of its
locating between zero and a/2 . · 15
(ii) Write the complete wave function for ls-orbital and deduce its shape. 10

4.(b) noセ@ 31j1klCf1c-Cl efT, セ@ 31 1fl?c1Cf1 31 1f4c:C'1 311W セ@ ュセL@ 04 1<94 1 chlMC!\ I
Explain the paramagnetism of NO with its molecular orbital diagram. 10

4.(c) セlゥ ャ |jQcヲ」エ ャ@ セエZイ@ mJ;:I.-C1 Cf1T |STQセ Q@ セ@ セ@ XeF4 it "G) t:;Cf11chl セcヲゥ[h@ セ@ cnT セ@
VセGz i セcA|@ I

·Using valence bond theory justify the presence of two lone electron· pairs in
XeF4 . 15


S.(a) セ@ cnTfl cfiT ュセ@ セ@ セG@ 3fltA3ffi セャBゥcヲQGzo i L@ セ@ SldlChl セ@ "'1111 、セ@ SI l1f?lCfi

SJO II &A it セ@ セcヲQ Q セTQ@ f(qfu!cz 1 セ@ P14ct ict1 CfiT セ@ セ@ 11<: セョjゥ@ ict l1R "CflfT セ@ セ@ ?
For zero-order reaction, wTite down the Arrhenius equation, indicating n an1e of the
syn1bols and their units in SI systen1. What is high temperature limiting value of
rate constant ? 10

s.(b) . Sセ@ cfiT J=dMC1 セ@ Swセ@ セ@ セ@ ISC (JRr: HCf11l! ᄁィ ャ ュ セャI@ "CflfT ᄋ セ@ ? jicsセ」ゥャ\KィG@ セ@
CfiT |STGQ セ Q@ Cfi\ セ@ セ@ I
W_hat is ISC (Inter System Crossing) for an excited molecu le in singlet state ?
Answer using Jab lonski diagram. 10

5 s th-p-ch1n

5.( c) f8n: セ@ -a-qr ffi11 セ@ セ@ lffi CfiT im' セ@ セ@ Sャヲエイセwウオ@ fcra: -8 \ifffi1 t I W SlltffctCh
セ@ セ@ セ@ (i) セZjNgL@ (ii) b.S -a-qr (iii) b.H セ@ セ@ Cf<:fT セ@ ? 31tR \3m セ@ エュセ@
セ@ セ@ cmur セ@ 」ィIヲ|^Qセ@ I
At constant pressure and temperature, adsorption of a gas on solid surface occurs
spontaneous ly. For this natural process, what will be the signs of (i) b. G, (ii) b.S and
(iii) b.H · ? Give reason(s) in support of your answer. 10

5. cd) q.; <\h•n '"' セ@ PI s:'"' R1 ful d :run cRt Oll l &:I I ch1 R>-1 セ@ =

( i) Cp crw:r Cf)l t1 {C1 d I セ@ セHZI@ gヲセ@ 1'1 aセGI@ セ@

(ii) セ@ セ ャ \ゥャ ャ B」ャヲGゥ@ eRr セ@ セ@ セ@ 3:iiGffflCf){OI

Explain the following propet1ies of Ferrocene : 10

(i) Easy electrophili c substitution of its Cp ring.

(ii) Oxidation is difficult in comparison to that of cobaltocene .

5.(e) Bキセ@ crrr) 3lTlRT CfiT "'!J>klchlL! セ@ >rm: M-rr 31CW<nm セ@ mtrR <R セ@
11R セ@ ftr;;r men t i" Oll l M I ch) f'>i セ@ I
"Magnetic moment of Lanthanide (III) ions is generally different from the value
predicted by spin state." Exp lain. 10

6.(a) (i) |SLセコッ ャ@ セ@ セ N@ セ@ c=rm セ@ |SLセコ ッ ャ@ セ@ ヲ」セ@ セ@ セ@ 3iRc114' セFャut@ Cf<:fT セ@ ?

. .

(ii) <:lfl li:IRCh セ@ cRt ヲャセlio i@ セG@ En cfiT mmm セ@ I セ@ セ@ セアイ@

セ@ 27°Co/ SPセ@ セ@ 25% セ@ セ@ t 3fu: 37°C セ@ セ@ セ@ 10i1=Rc -q
-mm セ@ I E a CfiT 11R SI l1f?fCn >l oIIctl セ@ mer cfi1 f\>1 セ@ I

(i) What are the characteristi cs, essential for catalysis with specific reference to
surface catalysis ? 10

(i i) Define activation energy, £ 0 of a chemical reaction. A gas-phase reaction

completes 25% in 30 min at 27°C and in 10 min at 37°C. Determine the Ea in SI
unit. 15

6.(b) fcR:ft セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ ^イ」ヲャセt@ CfiT |Syセャ セャ@ cnB o/ セ@ GQgャセ@ Hセ@ セ@ 294 g mo l- 1 ) Cfi1

fcl&lL!'i 3i lqfct d ^ヲcゥtセ@ セ@ 80% CfiT ア ャ サセ ャBGゥ@ Cfl{ セ@ t I fCI&lL!'i "ch1- mol L- 1 セ@ fll ...セ、 ャ@ mer
セ@ I セ@ セ L@ H]アgヲセャィ」QウZコ@ セ@ "ch1- ^ヲcゥtセエュB@ Byセ@ &lkl l{ 1·0 em t 3fu: GQgャセ@ "ch1-

SQ」ヲセャAscィ、 ャ@ 2·0 L g- 1 cm- 1 セ@ I

Us ing a particular waveleng th of li g bt, a solution of a substance (molar mass
294 g mol- 1) tran smits 80% of incid ent light. Determine the concentratio n of the
solution in mo l L- 1• Given that optical path length of the ·spect rophotomete r tube
1 1 l0
IS 1·0 em and absorptivi ty of the substance is 2·0 L g- em .

s th-p-chm 6
6.(c) セ@ ·fct<'14<"1 -q NH; 3fi?:R" cfiT 298 K 1R ャヲオセ@ lo-8 m 2 s- 1 v- 1 セ@ 1 qf\Cfl<"'<i
7·62 x
chlMC!\ セ@ (i) セ@ 'i:l i<'1CflC11 (ii) 25·0 ・ュセ@ 1R fBm セPQcヲャZウ@ セ@ l=ft£1" lTfu <:fR セ@ 1R
15·0 V Cf1f fcrl:rcr wn セ@ \1fT4" I CH COONH HセI@ -q 3ITlAT セ@ SャrZ エセャQ\@ ict1l Cf1f qRCfl<"'<i
3 4
ch1MC( セ@ セ ᄋ@ セ@ -q CH3coo- 3m:Rl cfiT Bゥヲオセr[イュ@ 4·24 X Io- 8 m 2 s- 1 y - l セ@ I
In aqueous solution, at 298 K, the. mobility of NH; ion is 7·62 x l 8 m 2 s- 1 1. o- v-
Calculate its (i) molar conductivity; (ii) velocity if 15·0 V is applied across
the electrodes of 25·0 em apart. Calculate the transport numbers of the ions in
CH3 COONH4 (aq) solution if the mobility of CH Coo- ion is 4·24 x 1o- 8 m 2 s- 1 v - 1
under same condition. 15
7.(a) (i) CllflCfll セ@ |SGセ\cヲャ@ cn1 ヲゥ\]エZセBャ@ セ@ fuf<51C!\ 3ffi セ@ HCl M。セ@ 3i1Cftn\i1<"1 セ@ ュセ@
|Sア]エZセ ャTQ@ tiCfl<"'<i cnl Bgセ@ I
(ii) K4 [Fe(CN)6] -CflT mfi54l1 \ゥャ セ\[ャァIヲ ゥ セZs@ -q セ@ qf{qRfCi セ@ セ@ ? s R M ュセ@ セ@ mfi54l"l
<"1, セ\ゥャ@ ァ[ヲャセZウ@ cfiT m Rh41 Fc1 f<SI C!\ 1

(i) Write Vaska's catalyst with structure and show its oxidative addition with
HCl and oxygen. 15
(ii) How is K4 [Fe(CN)6] is converted into sodium nitroprusside? Write reaction of
- ion with sodium nitroprusside. .10
7.(b) ヲャセ」jDィB@ -q セ@ セ@ cfiT アヲサセQ@ ch1MC!\ 1 :it セQュ セFゥャヲ」\Q@ セ@ セ@ fu?r セ@ セ@ ? セ@
lJ&l セ@ Cf4T セ@ ?
Define prosthetic group in cytocb.romes. How do they differ from haemoglobin ?
What is their main function ? 10
7.(c) mfuct1l<1 Cfln セ@ ? セ^ti@ セ@ セ@ ? Cflt;mR>tCfl<i 」ウエセ\Qャ@ セ@ li'QC"Cltof セエイャ]it@ mr
M。セ@ ゥGェwャセョ@S Cflf crufrr ch1 f'i1 C!\ 1
What are silicones? How are they obtained? Discuss the i1.nportant properties and
applications of organosilicon po lymers. 15
8.(a) (i) セ@ -q WJffi EAN セ@ Cf1f wl Cfln セ@ ? Hklfc1fulC1 セ@ セ@ [Fe(CN) ]4- M。セ@ 6
[Fe(CN)6] 3- セ@ EAN セ@ cfiT fiq;c-q<i l ciT "ffi1l chlMC!\ 3ft\ セ@ セ@ cfiT セエrョ@ セ@
セ@ -q m hiscヲャセ@ HCfltfuC!\ 1
(ii) fShte:<"' セ@ ュセiGBcゥ@ cfiT セ Qm@ I chlMC!\ iセ@ ti4l\i1CflC11 3Tf<SFtr ュセエGBcゥ@ セ@ セ@ ft:r?r セ@ ?
·[CoF6 ] 3- 3i'j1klchl4 セ@ 3ffi [Co(NH) 6 ] 3+ セrイォエ」ィャT@ \ilcstfCh セ@ 3iiSC:lf1<'1chl4 セG@
セ@ セRZᆪQG@ cnl セ@ ュNセ ャイ cゥ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ ?
(i) What is meant by EAN rule applied to the complexes? Apply the concept of
EAN rule on the fo llowing two complexes [Fe(CN) ]4- and [Fe(CN) ] 3- and
6 6
draw your conclusion about the validity of the rule. 10
(i i) Explain crystal field theory. How does it differ from valence bond theory ?
How does this theory account for the fact that [CoF ] 3- is paramagnetic whi le
[Co(NH3 ) 6 ] 3+ is diamagnetic though both are octahedral. 15

7 s th-p-chn1.
s.(b) BキセGャ\Zゥウ@ cfiT セFョ@ セ@ セf・エ」Z Gゥャエ@ .q セ@ 311CfttlCf){OI セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@
3Pl Q\FefC:'"ll<:i"'l cfiT セFョ@ セmュ@ Hヲセ@ '"fliSIR14s:t cfiT +2 311CftflCfi{OI セRQ@ セ@ セ@
セ@ セ@ 1" 041€41 chlMC( I
"High oxidation states are more common in early actinides than lanthanides but the
. oxidation state for americium
+2 . and nobelium are. more stable relative to those of
other actinides." Explain. 10

S.(c) CR1!f Hヲセ@ セ@ >fCI1lU i)) セゥエ@ ュセ^Zイ@ 'hTti%'!11'1 c:Rtorftmm セGャ Bcゥ Q セ@ ., セャ\Zゥ」エQ@ ':hTtihil'"l セ@
セ@ G1 セ@ セSit@ セ@ |Sセ Q セ\P Q@ イセヲオAcH@ 1

Defme phosphazenes with formulae for ring and chain types. Write two examples
of substitution reactions of cyclophosphazenes. 15

sth-p-chtn 8

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